Chapter 508: What should I do when I find that the Jade Emperor is relatively small for the official?

Well, at this time, Lou Hang probably understands the specific situation!

So, the current Guanyin doesn’t directly use power to fight Son Goku, but uses power to overwhelm others to force Son Goku to submit?

Dragon King didn’t rain on Huaguo Mountain, and He Bo cut off the flow of the river in Huaguo Mountain, and even Hua Fairy didn’t let Huaguo Mountain bloom and bear fruit.

This, this is simply driving people on the road to absolutes!

It’s like in modern society, others don’t fight with you.

But what? Cut off your home’s water, cut off your home’s electricity, and even stop the surrounding shops from selling grain and oil to you.

Just ask, how can you survive this way!?

The current Guanyin uses this method!

Son Goku is not stupid, and Lou Hang has already mentioned this point. Therefore, he clearly understands that all this should be for the purpose of Guanyin.

Soon, Son Goku turned his head and looked at Lou Hang!

Brother”, if that’s the case, why not go to the sky and have a look.

“Look at what kind of immortal position the Jade Emperor gave you. If this immortal official is not small, you can take it down.”

“Of course, if the immortal position is not good, brother, I have a place to go, so that all the children up and down Huaguoshan can move to a house, so that people can’t find it!

After thinking for a moment, Lou Hang said!

This is for Son Goku, but in fact, it is also for Taibaijinxing!

“Okay, Lao Bai, let’s go!” After listening to Lou Hang, Son Goku nodded and said to Taibai Jinxing!

In terms of wisdom, he is far inferior to Lou Hang’s virtuous brother.

Now that Lou Hang Hyun-di nodded and thinks that’s okay, then, let him do it!

“Here, Lou Hang, would you like to go to the Heavenly Court, too?

Hearing Son Goku nodded and agreed, immediately, Taibaijinxing asked Lou Hang again!

“I don’t need to go, I’ll be here to guard Huaguo Mountain!” Lou Hang shook his head and said!

Son Goku goes to heaven, no matter what, his life will not be in danger.

But myself, it’s hard to say!

Who knows if he goes to the heaven, the Jade Emperor will kill himself.

So, just in case, Lou Hang feels that it is safer to stay here in Huaguoshan!

“That’s all right, King, let’s go two of us!”

Hearing Lou Hang didn’t mean to go to the heaven, Taibai Jinxing nodded in disappointment, and then said to Son Goku!

With Lou Hang guarding Huaguo Mountain, Son Goku is naturally relieved, so he went to the heaven with Taibai Jinxing!

“Oh, the general trend is really unchangeable!”

Looking at the figure of Son Goku and Taibai Jinxing leaving together, Lou Hang sighed silently in his heart, and then shook his head helplessly!

It is really helpless.

If it could, Lou Hang would like to try to see if it can reverse Son Goku’s situation!

Therefore, the situation of the East Blue Dragon Palace and the Jifu was blocked by Lou Hang!

However, what I was facing was the Immortal Buddha in the sky, and it was really impossible to reverse such a general trend on my own.

Huaguoshan was targeted in this way, Son Goku was a foregone conclusion!

Therefore, after thinking about it, Lou Hang decided to change his strategy!

It is impossible to simply block, then, just follow the trend, and then slowly change the situation in the original book!

Not to mention what kind of thinking Lou Hang is now.

On the other side, Son Goku, along with Taibai Jinxing, soon came to the Palace of the High Heavens!

At this time, the many immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Hall looked at Son Goku with a bit of scrutiny!

Is the Jade Emperor going to promote a monkey demon to serve in the heavenly court?

I don’t know what the monkey demon is capable of?

The most important thing is that I don’t know what kind of position the Jade Emperor will give this monkey demon? It shouldn’t be too high, right?

Wouldn’t he let him climb onto the heads of others?

It seems that the short and thin monkeys don’t have much meat on their bodies, so they shouldn’t have any powerful methods?

“Have seen His Majesty the Jade Emperor!”

Not to mention the thoughts of the many immortal officials and gods in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, after arriving at the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, Son Goku arched his hand to the Jade Emperor’s side!

“Are you Son Goku?” The Jade Emperor condescendingly, overlooking Son Goku, asked calmly!

“Yes!” Son Goku nodded in response!

“That’s all right, since it’s a spiritual creature from the lower realm, let’s serve in the heavenly court, everyone, what position has been vacant in this heavenly court recently?”

While talking, the Jade Emperor opened his mouth and asked many fairy officials and generals!

Many fairy officials and gods match face to face.

What job vacancies are available in the Heavenly Court, does the Jade Emperor still know? But he is asking himself and the others?

Many fairy officials and generals secretly kept an eye on them, and didn’t say much!

“Your Majesty, every place is full, there is no shortage, only the imperial horse supervisor lacks a central steward!”

Tamako, the star of Wu Quxing next to him, turned his eyes round and round, followed out, and said to the Jade Emperor!

