Chapter 509: A Trap

After thinking about it for a while in Son Goku’s heart, he remembered that it was the fourth answer!


“Jade Emperor!

Now that Hyun Brother Lou Hang took the test for himself in this situation, Son Goku naturally knows how to deal with it now!

Therefore, looking at the Jade Emperor, Son Goku said: “You deliberately let Taibai Venus be in the lower realm twice, and let me come to the heaven as an official. My grandson is here. Unexpectedly, you are just a groom for my grandson. ?”

“If this is the case, my grandson will have to go to the lower realm!”

“It’s just that, if what happened to my old grandson is spread, I don’t know how you should deal with the Jade Emperor?” Son Goku looked at the Jade Emperor and said!

These words made the many immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall look at each other, and at the same time, they all nodded silently!

Indeed, who is the Jade Emperor? Lord of the Three Realms!

He specially asked Son Goku to come to the heaven as an official, and Son Goku was indeed invited!

But, in the end, let the family become a groom?

If this matter really spreads out, it will be the Jade Emperor who is ashamed?

Isn’t this cheating?

In the future, if the Jade Emperor lays down and recruits security, where is anyone willing to come to the heaven as an official?

Click on it! Listening to Sun Wu’s “Six 20” words, Wu Qu Xingjun next to him trembled and felt that something was wrong!

The Jade Emperor personally sent Taibai Jinxing to the lower realm, and twice, specially invited this Son Goku to go to heaven as an official?

It can be seen that the Jade Emperor attaches great importance to Son Goku, right?

However, he recommends him as a groom?

Could this be cleverness instead of being cleverly mistaken?

The emperor’s face is also very ugly!

Son Goku was able to say this, which was beyond the Jade Emperor’s expectation!

But I have to admit that Son Goku’s words are still very reasonable!

Yes, if Son Goku really goes to the lower bounds, and if this matter is publicized, then how will he be convincing for himself in the future!?

Therefore, at this time, the face of the Jade Emperor was also very unsightly, and he felt like riding a tiger!

Before the Jade Emperor could speak, Son Goku followed his gaze at Wu Qu Xingjun, and said, “This, is Wu Qu Xingjun? I just heard Lao Bai call you that way!”

“Yes, it’s me, how are you doing?” Looking at the golden hoop in Son Goku’s hand, Wu Qu Xingjun didn’t care!

Wu Qu Xingjun, his own “wu” character is not a decoration, do you want to scare yourself with an iron rod?

“I remember, Wuqu Xingjun, you should be a fourth-grade immortal palace, right?” Son Goku moved slightly, and then asked again!

“Yes, I am indeed a fourth-rank!” Wu Qu Xingjun nodded, and said with a proud expression!

“Let’s do it, my old grandson also thinks that the fourth rank is indeed okay, so how about you give me the position of Wuqu Xingjun?” Son Goku stared at Wuqu Xingjun and asked!

“Presumptuous!” Listening to Son Goku’s words, it was made clear that he was going to be troubled, Wu Qu Xingjun’s eyes widened, and he scolded with a sad face!

“What is presumptuous? Don’t you think my old grandson is only worthy of being a groom? My old grandson doesn’t think you are worthy of being a 4th-rank star!”

“Could it? You have the courage to do it with my old grandson?”

“If you win, my grandson will obediently be this Bi Ma Wen from now on. If you lose, you will let me be the position of Wu Qu Xingjun, dare you?

Son Goku opened his mouth and asked Wu Qu Xingjun, with an aggressive appearance, and he didn’t give Wu Qu Xingjun a chance to retreat at all!

At this time, the many immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall also focused on Wu Qu Xingjun, waiting to see his answer!

Indeed, it was Wu Qu Xingjun who took the initiative to pick the head just now. Now that the monkey has made a move, does he dare to pick it up?

Think they are only worthy of being a groom?

Does he dare to accept the challenge of the groom?

If you dare not, you will be ashamed!

After all, if he doesn’t speak, it won’t matter if Son Goku’s challenge is not answered!

But he just opened his mouth but didn’t dare to answer?

This is not justified, right?

Seeing Son Goku’s aggressive appearance, and many immortal officials and generals staring at him next to him, Wu Qu Xingjun also understood that he had no retreat.

Immediately, he glanced at the Jade Emperor!

At this time, the Jade Emperor didn’t speak either!

Things have developed to the point where they are now, so it’s good to let Son Goku and Wu Quxingjun do things.

Those who can live, this situation is more transparent!

Well, seeing that His Majesty Jade Emperor hasn’t spoken anymore, Wu Qu Xingjun knows that Son Goku’s challenge, he can’t refuse at all!

“Okay, Lord Ben Xing will let you see today, what is the sky and the earth!”

Nodded, Wu Qu Xingjun’s aura burst out.

The cultivation base of Golden Fairyland, and the cultivation base of Wuqu Xingjun, have reached the level of Golden Fairyland!


