The assistant and Tang Xue sat opposite each other in the sea water and chatted with each other about some things.

Both of them were human beings. Although Tang Xue was not good at talking, under the guidance of the assistant, the two of them were able to find some common topics.

As the conversation deepened, the two of them were no longer so reserved.

In addition, they were both girls and their personalities complemented each other. They were gradually becoming friends.

"Tang Xue, thank you. It's been such a pleasure chatting with you for so long. I've been scared since I came to the mermaid tribe. It's great to see humans again~"

Tang Xue nodded slightly:"Me too."

She rarely communicated with people and was shrouded in hatred every day.

Chatting with the assistant actually made her heart, which was shrouded in hatred, feel a little peaceful.

"By the way, Tang Xue, do you have someone you like? You are so beautiful, there must be a lot of people pursuing you."

Tang Xue shook her head:"No."

But as soon as she said that, she couldn't help but think of the days on the dark floating island.


Tang Xue shook her head again in her heart.

Is he someone I like?

Her eyes were a little confused.

Wang Xuan...

Do I like him?

I don't know.

I have never been in contact with other people, and I don't know the feeling of liking someone.

"What about you?"

Tang Xue asked back,"The person you like must be very good to you, and must like you very much too."

The assistant smiled awkwardly,"He... I don't know if he likes me or not, but he is really a good person, he dares to stand up for us common people, and he is also very handsome. I think I will always like him!"

"That's great."

Tang Xue was a little envious:"It's great to have someone you like. If I take revenge, I want to be like you and really like someone."

"Well, come on~"

The assistant comforted her,"You are so strong, you will definitely be able to take revenge, and then you will definitely find the person you like.~"

"Well, thank you."

The two girls were dreaming about the future in this dim seabed.

White birds and beasts swam happily around them.


Tang Xue's eyes focused and she found that outside the white light curtain opposite, there actually appeared a submarine disguised as a fish.

"Someone is coming!"

She whispered,"Xiaoying, go check!"


The white bird-beast immediately swam towards the light curtain.

The assistant also reacted and wanted to swim over to check the situation.

Tang Xue endured the severe pain, stretched out her hand, and held down the assistant:"Don't go, the person's situation is unknown, just let Xiaoying go!"

Xiaoying is the white bird-beast.

It can live in both water and air, and is a very powerful contracted beast.

The assistant still has too little combat experience. In the case of unclear enemies and friends, she actually wanted to go forward to check in person. Fortunately, Tang Xue persuaded her.


The white bird Xiaoying swam to the edge of the light curtain.

At this time, on the opposite side of the light curtain, the submarine disguised as a fish also stopped on the opposite side of the light curtain.


The hatch opened.

A cat wearing a super small diving suit swam out clumsily.


"Why can’t I get in? Meow~"

It pressed hard on the light curtain.

It could enter freely before, but now it seems unable to enter.


Inside the light curtain, the white bird Xiaoying protested to the meow, and it immediately found the white bird.


"It's strange, there are living creatures in here.~"

""Meow, you don't seem to be one of those stinky mermaids. Who are you, meow?"


Xiaoying Bainiao warned again.

But the isolation ability of the light curtain was too strong.

The sounds between them could not be transmitted at all.

They could only stare at each other, watching each other open their mouths, but could not hear any sound.

At this time, the aqua blue gem in the pocket of Meow Meow's diving suit suddenly became hot.


"It's so hot, meow~"

In Meow Meow's horrified eyes, the aqua blue gem flew out by itself.

At this moment, it seemed to have a very strong sense of self-awareness.


"Where are you going, meow ~"

The aqua blue gem flew towards the light curtain quickly.


It actually merged into the light curtain.

Just like a soldering iron embedded in the ice, it quickly melted a hole in the light curtain.

Following this hole, the aquamarine orb actually flew rapidly towards the depths of the God's Realm.

Miaomiao was anxious.

He immediately drilled into the hole and chased after the aquamarine orb.

Its mission was to keep an eye on the orb and find a way to destroy it when it was about to lose control.

It was to complete this mission that it ventured to the mermaid clan, trying to use the power of the mermaid clan to destroy the orb.

But now, before the masters of the mermaid clan saw it, the orb was about to run away on its own, and it meowed anxiously.

If the thing in this orb was resurrected, the world would really be destroyed by it.

In its anxiety, it actually used crazy scratching in succession.

Its claws stirred rapidly in the sea water, and its swimming speed increased rapidly, chasing after the aquamarine orb without stopping.

Xiaoying, the white bird next to it, was also frightened by this sudden situation.

It also chased after it quickly, but found that its speed was a bit slow to catch up.



It made a sharp cry, which was a warning.

(Master, run!)

(There is a strange bead here, it is very abnormal, it is flying towards you, run!!!)

On the other side.

Tang Xue also received the warning from Bai Niao Xiaoying.

Her face changed, and she was about to pull out the two swords behind her, enduring the severe pain.

But as soon as she moved, the flames in her body suddenly flew out again.

The little assistant was shocked and hurriedly performed the healing move again.

At this time.

The water blue gem.

Has flown in front of Tang Xue at a very fast speed.

It flew over quickly, just like that, floating in front of Tang Xue.

It seemed to be sensing something.

Its surface was surrounded by a pitch-black mist.

Tang Xue couldn't move, and the little assistant didn't dare to act rashly.

A few seconds later.

The water blue gem seemed to confirm something.

Suddenly, it circled around Tang Xue's body quickly.


Inside Tang Xue's body, the scarlet giant beast's phantom appeared again.

Not only that, the scarlet gem that had already merged into Tang Xue's body also appeared.


The giant beast's phantom roared to the sky. It actually grabbed the water blue gem with one claw.

However, the water blue gem also emitted the earth-shaking sound of waves.~~~

A dull roar sounded.

A terrifying giant beast phantom appeared inside the aqua-blue gem.

Its skin was aqua-blue, and its head was huge. It released a pressure that was comparable to that of the red giant beast.

In an instant, the two giant beast phantoms actually fought each other.

Although they had no entity, they were just illusory.

But when they collided fiercely, the overflowing pressure caused the surrounding quiet sea area to fall into chaos.


Deep in the seabed, a huge vortex rolled up.

This vortex stirred violently, and the entire seabed was in complete chaos.

Countless ancient buildings collapsed in an instant.

Seaweed and coral reefs collided violently.

This terrifying vortex was like a tornado sweeping across the seabed!

It rolled up countless reefs on the seabed and strangled the red giant beast phantom.

Tang Xue and the little assistant were at the feet of the red giant beast phantom.

Suddenly, the two were affected.

They were swept up by the fierce underwater tornado.

Meow Meow and Shiratori Xiaoying were also caught in it!

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