Chapter 495: The East Blue Dragon King Who Was Frightened Silly

“Huh? You recognize me to worship the virtuous brother Lou Hang!?

Listening to East Blue Dragon King’s words, Son Goku was slightly startled, and asked strangely!

“Worship brother? You and Lou Hang go to the immortal, you are worship brother!

The words of Son Goku shocked the East Blue Dragon King!

“Yes, it is true, are you familiar with my brother!?” Nodded, and immediately, Son Goku asked East Blue Dragon King differently!

“This, it can be regarded as a fate!” Hearing this, East Blue Dragon King replied.

At the same time, I also value Son Goku a bit in my heart!

Who is Lou Hang? That is the fairy official of the heaven.

He and Son Goku in front of him have become worshipped, and he is only a virtuous brother!?

To be Lou Hang’s eldest brother, this Son Goku is definitely not to be underestimated!?

It turns out that “so, it’s even less polite to talk to my family!”

Listening to what the East Blue Dragon King said, Son Goku continued to follow the East Blue Dragon King’s words.

“I don’t know what is going on here?” East Blue Dragon King asked Son Goku cautiously!

“It’s like this, my grandson, although I have achieved success in cultivation, but there is no weapon to take advantage of it. I heard that you have a lot of treasures here, the old dragon king, so I am here to borrow an envoy!”

Son Goku simply stated the purpose of his trip!

“It turned out to be here to borrow weapons!” Upon hearing this, the East Blue Dragon King suddenly said.

Immediately, I greeted my shrimp soldiers and crabs, took out a few weapons from my treasure house, and sent them to Son Goku!

Looking at the weapons that Dragon Palace had thrown to him, Son Goku’s eyes lit up slightly.

Go forward and try one by one.

It’s just that when these weapons arrived in Son Goku’s hands, they all felt unsatisfied.

After all, with Lou Hang’s Jade 13 in front, Son Goku naturally looks down on these ordinary weapons!

Especially Son Goku took a knife and cut several times on himself.

The knives were cut so that they were sharp, but Son Goku was still intact.

This makes East Blue Dragon King’s eyes jump wildly!

So what? The monkey in front of me is really supernatural, does he have such an incorruptible body of King Kong?

“It’s not useful, it’s not useful, Old Dragon King. Others say that you have a lot of treasures in the Dragon Palace. You didn’t take some broken copper and iron to send my grandson!?”

After trying a few times, Son Goku couldn’t take a look at these weapon blades, and said to the East Blue Dragon King!?

“Shangxian is really a good skill!” Seeing the means shown by Son Goku with his own eyes, the East Blue Dragon King muttered secretly in his heart.

No wonder this monkey can be the eldest brother when he bows.

Is it really amazing?

It seems that it won’t work if you don’t bleed heavily today!

After that, the East Blue Dragon King spoke, and asked him to take out the thousands of kilograms of Fangtian painted halberd in his treasure house, and let Son Goku try it!

On the other side, Lou Hang ended his day of practice, only feeling relaxed and happy.

This Huaguo Mountain is indeed a treasure, and the cultivation here is very enjoyable!

“Huh? Where’s your king!?”

After walking out and strolling around, but didn’t see Son Goku, Lou Hang was startled, and asked the old white ape next to him strangely!

As the oldest monkey in Huaguo Mountain, the old white ape in Huaguo Yamanaka can also be regarded as a housekeeper type role!

“Second King, Great King, he said he didn’t have any weapons to take advantage of, so he went to East Blue Dragon Palace to borrow weapons!”

Naturally, the old white ape would not conceal, and he replied!

“Go to East Blue Dragon Palace!?” Lou Hang’s face changed after hearing this.

He certainly understands that if Son Goku goes to the East Blue Dragon Palace, it will arouse the irritation of the East Blue Dragon King.

Then, a lawsuit went to the Jade Emperor. It can be said that this was the fuse that caused Son Goku to be recruited to the heavens to be the fuse!

Knowing that Son Goku had gone to the East Blue Dragon Palace, Lou Hang’s heart was solemn, and then he raised his hand and drew a few palms in the void.

Soon, the structure of a magic portal was completed.

On the other side of the portal, it is inside the East Blue Dragon Palace!

Although the Dragon Palace is on the bottom of the sea, the Dragon Kingdom is surrounded by an enchantment, and there is no water in it.

Therefore, once this magic portal is opened, there is no need to worry about a large piece of sea water pouring out of the portal!

After the structure of the magic portal was completed, Lou Hang stepped over directly.

At this time, there were still many curious monkeys who jumped into the portal and jumped inside.

Obviously, all these monkeys were very curious about the trick of the magic portal!

At this time, Son Goku and East Blue Dragon King in the Dragon Palace were also attracted by the portal.

After all, the magic portal composed of countless small sparks, this scene looks really cool.

“Is that? Huaguoshan? Lou Hang, you came from Huaguoshan!?”

Looking at the portal, there are several monkeys facing this side. Son Goku understands that Lou Hang came directly from Huaguo Mountain!

Lou Hang waved his hand and disbanded the power of this magic portal directly!