Wu Qu Xingjun secretly gave himself a like, and this credit is not welcome!

The Jade Emperor asked if everyone had any suitable positions?

If it was an important high-ranking official, the Jade Emperor couldn’t possibly fail to remember.

But the Jade Emperor didn’t give it. Doesn’t that mean that he can only give him some small officials that the Jade Emperor himself doesn’t remember?

By the way, everyone did not understand the intention of the Jade Emperor? No one even answered?

Isn’t the Jade Emperor embarrassed?

I jumped out to speak at this moment, which relieved your majesty’s embarrassment, and understood what your majesty meant, right?

“Well, Xingjun, will Bi Mawen’s official position be too small!?” Taibai Jinxing next to him asked, with a trace of embarrassment on his face!

When they came, Son Goku and Lou Hang had a chat. If the official position is too small, they will refuse to be an official and go to heaven instead!

The Jade Emperor personally named him and asked him to go to heaven as an official, and it was hard for him to invite Son Goku to heaven.

If he really leaves, is it possible that Wu Qu Xingjun will take this responsibility?

“Tao Bai Jin Xing, this official position is no longer small!” Hearing that, Wu Qu Xing Jun only acted as Tai Bai Jin Xing and didn’t understand the meaning of the Jade Emperor, so he replied!

“Hey? Isn’t this official position small?” Son Goku next to him heard the conversation between Taibai Jinxing and Wu Quxingjun, and asked!

“Of course it’s not small!” After listening to Son Goku obliquely, Wu Qu Xingjun replied!

Of course, there is still the second half of the sentence.

That is: this official position is no small for you! For others, it is naturally a small official the size of a sesame seed!

“Isn’t it small? Hahaha, that’s good!” Hearing this, Son Goku nodded and said with a smile!

…For flowers…

If I become a high official in the heavenly court, if I go back, I will still have face in front of Brother Xian!?

“Son Goku, this post of Bi Mawen, would you like to receive it?

The Jade Emperor still looked like an old god, sitting on his throne, and asked!

Opening his mouth, Son Goku is ready to agree!

But at this moment, Son Goku’s heart suddenly moved, and the chat with Lou Hang before rang!

At that time, I remember Lou Hang said that whether it is a mortal or a heavenly official position, there are actually grades!

For example, the stars of the twenty-eight stars, such as the star of Wuqu, the star of Wenqu, the star of water, etc., are all of the fourth rank!

And what about Lou Hang’s star official position? It’s the fifth rank!

Thinking of talking with Lou Hang first, Son Goku asked about grades, “Jade Emperor, dare to ask, which rank is this Bi Mawen official?

Listening to what Son Goku said, the immortal officials and generals on the High Heaven Hall looked at each other.

A mere Bute Mawen, actually asked about his grade?

This is like a cell boss asking the emperor if he is a few rank officials, this is really weird!


“Nothing!” After a moment of silence, watching Son Goku staring at him with searching eyes, the Jade Emperor replied!

“Five-Rank?” Son Goku asked five fingers out!

“Majesty, Majesty, it means no grade, which means no grade!” Seeing that the Jade Emperor stopped talking, the Taibai Jinxing next to him answered!

“No grade? Is it extremely big?”

After thinking about it, it seems that the first-rank is bigger than the second-rank, and the second-rank is better than the third-rank. Son Goku feels that this is no-rank, maybe it is extremely big?

“This, in fact, is so small that it has no grade! Too platinum star is also embarrassed, and I am embarrassed to say:

At the same time, he glanced at the Wu Qu Xingjun next to him angrily!

I went there twice, and finally invited people in, but gave him a Bi Ma Wen who didn’t even have a grade?

Where does this put yourself!


Hearing what Taibai Jinxing said, Son Goku stared at Wu Quxingjun with an angry face, and said: “So, you are protecting my old grandson as a small official with the size of a sesame mung bean?”

“Hey, hey, the monkey demon from the lower realm. If you don’t be a groom, what else do you want to be!?

Seeing that Son Goku was actually in front of so many immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall, to himself, Wu Qu Xingjun felt that his face could not be pulled down, and he said to Son Goku with a cold face!

Anxious and angry in his heart, Son Goku raised his hand and took out the iron rod from his ear!

“Brother, please listen to the question. What should you do if you find out that the officer given to you by Heavenly Court is very young?”

“A, just take out the golden hoop and hit it!

“B, yelled angrily, saying that he didn’t look down on it, and then turned to the lower realm!”

“C, just accept it, let the petty official be the petty official, it’s better than nothing!

“D, run against the Jade Emperor, saying that he specially called himself to heaven, and he gave it to such a small official? Isn’t this a player? Then who recommends you, you can talk to him again to see if the official position is changed!”

Just when Son Goku was about to do it, suddenly, his heart moved.

Thinking of it a few days ago, in this situation, it seems that Lou Hang Hyun-di asked himself a question!

At that time, which was the correct answer? Next.

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