Chapter 492: I’m not a fool

“You know my grandson!” Son Goku said when Lou Hang said his name accurately!

“That’s natural!

Lou Hang nodded, and said at the same time: “You are the Monkey King of Huaguo Mountain. I’m in Huaguo Mountain. How come I haven’t heard of your name?”

“Really? How do you describe my grandson?” Lou Hang called himself the Monkey King, and Son Goku became even more interested, looking forward and happily staring at Lou Hang and asked!

“This Son Goku, I like to listen to it very nicely. Once someone says something unpleasant, such as someone yelling at Ma Wen in the original work, he will immediately be so angry that one Buddha will be born and two Buddhas will ascend to heaven!”

Looking at Son Goku’s eyes, it was exactly like he wanted to say nice things to praise him, Lou Hang smiled secretly in his heart!

This is like carrying a cat, if you carry it along the fur, it will be so comfortable that you can squint and enjoy it!

But if you carry it against you, it will blow your hair!

“It is said that Son Goku is smart, affectionate, handsome, brave, persevering, and talented.”

Lou Hang spoke, and words of praise came out of his mouth like a cannon!

Listening to Lou Hang’s description, Son Goku’s tail flicked behind his ass.

However, on the surface, it looks like a strong self-composition and controlling facial expressions: “Even if you say so many good things to praise my grandson, my grandson will not be stunned by your ecstasy!”

“I can speak from the bottom of my heart!” Lou Hang said with a serious face!

“Really? My old grandson doesn’t believe me. You said that my old grandson is smart, affectionate and righteous, etc. How can you prove these? If you don’t come out, you are lying to me!”

Son Goku stared at 463 Lou Hang seriously and asked!

These words made Lou Hang’s heart smile secretly, then nodded, and said: “Let’s talk about this smart and smart. Some monkeys were old and dead, but only if you think of you to seek the law of longevity, isn’t it? Explain that you are smarter than other monkeys?”

Lou Hang’s proof made Son Goku so happy that his eyes narrowed.

Pure praise, it’s just flattering, nothing.

But when you are complimenting, you can also tell some factual evidence to prove that you are not simply flattering, you are telling the truth, this is different!

With joy in his heart, Son Goku urged, “What else!?”

“Let’s talk about love and righteousness again. As the monkey king, you are not looking for the law of longevity, not just for your pure self. You also want to let the grandchildren of Huaguoshan live forever? So, love. Heavy righteousness!”

“Speaking of being handsome and unrestrained, there is nothing to say. Your title is Monkey King. Isn’t this beautiful word the best proof?”

“Speaking of bravery, at the beginning of the Water Curtain Cave, no other monkeys dared to jump in, but only you dared to jump. Naturally, this courage is needless to say!”

Besides, “You have great perseverance, go out to sea to find immortals, and look for the law of longevity. You don’t know how many years after you go, how can you persevere without great perseverance, even if you go to sea?”

“Not to mention your outstanding talents. You have only cultivated for many years, and now you have the ability to subdue a dragon and a tiger. If you don’t have the talent, how can you do it!?”

Lou Hang spoke, explaining the compliments he had just said to Son Goku one by one.

And every time Lou Hang explained a sentence, Son Goku’s face showed even more (bddcj a somewhat happy look.

I just think what Lou Hang said is really nice!

More importantly, Son Goku thinks what he said makes sense.

Even if you want to refute, you can’t find any words to refute it!

“Not bad, hahaha, what is your name, my grandson really likes you!”

Son Goku finally showed an uncontrollable smile on his face, and then asked Lou Hang!

“My name is Lou Hang. As for why I live in Shuiliandong, it is because I helped the monkey tribe of Huaguoshan defeated the demon king who oppressed them.”

“The monkeys here are afraid that I am not used to living, so let me stay in this Shuilian Cave temporarily, since Son Goku, you are back, naturally, this Shuilian Cave should be returned to its original owner!”

Lou Hang followed and said to Son Goku!

“That’s it, you helped my monkey grandchildren defeat the demons who oppressed them!” Hearing this, Son Goku looked even more pleasing to Lou Hang!

I thought Lou Hang spoke nicely, but it seemed pleasing to his eyes.

Now, Son Goku feels more fond of him!

At the same time, it seemed to be aware of the situation here, and the other monkeys and grandchildren of Huaguoshan also came over here one after another.

“The king is back, great, it’s the king who is back!

Seeing Son Goku and the monkey monkey grandson recognizing him, for a while, they all cheered and shouted!

“Damn, how did this monkey appear just now?”

“I didn’t see it clearly either, as if there was a flower in front of me, he appeared!”

