Li Na was kidnapped.

This was something no one had expected.

The war slaves were furious and stared at the adventurer, but they did not dare to act rashly.

The other party's talent seemed to be able to blend into the shadow.

This ability is very difficult to deal with.

Who doesn't have a shadow?

At this moment.

Li Na was slowly held hostage by the adventurer and moved towards the entrance of the winding path.

And Wang Xuan also saw the situation on Li Na's side.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly and considered whether to take action.

The auction has not ended yet, and his things are still in Li Na's hands.

Should I save her?

If I want to save her, I can actually save her.

Mimikyu is also proficient in the way of shadows.

Lurking quietly over, a shadow sneak attack should be able to force the adventurer to retreat.

But... What if I fail, the awakening is not dead, but angered the other party, and killed Li Na with a knife, then it would be counterproductive.

Forget it, I won't wade into this muddy water!

Retracting his gaze, Wang Xuan prepared to leave.

At this moment.

In the sky, the portal of the winding path was completely cracked.


A large amount of seawater poured down from the sky.

After the gate of the winding path was completely opened, the seawater inside fell heavily into the stone city like a collapsing river in the sky.

At this moment, the adventurer was holding Li Na hostage, right below the gate of the winding path.

At this moment, the waves fell, and he was extremely stunned, and was drenched in blood.

In the flowing water, shadows cannot take shape.

The refraction of light will shift.

At this moment, Li Na's shadow was refracted 5 meters away.

The adventurer hiding in it was also refracted 5 meters away.

5 meters, for a master, is enough.


The four war slaves flashed, like thunder, and fiercely killed the adventurer.

The remaining one-armed war slave flashed to Li Na's side and protected her tightly behind him.


"No, don't kill me!"

"I was just joking with Miss Li Na.——!"

The adventurer's limbs were torn off on the spot, and his body was cut in half.

Four war slaves attacked at the same time, and he couldn't resist at all.

Begging for mercy?

It's useless.

If you dare to use the battle axe, you will definitely die without a complete body.


""Clear this place!!!"

The one-armed war slave quickly gave orders to the other members of the Battle Axe around him.

No strangers are allowed to approach the lady within 500 meters.

The members of the Battle Axe quickly took action.

Other adventurers around were driven away.

Not far away, the 5-star and 6-star awakeners who were fighting in the melee were also expelled by the members of the Battle Axe.

Some people wanted to fight back, but were persuaded to stop.

At this time, if any party offended the Battle Axe, the balance would be broken and a thunderbolt would be struck.

The fighting troops of the two sides quickly retreated to the distance.

In this way, the entrance to the winding path was unblocked.

"Good opportunity!"

Wang Xuan stepped on the scabbard of the single sword, his figure flashed, he quickly turned a corner and flew towards the winding path in the sky.

At this moment, it was the perfect time to enter the winding path!

The old war slaves spotted Wang Xuan at a glance.

The one-armed old man in the lead shouted:"Young Master Wang Xuan, please stay. Are you interested in cooperating with our Battle Axe!"

Wang Xuan was stunned:"Cooperation?"

The old man quickly said:"Young Master Wang Xuan has extraordinary combat power. How about entering the ruins with my Battle Axe members? All profits, 37-37!"


Wang Xuan directly refused.

37-37, what are you thinking!

"Sorry, I like to act alone!"


As soon as the words fell, they quickly rushed towards the winding path.

During the flight, Wang Xuan glanced and saw

Xu Xingwu's soul body and the reborn woman not far from the entrance of the winding path.

At this moment,

Xu Xingwu's soul body was almost unable to hold on.

He was bidding a final farewell to the reborn woman.

But the woman, for some unknown reason, began to disintegrate.

She actually gave up the opportunity to be reborn, and held hands with Xu Xingwu, gradually merging into a dark time channel.

"Is this... a love suicide?"

Wang Xuan was stunned:"This woman seems to have given up on resurrection... In this case, didn't Xu Xingwu die in vain?"

Wang Xuan sighed and felt a little emotional.

7-star strongman, it turns out to be so stupid

"If it were me, I would never do that!"

In this way, the ocean will was lucky.

At this moment, the ocean will was madly absorbing Xu Xingwu's 9-star power.

It seemed very happy to see Wang Xuan coming and wanted to say hello to Wang Xuan.

In this situation, Wang Xuan dared not say anything more to it.

This ocean will was actually hunting humans!


Wang Xuan was thinking about what to do with his talent in the future.

This ocean will is too frightening.

I'm afraid that all human awakeners are its captive food.

With great vigilance in his heart, Wang Xuan immediately flew towards the winding path.

At this moment, the ocean will seemed to have eaten enough.

The thunder in the sky gradually subsided.

It had eaten the energy of the 9-star strongman and quickly retreated back to the ocean world.

As soon as it moved, the winding path hanging upside down in the sky also moved quickly.

"not good!"

"The winding path is about to escape into the ocean world!"

Countless adventurers were immediately anxious.

If the winding path entered the ocean world, it would be even more difficult to enter.


"The winding path is about to run away!"

""Rush into the winding path with all your strength!!!"

At this moment, those 5-star adventurers no longer cared about fighting to the death with the 6-stars. They all roared and rushed into the winding path.

At this time, in the winding path, in the sloping sea water, a few stupid little heads quietly poked out of the water without anyone noticing.

"Wow, humans are really scary. They actually fight each other, and the fight is so fierce.~"

"Stop looking and go find Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

"Brother, is Her Highness really here?"

"It should be here. Look, this little dot on the blood instrument is the princess.~"

"Wow, it's really close. Once we find His Highness, we mermaids can wake up the gods.~"

"Hush, keep your voice down, there's a human coming!"

"Go, go! We must not let humans find us, or we will be caught and locked up.~"


In the sky, in the pouring waves, several unknown creatures appeared.

They flicked their tails and followed the waves into the stone city.

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