In the waves, there were several little mermaids.

They immediately swam towards the assistant.

The assistant was wrapped in bubbles. Before the mermaids swam close to her, she had already woken up.

Seeing the mermaids with dark green skin, the assistant was very scared and thought they were sea monsters.

She saw the children struggling in the waves not far away and became more anxious.

She mustered up her courage and picked up a stick from the garbage dump.

"You, don't come over here!"

"You sea beasts, if you want to eat, eat me. They are all children, let them go!"

Her voice was a little trembling. She was really scared.

But she took the initiative to pick up the stick and hit the nearest mermaid child.


There was a crisp sound.

The mermaid child was hit on the head.

It was stunned for a moment, and when it touched its head, it found a bump, and then it burst into tears:"Woo, woo woo~~~Brother Tuolei, the princess hit me and called me a sea beast, wuwuwuwu~~~~T_T"


The leader, the mermaid kid named Brother Tuolei, was immediately furious.

How could the princess of our mermaid clan be so stupid!!!

We are mermaids, not sea beasts! How can sea beasts compare to us?

It was furious and was about to lose its temper.

It was a combat-type mermaid with very strong combat power.

But after looking at the colorful scales on the little assistant's forehead, it didn't dare to attack the little assistant.


He could only slap the water angrily... Boom!!!

In an instant, huge waves rolled up.

The combat-type mermaid clan, with a casual palm, actually set off a huge wave!

The few children who were still struggling in the water were lifted up by the huge waves, and unexpectedly turned out to be a blessing in disguise, and were pushed to the edge of the garbage dump by the waves.

The little assistant was stunned and immediately went to pull them

"Come up quickly!"

"There are sea beasts here, everyone follow me!"

The assistant led the children to quickly run towards the unfinished building.

The little girl who was stuck was pulled out by the assistant.

The assistant was a little surprised:"How come my strength... has become so strong?"

The mermaid children saw the assistant running so fast and quickly caught up with him:"Wait for us, wait! Your Highness, wait for us~~~"

After chasing for a while, the assistant realized that something was wrong.

They... seemed to be speaking human language?

And they called me... Princess?

The assistant hurriedly shouted:"I, I am not a sea beast, you have recognized the wrong person! Don't chase us, we are just civilians who know nothing, even if you eat us, there is no benefit~"

The assistant wanted to persuade these mermaid children.

Since you can speak human language, I will persuade you to leave.

But these mermaid children were not willing to leave.

They ran away in anger, and if they go back like this, they will definitely be laughed at by other children in the tribe.

Moreover, Her Royal Highness was actually found! This trip out, it turned out to be a great achievement!

Now, the tribe is arguing over the issue of the heir.

If Her Royal Highness returns to the tribe, who dares to covet the position of the heir?


You must take Her Royal Highness back!

It's... It's this Princess, it seems a little stupid...

No matter! Stupid or not! As long as it's the real Princess, it's fine!

The mermaid child who was in the lead, called Brother Tuole, immediately gave an order:"The princess may have stayed in the human world for too long. She was frightened and didn't recognize us. But it doesn't matter. Just knock her out and take her away!"

The other mermaid children were stunned. They wanted to knock the princess out.……

"Don't hesitate!!!"

The leading mermaid child shouted again:"Do you want to keep watching the internal strife in the tribe? If not, just do as I say!"

The mermaid children hesitated for a while, then nodded heavily:"Yes! We got it!"

After saying that, they quickly swam towards the assistant.

Princess, I'm sorry.

We're going to knock you out.~


On the other side.

Inside the winding path.

At this moment.

Wang Xuan was swimming hard inside.

Inside, there was a pure void space.

Only the sea water was roaring wildly inside.

In front, light could be seen. It should be the exit.

Countless adventurers were swimming in that direction.

The battle outside was very fierce.

Inside, there were not many battles.


Wang Xuan glanced.

In the sea not far away, there was an acquaintance... Ma Long!

This guy actually ran in too!

That's right, he is a 4-star island owner.

Anyone below 6 stars can enter.

Around him, there are many adventurers from the Deep Blue Group.

The two sides are not far away, and they are all swimming towards the exit. They also saw Wang Xuan.

Ma Long's eyes turned cold, and he was about to bring people to surround him.

Wang Xuan didn't intend to fight him here, and quickly swam towards the exit.

This winding path is too dangerous. There are empty holes everywhere. If you touch it, you will die.

Although they are more in number and the chance of being injured is greater, Wang Xuan will not joke with his own life.

You guys want to hunt me down, right? Fine!

After we get out, I'll have fun with you till the end!

""Du Jianshao, lighten your body!"

Wang Xuan shouted in a low voice.

Du Jianshao immediately launched a move.

Lighten your body can make your body lighter, and your speed will instantly soar by 2 times.

Whoosh~ a flash of afterimage.

Wang Xuan rushed directly into the exit.

The next moment. The scene in front of him suddenly became clear.

On the other side of the exit, there was indeed another unknown space.

And... this exit was actually in the sky!

After all the adventurers came out, they all fell down uncontrollably.

Below was the vast sea.

There were also a large number of sea beasts moving around.

They opened their huge mouths, waiting for the adventurers to fall into their mouths.

Wang Xuan immediately issued new instructions:"Du Jianshao, electromagnetic floating!"


Du Jianshao released a move again.

Wang Xuan stabilized his body and stood firmly on the sword.

At this time.

Ma Long also chased out with his men.

As soon as he came out, he also fell down uncontrollably.


"How can it be so high!!!"

He exclaimed and was about to take out the flying device.

Wang Xuan had been waiting for a long time, so how could he let him do what he wanted?

"Gulls, come out, use Flash!"


The big-billed gull cried out and charged towards Ma Long.


Ma Long's body trembled and he lost his balance instantly.

""Sword Sheath, use continuous slash!!!"

Wang Xuan was already waiting here. Ma Long fell down, and Wang Xuan quickly launched an attack.



The sword sheath made continuous slashes.

Ma Long was hit from front and back, and could not float in the air. He was bleeding profusely.

Wang Xuan was about to take advantage of the situation to chase him and kill him in one fell swoop.

But he was worthy of being a 4-star island owner. When he fell, he actually roared and released his island.


A giant island appeared.

It smashed heavily onto the sea surface.

The sea beasts below were instantly suppressed by his island.

There was also a blue-purple light shooting from the island... the power of the island!!!

He was an S-level 4-star island owner, and Wang Xuan did not dare to take his island power head-on.

After weighing the pros and cons, he quickly evacuated from here.

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