At this moment, a more brutal battle broke out in this sea area.

Countless adventurers were injured and bleeding, and some even died.

Without anyone noticing, blood dripped into this sea area, and was pulled by some force and gradually sank to the bottom of the sea.

Deep in the seabed, the blood was divided into two streams.

One stream rushed to the red gem on the side of the mermaid clan.

The other stream rushed to a water-blue gem deep in this sea area.

At this time, deep in the seabed, the water-blue gem was changing.

Every time it absorbed some blood, the black lines on it would increase a little.

It was not immersed in the sea water, but in a small house in a building that was deeply inserted into the trench, floating in the air.


"Oops, meow~"

"It seems to be alive."Meow~"

A meow was walking back and forth nervously.

This meow was the one that appeared on the sea and followed Wang Xuan before.

It could speak human language!

Not only that, it could walk upright like a human.

At this moment, it was very anxious.

The blue gem showed signs of coming back to life, which was a very bad phenomenon.

In its memory, there was a very deep picture.

A meow that looked exactly like it was sternly explaining things to a little meow cub.——

"Meow, I'm dying meow, you are my copy, you have to listen to me meow~"

"See that blue orb? My boss wants to use it to create an evil god, but I don’t want the world to be destroyed.~"

"You have to listen to me and take good care of this bead.~"

"You don't have to worry about not living long, you are not real life, you will not die of old age like me, meow~"

"If one day, this bead shows signs of coming alive, but emits black gas, you must destroy it immediately.~"

"Do you know what black is? This is black.~"

"Meow, I can't do it anymore.~"

""Kojiro, Musashi... Meow~"

In the picture, the big cat gradually closed its eyes.

The little cat cub was still crawling on the ground.

Just like that, the picture gradually ended.


At this moment, recalling the distant scene, Miaomiao was anxious and turned around

"I can't destroy it.~"

"What should I do, meow~"

It kept taking out some garbage that it had collected over the years, trying to destroy the blue gem.

Beer bottle caps, shiny stones, beautiful metals, etc.

These things were all collected by it over the long years, but none of them could destroy the blue gem.

At this moment, the blue gem was constantly absorbing blood.

There were more and more black lines on its surface.

There was even the sound of waves hitting the cliff, which kept coming out from it.

A miniature beast was being nurtured in the blue gem.

It had aqua blue skin and a fat head.

There were many red lines on its body.

One third of these lines had turned black.



"Finished, meow, I can't destroy it~"

Meow Meow tried for 2 days and 2 nights, but it was completely useless.

It ran to the window and looked at the sea outside.

In the dark sea, in the southwest direction, there was a fluorescent light curtain, floating in the sea.

It had been there before. It was the place to enter the mermaid tribe, blocked by a layer of light curtain.

It hated the mermaid tribe the most.

Fish was so delicious, but every time the mermaid tribe found it eating fish, they would chase it for a long time and beat it to death.

Especially those little brats in the mermaid tribe, they were the most annoying.

They always said that they wanted to experience and kill cats that eat fish.

Originally, they would never go there even if they were beaten to death.

But now... took a look at the orb with increasingly bright blue light.

Meow Meow sighed and dragged out a Magikarp submarine


"You damned mermaids~"

"I hope you can destroy this blue orb, meow~"

"If even you can't do it, that terrible thing will come out and really destroy the whole world. Meow~"

Meow Meow grabbed the blue gem and put it in his pocket, and jumped into the Magikarp submarine.

With a splash, the submarine entered the sea.

Meow Meow stepped hard on the pedals and swam quickly towards the direction of the mermaids.


At the same time.

The mermaid clan.

The sea area where the God's domain is located.

At this time, Tang Xue's injuries have almost stabilized.

With the help of the little assistant, the cracked skin on her body has mostly recovered.

Except that she can't stand up easily, other aspects are almost the same as ordinary people.

Tang Xue is a person who will repay favors.

After receiving the favor from the little assistant, she wanted to repay this favor quickly.

So, she asked:"Besides protecting those mermaids, is there anything else I can do for you?"

The little assistant thought about it and shook his head:"No, I saved you, actually I also want to try out my bloodline moves to see how you are doing."

She didn't want Tang Xue to repay any favors, Tang Xue was a little anxious

"No, if I don't repay your favor, my heart will not be at peace. I already owe someone else. If I include you, my path to the origin will be difficult to follow."

""Ah? You, you actually walked the Origin Road?"

The assistant was very surprised to hear that Tang Xue actually walked the Origin Road.

Although she was not an awakener before, she had heard about the Origin Road more or less.

The Origin Road is actually a return to the ancestors, to obtain the original power to build the world.

The power of the origin is the original power that is pure, empty, and without any impurities.

This power is the foundation of building the world.

If you want to completely embark on the Origin Road, your mind must be pure and free of worries.

Otherwise, the more worries you have, the more human nature you will have.

This state cannot allow you to return to the origin, because at this time you are still in the state and thinking of a"human".

When you completely eliminate your human nature, have no worries, and are purely selfless, you will truly step into the Origin Road.

In this state, you will obtain endless power of the origin and truly return to the origin.

And it is too difficult to reach this state.

This is also the reason why no one has ever truly successfully walked through the Origin Road.

After all.

Born as a human, how can human nature be easily eliminated?

How can you be free of worries when you are born in the world?

The road to the origin... is too difficult!

At this moment, Tang Xue was eager to repay the favor, just to cut off the connection between herself and others as much as possible.

I don't owe anyone, so there is no worry or bondage in my heart.

Only in this way can I return to the origin.

But in this way, the little assistant looked at Tang Xue with more and more unbearable eyes.

This girl actually wanted to break away from this world...

The little assistant sighed and said silently:"In this case, I understand, but I really don't need any help now. Why don't you do this? If you meet a boy who is being hunted by countless people in the future, you, you can help him. You help him... that's to help me!"

The boy in the little assistant's mouth was naturally Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan had countless enemies. She thought that if the island owner Wang Xuan encountered danger one day, with the help of this girl who stepped into the origin, he should get a lot of help.

Sure enough, Tang Xue nodded:"No problem!"

She didn't know that the boy in the little assistant's mouth was the same boy in her heart.

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