Click~ click~click~~~

In the bubbles.

The assistant fainted again.

Several mermaid children swam around in the abandoned buildings with bubbles.

The environment here is very complicated.

The collapsed stone pillars, walls, and ruins are crisscrossed on the seabed.

If the buildings on the sea surface are one-fifth of the entire ruins, then the remaining four-fifths of the area is soaked in the sea water.

Such a huge building complex is sleeping quietly on the seabed.

The arrival of these mermaid children immediately alarmed a large number of sea creatures.

Some intelligent sea beasts saw these mermaid children and were all scared and fled.

It's the tomb-keeping clan, run!!!

In the cognition of the sea beasts, mermaids are the tomb-keeping clan!

The tomb-keeping clan cannot be provoked, they are very powerful!

Even some 3-star and 4-star sea beasts quickly retreated.

It was just a few mermaid children, but they caused a large number of sea beasts to flee.

Only some 5-star sea beasts roared, as if they wanted to attack, but they didn't dare to.

"Stinky octopus, why are you roaring?"

"If I wasn't in a hurry to bring His Highness back, I would have killed you!"

After entering the seabed, the leader, the mermaid named Tuole, was very majestic.

He would yell at any sea beast he didn't like. But those sea beasts didn't dare to talk back.

At this moment, the 5-star octopus sea beast was yelled at angrily.

5 stars, already possessing the intelligence of a human junior high school student.

It waved its tentacles and even sprayed ink, wanting to attack very much.

But the leading mermaid child instantly revealed his fighting form.

The mermaid clan is divided into two races.

One is the guardian type, and the other is the fighting type.

The guardian mermaids are the orthodox grave-guarding clan in the mouths of sea beasts. The fighting mermaids are the descendants of some extremely warlike sea creatures in ancient times, who reproduced with the mermaid clan. Some of these fighting mermaids are in the form of sharks, some in the form of seahorses, and even in the form of jellyfish and flying fish.

After thousands and tens of thousands of years of reproduction, they are no different from real mermaids and are completely classified as fighting mermaids.

At this moment, this leading mermaid child.

It showed a fighting posture in the form of a seahorse.

When the other mermaid children saw it, they all showed envious expressions.

"Wow, Brother Tuolei's combat form seems to have reached the peak of the first stage.~"

"Look, Brother Tuolei's skin has turned into a bright blue, so handsome~"

"The tail is also like a steel whip, so cool~"

"But it's a pity, I heard that the blood of the seahorse lineage is not pure now, and it can't turn into a thorn dragon form, otherwise it would be more handsome. I don't know if it's true~"

"I don't know. I just know that Brother Tuolei's family hasn't had a warrior in the form of a thorn dragon for a long time.~"

"Humph! What's the point of a thorn dragon form!"

After listening to the discussion of his friends, a mermaid child who was also a seahorse was very angry.

"Brother will definitely succeed in breaking through the Thorn Dragon form! Maybe he will even break through to the Dragon King form! Don't look down on us Seahorse!"

The little guy was too angry. What's wrong with impure blood?

The children of our Seahorse lineage are working hard to train every day!

You stinky guys look down on our Seahorse lineage too much.

Just wait and see, our Seahorse lineage will sooner or later produce another Dragon King warrior!!!

At this time.

The 5-star octopus sea beast.

Seeing the mermaid child Tuolei showing the seahorse form, it growled and chose to run away.

Although the power of 5 stars can defeat this little guy in the seahorse form, it dare not do it.

In this sea area, the gravekeepers (mermaids) are the most powerful race.

Dare to bully the children of the gravekeepers, let alone it is only 5 stars, even if it is 6 stars, it will die miserably.

Scare away the octopus Sea beasts.

The mermaid children continued to move forward.

Deep in the sea ahead.

A faint light curtain gradually appeared.

The light curtain was like a layer of gauze, floating up and down in the sea water.

What was even more surprising was that with this light curtain as the boundary, the ruins of the ancient times seemed to be blocked outside the light curtain.

No matter how heavy the stone pillars or the collapsed buildings were, none of them could reach under the light curtain.

The seemingly light and tortuous light curtain was like an insurmountable barrier, blocking all the collapsed buildings outside the light curtain.


Passing through the light curtain.

The mermaid children entered.

Some sea fish and shrimps wanted to swim in, but they seemed to have hit a transparent soft wall and bounced themselves back.

"The boundary wall seems to have weakened again~"

"After returning, I need someone to come and repair it.~"

"Wow, there looks like a patrol ahead. Should we run?"

"You're running for no reason! You're still running after being spotted by the patrol. Aren't you afraid of being punished twice as much?~"

""What bad luck! We just came back and ran into a patrol team~"

Several mermaid children stayed where they were.

After a while, a team of adult mermaids swam over.

"Toure, Ayuba!"

"You guys are finally back!"

""Do you know that you ran out without permission and even alarmed the elders!"

The patrol captain shouted. He was about to pull the ears of the mermaid children.

However, Tuolei tilted his head and quickly dodged, trying to defend himself.

"Although we ran away secretly, we did a great job!"


As he said that, he dragged out the bubble behind him.

The patrol captain was furious:"Tuo Lei, why did you capture a human being and say that this is a meritorious service? Have you forgotten the clan rules?"

"I didn't forget!"

It argued loudly:"Look carefully, look at her forehead, this is the princess of our mermaid family! You blind man!!!"

The patrol captain was shocked when he heard it, and hurried to check carefully.

At a glance, he found that there was indeed a piece of colorful scales on the little assistant's forehead.

He was stunned by this scene and couldn't help but exclaimed

"Oh my god!"

"It really is His Highness!!!"


It roared,"Send the message back immediately, His Highness has been found!!!"

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