
The waves are rolling.

This unknown space seems to be in the ocean world.

The winding path is like a wormhole.

It moves all the adventurers who enter here to a certain place in the ocean world.

At this moment.

Ma Long wants to keep Wang Xuan with the power of the island.

But Wang Xuan has the floating ability of the battery of the unique sword sheath, which is not comparable to Ma Long.

After running all the way, Wang Xuan has reached the sea level.

In this sea area, the sea beasts are extremely ferocious and aggressive.

"Giant octopus, 3 stars, good at binding and strangling!"

"Tide Hippo, 4 stars, good at biting and crushing attacks!"

"Sea Spider, 3 stars, although its body is fragile, it is extremely fast!"

"Man-eating seaweed, 4 stars, a plant-type sea beast with extremely strong vitality!"

"Electric jellyfish, 4 stars, mainly uses electric attacks!"

"There seem to be more sea beasts in the distance……!"

Wang Xuan's scalp tingled.

There were too many kinds of sea beasts in this sea area.

"Shit! That sea beast over there... looks like a flaming coral?"

"Damn! There are even 5-star sea beasts!!!"

Wang Xuan was shocked.

The sea beasts in this sea area are all 3 to 5 stars.

I didn't even see those 1 and 2 star sea beasts.

I knew without asking that they were eaten.

The lowest level sea beasts here are all 3 stars!

This sea area is just the periphery.

Looking at the island standing in the distance, Wang Xuan took a deep breath:"That should be the real ancient ruins."

"When I was in high school, my teacher said in the textbook that ancient ruins are generally based on cities from ancient times."

"The island in the distance is at least 150 nautical miles away."

"There are already many adventurers heading there."

"I can't waste any more time, I have to go over and take a look"

"If you go too late, you might lose everything."

"Du Jianshao, let's go!"After planning the route,

Wang Xuan accelerated his journey again.


As they traveled quickly,

Wang Xuan saw more and more sea beasts.


"I just encountered a 6-star sea beast!"

"Fortunately, I ran fast enough!"

"I didn't expect that there are even 6-star sea beasts in this sea area. It's really terrifying!"

Wang Xuan no longer dared to fly close to the sea surface.

Just now, a huge sea beast that looked like an island reef almost swallowed Wang Xuan in one bite.

Wang Xuan looked at the sea beast vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember what kind it was.

Its body was too huge. Its body seemed to be made entirely of pitch-black rocks.

There was also burning hot carbon stone on its back.

"I never thought that in this ocean world, rocks could actually form life.……"

Wang Xuan was very surprised.

He couldn't help but think of Geodude and Onix.

"I don't know if there are any Pokémon that can be transformed in this unknown sea.……"



The sea level in front slowly came to the end.

The huge island was right in front of him.

When he got closer.

Wang Xuan discovered that there was actually a very large city cluster on this island.

Wang Xuan is currently on an island reef in front of the island.

The bottom of this island reef seems to be connected to many land debris from ancient times.

Under the sea, Wang Xuan saw the submerged forest.

To the right front of the island reef, there is also a Z-shaped waterway connecting this huge island.

There should be an outpost on this island reef.

There are actually buildings on the island reef.

Wang Xuan walked closer and found that the building on the island reef had been almost weathered.

It looks like a store from ancient times.

There is still a shop sign on the roof.

But it is so old that the words on it can no longer be seen clearly.

Faintly, it seems to be written"XXXX瓣X店".

There are traces of field reclamation on both sides of the store entrance.

The plants inside have completely withered, and it is impossible to tell what they are.

"Come out, Yeebee!"

Wang Xuan let Yeebee out.

He let it go into the store to see if there was any danger.

After a while, Yeebee ran out.

""Where is the cloth~"

It told Wang Xuan that everything was normal inside, except that there was a lot of dust.

There were also many wooden shelves inside, with many things on them.

But it didn't dare to take them, for fear of knocking the wooden shelves over and completely breaking them apart.

Wang Xuan was overjoyed when he heard this.


""Let's go in and search!""

Since there is something, then you are welcome.

It would be best if we could find some books or documents. This kind of information that can help us understand the ancient times can be sold at a very high price.


With a creak, the door of the store was pushed open. Wang Xuan walked in and found that the layout inside was indeed the display of a store.

After entering the door, on the left hand side was a wooden cabinet that looked like a cash register.

The wooden cabinet was rotten and there was nothing inside.

However, at the edge of the wooden cabinet, there was a white machine.

"Cash register?

This machine was also rotten, and its specific appearance could not be seen.

It was weathered and fell apart with a slight touch.


Wang Xuan felt a pain in his balls.

The best cultural relics were gone just like that.

He continued to explore inside.

He walked around the cashier counter and went to the right.

On the right hand side, there were rows of shelves.

The shelves had two layers.

On the top layer, there was a long row of small basins.

"Green plants?"

There seemed to be something planted in the small pot, but it had completely weathered.

Not even the soil was left, it had all weathered into fine sand.

The lower layer of the shelf was a cabinet-like layout.

When I opened it, I saw that there were many moldy small particles inside.


Wang Xuan's right hand lit up with a faint light.


"It's a reconstructible object!"

Wang Xuan immediately became alert and carefully searched among these moldy particles.

Soon, some slightly glowing particles appeared.

【Didi, a transformable object was found!】

【Current Biology】: Moldy seeds

【Subject: Plant/Unknown Seed

【[Transformable Item 1]: Apple Fruit Seeds (30%)

【Modifiable Item 2]: Peach Fruit Seed (50%)

【Modifiable Item 3]: Cherry Blossom Seeds (50%)

【[Transformable Item 4]: Zero Fruit Seed (50%)

【[Transformable Item 5]: Berry Seeds (50%)

【Modifiable Item 6]: Limu Seeds (50%)

【Modifiable Item 7]: Persimmon Seeds (50%)

【Modifiable Item 8]: Pomelo Seed (5%)

【Modifiable Item 9]: Personality Mint Seeds (1%)

【Tip: If the transformation fails, the current creature will die immediately. Please choose the transformation type carefully.】

【So, what seeds do you want to transform?】

At this moment,

Wang Xuan couldn't help but exclaimed.

These glowing little particles can actually all be transformed into seeds!

And among the transformed objects, there are even personality mints!!!

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