At this moment, the waves in Shicheng were surging.

The seawater in the winding path kept pouring into Shicheng.

Everywhere in the city was soaked by the seawater, forming a large area of water.


The little assistant brought a group of children.

Constantly changing hiding places

"Sister Shanshan, there’s flooding here too, what should we do?"

"Sister Shanshan, it seems that we can go up there, let's hide there~"

More than 20 children, the oldest is only 15 years old.

They all followed the little assistant, looking at the sea water in front of them in panic.

Stone City, I'm afraid it will become a water city.

The height of the sea water has risen to more than 3 meters.

Such a terrifying wave is simply scary.

At this moment, the little assistant was also a little panicked. She had never seen such a big wave.

But she forced herself to calm down.

These children are the brothers and sisters of the island owner Wang Xuan. I must help the island owner Wang Xuan and take good care of them~

The little assistant secretly encouraged herself, Shanshan, you can do it, come on~

Thinking of this, it seems that I am really not so scared

"Come on, everyone, follow me!"

"If we climb over this garbage dump, we can reach the unfinished building over there!"

"It's very high up there, and there are stairs, so it must be safe!"

The children quickly followed the assistant and ran forward. The sea water was rising very fast.

The waves were really big.

At this moment, a little girl missed her step and got stuck in a broken cabinet in the garbage dump.

She stepped through the broken cabinet and a hole was broken in the wood.

Her foot was stuck in it, and was pressed by the wood chips, leaving a trail of blood.

"Ooooooh, oooooo, it hurts, oooooo~~~~"

The little girl burst into tears.

The assistant noticed the situation and ran back immediately.

""Little Doudou, don't be afraid, sister is here!"

This little girl is called Little Doudou, and she just turned 10 a few days ago.

She was stuck in place and wanted to pull her feet out, but she cried loudly in pain when she moved.

The older children next to her were also very anxious.

Several children went to lift the wooden cabinet, wanting Little Doudou to sit on it and carry it with her.

But the cabinet was too big and was pressed in the garbage dump, so the children couldn't lift it.

At this time, the sea water was rising faster and faster.

A large amount of sea water flowed out from the winding path.

If the little girl was not rescued, she would probably drown here.

""Wuwuwu, it hurts, wuwuwu, sister, I'm scared T_T"

The little girl sat on the cabinet and cried loudly. Her feet were bleeding from being cut by sawdust.

At this time, the little assistant finally ran over.

Seeing the little girl's leg stuck, the little assistant hurriedly pounded the wooden board hard, trying to break it. He even picked up a piece of scrap metal and pounded the structure of the cabinet hard.

This cabinet, as long as it was smashed to pieces and the hole that stuck the little girl was enlarged, her legs could be pulled out from inside.

But after a few hammering, the scrap metal was actually broken.

The objects picked up from the garbage dump were too fragile.

Seeing how fast the water level was rising, the little assistant became more and more anxious. She asked the other children to run to the unfinished building first, but she stayed to rescue the little girl alone.

Suddenly, the little assistant saw an abandoned hammer.

The hammer should have been discarded here by the workers when the unfinished building was built.

It was a little bit below, stuck at the edge where the garbage dump and the sea water met. It had to be picked up quickly.

Any later, the water level would submerge the hammer.

"Xiaodoudou, wait here for a moment. I'll go get a hammer. Don't cry.~"

"Woo, um, Doudou, don't cry, woo, woo~~~"

After calming the little girl down, the assistant carefully moved to the garbage dump.

However, the garbage dump was very messy, with all kinds of things.

The assistant accidentally stepped on a bag of rotten bananas in a discarded box.


The assistant slipped and fell down.

This was a big problem.

The assistant slid down and fell into the sea.

A wave came and the assistant was swept five or six meters away.

The assistant... couldn't swim!

"Ah, no... coo, coo……"

The assistant struggled in the waves and slowly sank

"Sister, Sister Shanshan!"

""Woo woo woo, Sister Shanshan!!!"

The children were all anxious.

Several older children ran down quickly and jumped directly into the water.

But they didn't know how to swim.

After jumping in, they slowly sank into the water.

More children came.

Some went to find sticks and ropes, while others just jumped into the water with a splash.

The little assistant was floating in the water, very anxious.

"Stop messing can't swim...coo-coo-coo……"

The assistant wanted to dissuade them loudly, but was drowned by several gulps of water.

There is air in the human body.

If you hold your breath and lie down slowly in the water, you can float on the water.

But the assistant was so anxious that he was drowned by several gulps of water. The air in his body was squeezed out by the water. As a result, the balance between the internal and external pressures was instantly broken.

As a result, the assistant sank faster.

The situation was very critical.

If no one came to rescue him, the assistant would drown.

Suddenly, a small head with dark green skin emerged from the water.

"Brother, brother, brother!"

"Over there, it looks like a human is about to drown. Should we go help?"

"Stupid! Why can't we help humans? They are all bad guys. Just let them drown!"

"Uh, then let's continue to look for Her Royal Highness the Princess... Eh? Brother, why is it that Her Royal Highness's little dot seems to be in the same direction as that human?" The mermaid child who was questioned picked up the instrument and looked at it, and his eyes widened immediately:"This... How come the direction of that human is the same as that of the little dot representing Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"No, no.……?"

Several mermaid children came over.

"Could that human be Her Royal Highness the Princess?"

"But, but she is human!"

"Is it possible that the prince of our mermaid clan is a human?"

"I don't know. The elders didn't tell me.……"

"So, what should we do? That human seems to be drowning. Should we save her? Or should we just leave her alone?"

"Damn it, save her first! If she wasn't the princess, we could throw her into the sea. I hate humans the most!"

"Well, Brother Tuolei, we will all listen to you~"

After discussing for a while, the mermaid children quickly swam towards the assistant.

At this time, the assistant was about to drown.

She was about to lose consciousness.

At this moment, a colorful scale mark appeared on the assistant's forehead.

This mark instantly emitted a bright light.

Huge bubbles appeared around the assistant's body.

The bubbles wrapped the assistant and instantly isolated the waves.

Upon seeing this situation, the mermaid children all screamed.

"Deep, deep sea reverse scale?"

"Oh my god! This human actually has deep sea reverse scales!!!"

"She is actually the princess of our mermaid clan!"

"Go save her!——!"

"Damn it! Our mermaid princess almost drowned. No one is allowed to tell anyone about what happened today, understand?"

"Got it, Brother Tuolei, we will never leak it to anyone.~~~"

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