Chapter 491: Son Goku

“Respectfully send the fairy!

Not to mention how solemn Lou Hang’s heart is at this time.

On the side of the underworld, King Qin Guang was indeed frightened by Lou Hang, with a smile in his mouth, he nodded and bowed to Lou Hang, watched Lou Hang turn around and return to the sun!

Seeing Lou Hang completely leave the underworld, King Qin Guang wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and his heart trembled secretly.

Unbelievable, who would have thought that there is such a big man hidden in Huaguo Mountain?

Although the immortal position is not high, but can he be qualified to drink Qiongye Yuye?

This is a bit scary!

The primordial spirit returned to his fairy body, Lou Hang’s expression became a lot more solemn.

Today, I was hooked by the black and white impermanence. This incident is a reminder for Lou Hang!

I am now in the overall situation of Saiyu.

The calculation of the fairy Buddha in the sky, he broke in like this.

Today, it’s just black and white impermanence that hooked one’s own soul. I really don’t know what kind of means will appear in the future.

The cultivation base of the Heavenly Wonderland in my own district is nothing.

Even if it is Son Goku in the original work, the cultivation base of Golden Wonderland is actually not a big deal, right?


Thinking of the fairy Buddha in the sky, it seems that he has the meaning of driving himself out of the game, Lou Hang muttered secretly in his heart, and he wanted to leave!

Now that you have such a mind, let’s leave as soon as possible!

With a slight movement in his mind, Lou Hang got up and walked out of the water curtain hole.

He didn’t even bid farewell to the monkeys of Huaguo Mountain, for fear that he would have disturbed the hidden fairy Buddha in Huaguo Mountain!

He killed the Hunshi Demon King on his front feet, and the Yin God of the underworld came to ecstasy on his back feet.

If it is said that there are no immortal Buddha forces staring at Huaguoshan?

Lou Hang absolutely doesn’t believe it!

With Lou Hang’s current cultivation base in Heavenly Wonderland, he just wants to leave Huaguo Mountain quietly, those monkeys are naturally not aware of it!

So, after walking out of Huaguo Mountain, Lou Hang thought about where he should go!?

If you stay away from the big picture of going west, what else can you plan?


However, when Lou Hang was thinking about what to do next, suddenly, a Buddha horn rang!

Immediately, a figure stood in the way of Lou Hang for unknown time!

Lou Hang looked at this figure, wearing a big red cracked, bald head. The most striking thing is that his two eyebrows are very long, and his body is blooming with magnificent Buddha power!

“Dare to be a master, how do you call it!?

Looking at the monk who blocked his way, Lou Hang asked!

On the surface it is calm, in fact, Lou Hang’s heart is also secretly solemn!

I just came out of Huaguo Yamanaka, but was stopped by someone?

So, the fairy Buddha hidden in the shadow of Huaguo Mountain is waiting for him to come out?

“My long eyebrow Arhat!” the monk said to Lou Hang!

“Long-browed Arhat, one of the eighteen Arhats! Female”? “After hearing this, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and he understood the identity of the other party!

It’s just that, just now, the black and white impermanence was still ecstatic, and it was immediately that the Arhat blocked the way?

What about next time? If I defeated this long-browed Arhat, will the Bodhisattva take the shot next!?

“It turned out to be one of the eighteen arhats of Buddhism. I don’t know if the arhat stopped me, what do you want to do!?”

What is the thinking in Lou Hang’s heart, let alone say it, at least on the surface, it is calm, and he asked the long eyebrow Luohan in front of him!

“I think the donor is related to my Buddhism, so I want to extradite the donor into my Buddhism. Please also ask the donor to go to Da Leiyin Temple with me!?”

The long-browed Lohan looks kind and kind!

Thank you, “Lou Hang is kind, it’s just me, the relationship is still unbroken, and I still want to marry a wife and have children, and continue the incense, so I can only let Luohan down!”

Hearing this, Lou Hang shook his head and declined!

Are you kidding me? Someone who knew your Buddhism wanted to do something against me, so I went to Da Leiyin Temple stupidly?

Isn’t that sending the sheep to the tiger’s mouth?

I’m not as ironic as Son Goku!

Tathagata stretched out his hand to take a gamble? You can’t pick the palm of my hand.

Then, Son Goku jumped in stupidly?

If criminals all over the world are as foolish as Son Goku, how can there be so many hunting situations?

Come, take a gamble, I’m handcuffing you, you must not be able to break free.

Come, take a gamble, I will put you in Heavenly Prison, you must not escape!

Then, let the family be handcuffed stupidly?

Stupidly listening to other people’s words, got into Heavenly Prison?

Well, Son Goku is almost the same reason!

“Amitabha Buddha, some people are destined to have a relationship with my Buddha.

Listening to Lou Hang’s refusal, it is naturally impossible for this long-browed Arhat to give up, shook his head and said!

“Hahaha, like you said, if everyone is going to die, why are they still alive?”

Lou Hang heard the words, as if he heard some funny joke!