However, seeing the appearance of Wu Qu Xingjun about to do something, Son Goku suddenly shouted!

“Why? I just looked like a weapon, but now I don’t dare to do it?” Hearing Son Goku’s words, Wu Qu Xingjun asked with a sneer!

“No, my old grandson thinks that this stick is eyeless. If something really happened, I can’t explain it clearly. Why, let’s sign a life and death status?”

“If something really happens, I only blame myself for not being good at learning?”

Son Goku spoke, and asked Wu Qu Xingjun!


As soon as Son Goku said this, all the immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Palace took a sigh of relief and looked at the short and thin Son Goku in surprise!

Really? Sign the life and death certificate directly?

This is to have absolute confidence in your own strength, right?

It’s just that this monkey looks ordinary, he is really so powerful, or is a newborn calf not afraid of tigers?

Or is it just a bluff, wanting to scare away Wu Qu Xingjun?

If you put it on the gambling table, if you propose to sign the life and death status, it is just a direct stud, right?

“Huh, you monkey, you are cunning, do you want to use this situation to bluff? You won’t be scared by you!”

Son Goku’s words really made Wu Qu Xingjun stunned, and immediately, he said!

Obviously, Wu Qu Xingjun doesn’t believe that Son Goku can really be so powerful, he nodded and agreed to sign the life and death status!

The life and death status was written down, and finally, Wu Qu Xingjun and Son Goku each signed their names on it.

This competition can be regarded as a battle of life and death!

As soon as he lifted his hand, Wu Qu Xingjun’s sword was out of its sheath.

Then, with a flick of the long sword, an extremely sharp sword aura appeared, slashing towards Son Goku!

The cultivation base of the Golden Fairyland, this sword aura was slashed out, and the power is naturally self-evident!

But what about Son Goku?

Lift the golden hoop in your hand and knock!

This sharp sword aura was directly shattered by Son Goku’s golden hoop!

In this scene, the immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Treasure Hall were secretly surprised!

As soon as the expert makes a move, he will know if there is any!

Son Goku’s trick, the cultivation base displayed is also a golden fairyland, right?

After all, it is not the cultivation base of Golden Wonderland, how can he crush this sword aura of Wu Qu Xingjun?

“It seems that Wu Qu Xingjun kicked the iron plate this time! This monkey also has the cultivation base of the Golden Wonderland!” This is the words of the third prince Nezha!

“I can’t see it, this monkey is not good-looking, it actually has the cultivation base of the Golden Wonderland:” Tota Uranus Li Jing also nodded and said in a low voice!

“Look at this monkey, understatement, it seems that his cultivation is still higher than that of Wu Qu Xingjun?” This is the thought in the heart of Greed Wolf Xingjun watching Son Goku and Wu Qu Xingjun!

Not to mention that Son Goku smashed Wu Qu Xingjun’s sword qi with a stick, what kind of thoughts did the immortal officials and generals in the Lingxiao Hall think!

After smashing the sword energy of Wu Qu Xingjun, Son Goku grinned, staring at Wu Qu Xingjun fiercely, and said: “Next, it’s my turn to do it, right?

When the voice fell, I saw Son Goku take a deep breath, and then his body suddenly swelled like a balloon, and it took time to transform into a form of heaven and earth with a height of hundreds of feet!

A short and thin little monkey suddenly became a great ape with a height of one hundred feet.

The heart moved at will, and the wishful golden hoop in Son Goku’s hand also turned into an Optimus pillar, and was firmly grasped by Son Goku!

Then, the golden cudgel in Son Goku’s hand was raised high, and slammed down in the direction of Wu Qu Xingjun!

“No, it’s impossible!” Looking up at Son Goku’s magical powers, Wu Qu Xingjun shouted loudly!

The magical powers of the heavens and the earth, this is not a method that any monster can learn!

This can only be taught by the big guys unless it is a very advanced person?

It’s like a change in the number of 3.2 thirty-six days, eight or nine profound arts, these are the magical powers of the Master in the hands of many big men!

However, this ugly monkey can actually use the magical powers of heaven and earth?

This magical power, I am not qualified to touch it!

Where is this monkey sacred!?


The huge golden hoop smashed down like a giant pillar!

Although it is also the cultivation base of Golden Wonderland, Son Goku’s strength is much stronger than this Wuqu Xingjun!

Coupled with the magical powers of the heavens and the earth, this is a magical means, not a spell!

Naturally, the gap between the two sides is even greater!

When this stick went down, the entire High Heaven Hall seemed to be severely shaken!

Then, Son Goku raised the golden hoop in his hand..

Looking at the appearance of Wu Qu Xingjun, lying on the ground, he looked extremely miserable.

Although he hasn’t died yet, the appearance of more venting and less venting is obviously not far from death!

With a fierce look, Son Goku didn’t mean to stop, he raised the golden hoop in his hand, and was about to smash it down again!

“Stop, the outcome is divided!

Seeing Son Goku’s actions, the Jade Emperor shouted!

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