Chapter 506: Inventory of Immortal God Realm

Although Son Goku’s strength is very strong, in the original work, making a noise in the heavenly palace is the highlight of Son Goku.

However, no matter how strong Son Goku is, his cultivation is only Golden Wonderland after all!

If it is said that the golden hoop is very powerful, Son Goku’s talent and supernatural powers are all top-notch.

Then, if he can start with the fairy Buddha in the Taiyi realm, Lou Hang can accept it!

But who is Guanyin?

Her predecessor was Cihangdao, a proper disciple of the saint.

From the perspective of cultivation, it is the existence of Da Luo Jinxian!

With such a strength, would he be beaten by Son Goku?

This is absolutely impossible!

“Hehehe, Guanyin Bodhisattva? Her name is very big, but that’s all in terms of strength!”

After successfully fighting Guanyin away, Son Goku grinned and said in the direction of Guanyin’s escape!

“Brother, you’re too early to be happy!” But, listening to Son Goku’s contented words, Lou Hang shook his head and said!

“The cultivation base of Guanyin Bodhisattva is far beyond you and me. With our abilities, it is absolutely impossible to defeat her!”

“Brother virtuous, why should you grow up other people’s ambitions and destroy your own prestige!?

However, after a glance at Lou Hang, Son Goku shook his head and said!

Obviously, no matter what Lou Hang said, at least, he successfully defeated Guanyin Bodhisattva, this is a fact!

After defeating Guanyin Bodhisattva once, Son Goku became so inflated.

This caused Lou Hang to open his mouth, and immediately said helplessly to Son Goku: “Big brother, do you know that there are any divisions in the cultivation level of the Immortal Buddha!?”

“The division of the immortal Buddha’s cultivation base? My old grandson has never heard anyone say it, virtuous brother, let’s talk about it!?” Hearing this, Son Goku asked Lou Hang a little curiously!

“All right, then I will give you a good inventory!” Lou Hang nodded and said.

In fact, there is still half a word in my heart that I haven’t said.

“This Son Goku is really brave enough to yell like this with Guanyin Bodhisattva!?”

“In other words, I always feel that this Guanyin Bodhisattva came to Huaguo Mountain, it was not a mere coincidence!”

“Damn, is this Son Goku actually so strong? Fighting with Guanyin Bodhisattva, can you not fall under the wind!?”

“So what? Son Goku’s strength is still very strong, right?”

“Wait, what did Brother Hang mean? Did the Guanyin Bodhisattva just leave his hand?”

“This is strange. The situation of the hands-on is that the Guanyin Bodhisattva deliberately came to find the fault, and then he did it. However, after the actual hands-on, the Guanyin Bodhisattva kept his hands again!?”

Wait, “Brother Hang, do you want to check the boundary of the monkey after becoming a fairy? Then I won’t doze off!”

“The cultivation before becoming immortal, in general, can be said to be the three realms of refining Qi, refining Qi to transform God, and practicing God to return to the Void! But what about after becoming a fairy?”

“I only know the realm of Tianxian, two realms of Jinxian, and what realm is behind, I don’t know!”

“By the way, there are ghosts and immortals, scattered immortals, it seems that they are not as good as heavenly immortals!”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, many viewers originally saw that Son Goku was able to beat the Guanyin Bodhisattva away, and all of them were very surprised!

However, now listening to Lou Hang say that it is necessary to take stock of the realm of immortals, these audiences are all in their spirits!

What exactly is the division of the immortal realm!?

“Sure enough, the ignorant is fearless, so it is to make Son Goku fearless, so that Son Goku will not know the size of the world!?”

Looking at Son Goku, I really don’t even know the realm of immortals. In Lou Hang’s heart, some helplessly shook his head and sighed with emotion!

Immediately, he opened his mouth and said: “As for the realm of immortals, there are ghost cultivation, these are ghosts who have cultivated Dao to become immortal!

“There are scattered immortals, these are the failures when crossing the catastrophe, the body is destroyed, and the soldiers can only dissolve into the scattered immortals!”

“There are also earth immortals, like mountain gods, land, and He Bo, all belong to the ranks of earth immortals!”

“And what about the celestial being? It was after successfully surviving the tribulation of the heavens and ascending to the immortal realm. This is the celestial being! For example, I am a celestial being.

“Actually, when you reach the realm of heavenly immortals, you can be regarded as a real immortal!

“In the realm of heavenly immortals, continue to practice. When the cultivation base reaches the level of nine thousand years, it will almost enter the level of golden immortals!”

“Big Brother, you belong to the cultivation base of Golden Wonderland!”

“In the Heavenly Court, Wenqu Xingjun, Wuquxing Xingjun, Shui Dexing Xingjun, etc., are actually the cultivation bases of the Golden Fairyland, and they can be regarded as the mainstay of the existence in the Heavenly Court!”

“If you continue to improve your cultivation base, your strength will be further improved, reaching the stage of Taiyi Realm. At this stage, you can actually stand out among the immortal Buddhas!”

