In front of him, a lot of small particles were glowing.

These small particles were all moldy seeds.

A rough count showed that there were definitely thousands of them!

After checking,

Wang Xuan found that many of these bad seeds could be transformed into character mints.

But the probability was very low.

Some were 1%, some were 5%, and there were even many with 0.01%.

The quality of the seeds was different, and the transformation probability was also different.

After thinking about it, Wang Xuan decided to take a gamble. Anyway, many other tree fruits had been planted, so there was no shortage.

Only the character mint had never been found.

"My requirements are not high, just succeeding once is enough!"

"If I succeed just once, I can grow mint with personality!"

"Alpaca, bless me!!!"

Begin transformation

【Didi, transformation failed!】

【Didi, transformation failed!】

【Didi, transformation failed……】


After dozens of attempts, all failed.

Wang Xuan was mentally prepared.

He silently took out the sea crystal and stuffed it into his mouth.

"I didn't expect that transforming these seeds would consume so much energy."

"Fortunately, I prepared a lot of sea crystals."

After eating a few sea crystals, the energy was quickly restored.

Continue the transformation!

【Didi, transformation failed!】

【Didi, transformation failed!】


After hundreds of failures.


【Didi, the transformation was successful!】

【You get a new item: Character Mint Seeds!】

"Depend on!"

"not easy!"

"Finally succeeded!"

Wang Xuan almost cried with joy.

Hundreds of times, he kept eating sea crystals, and his mouth was almost sore.

Fortunately, he was very lucky.

With such a low transformation probability, he succeeded after only a few hundred transformations.

A green seed appeared in the palm of his hand.

It looked similar to an ordinary citrus seed.

The only difference was that its surface seemed to be covered by a layer of glowing film.

【Character Mint (seeds)】

【[Attribute]: Plant/Permanent Effect Type

【Fertilization]: 0 times (the more times, the more fruits)

【Propagation: Insect-pollinated flowers (females cannot be fertilized, male pollen is required)

【Result cycle】: 90 days

【[Status bonus]: None (Using special fertilizers, special watering cans, and special insects can speed up the planting cycle and fruit quality)

Wang Xuan carefully put it away.

This seed must be well preserved.

The role of personality mint is too huge.

The different personalities of Pokémon will seriously affect their development direction.

With personality mint, you can change the personality of Pokémon and guide them to the most appropriate development direction.

Looking at the cabinet in front of him, there are still many seeds on it that have not been transformed.

Wang Xuan put them all into the universal capsule

"These seeds will be slowly transformed later."

""Yeib, let's go!"

There was nothing else here.

Wang Xuan took Yeib out of the dilapidated shop.

At this time, more and more adventurers were rushing here on the sea in the distance. Wang Xuan was too lazy to contact these adventurers and left here quickly.


Heading north,

Wang Xuan finally arrived on the island.

"This island is so big!"

"I don't know if this kind of island with ancient ruins can be occupied."


"This doesn't seem to be... an island?"


Wang Xuan found that the terrain here did not seem to be an island.

It seemed to be the top of a tall building from ancient times, which was submerged by the sea.

The reason why it looks like an island is entirely because the tops of these buildings float on the water and are covered with seaweed and corals.

In fact, there are a large number of ancient buildings in the water of this sea area, all of which are submerged.

Wang Xuan wanted to go to the bottom of the water to take a look, but the injury of the water turtle has not healed yet, and it is still resting in the Poké Ball.

So, after thinking about it, Wang Xuan decided to check the buildings on the water first.

""Leaflet, come back!"

After putting Leaflet into the Pokéball,

Wang Xuan stepped on the scabbard of the sword and quickly flew to a building that was exposed above the water in front of him on the left.

A few minutes later, they arrived.

Wang Xuan landed on the rooftop of the building.

Only the top three floors of the building were exposed above the water.

The other floors were all submerged in the sea water.

"So much moss!"

"Hmm? This weathered machine... is a beverage vending machine?"

Wang Xuan found that on the top of the building, there was a square device covered with moss and seaweed, which was very similar to the beverage vending machines on Earth. Just as he was about to pry it open to take a look, a sea snake suddenly swam out from inside.

"Depend on!"


Wang Xuan hated snakes the most.

He raised his sword and killed it with one strike.

The sea snake died instantly and broke into two pieces. Fortunately, it was not a sea beast, but just an ordinary marine creature.


""I encountered a snake right away!"

Wang Xuan kicked the snake away and walked further inside.

However, Wang Xuan did not notice one thing at all - after the sea snake's body was kicked into the vines, a yellow-skinned, cat-like creature quickly grabbed the sea snake's body and ate it.

After eating, the yellow-skinned creature meowed softly and stared at Wang Xuan's back curiously.


(This human seems to be a trainer. I can sense the presence of other Pokémon on him.~)


(But he was so murderous, I was a little scared~)


(Should I find him and ask him to be my trainer? But he is so fierce, what if he kills me? Meow, no!~~~)


(But, but, no trainer has appeared for a long time. If I miss this human, I will have to be a wild Meowth for a long time. Meowth, should I let him be my trainer?~~~)

After hesitating for a while

, the yellow-skinned creature finally made up its mind and quickly caught up with Wang Xuan.


(Let me take a look at this human first, and see what he thinks. If he looks okay, I'll ask him to be my trainer.~)


Wang Xuan continued to move forward.

He encountered many other marine creatures.

Needless to say, he killed each one he encountered.

This yellow-skinned creature followed Wang Xuan all the way and ate all the bodies of the marine creatures.

It seemed that it had not eaten for a long time and was very hungry. It was not picky at all.

It ate whatever Wang Xuan killed.



(Woo, I’m so full, it’s so delicious)~~~)

(But this human seems to be really fierce. He kills people without blinking. I, I am a little scared~)

The empty stomach slowly swelled up.

After eating more than ten marine creatures in a row, it was finally full. It wanted to leave and continue hiding.

But after looking at Wang Xuan's back for a while, it hesitated again.

This human is too fierce. He kills everything he sees~

Although those corpses are delicious, I shouldn't go hungry if I follow this human, but... this human's murderous aura is too strong~

I'd better not find him to be my trainer, he is too fierce~

But... after I don't follow this human, what should I do for my next meal?

Those sea snakes are so fierce. There are so many snakes, and I dare not fight them. I'm just a useless meow who can't even learn the Jubao Gong~

If this human leaves, it seems that I will starve for my next meal again.


So conflicted.

I want to find this human to be my master, but I’m afraid.

It’s been so long, and the cities that once existed are all submerged by the sea.

This world should have changed.

Are there other trainers in this world?

I really want to find a trainer quickly, but I’m a little afraid of the current humans.

This yellow-skinned cat-like creature is in a dilemma.

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