“The teeth are sharp and the mouth is sharp. If that’s the case, then this seat can only do something! The brows are slightly frowned, and the long eyebrows are condensed.

While talking, raise your hand to face Lou Hang a little bit!

Following his movements, the two long eyebrows actually moved, turning into two white snakes, and shooting in the direction of Lou Hang!

Seeing that the long eyebrows were about to be used, Lou Hang’s breath shook.

At the same time, Xianfu appeared on his body, holding his Xian Weng in one hand, and raised his eyebrows!

“You, you are…

Looking at the fairy clothes worn by Lou Hang, as well as the fairy medicine in his hand, they are exactly the same as his primordial aura. Obviously, this can’t be faked.

This made the long eyebrows stunned. The two long eyebrows that swept toward Lou Hang also froze in midair and stopped!


Lou Hang looked at the Luohan with long eyebrows, and said: “You said I have a relationship with your Buddhism? Our heavenly officials and generals, shouldn’t they all enter your Buddhism!?”

The two long eyebrows retracted back.

At the same time, the long eyebrow Luohan lowered his head and said, “The donor is serious. I didn’t expect the donor to serve in the Heavenly Court, but I was wrong!”

Lou Hang is actually the fairy palace where the Heavenly Court works!? This was beyond Chang Mei’s expectation.

Since this is the case, of course I can’t make a move.

In addition, as a person of Buddhism, he insisted on pulling the immortal official who served in the heaven to join Buddhism?

If this matter is spread, the consequences will be very bad!

Therefore, the long eyebrow Luohan lowered his head, was not talking, and immediately turned and left!

“Oh…” Seeing Lou Hang with long eyebrows turned and left, Lou Hang sighed silently in his heart.

Although I have temporarily bluffed my long eyebrows, but sooner or later my identity will be revealed!?

And more importantly, at this time, Immortal Buddha is staring at himself, is he ready to make a move?

“It seems that it is dangerous for me to leave Huaguo Mountain at this time!”

So, after thinking about it for a while, Lou Hang shook his head and muttered!

In this place of Huaguo Mountain, the fairy Buddha just stared in secret, and would not do it in front of the monkeys in Huaguo Mountain, let alone in front of Son Goku!

Therefore, if you stay in Huaguo Mountain, it is safer!

Otherwise, if you leave Huaguo Mountain, those fairy Buddhas will have no scruples if they want to deal with them!

Thinking of this, Lou Hang turned around and returned to Huaguo Mountain!

“Hey, what’s the matter with my Hang brother? I don’t sleep most of the night!”

“Is it going to the toilet!?”

“No, my Brother Hang has left Huaguoshan? Is this suddenly leaving without saying goodbye?”

“Why is that? It’s good, don’t tell the monkeys of Huaguoshan, leave without saying goodbye!?”

“Did something happen that we don’t know?

“What happened? What could happen? Could it be that the soul went to the immortal world when Brother Hang broke through?”

“That’s the only way to explain it. After all, only the soul has left, Ou Zhe is Shadow Clone left, etc., the live broadcast of the main god will not be shown, right?”

“Huh? In the middle of the night, what else is there to stop our Hang brother from going? This is not quite right!”

Long eyebrows “Arhat? So, is this also one of the eighteen Arhats?”

“It’s just, isn’t this long eyebrowed Arhat stupid? My Brother Hang is not from this world, and he actually said that Brother Hang and Buddhism are predestined!?”

“Do you still have to do this? It seems that this is not a chance encounter, but a premeditated plan. Is this really what happened?”

“My Hang Ge’s Immortal Clothes and Immortal Weng, I didn’t expect to be able to play a role at this time, but, what happened here!”

The audience in the Longguo live broadcast room, seeing Lou Hang leave without saying goodbye, secretly said different things in their hearts!

Now, watching Lou Hang was actually stopped by Long Mei Luo (Ma Zhao) Han, I realized what had happened.

It’s just that what happened should be at the level of the soul, so people like me are completely unclear!?

For no reason, being blocked by the Buddhist Arhat, this situation really makes people feel dignified!

Without words for a night, Lou Hang was hooked by black and white impermanence.

Then, Lou Hang left without saying goodbye, but was blocked by the long-browed Arhat again. The monkeys in Huaguoshan didn’t know the negative!

The next morning, Lou Hang got up and took out some washing utensils and brushed his teeth.

Suddenly, I felt something, I saw a shadow on the horizon, quickly approaching, and came to Lou Hang in the blink of an eye!

This speed is so fast that even Lou Hang’s Rinnegan can’t really see it!

When the shadow stopped, Lou Hang looked intently, okay, this turned out to be a little monkey!

It seems that this monkey is not tall, it looks like a meter or so, and then turns his legs, it looks even smaller, it is almost like a first grade elementary school, or even a kindergarten child!

The figure is also very thin, with a lonely face.

At this moment, I was staring at Lou Hang with a pair of piercing eyes!

“Hey, who are you? How dare I live in the water curtain cave of my old grandson!?” After looking at Lou Hang, the monkey asked!

“Son Goku!?” Lou Hang said in amazement!,

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