Outside, the sea was raging.

At this moment, countless people were fighting.

"Quick, throw the stuff over here!"


""Wang Xuan, you will not die well! My Water God Palace will not let you go!!!"

In the crowd, Wang Xuan was slaughtering people with blood on his hands.

Do you remember those shiny crystals that Mimikyu found in the ruins before?

Those crystals turned out to be gems of various attributes!

Among them, there were especially many water gems and fire gems.

There were also some flying gems.

In addition, there was even a King's Certificate.

It was the first time that Wang Xuan saw real Pokémon items in the ocean world!

In the past, you could only have them by transformation.

But the place that Mimikyu found actually had Pokémon items directly, which shocked Wang Xuan very much!

The ocean world... maybe it is what the Pokémon world will look like countless years later!

This guess took root deeper and deeper in Wang Xuan's mind.

The adventurers around him could no longer bear to see that Wang Xuan had found so many rare items.���, all rushed over to grab.

And how could Wang Xuan let his spoils be taken away by others.

The battle broke out, and it was very tragic.

Among them, the force called Water God Palace forced Wang Xuan to split the spoils with Wang Xuan 50-50.

They said that Water God Palace was one of the top forces in Yuehai Province, and it was not much worse than Goddess Peak.

Wang Xuan didn't know much about Yuehai Province.

Other provinces are very modern, but Yuehai Province seems to be different. Their area seems to have always retained the style of ancient buildings.

As for the transcendent forces over there... Wang Xuan only knows Goddess Peak.

Who knows what the Water God Palace is.

They wanted to split it 50-50 right from the start, how could Wang Xuan agree, and started fighting on the spot.

At this moment, Wang Xuan was leading a group of Pokémon, fighting adventurers from all directions.

Happiny was squatting in the ruins, trying hard to put gems into his pocket.



Suddenly, Happiny screamed.

It said it couldn't hold any more because its pockets were already full.

Wang Xuan looked and saw that there were still several hundred gems left. He was so anxious!

He wanted to fly over and put them in the universal capsule, but was entangled by a large group of adventurers.

""Battle Dragon, use Dragon Wave!!!"

Dragon Wave is an egg move.

Bao Feilong had learned it by himself before.

At this moment, hearing Wang Xuan's order, Bao Feilong roared wildly.


The next moment.

The shock wave with extremely destructive power spread in all directions.

All the adventurers who were swept by Dragon Wave vomited blood and were horrified.

Those above 3 stars were fine, but many below 3 stars were killed instantly.

The power of the quasi-god is too strong!


"Quick, quick, kill this dragon!"

"Water God Palace, where are your 5-star experts? Why don't you take action?"

In the field

, there were at least 2,000 adventurers surrounding Wang Xuan.

There were even more adventurers who had discovered the movement here and were rushing over from all directions.

This battle had actually lasted for two full days.

At the beginning, it was just a small-scale battle.

As the situation developed, the movement became louder and louder, attracting more and more people. More and more things were dug out from the ruins.

At this moment, the violent flying dragon exerted its power and repelled a large group of people.

However, there were still a dozen 5-star adventurers on the periphery who did not take action.

These high-level combat forces were all afraid of other players of the same level.

Although Wang Xuan was also very powerful, they were not very afraid.

Opponents of the same level are the ones who need to be most vigilant.

At this moment, a 5-star individual suddenly spoke up.

"Wang Xuan!"

"There are so many things that you can’t swallow them all by yourself!"

"Give me 10% and I will leave directly, how about that?"

Wang Xuan glanced at him and said coldly:"There are 18 5-stars here, I will give you 10%, if others also want it, I will give you 10% each, won't I have to pay for it? Do you think your proposal is reliable?"

The 5-star individual was not angry, and laughed:"That's right! In this case, then you add another 10%, and I will lend you a hand, how about that?"

Wang Xuan was quite surprised:"20%...you are willing to work hard? I am just a 1-star."

The implication was to confirm with him: I am only a 1-star island owner, you, a 5-star strongman, do you need to work hard for me for 20% of the benefits? Do you think I am stupid, or are you stupid?

The 5-star individual laughed and said:"Wang Xuan, you are too modest, your dragon alone is comparable to a 4-star, you also have other summoned beasts, and I think you are not too weak, your total strength added up, indeed has 5-star combat power!"

He laughed again and said,"You and I are both independent people. What if I lend you a helping hand? Instead of fighting to the death and giving advantage to those bastards from the major forces, it is better to give advantage to us independent people!"

His voice was like a bell, and he looked at the other independent people in all directions.

"Fellow independent men, if we continue to fight, it will only benefit the people from the major forces. Why don't we unite and temporarily form an independent alliance in this relic, how about it?"

His proposal instantly moved countless independent men.

Yes, if we form an independent alliance, we can compete with the major forces.

Otherwise, in this relic, the independent men are scattered, and the major forces can attack wherever they want. How can we fight?

I'm afraid that if we find something, we will be beaten up and robbed on the spot.

Don't believe it?

Wang Xuan's example is right in front of us.

As the owner of the Dark Floating Island, Wang Xuan has several powerful summoned beasts under his command, but he was still surrounded and killed by the major forces.

Are we as strong as Wang Xuan? No.

In this case, why not form an alliance and fight against all forces together?

At this moment, countless independent men were moved.

The 5-star independent strongman looked at Wang Xuan again, and said with a big smile :���road

"Brother Wang Xuan!"

"If you agree, we, the Sanren brothers, will fight alongside you immediately!"

"If you don't want to give me 20% alone, that's fine. Just distribute the profits equally to all the individual brothers who are willing to form an alliance. The rest of us will distribute it internally!"

"After the alliance is formed, as long as we are the individual who found something, the discoverer will get 80%, and the remaining 20% will be handed over to the alliance. Isn't it more cost-effective to give 50% to the Water God Palace?"

The man spoke louder and louder, and he even thought of the distribution model.

Wang Xuan couldn't help but take a closer look at this 5-star individual.

This person's proposal is not bad.


"That's it!"

Wang Xuan thought for a moment and agreed to the other party's proposal.

It just so happened that the remaining gems could no longer fit in the box, about 20% to 30% of them, so he just divided them up.

"Happy Egg, come back!"

"Dear individual players, the remaining gems are all yours!"

"As long as you can defeat the people from all the major forces, you can distribute these gems as you wish!!!"

At this moment, countless people screamed excitedly.

"Hahahaha, I finally found the organization!"

"Kill! I've long been annoyed by the bullshit of all the major forces. Kill them all!"

""Hahaha, follow me, kill!!!"

A melee broke out again.

The faces of the people from all the major forces turned pale in an instant.

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