Chapter 496: The Devil’s Secret

Son Goku looked at East Blue Dragon King in amazement, and then looked at Lou Hang next to him dumbfounded, with a dazed expression!

I’ve been here for so long, what the East Blue Dragon King brought out for himself are all broken copper and broken iron?

However, when Lou Hang came, he said a few words, this East Blue Dragon King will take himself to see very awesome things!?

Although what the so-called Dinghai Shenzhen is, Son Goku doesn’t know.

However, through the dialogue between Lou Hang and East Blue Dragon King, Son Goku can also hear that this thing called Dinghai Shenzhen must be a good treasure!

So, I’m going to worship brothers, but, as the eldest brother, is the card face not as big as that of the virtuous brother?

For some reason, although I am going to take myself to meet a very powerful baby now, Son Goku does not have much joy in his heart.

I just looked at Lou Hang next to him, and felt a little embarrassed in his heart!

This is not a shame on strength, but on all aspects of insight.

It seems that my own knowledge, etc., is a lot worse than that of Lou Hang, a virtuous brother!?

Not to mention what kind of cautious thinking in Son Goku’s heart now.

Led by the East Blue Dragon King, Lou Hang and Son Goku quickly came to a platform behind the Crystal Palace.

A huge pillar can be seen here.

At this time, a bright light is blooming, and it seems to be welcoming the arrival of Son Goku!

Sure enough, Son Goku’s eyes saw the first glance of the Dinghai Shenzhen, and he liked it very much, and liked it for no reason!

Excitedly rushed forward, and circled the pillar of Dinghai Shenzhen a few times!

The look in his eyes is like a person who has been hungry for many days, and finally sees a table full of people!

The eyes were obsessed with Dinghai Shenzhen, and at the same time, he stretched out his hand to stroke it slowly!

The East Blue Dragon King next to him looked at Son Goku’s appearance and was almost certain in his heart that this Dinghaishenzhen really had a relationship with Son Goku of Huaguoshan.

Seeing how Son Goku likes it so much, Dinghai Shenzhen seems to be very happy too!

If he really tried to stop him, would he have a cause and effect with the two saints, right?

Just thinking about it makes people restless!

“Hahaha, it seems that Son Goku was defeated by Brother Hang’s Xuanyuanjian. Realizing the importance of weapons, he went to the Dragon Palace alone to hunt for treasure!”

“Is there any way? When you play the game, although your level is high, but you are not equipped, and you are left by someone with a low level, don’t you want to get equipment?”

“The words upstairs are brilliant, it is indeed the truth!”

“By the way, what did you just ran over to join in the fun? He opened the portal and passed!?”

“Damn, it turns out that he has been foreshadowing a long time ago, where is it?

Before, “When Brother Hang came, he did ask about Dinghai Shenzhen, and also about Huaguoshan!”

“It turns out that this is the situation? I’m numb. It turns out that Brother Hang has long known that Dinghai Shenzhen is related to Son Goku?”

“It’s still a familiar feeling, and a familiar taste. Brother Hang got the script again in advance!”

“Damn, this Son Goku, is it made from a stone left by Nuwa’s refining stone to fill the sky? This looks extraordinary!

“This Son Goku’s master is a clone of a saint? Son Goku is actually a disciple of a saint?”

“Horrible, is the origin of Son Goku so scary?”

“My Brother Hang and him have bowed? This, this is nothing short of a cow! What is a network? This is a network!”

“Poor East Blue Dragon King, look, this East Blue Dragon King was so scared that he almost cried!”

“Squirting, East Blue Dragon King is still very good, you see, this will lead Brother Hang and the others to see the legendary Dinghai Shenzhen!”

“Look, the look of Son Goku has a happy face. This Dinghai Shenzhen also welcomes Son Goku very much. Does this Dinghai Shenzhen still have its own spiritual sense? I can feel its joy across the screen. !”

“Damn, isn’t this name wrong? For such a sturdy giant pillar, it is said that it is a needle? Isn’t it more appropriate to call it Dinghai Shenzhu?

In the Long Country live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, these Dragon Country viewers, of course, also know the heels of Son Goku.

One by one was shocked, unbelievable, Son Goku’s heels and feet are so extraordinary!

Of course, I also saw that Dinghai Shenzhen!

It’s just that this huge pillar is actually called a needle, which makes many viewers complain!

Not to mention how the audience in the Longguo live studio was talking, and how they were amazed by Lou Hang’s foresight ability.

In the Dragon Palace, Son Goku, introduced by the East Blue Dragon King, also knew that the pillar in front of him was the Dinghai Shenzhen.

This makes Son Goku’s eyes shine!

Although I am short and thin, I like something so thick, hard, and long. Is this wrong?

Isn’t that wrong?

“Shang Xian, this Dinghai Shen Needle weighs 13,500 jin. As long as you can hold it, I will give it to you as a weapon!”