“The Monkey King? Is he the legendary Monkey King who went to find the Law of Longevity in Huaguo Mountain? He is back!?”

“Brother Hang, Brother Hang is really praising others, it’s the first time I saw Brother Hang praise others like this!”

This “Monkey named Son Goku, is it unusual!?

“Awesome, Hang Ge’s shameless praise makes me feel embarrassed across the screen!”

“Is this monkey really such a good one? It looks unremarkable. It is short and thin. It doesn’t look like two or two flesh. It’s so amazing!?”

“This guy named Son Goku, let’s not talk about it for the time being, at least, my Hang brother’s social cow X syndrome is the same as before!”

“Hahaha, yes, it stands to reason that my brother Hang took the magpie’s nest and lived in the water curtain cave of the monkey king? But after a while, this Son Goku couldn’t wait to bow to our brother Hang. This is really true. Social bull X syndrome!”

The audience in the Longguo live broadcast room, watching Lou Hang’s crazy praise of Son Goku, they all felt very surprised.

But I have never seen Lou Hang praise anyone like this!

However, on the other hand, he was amazed at Lou Hang’s social cow X syndrome.

In a few words, Son Goku has a great impression of him, this is not something that anyone can do!

Not to mention what the audience in the live broadcast room are talking about.

At this time, on the Huaguo Mountain side, with Son Goku’s return, the entire Huaguo Mountain became a sensation.

Some monkeys who still remember Son Goku are naturally happy, even crying!

When Son Goku saw these monkey grandchildren, he was very embarrassed.

The sad mood of being driven away by Bodhi Patriarch has faded a lot!

After that, Son Goku talked about Lou Hang again.

Naturally, these monkeys in Huaguoshan are full of praise for Lou Hang!

From the mouths of these monkey grandchildren, Son Goku can be regarded as confirming Lou Hang’s words, which is not a lie.

Therefore, the monkeys representing Huaguoshan, Son Goku also solemnly thanked Lou Hang!

Lou Hang naturally waved his hand, saying that all of this was easy!

“Right, King!

At this moment, the old white ape next to him spoke and asked Son Goku: “You went to sea to find the law of immortality, have you found it!?”

“I found it, my old grandson has found it, and I have learned the law of immortality!” Son Goku nodded and said!

“Hey hey, lord, you can tell me, what skills have you learned!?”

Another monkey leaned forward and curiously asked Son Goku!

“Me? I have learned more skills!” Son Goku said with a grin when his monkey grandson asked about his skills!

Then, I counted them one by one: “My old Sun has learned the magical powers of the sky, the sky, and the earth, and he can be transformed into the form of the sky, the sky, the sky, and the earth, and his power will be multiplied!”

“My old grandson has also learned the seventy-two changes of the evil arts, which can be changed in thousands of ways!!

“Also, my old grandson can go to the heaven to chase the stars and get the moon, and down to enter the Jiuyou Difu, within the Six Paths of the Three Realms, there is no place my grandson can’t go to!”

“There is also that somersault cloud, one somersault is a thousand miles!

Son Goku spoke, and counted his abilities one by one!

And the monkey grandchildren of Huaguo Mountain next to it are all looking forward to it!

It’s unbelievable, did the king actually learn so many great skills?

Just by listening, you know that these abilities are very powerful!

Many viewers in the Longguo live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, of course also heard Son Goku’s inventory of their own abilities.

After hearing the power of Son Goku’s Master, each of these audiences had their mouths widened and they were dumbfounded!

It’s really unbelievable. It turns out that this Monkey King is really so powerful?

Don’t say anything, just to say that this one somersault is one hundred and eight thousand miles away, it is enough to see what Son Goku’s strength has reached!

Originally, watching Lou Hang praise Son Goku so much, these audiences still don’t believe in the power of Son Goku.

But now, these audiences have a clear idea of ​​the strength of Son Goku!

The magical powers of the heavens and the earth? I know that this magical power is indeed very powerful when I hear it!

And that somersault cloud is also very scary! So, this Son Goku is really so powerful?

“Lou Hang!”

After taking a good inventory of his abilities, Son Goku looked at Lou Hang next to him, eager to try, and said: “My children, I don’t have any idea about the strength of my grandson. I need a hands-on practitioner. Show it!”

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Son Goku followed and said: “In addition, you can defeat that demon king, my grandson is also very curious about your strength, how? Let’s learn from each other?”

“This… After listening to Son Goku’s engagement, Lou Hang hesitated for a while.

Still nodded, and said: “If this is the case, then let’s learn from each other!”

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