Chapter 490: The King of Qin Guang was scared to cry

Lou Hang quietly looked at King Qin Guang in front of him, without speaking.

However, the more he didn’t speak like this, the expression in his eyes, on the contrary, brought heavy pressure to King Qin Guang!

Daxian “You, why are you looking at me like this!?”

Being stared at by Lou Hang’s eyes, King Qin Guang was a little uneasy, and at the same time, he asked Lou Hang!

“Yan Jun treats me as a fool!” Lou Hang said to King Qin Guang.

“Daxian, why did you say this?” Shaking his head, King Qin Guang said that he didn’t quite understand what Lou Hang meant!

“Isn’t this obvious? There is no my name in the book of life and death, and I even have a fairy post in my body. of?”

Lou Hang opened his mouth and asked King Qin Guang, as if he wanted to ask questions!

Great Immortal”, this time, King Qin Guang showed hesitation on his face!


Although King Qin Guang hasn’t said anything so far, his hesitant appearance has confirmed Lou Hang’s thoughts!

Sure enough, it was not an accidental accident that I was constrained by black and white impermanence!

“What? Yan Jun, you want me to report to the Jade Emperor, saying you abused your power?”

Seeing King Qin Guang hesitated and didn’t say anything, Lou Hang followed, threateningly said!

“Daxian, wait…”

After listening to Lou Hang, King Qin Guang spoke now and said, “Actually, even if you go to the Jade Emperor to sue me, it is useless. As for the reason, you can understand it yourself!”

Lou Hang frowned slightly.

Qin Guangwang 13 What does this mean? Even if you lose the Jade Emperor and sue him, it will be useless?

In this case, there are only two possibilities, right?

One possibility is that King Qin Guang has a very close relationship with the Jade Emperor, and the Jade Emperor will protect him!

Another possibility is that this matter was instructed by the Jade Emperor?

No, I just crossed into this world, and the Jade Emperor didn’t recognize him.

So, it can only be said that what King Qin Guang did was authorized by the Jade Emperor first?

So, why did the Jade Emperor authorize this?

After thinking about it for a while, a flash of light flashed in Lou Hang’s mind, and he understood it!

“It turns out that everything is because of the stone monkey? All this is the layout of westward travel!”

With a dazed expression on his face, Lou Hang nodded and said!

“The layout of westbound learning?”

King Qin Guang understood the first half sentence, yes, it was indeed because of the stone monkey!

However, in the second half of the sentence, King Qin Guang couldn’t understand the layout of the west journey to learn the scriptures!

Originally, King Qin Guang was still the one who received the secret order, and the posture shown was that I was acting under the secret order of the Jade Emperor. You better leave it alone!

But now, King Qin Guang discovered that what he originally knew was just the tip of the iceberg?

Does others know more?

“You shouldn’t know, don’t ask too much, it’s not good for you!”

Now, it was Lou Hang’s turn to pretend, and he glanced diagonally at King Qin Guang and said!

“Yes, yes, the little god dare not talk too much!” Looking at Lou Hang’s appearance, he really knows more than himself, and King Qin Guang said with a smile on his face!

Regarding the secret mission, King Qin Guang did not dare to ask any more.

However, I am more curious about Lou Hang’s identity!

This “Shang Xian? You seem to have a good face! King Qin Guang asked people to hurriedly fetch tea, and said to Lou Hang enthusiastically!

Yes, but if you have reached the level of Lou Hang, you should have known each other a long time ago.

“What? Do you have any doubts about my identity?”

Lou Hang picked up the tea cup and took a sip, before spitting out the tea in his mouth: “Scare, this tea is still not used to drinking, I am still used to drinking!”

“Wine? Yes, our prefecture has Xuanyin wine that has been treasured for thousands of years. Come here, go…

Hearing Lou Hang wanted to drink, King Qin Guang was also generous, and immediately greeted Niu Tau Ma Mian to fetch the wine!

“Wait, don’t worry about it, I can’t get used to other wines!”

It’s just that, instead of waiting for the bull’s head and horse face to go far, Lou Hang waved his hand and said to them, stopping them from leaving!

Immediately, Lou Hang took out his wine gourd and opened the gourd mouth!

An extremely rich aroma of wine permeated, and smelled it, making people feel that the soul is much easier!

The judge next to him, black and white impermanence, bull head horse noodles, etc., all stared straight at Lou Hang’s wine gourd.

Baby, everyone knows, this is an absolute baby!

“Go, Shangxian, this wine is a bit familiar!”

After taking a few deep noses, King Qin Guang looked at Lou Hang in horror!

“Why? Have you drunk this Qiongye Yuye?” Lou Hang took a sip, and then, after taking a look at King Qin Guang, Lou Hang asked!


Listening to Lou Hang’s mouth uttering the word Qiongyeyuye, King Qin Guang swallowed, his expression even more horrified.

At this moment, the conjecture in my mind was also confirmed.

