
Wang Xuan continued to explore.

He had no idea that a cat-like creature had been following him.

"This relic is so huge!"

"I am still at the periphery, but there are already so many buildings!"

At this moment, Wang Xuan has jumped onto the rooftop of another building.

This building is taller than the previous one.

Standing on the top and looking around, Wang Xuan found that there were hundreds of buildings submerged in sea water nearby.

Their original heights were unknown.

Just the parts exposed above the water made Wang Xuan marvel.

Some buildings were connected by thick kelp vines.

The whole thing looked like an ancient city immersed in sea water and covered by countless seaweed and kelp.

Not far away, more and more adventurers have appeared.

Everyone caught up. are all exploring here.

A team of adventurers is coming from a building behind Wang Xuan's left.

They have been hanging behind Wang Xuan for a long time.

Wang Xuan frowned and stopped running.

This group of people are probably targeting him, and running is useless.

When being targeted, the most thorough way is to kill the opponent directly.

On the top of the building, Wang Xuan stood with a sword.

The adventurer team was also stunned when they saw Wang Xuan stop.

They approached more than 200 meters away from Wang Xuan cautiously.

The leading adventurer shouted,"Brother, why don't you run?"

Wang Xuan sneered and silently drew his sword.




A flash of sword light!

Wang Xuan rushed forward suddenly and killed the adventurer team.

The other party was stunned and saw that Wang Xuan actually took action, and quickly shouted,"Fuck, don't! Brother, we just don't know the way, we are just following you to explore the way, don't be impulsive!!!"


Wang Xuan had already rushed to the right distance, raised his hand and slashed with a sword.


Scout your mother!!!

The so-called scouting, isn't it just wanting to hang behind others, see what good things they can find, and then seize the opportunity to rob them?

Wang Xuan showed no mercy, and his moves were fatal.

The members of this adventure team are all ordinary adventurers, and there are even 2 non-awakened ones.

A bunch of scum dared to hang around Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan made a strong move and wiped out this adventure team directly.

There were a total of 7 people, and no one was left alive, all killed!

In the distance, seeing the movement on Wang Xuan's side, other passing adventurers quickly moved away from here.

However, someone recognized Wang Xuan and shouted,"Excuse me, are you the owner of the Dark Floating Island, Boss Wang Xuan?"

"Boss Wang Xuan, can you lead us? We are all awakened and we are asking for a team!"

Wang Xuan glanced at the person who shouted coldly and did not answer.


Why should I lead you?

Don't think I didn't see you raiding some independent adventurers just now.

You guys are not good guys!

It's okay if I didn't kill you all.

You dare to ask for a team? Wishful thinking!

After looting the spoils, Wang Xuan continued to explore forward.

Whoever dares to make another plan will be killed directly!

Behind him, in the dense kelp.

The cat-like creature quietly poked its head out.


(This human is really scary. He killed so many people at once.~)


(I am so confused. Should I continue to follow him? I am a good meow and I don’t want to kill anyone.~)


(I really want to find a trainer who doesn't kill people randomly. I really don't want to be a bad Meowth anymore. I finally escaped from the water fleet. Meow~)

It meowed and went into the kelp.

Wang Xuan killed people too cruelly. It didn't dare to follow Wang Xuan anymore.

It went into the dense kelp and slipped away quietly.

It would be discovered by the water fleet sooner or later. It had to escape quickly.


At the same time,

Wang Xuan also sensed some movement behind him.

He turned his head and saw an orange shadow flashing in the dense kelp.


"Sea beast?"

Shaking his head, Wang Xuan did not intend to chase it.

Sea beasts are sea beasts.

He was about to leave here and head to the next building.

Even if it was a sea beast, there was no need to worry too much.

"Single sword sheath!"

"Let's go!"


Step on the sword and fly to the building farther away


Half an hour after Wang Xuan left, several little heads gradually swam to this sea area.

They poked their heads out and looked around. They turned out to be several dark green humanoid creatures.

"Brother Tuolei, there are no humans here.~"

"Brother Tuolei, I don’t have any here either. Our cave entrance has not been discovered by humans~"

It turned out to be the mermaid children who had contacted the little assistant before.

They roared softly, and several other little heads emerged from the sea.

The mermaid children at the back struggled to drag a big bubble.

In the big bubble was the extremely panicked little assistant.

"Let me out, let me out~"

"Where are you taking me?~~"

"I am not a prince, please let me go~~~"

The little assistant cried loudly.

You caught the wrong person, I don't know you, let me go back T_T

But the big bubble blocked the sound, no one could hear her cry.

These mermaid children actually brought the little assistant into the ancient ruins.

Seeing the little assistant madly beating the inner wall of the bubble, some mermaid children panicked

"Brother Tuolei, the princess seems to have woken up and is very angry. What should we do? Should we let her out?"

The leading mermaid child shook his head:"No! We can't let her out yet! The princess has lost her memory and doesn't remember that she is the princess of our mermaid clan. If we let her out, she will run away again, or... Let's continue to knock her out and bring her back to the clan first.……"

"Brother Tuolei, you go and fight this time. I was the one who beat him just now. I was afraid that His Highness would beat me to death if he was released.……"

The leading child was immediately furious:"Asshole! I am the future number one warrior of our tribe, how can I be rude to His Highness! If there is a rift between His Highness and me in the future, and it leads to chaos in the tribe, that would be terrible!"

He thought for a moment, and suddenly pointed at another mermaid child:"You!���Yuba, you go fight this time!"


The mermaid child who was called out was filled with grief and indignation.

I won’t!

I’m not stupid!

Why don’t you go!

The leading mermaid child raised his hand and was about to teach Ayuba a lesson.

The other party was filled with grief and indignation, and had no choice but to give in.

Damn it!

Bastard Tuolei, you just bully me!!!

He looked at the little assistant in the bubble again and prayed in his heart.

Princess, I’m sorry.

I was forced to do this.

It’s all the fault of that bastard Tuolei!


A flash of lightning was released from his forehead.

The assistant was enveloped by the lightning and fainted again.

The mermaid children then operated for a while.

A deep hole appeared in the ruined building.

They took the assistant and quickly got into the hole.

Inside the hole was the real ruins!

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