hold head high~~~

On the sea, a roar shook the earth.

At this moment,

Groudon fell and was beaten back to the form of a gem.

In this sea area, the hot magma suddenly subsided.

The sunny day no longer appeared, and the whole sky was only filled with heavy rain.

In the rainstorm,

Machado was fighting Kyogre.

Without the sunny day to snatch the weather, Kyogre was bathed in the rain, and his fighting power soared again.

At this moment, his strength as the master of the ocean was fully revealed.

But on the other side, Machado was not bad either.

This dwarf, facing such a powerful Kyogre, still did not lose the upper hand.

Its shadow stealing constantly stole Kyogre's abilities and used them for its own use.

And its high attack and high speed racial value was also very powerful.

In the fight, Kyogre became weaker and weaker, but Machado became stronger and stronger because of his shadow stealing ability.

The situation took a sharp turn for the worse, which was really unbelievable.

Machado, this dwarf, could actually fight Kyogre to such an extent!

Even though this Kyogre only had a spirit form and no real body, and its strength was not at its peak, it was still beyond doubt that Machado could fight a Level 1 Divine Beast to such an extent.

Chirp Chirp Chirp!


Machado, who was in the middle of the fight, roared wildly to the sky and quickly spread his hands. A cold black flame quickly rose in his palms. Chirp Chirp!!!

It screamed again.

The two flames instantly merged in front of its chest.

Its body was surrounded by black flames, and it instantly shot in front of Kyogre at an incredible speed.


A violent collision sounded.

Close combat!!!

At this moment,

Machado actually gave up defense and launched a powerful fighting technique, close combat!

Machado launched fierce attacks one after another. In the advantageous environment of rainy days, Kyogre was beaten back by Machado.

It was obviously a small body, hundreds of times smaller than Kyogre, but it had the strength to beat Kyogre. It was incredible, too terrifying! Bang!!!

Another fierce punch was thrown.

Kyogre's huge body flew backwards.


It wailed and its body began to disintegrate.

In the end, Kyogre was also blown up by Machado...

In the sky.

Kyogre's huge body quickly collapsed.

Its illusory soul quickly collapsed into the blue orb.

Cracks spread out on the surface of the giant blue orb.

The assistant and the cat finally had a chance to escape.

Seeing this scene, Wang Xuan was overjoyed.

"Dujianscabbard, let's go!"

""Draglops, follow me!!!"

The critical moment to snatch the assistant has finally arrived.

We must not let Machado kill the assistant.

Sure enough, while Kyogre was disintegrating,

Machado also quickly rushed towards the blue orb.

Its speed was much faster than Wang Xuan's.

Upon seeing its speed, Wang Xuan gritted his teeth and threw the red orb in another direction.


"As promised, the red orb is for you!"

Wang Xuan threw with all his strength.

He threw the red orb very far away.

Machado frowned and screamed: Ji——!


(Why did you throw the red orb so far?)

(Do you want to throw it into the sea?)

Wang Xuan quickly explained:"I didn't, I just controlled the strength wrong, why don't you chase the red orb, it will fall into the sea!"

"The sea is so deep, if you don’t retrieve the red orb quickly, it will be lost in the sea!"

"You can go after him without worry. I will keep this blue gem for you!" Wang Xuan used his eloquence to deceive Machado loudly.


Machado hesitated for a moment.

With a low hum, he finally turned around and quickly chased after the red gem.

Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This Machado, its IQ is really not good, it is too easy to fool.

Taking this opportunity, Wang Xuan quickly flew to the blue gem, reached out and grabbed it, and rescued the assistant inside.

"Meow~ take me with you meow~"

"I can’t fly, I’ll fall to my death~"

The cat also asked Wang Xuan to take it away.

Wang Xuan thought about it, picked it up by the back of the collar, and threw it and the assistant directly onto the back of the Tyrannosaurus.

""Baofeilong, take them away, go find Tang Xue, quickly!"


Baofeilong flapped his wings and quickly chased in the direction of Bai Niao Xiaoying.

Wang Xuan, on the other hand, looked to the side with great hesitation, and the blue gem that was shrinking

"This bead is a treasure!"

"Should I take it with me?……?"

"But, the dwarf Machado……"

Wang Xuan was torn between his conscience and his desires.

Judging from Machado's attitude, it was determined to get the Twin God Orbs for some unknown reason.

If Wang Xuan rashly took the blue orb, he would definitely be hunted down by Machado.

That dwarf was incredibly strong.

Although it was easy to fool, the more naive Pokémon were, the more careful you had to be.

Their thoughts were too pure.

Purity often meant extremes.

If you failed to fool such a powerful Pokémon once, you would be in an extremely dangerous situation.


If you just gave up on this blue orb...……


"Never mind, wealth and honor are achieved through risk!"

"If the treasure is in front of me and I don’t have the courage to take it away, how can I become stronger in the future!"

"Being timid is not my style!"


Wang Xuan was furious and grabbed the blue orb.

This is a treasure!

This is the source of Kyogre's power!

Kyogre is the beast that controls the ocean!

In the ocean world, if you have a subordinate like Kyogre, the benefits will be huge!

So... you have to fight to the death!


The blue orb was caught by Wang Xuan, and it immediately burst into brilliant light.

The consciousness inside it was resisting.

It seemed to be saying: A mere human being wants to master my power, wishful thinking!

Wang Xuan didn't waste time talking to it and took it away directly.

You resist!

As long as I can escape from Machado this time.

Later, I will slowly grind you to death!

Having made up his mind, Wang Xuan put away the blue orb and fled quickly.

At this moment.

The sea surface below was turbulent.

Countless frog heads suddenly emerged from the sea water.

Quack~ quack, quack~~~

These frog heads quickly gathered and began to kill all the humans in sight.

The order given to them by Hades was"Kill that hateful human boy."

They couldn't tell who Wang Xuan was, so they had to kill anyone they saw.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was escaping, and he was shocked to see the endless frog heads below.

"Oh shit!"

"This... Pokémon???"

Wang Xuan was horrified.

These frog heads were obviously Bad Frog and Poison Frog.

"There are so many Pokémon in this world???"

Wang Xuan thought silently, could it be that the Pokémon world has not perished?

But where did those ruins come from?

In fact, Wang Xuan was thinking wrongly.

The Pokémon world has really been perished for a long time.

As for these Bad Frogs and Poison Frogs...

These frog Pokémon are not native to this world at all.

They come from the reverse world.

Deep under the sea, in that secret monitoring room, an Ultimate Cave was actually temporarily opened up.

Pluto of the Rainbow Rocket Team is planning something through that Ultimate Cave.

Although the appearance of a large group of Bad Frogs and Poison Frogs shocked Wang Xuan, in order to escape from here as soon as possible, Wang Xuan decided not to I don't care about the origins of these Pokémon.

Wang Xuan's current plan is very simple.

First take away the blue orb, escape from Machado's pursuit, and go to meet up with Tang Xue and the others.

It has been more than two days since entering the ruins.

Every three days, the portal of the ruins will be briefly opened.

Wang Xuan plans to get out immediately after meeting up with Tang Xue and the others!

With the blue orb in hand and so many attribute gems mined before, the harvest from entering the ruins this time is definitely enough!

As long as he escapes from the ruins, Machado will be helpless. Can it still chase him out?

Even if he really chases him out, it won't be able to find him in the vast sea of people!

Thinking of this,

Wang Xuan fled faster and faster.

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