“Lou Hang, the fairy!” The East Blue Dragon King next to him, watching Lou Hang coming directly across the space, was also surprised in his heart, and said hello!

“Old Dragon King, don’t come here unharmed!” Lou Hang said hello!

“Mr. Lou Hang, don’t be unharmed!” East Blue Dragon King also nodded and said!

Lou Hang looked at the situation in the hall now, and looked at the Fang Tian painted halberd that was carried out.

Lou Hang glanced, and the quality of Fang Tian’s halberd was good.

It seems that it is still in the picking stage of Son Goku!

“Old Dragon King, my eldest brother, came to ask for the weapon, it’s actually mine!” Lou Hang winked at Son Goku and said afterwards!

Son Goku looked at Lou Hang’s eyes, and his heart moved slightly!

Son Goku may not have great wisdom, but there are still cleverness.

Now that Lou Hang said so, Son Goku understands that Lou Hang should have an idea.

That being the case, just watch it yourself.

Others may not believe it, but for Lou Hang, Son Goku naturally believes 10,000!

“That’s it, it turned out to be Lou Hang’s guidance!” Hearing this, the East Blue Dragon King said suddenly!

After that, the East Blue Dragon King pointed to Fang Tian’s painted halberd next to him, and said: “Shang Xian, take a look, this Fang Tian painted halberd is not small, it is

However, Lou Hang raised his hand and pressed it, beckoning East Blue not to speak, and also interrupted his words!

“Old Dragon King, in fact, you should know it!” Lou Hang looked at the East Blue Dragon King, and said: “Before, when I came to your East Blue Dragon Palace, in addition to asking about the situation of Huaguo Mountain, I also asked about it. What kind of situation?”

“Dinghai Shenzhen!?” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, the old dragon king thought for a while, and immediately understood, staring at Lou Hang and said!

“Yes, it’s Dinghai Shenzhen!” Lou Hang nodded and said, “Actually, Dinghai Shenzhen and my eldest brother are predestined, presumably, you know the old dragon king yourself too!?”

Lou Hang’s words made East Blue Dragon King’s mind move slightly, and he came back to his senses!

Yes, in the past few days, Dinghai Shenzhen suddenly glowed with glow, and looked so energetic. I didn’t even understand what was going on.

Now, what Lou Hang Shangxian gave such a point is indeed so!

Could it be “? That Dinghai Shenzhen, is it really related to this Son Goku!?”

East Blue Dragon King muttered secretly in his heart, and he also believed in this!

It’s just that, after all, this Dinghai Shenzhen is the treasure of East Blue Dragon Palace. Even if it does not belong to East Blue Dragon Palace, at least it was stored in East Blue by Dayu back then?

Even if you really have a relationship with this monkey, you can’t let him take it away easily, right?

“Old Dragon King, do you know, what is my big brother?”

Lou Hang saw the change in the face of the East Blue Dragon King, and he was probably able to guess his thoughts, and then asked the East Blue Dragon King!

“I don’t know!” With a slight movement in his heart, East Blue Dragon King shook his head and said.

“My eldest brother, named Son Goku, is the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain. Of course, this is just a superficial identity, but in fact, he has other identities that others don’t know!

First of all, “My eldest brother was conceived from a fairy stone, but you know 493 that this fairy stone is actually a fairy stone left by the ancient Nuwa Empress to fill the sky!”

“This, this Son Goku, has such a relationship with the Nuwa Empress!?” Hearing this, the East Blue Dragon King widened his eyes and looked at Lou Hang in disbelief!

Saint, Empress Nuwa is a saint.

This monkey actually has such a relationship with Empress Nuwa!?

“in addition,

As if feeling that the East Blue Dragon King wasn’t scared enough, Lou Hang paused slightly, and then said: “Also, my elder brother is a teacher. In fact, his identity is one of the three corpses of the saint. It can be said that he is the identity of the disciple of the saint! ”

“Hiss.” Hearing this, the East Blue Dragon King took a deep breath.

This demon has such a relationship with the two saints!?

His birth has something to do with the saint Nuwa Empress!

And Master, is another disciple of another saint!?

Then this identity is really scary!

“Old Dragon King!

Looking at the face of the East Blue Dragon King, Lou Hang understood that the Fire Monkey was almost here, and then said: “Today, if the Dinghai Shenzhen is related to my eldest brother, why should you stop it? Right!?”

“Today, the Dinghaishenzhen needle obeyed God’s will and gave it to my elder brother. From now on, my elder brother owes you a favor, Old Dragon King, what do you think?” Lou Hang said to East Blue Dragon King!

These words made East Blue Dragon King think secretly!

A demon monkey does seem to be ugly, but he has a close relationship with the two saints?

Even, he is still a saint disciple!?

This identity is far from being able to climb high!

Today, this Dinghaishen needle was left by Dayu’s control of the water, not from the Dragon Palace.

Use this to have a relationship with the saint disciple, and even make the saint disciple owe himself a favor…

“Sun Shangxian!”

I just thought about it secretly in my heart, and the East Blue Dragon King knew what to do and said: “Please also Sun Shangxian move, I will take you to see Dinghai Shenzhen!”

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