“For example, the gods of Erlang and his ilk have actually reached the stage of Taiyi realm.

“If you want to reach the Taiyi realm, teaching, talent, follow-up, diligence, chance, etc. are indispensable!”

“As for the last one? That is Da Luo Jing, which is the so-called Da Luo Jinxian.”

This “realm, it can be said that you have reached the ultimate of the immortal, each of which is a famous existence in the heavens and the earth!”

“In addition, on top of the Golden Immortal Daluo, there are legendary saints, whose primordial spirit is entrusted in the path of heaven, immortal and immortal!”

“In addition, between the Daluo Jinxian and the saints, there is a group that has crossed the boundaries of the Daluo realm, but has no sanctified existence. This existence is called quasi saints!

Lou Hang spoke, and carefully counted Son Goku’s state of affairs about the fairy.

With these counts, Son Goku’s eyes widened when he heard it, and his eyes were full of incredible expressions!

“Brother Xian, as you said, the so-called Golden Wonderland cultivation base is really nothing!”

Lou Hang’s words, let Son Goku understand that there are so many realms above the Golden Wonderland!?

Looking at it this way, Golden Wonderland is really nothing!

“But, but, since Golden Wonderland is nothing, why, I have met so many people, they are not my grandson’s opponents!?”

So, after a moment of silence, Son Goku followed up and asked Lou Hang!

“It can only be said that the level of cultivation is in the shape of a pyramid structure!” Lou Hang said!

Immediately, he gestured casually, and the mana condensed into the appearance of a pyramid!

The top is the saint, there are only six!

Then, there are probably more than a dozen quasi-sages!

Then, there are more than a hundred people in the existence of Da Luo Jinxian!

There are hundreds of people in Taiyi Realm..

“Six Paths of the Three Realms, all beings, the lower you go, the more the number of people, so you can meet more, are lower than your cultivation base!” Lou Hang replied!

Looking at the pyramid structure drawn by Lou Hang, Son Goku nodded, indicating that he understands!

It seems that there are still many cultivation realms above the Golden Fairyland, but there are not many people, right!?

“By the way, what about Guanyin Bodhisattva? What kind of show should she be!?”

In this way, after having a clearer concept of the power division of the Three Realms Six Paths, Son Goku asked Lou Hang again!

“Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva? Her show should have reached the level of Da Luo Jinxian!” Lou Hang replied after thinking a little bit!

“Big, Da Luo Jinxian!?”

Hearing that, Son Goku took a closer look at the pyramid, the existence of the Golden Immortal level of the Great Luo, and the total of the Six Paths of the Three Realms, there are only more than a hundred people, right?

Did the cultivation base of Guanyin Bodhisattva actually reach the level of Da Luo Jinxian?

“Then, then my grandson, how, how can…

Before Lou Hang simply told him that he could defeat Guanyin Bodhisattva that was very wrong, but Son Goku didn’t care about it.

I think there is nothing, and even think that Lou Hang is to grow the ambition of others and destroy his own prestige!

But now, from Lou Hang’s mouth, after understanding the division of the entire immortal realm, Son Goku understands what Da Luo Jinxian means.

I also understand how ridiculous it is that I can beat the Guanyin Bodhisattva at the level of Da Luo Jinxian!

Looking at Son Goku, he finally realized this, and Lou Hang didn’t speak any more!

Okay, now that Son Goku has successfully experienced it himself, it couldn’t be better!

“It turns out that the division of fairy gods is like this? Above the heavenly fairyland, there are also the golden fairyland, Taiyi true fairy, Daluo Jinxian, quasi-sage, and saints who are immortal!?”

“From this point of view, Son Goku’s Golden Wonderland cultivation base really doesn’t seem to be a big deal!

“Damn, it’s a bit scary, that Guanyin Bodhisattva is the cultivation base of Da Luojing!?”

“Then, why can Son Goku (李钱赵) beat Guanyin away!?”

“Yes, this situation is really wrong!”

“When Brother Hang said something was wrong before, he still didn’t feel anything. Now, I really understand it!”

After Lou Hang’s inventory and popular science in the Long Country Live Room, I completely understood the division of the immortal realm!

However, it is precisely because they understand that the hearts of these audiences are even more shocked!

Can Son Goku of Golden Wonderland defeat the Guanyin Bodhisattva of Daluojing?

No matter how you look at it, it feels impossible!

Since it’s impossible, why did this scene still happen!?

“Brother Xian, what do you mean, the lady of Guanyin, she deliberately showed that she is not my grandson’s opponent?”

So, after thinking for a while, Son Goku stared at Lou Hang seriously and asked!

“Well, you think so, then, why did Guanyin do this?” After hearing Son Goku had guessed that Guanyin did this on purpose, Lou Hang asked Son Goku again!

“This, it’s not so clear!” Son Goku shook his head after hearing this!

There are little cleverness, but, with great wisdom and overall situation, Son Goku is really hungry.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a while, he still shook his head!

“Hyun brother, what do you think?” Just ask if you don’t understand, Son Goku followed up and asked Lou Hang! K,

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