At this time, the East Blue Dragon King had already figured it out and said to Son Goku!

“Hey hey, is that right? Then I’m not welcome!” Son Goku said with a smile from the East Blue Dragon King!

Immediately, both hands vigorously hugged Dinghai Shenzhen!

Well, with his body shape, perhaps showing the form of the law of heaven and earth, this Dinghai Shenzhen needle is still very smooth.

But in this form, it’s completely the case of ants hugging the tree!

Therefore, Son Goku just tried to hug it.

Immediately, he shook his head and said, “It’s a pity, it’s too thick and too long!”

As Son Goku’s words fell, the Dinghai Shen Zhen slowly shortened, and at the same time, its thickness gradually became thinner!


Seeing the change of the Dinghaishenzhen, Son Goku widened his eyes, with a look of surprise on his face, and continued: “It’s longer and thicker. It would be nice if it could be thinner and shorter!”

As Son Goku’s words fell, the Dinghai Shenzhen needle was shortened again, and in terms of thickness, it also became a little thinner!

The East Blue Dragon King next to him was completely dumbfounded!

So, does Dinghaishenzhen really have a great fate with Son Goku?

I just saw this, but he obeyed Son Goku so cleverly?

“Good baby, hahaha, really good baby!

After confirming that this pin can change with his own mind, Son Goku happily turned several somersaults.

After touching the Dinghaishen needle, he continued: “It’s shorter, thinner, and shorter.”

As Son Goku’s words continued, this Dinghai Shenzhen also shrank rapidly!

Finally, this Dinghai Shenzhu, which originally looked like a Tianzhu, became a short stick measuring only one meter.

The slender stick, held in Son Goku’s monkey paw, seems very suitable!

Son Goku grabbed the Dinghai God Needle in his hand, held it in his hand, and weighed it. This weight also feels very handy!

However, as the Dinghai Shenzhen needle reached Son Goku’s hand, and was even pointed at by him, the entire Dragon Palace seemed to tremble a few times!

“Heavenly immortal, be careful, be careful, this sea god needle has the power to suppress the world, don’t move it, otherwise, my East Blue Dragon Palace will collapse!”

East Blue Dragon King hurriedly spoke and said to Son Goku!

“Good, good, my grandson is rude!”

Holding the Dinghai Shenzhen in his hand, Son Goku nodded and said with an overjoyed look!

After the voice fell, Son Goku took a deep breath, suppressed his urgency, and immediately looked at Lou Hang!

Brother”, let’s go back!

Being stared at by Son Goku’s eyes, Lou Hang nodded slightly, and probably understood Son Goku’s thoughts.

He immediately raised his hand and opened the magic portal directly!

The magic portal just opened in front of Lou Hang and others. Lou Hang didn’t talk nonsense, and walked over in the first place!

And Son Goku? Naturally, he also followed Lou Hang!

“Old Dragon King, goodbye goodbye!” Standing on the other side of the magic portal, Lou Hang turned his head and waved his thanks to the East Blue Dragon King!

“Old Dragon King, we are really good neighbors!” Son Goku opened his mouth, and said happily at East Blue Dragon King!

“Respectfully send the two immortals!”

The East Blue Dragon King didn’t say so much, but bowed down to salute Lou Hang and Son Goku, with a very respectful appearance.

Soon, Lou Hang waved away the magic portal!

Naturally, after Lou Hang and Son Goku walked over, many of the monkey grandchildren who had been waiting early (Li De’s) were surrounded by the three inner and outer layers at this moment!

Looking curiously at Son Goku and Lou Hang!

“Great King, Second Great King, I heard that you went to the Dragon Kingdom to hunt for treasures, did you find any treasures?”

A lively and clever little monkey stared at a pair of Shui Lingling’s big eyes, and asked curiously!

“Okay, my grandson will show you!”

On the one hand, I really want to satisfy the curiosity of these monkeys and grandchildren.

On the other hand, Son Goku actually wants to show off his own Dinghai Shenzhen.

Therefore, with a hand in his ear, he took out the little Dinghai God Pearl!

“What is this? So small!” Looking at the Dinghai God Pearl in Son Goku’s hand, these monkeys craned their necks!

Yes, this Dinghai Shen Needle looks a little too small!

“Small? Hehehe, I’ll show you the big ones right away!” Son Goku said with a grin, seeing the reaction of his monkey grandchildren!

When the voice fell, Son Goku inserted the Dinghai Shenzhen into the ground.

Then, he signaled the surrounding monkeys and grandchildren to retreat, retreating far away.

Then, his mind turned, causing the Dinghai Shenzhen needle to grow and thicken quickly!

It can be seen to the naked eye that this Dinghai Shenzhen needle quickly became thicker, and also quickly became longer, and stretched straight up into the sky.

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