Immediately, he hurriedly lost his smile, bowed his head and bowed his waist: “Shang Xian, you laughed, the little god was only a hundred years ago, when he met His Majesty the Jade Emperor, it happened that His Majesty was drinking Qiong Jade Jade Liquid. Therefore, I was lucky enough to smell the fragrance of wine!”

“Oh, that’s the case!” Lou Hang nodded after hearing this.

This Qiong Jade Jade Liquid is almost exclusively enjoyed by the Jade Emperor, and occasionally is rewarded to others to enjoy.

With the existence of King Qin Guang’s level, it is indeed not qualified to enjoy it!

“Shang Xian, it’s really a blessing to have such a gourd jelly jade liquid!”

Secretly shocked in his heart, at the same time, King Qin Guang said enviously!

Is it possible to be rewarded by the Jade Emperor with such a gourd Qiongye Jade Liquid, does this show?

This shows that Lou Hang is at least the celebrity in front of the Jade Emperor, right?

“A Calabash? When I was in the Heavenly Court before, I drank a bowl every three days. Now, here, alas…

Lou Hang shook his head, looking terribly surprised!

Yes, such a good thing as Qiongye Yuye, in the previous world, the Jade Emperor let himself drink it for ten years.

However, I only drank it for two months, and it hurts to drip blood when I think about it!


Okay, Lou Hang’s words, and his regretful look, made King Qin Guang take a deep breath, and a look of horror appeared on his face!

At the same time, I almost cried in my heart!

What kind of god-tier did I provoke!?

From the perspective of Xianfu’s system, the rank is not higher than himself.

But, can he know so many secret orders, and Qiongye Yuye?

Even in the heaven, can it be easily drunk?

This, this is what makes King Qin Guang almost silly!

It’s like I’m a fourth-rank official who is released outside, and Lou Hang is a fourth-rank official from the capital!

I gave him enough face!

But, who knows, the fourth grade official from the capital actually took the cakes from the imperial dining room with him?

Are you kidding? The cakes in the Yushan Fang? Are the fourth-level officials qualified to eat it?

I want to do something that won the sacred heart, so the emperor rewarded such a box of pastries, right?

But, listen to what he said, every few times, he can go to the imperial dining room to eat?

This is a bit dumbfounded!

This is a treatment that even a first-grade member does not have, right?

So? This guy who seems to be a fourth-rank official in front of you is so sacred? This is really terrifying if you think carefully!

Seeing King Qin Guang being frightened and stupid, Lou Hang smiled secretly in his heart.

His half-truth and half-false words, coupled with his own fairy clothes, and even Qiongye Yuye as evidence, have completely frightened King Qin Guang!

Then, Lou Hang opened his mouth and said, “I know that this Huaguo Mountain is a very important part. The stone monkey Son Goku has already learned his skills under the hands of the saint, but what is your mission? Why do you want to My soul is here!?

“Shang Xian, speak carefully, please speak carefully!”

King Qin Guang, who was originally scared by Lou Hang’s mysterious identity, listened to Lou Hang’s mouth and casually threw out the identity of a saint, and his face was pale with fright, pointing to his ears and didn’t dare to listen!

What kind of a big secret is this, 430 actually involves the saint?

Is this what I am qualified to listen to?

No wonder, the so-called secret order, I only know the tip of the iceberg!

And where is the sacred person in front of him?

The existence of the so-called saint, how could he speak so calmly?

This, what kind of god-tier is this?

“The order that the little god got is actually very simple. It is to make the monkeys on Huaguoshan not die, but they must suffer some suffering! God, I really don’t know you. If you are offended, you still look at Xianhaihan!”

In the face of Lou Hang, King Qin Guang no longer dared to hide anything, he answered frankly, and at the same time he couldn’t help but ask for mercy!

“Sure enough!” Listening to King Qin Guang’s answer, Lou Hang nodded and suddenly realized!

It’s no wonder that I will be arrested and come to this Yin Cao Netherworld. It turns out that the situation is like this!

In short, everything in Son Goku is actually the calculation of the fairy Buddha, right?

He went to Sanxingdong to practice, in fact, the hardship that Huaguoshan suffered was the same!

To put it simply, even the Hunshi Demon may be the boss of a novice village arranged by Immortal Buddha.

The purpose is to practice Son Goku, right?

After letting him defeat the Hunshi Demon King, he gave birth to an aura that he was originally very bullish, and the newborn bull was not afraid of tigers?

And when he appeared, he was entrenched in Huaguo Mountain, and he even took care of the Hunshi Demon!

So, you can be regarded as disrupting the layout of the fairy Buddha, right?

In this way, I will be hooked by the black and white impermanence, and it is reasonable to come to this Yin Cao Netherworld!

Thinking of this, Lou Hang’s heart became serious!

So, I just came into this Saiyu world, did I jump into this big game of Saiyu?

Today, it’s just black and white impermanence to hook one’s own soul, but what about tomorrow?

Could it be that Da Luo Jinxian appeared and annihilated himself when he raised his hand?

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