Chapter 497: You can choose to do it badly

“Your Majesty, something has happened!”

In the heavenly court, the Jade Emperor was resting in his palace. Next to him, Xian’e put the peeled grapes into the Jade Emperor’s mouth.

At this time, a heavenly soldier came over!

“Oh? What’s the matter?” The Jade Emperor didn’t even lift his eyelids, he just quietly looked at the heavenly soldier in front of him and asked!

“Your Majesty, there is an iron rod in the mortal world, stretched out so long, it has already reached the sky!” The heavenly soldier said!

“Really? Let’s find out what’s going on!”

The Jade Emperor’s eyes moved slightly, but his face was still calm and said!

After giving such a sentence, the Jade Emperor continued to eat grapes.

It seems to him, this is just an episode that is not worthy of attention!

However, on the surface it was calm, but in fact, the Jade Emperor thought secretly in his heart!

Now, Son Goku has gone to East Blue Dragon Palace to obtain the Dinghai Shenzhen needle?

Sure enough, this iron rod is related to him!

However, with Son Goku’s heart, this iron rod should have been forcibly taken from East Blue Dragon Palace, right?

So, according to the plan, the East Blue Dragon King may have to come to the heaven to sue the imperial court in the near future!

My own old god is waiting for the East Blue Dragon King to file a complaint!

Clairvoyant went to investigate it, and naturally understood the origin of this iron rod.

Then, when he came to the Jade Emperor’s side, the news that the iron rod was stretched out of the mortal world was reported to the Jade Emperor.

At the same time, he also told the Jade Emperor that the one who stretched out the iron rod was the stone monkey back then.

“Alright, there is a monkey demon in the lower realm. It is not surprising that he learned some magical powers and took a treasure to show off!”

Sure enough, the development of the matter had already been expected, and the Jade Emperor nodded slightly, as if he didn’t need to make a fuss!

Okay, even the Jade Emperor said so, other immortal officials and generals naturally dare not say anything!

However, the Jade Emperor stayed quietly in his palace, 510 waiting for the East Blue Dragon King to come and file a complaint.

But waiting left and right, no East Blue Dragon King came to the sky, this made the Jade Emperor say something different!

“What’s the situation!?” The Jade Emperor muttered secretly in his heart.

After the East Blue Dragon King’s Dinghai Shenzhen was stolen, wouldn’t he come to himself to sue?

Or is the East Blue Dragon King swelling up? Do you think they can defeat Son Goku with the power of their East Blue Dragon Palace?

Not to mention how in the Jade Emperor’s heart, he muttered to himself.

At this time, all the monkey grandchildren in Huaguo Mountain, looking at the golden cudgel that became thick and long, and directly hurt to the sky, they all exclaimed!

When I was young, I could put it in my ear like an embroidery needle.

When he was old, he could actually plug directly into the sky.

Such a treasure is of extraordinary quality at first sight!

“Hey hey, King, this is really a wishful baby, how did you get it? It must have been a lot of effort!?

A little monkey next to him jumped forward and asked Son Goku!

Son Goku, who was still smiling, showed an awkward look on his face when he heard this!

It took a lot of effort? Nothing at all!

At that time, I was just watching from the side, and then I took the Dinghai Shen Needle!

As for the people who are struggling, they all seem to be Lou Hang!

Boys, “People, to celebrate the king, I got a handy weapon, today, let’s have a good celebration!”

With an awkward look, Son Goku yelled at all the monkeys in Huaguoshan as if he changed the subject!

Hearing that Son Goku wants to celebrate, this is going to be a banquet, right? Many monkeys in Huaguoshan felt very agree, and they all cheered!

After that, all kinds of mountain fruits were collected and transported to the Shuilian Cave!

Many monkeys, jumping up and down in this water curtain cave, look so lively!

Lou Hang also took a few fruits and whistle, meanwhile, silently thinking in his heart.

Judging from the original work, immediately after Son Goku obtained the Dinghai Shenzhen, the next thing seems to be the black and white impermanence coming to the soul!?

It’s just that they actually shot at themselves last time, and then they were frightened by themselves, this time?

Will black and white impermanence come to hook Son Goku’s soul this time?

In addition, I remember that in the original work, it seems that the East Blue Dragon King and Qin Guang King went to the Heavenly Court to file a lawsuit.

Therefore, the difference between before and after should be short!

Sure enough, Lou Hang’s guess is not wrong!

When the banquet ended and all the monkeys were almost unconsciously drunk, black and white impermanence appeared.

This ecstatic chain has bound Son Goku’s dead soul, and he is about to go to the underworld!

King Qin Guang received a secret order from the Jade Emperor, so he knew exactly what his mission was!

However, when the black and white impermanence filmed the soul of Son Goku and was about to leave, Lou Hang raised his hand and directly cut the chain of the ecstasy!

“Lou Hang go to the fairy!

Seeing that the chains of his brothers were actually cut off, the faces of black and white impermanence showed an angry look!

However, when they saw Lou Hang, their expressions changed, and they hurriedly salute!

