Chapter 507: Forcing the Liangshan Mountain (Heavenly Court)

After Lou Hang took a look at the division of the immortal realm, at this time, whether it was Son Goku or the audience in the live broadcast room, they all understood.

Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva was beaten away just now, but he did it on purpose!

Son Goku can’t understand why Guanyin Bodhisattva wants to do this, so directly ask Lou Hang!

In the same way, Son Goku’s questioning can be regarded as asking what the audience in the live broadcast room thinks!

Therefore, at this time, the viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room are also staring at Lou Hang seriously!

Waiting for Lou Hang’s answer!

Brother “Ah, think about it? Could it be that Guanyin’s move was for something?”

Lou Hang hesitated for a moment, and directed Son Goku to say!

“What’s the plan? Brother Xian, what do you think, just say it!”

Son Goku thought for a while, but still got nothing, so he asked Lou Hang!

“Oh, okay, it’s all about it, and it’s still hidden, it’s really meaningless!” Lou Hang sighed helplessly after hearing this.

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said to Son Goku, “Big brother, do you know that the way of heaven is destined, and then Buddhism will be a success!”

Although he was talking an interrogative sentence, what Lou Hang said was not an interrogative sentence at all!

After just using this sentence as an introduction, Lou Hang did not wait for Son Goku to answer, and Lou Hang followed: “God is destined, Buddhism will be prosperous, so it should be 500 years later that the Dharma will be passed to the east by going west to learn from the scriptures. , All the fairy Buddha can’t be violated!”

“And you? You are an important person of luck in this westward journey to learn from the scriptures!”

“Now, you can figure out many questions, right?”

“No matter what the move is, the purpose of the move of the fairy Buddha is to go west to learn the scriptures!” Lou Hang spoke, and directly threw out the things of the west journey to learn the scriptures!

“Going west to learn Buddhist scriptures, will Buddhism be prosperous?” Son Goku’s mouth 603, chewed this word secretly.

Finally, he still shook his head, expressing that he didn’t understand.

I don’t understand what Lou Hang’s words mean!

More importantly, Guanyin Bodhisattva deliberately pretended to be defeated by himself. What was the purpose!?

“If nothing else, perhaps the purpose of Guanyin is to force you to become an official!” Lou Hang thought for a while and said to Son Goku!

In the original book, Son Goku was allowed to go to heaven as an official, so that he could make a great disaster!

Now, Son Goku just has a suspicion of covering the golden roar, what kind of disaster is this?

“Force me to become an official? It seems that this is indeed possible!” Hearing this, Son Goku thought for a while, but nodded in agreement!

Indeed, the former Taibaijinxing wanted to make himself an official in the sky, but he refused.

From this point of view, the purpose of letting him go to heaven as an official at the time was for the same purpose, right!?

“Brother Xian, the older brother doesn’t know as much as you, so you can just tell me what you are going to do afterwards, and the older brother will listen to you!

After thinking about it, this kind of layout from start to finish is indeed not something that he can play. Son Goku looked at Lou Hang and said seriously!

“All right!” Lou Hang nodded too, without saying anything!

Soldiers come to cover the water and the earth, after Guanyin left, it is impossible to just let it go.

Next, she should continue to make moves, let’s see how she makes moves!

So, in a blink of an eye, half a month has passed!

In the past half month, nothing happened in Huaguo Mountain, but the sun was shining every day, and the wind was sunny!

This situation makes Son Goku feel a little strange.

Nothing? After Guanyin left, did this incident just go away?


Finally, after half a month, thunder was thundering in the sky, and a large thick cloud appeared in the sky!

Seeing such a scene, the monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguoshan are looking for a place to hide from the rain!

These monkeys and grandchildren all understand that, looking at this situation, today is indispensable for a heavy rain!

However, the rain is coming down.

However, all the monkeys in Huaguoshan looked at the sky stupidly, all with a dumb expression!

“Brother Xian, come out and see, something has happened!”

Lou Hang, who was meditating in the water curtain cave, also heard the shout of Son Goku outside!

Hearing that, Lou Hang stopped his practice and walked out of the water curtain cave!

However, when he walked out, Lou Hang was a little different!

Outside the Shuilian Cave, there was originally a large waterfall, which is smashing!

However, the waterfall today looks obviously much smaller.

Moreover, it does not seem to have the vigorous momentum before!

However, after stepping out, what attracted the attention of passenger airlines most was not the waterfall outside the Shuilian Cave, but the sky!

Lou Hang looked up, his face became very weird!

I saw that Huaguo Mountain was twenty miles away, all covered with dark clouds and heavy rain!

However, just above Huaguo Mountain, the dust was not stained, and there was not even a hint of cloud in sight.

On the contrary, you can still see the bright sunshine falling on Huaguo Mountain!

This situation looked like a dense dark cloud, as if a hole was dug directly by someone.

Rain does not fall on Huaguo Mountain!

If it was a simple rain, it would be fine, but if you think of it for half a month, there has not been a drop of rain in Huaguo Mountain, this situation is very bad!

King”, look, the waterfall in Shuiliandong, this waterfall is…

At this moment, a sharp-eyed monkey suddenly pointed to Shuiliandong and shouted!

Lou Hang and Son Goku looked in the direction of Shuiliandong, their faces became even more ugly!

The waterfall on the layer outside Shuiliandong slowly became smaller, until finally, it dried up completely.

The Shuilian Cave, which was originally hidden behind the waterfall, is just exposed!

Shuiliandong, Shuiliandong, the water emperor outside are gone, the name of this Shuiliandong, (bddc) has become a misnomer!

“Virtuous brother!?”

Seeing such a situation, even Son Goku knew that it must have something to do with Guanyin.

Immediately, I turned my head and looked at Lou Hang’s body, waiting for Lou Hang’s reply!

Brother “The rain is the responsibility of the Dragon King, let me ask the East Blue Dragon King!” Lou Hang said after hearing this!

When the voice fell, Lou Hang directly raised his hand, opened the magic portal, and arrived directly at the East Blue Dragon Palace!

“Lou Hang go to the immortal…

At this time, the Dragon King was staying in his crystal palace, watching Lou Hang come over, and hurriedly got up to say hello, but his expression was full of embarrassment!

“It’s raining everywhere, but it has bypassed Huaguo Mountain. What is the cause of this incident, Old Dragon King, should you give me an explanation!?”

Lou Hang spoke and asked East Blue Dragon King!

“Shangxian, Xiaolong, I am also following orders!” Hearing this, the old dragon king said embarrassedly!

Lou Hang will come to him because of the rain, the East Blue Dragon King had already expected it!

“Then, I’m ordered to say who ordered it!?” Lou Hang followed!

“Naturally it is Lord Shui Dexing!” Old Dragon King replied!

Speaking of this, he paused for a while, and then said: “God, I can tell you that you have offended the people above. I heard that it was Guanyin Bodhisattva who spoke out and had a festival with you on Huaguo Mountain.”

“So, don’t say it’s raining, even Huaxian won’t let Huaguoshan bloom again, and naturally it won’t bear fruit! He Bo also changed the waterway.

“Okay, Old Dragon King, I don’t have to trouble you anymore, thank you for telling me the news!”

Hearing this, Lou Hang also knew that these things could not be decided by a mere dragon king.

Therefore, Air France did not mean to embarrass the East Blue Dragon King!

After putting such a sentence in his mouth, Lou Hang followed up with East Blue Dragon King to inquire about some other intelligence information!

Perhaps because he knew that Son Goku had an extraordinary origin, East Blue Dragon King was unwilling to offend people miserably.

Therefore, as long as the East Blue Dragon King knows the information, it will be detailed to Lou Hang!

Nodded, and after getting the information he wanted, Lou Hang immediately returned to Huaguo Mountain!

“My brother, what’s going on!?” Seeing Lou Hang came back from East Blue Dragon Palace, Son Goku hurried forward and asked Lou Hang!

“Well, the situation has been clarified!” Lou Hang nodded and said.

Soon, I told Son Goku about the news I heard from East Blue Dragon Palace!

“Hey, hey…Son Goku’s face was fierce when he heard this, and he was scratching his head with anger!

“The Guanyin is really deceiving!” Son Goku shouted angrily.

As he spoke, he took out his big stick, and was ready to look for Guanyin to settle accounts!

“Wait, brother…

Seeing Son Goku’s impulsive look, Lou Hang hurriedly spoke to stop Son Goku!

“Two great kings, what a coincidence!” At the same time, a shout suddenly sounded in the sky!

Stepping on an auspicious cloud, Taibai Jinxing was pressing the head of the cloud at this time, and it fell down!

Falling in front of Son Goku and Lou Hang, Taibai Jinxing smiled and said: “Two great kings, the old man passed by your Huaguo Mountain by accident, why do you become like this here!? Rain in the sky , Why didn’t you alone fall down on your Huaguo Mountain?”

“Huh, Lao Bai, you came just right, we have offended the lady-in-law of Guanyin!” Son Goku said, angrily.

Immediately, Guanyin was forced to search Huaguo Mountain, and then, the situation of openly letting the gods in the sky fight against himself was told to Taibai Jinxing!

“It turns out that this is the case! These fairy gods, they have done too much!”

Hearing this, Taibai Jinxing said with a look of righteous indignation!

However, at this point, Taibai Jinxing paused slightly, and then said: “Yes, my lord, didn’t the Jade Emperor say last time, I want you to be an official?”

“Why, the old man goes to the heaven to find the Jade Emperor to intercede?”

“If you have also become an immortal official of the Heavenly Court, and your position is not low, presumably, even if Guanyin wants to target Huaguoshan, you have to weigh your weight again!”

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