This is a big man who was able to drink Qiongye Yuye at will before, even King Qin Guang had to nod and bow when he saw it.

Two of them, naturally I dare not make a second!

“You two, so courageous, you dare to hook the soul of Son Goku!?” Lou Hang said, speaking to the black and white impermanence before him!

“Lou Hang goes to the immortal, this, our brothers are also ordered to act!” Hearing this, the black and white impermanence hurriedly saluted, and said with a respectful look!

“Order!? I was ordered to hook my soul last time. What is the ending, now, you actually hook his soul? Do you know what the consequences are!?”

Lou Hang spoke, and said to the impermanence of black and white!

If you say Lou Hang, there are some people!

The black and white impermanence looked at each other and exchanged glances.

Immediately, he looked at Lou Hang seriously and said: “Please give me some advice!?”

“This Son Goku’s cultivation base is the Golden Fairyland! You said, if you hook the ghost of the Golden Immortal and go to the underworld, what is the result of the (bddc)?” Lou Hang said!


Hearing this, both black and white impermanence looked at Son Goku who was drunk in shock.

Did you actually hook the soul of the golden fairy?

If this is recovered in the underground mansion, what the consequences will be, it is really shocking!

“It looks like this news, even King Qin Guang doesn’t know it!” Lou Hang said, seeing the changes in black and white impermanence!

“Indeed, His Majesty King Qin Guang shouldn’t know, otherwise, he won’t explain to us that we two are here!” Hearing the words of Black and White Impermanence, he nodded and said!

Lou Hang also nodded, believing the impermanence of black and white!

King Qin Guang does not know the cultivation base of Son Goku Golden Wonderland, otherwise, he really dare not send black and white impermanence to seduce him!

The cultivation base of the Golden Fairyland, which is placed in the heavenly court, can be regarded as an official at the core center level!

At least the twenty-eight stars, the level of the Nine Lights Star Monarchs!

However, Lou Hang can also know the difficulties of King Qin Guang.

After all, how can King Qin Guang refuse the order given by the Jade Emperor himself?

“Jinxian, he is Jinxian…Looking at Son Goku, the black and white impermanence only felt that the chain in his hand seemed to be extremely hot for a while!

Big boss of Golden Fairyland, if this is really causing trouble in the underground mansion, who can stop him?

“I advise you, go back now, and then tell the truth about the matter to King Qin Guang!” Lou Hang pointed to the black and white impermanence!

“But, God, if His Majesty King Qin Guang blames it.”

Although I can’t wait to hurry up with my hands, but thinking that this is after all the ecstasy task of King Qin Guang, the black and white impermanence feels very tricky!

“Sometimes, the situation is like this, you know you can’t do it, but you can’t refuse it.”

“Actually, in such a situation, you can choose, you can’t do it well!” Lou Hang said to the black and white impermanence!

“Can’t do it!?” Lou Hang’s words made the expression of black and white impermanence move slightly.

Soon, I understood what Lou Hang meant, and then nodded, saying: Thank you “Mr. Lou Hang for your guidance!

“Hey, you go, in fact, your current embarrassment is also the embarrassment of King Qin Guang!” Lou Hang nodded and said to the black and white impermanence!

“Our brothers understand!”

The black and white impermanence nodded again, and immediately, the two loosened the chains of ecstasy and turned back to the Nether Netherworld!

At this time, King Qin Guang in the Netherworld Mansion was also waiting for them to arrive!

Since Lou Hang came last time, he learned more about the secrets of Huaguoshan from his mouth, this time, King Qin Guang always felt that his eyelids were jumping!

A feeling of anxiety, spontaneously!

So, after waiting for a long time, finally, the black and white impermanence returned.

After that, King Qin Guang found that there were two impermanences, black and white, coming back empty-handed, and Son Goku’s soul did not come back!

“What’s the matter? What’s the matter with you two!?” Seeing the black and white impermanence came back empty-handed, King Qin Guang trembled in his heart, could it really be an accident?

“Your Majesty, we have failed. Then, Son Goku is the cultivation base of the Golden Immortal. We, the two of us, don’t have the ability to hook his soul over!”

When they arrived in front of King Qin Guang, the black and white impermanence hurriedly spoke, explaining!

The words they were saying made King Qin Guang feel dizzy.

The figure was swaying, and he almost fell to the ground because he couldn’t stand it!

“Your Majesty King Qin Guang!” The judge next to him was sharp-eyed, and immediately reached out to support him!

“Jin, Jin Xian!?” After all, King Qin Guang reluctantly suppressed his emotions, and at the same time, he muttered secretly in his heart!

If Son Goku is really a golden fairy, then the situation is very bad!

On the one hand, the underworld really doesn’t have the ability to hook a golden fairy’s soul!

On the other hand, this is another secret task given to him by the Jade Emperor, can he refuse it?

“By the way, Your Majesty, this time, we met Lou Hang Shangxian, and he gave us some pointers.”

You can also see the look of King Qin Guang, who seems to be as embarrassed as himself, black and white impermanence followed.

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