Chapter 489: Lou Hang

“Until now, I haven’t seen what is so amazing about Huaguo Mountain!”

“Yes, yeah, could it be Xu Xian’s Oolong coming again?”

“Xu Xian’s Oolong? What do you mean!?”

Before, “Didn’t Brother Hang say that Xu Xian was one of the three people he admired most? At the time everyone thought Xu Xian was a hidden boss. Unexpectedly, he would die so easily, and there was no ability at all!”

“Yes, yes, although everyone thinks that Hang Ge admires Xu Xian, maybe it is because in that troubled world, he was able to read and read the awe-inspiring spirit, or he actually dared to play snakes, but we were misled by Hang Ge. Isn’t this a big oolong?”

“So? Is it possible that the situation in Huaguo Mountain is the same?”

“This possibility is not unavailable. This Huaguo Mountain does not seem to be special, and the strength of these monkey monsters is not very good!”

“Wait, what did this old white ape say? Let us move to Shuiliandong!?”

“I won’t be sleepy now!”

“Zhedi, do the people upstairs know about Shuiliandong?”

“I don’t know, but, when Brother Hang helped them drive away the little demons, he didn’t let Brother Hang move to Shuilian Cave. Now only after killing the Hunshi Demon King, “April One Seven” can get such treatment. The curtain hole must be extraordinary, right?

“Here’s here, has my brother Hang’s plan finally arrived?

“This water curtain hole must be extraordinary, otherwise, I will wash my hair upside down!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, these topics discussing what is unusual about Huaguoshan are still quite enthusiastic.

Now, suddenly listening to what the old white ape said, let Lou Hang move to Shuiliandong, this time, the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room is full of spirits!

At this time, let Lou Hang move to Shuiliandong? Certainly, something unusual!?

Not to mention the thoughts of these audiences!

On the side of Huaguo Mountain, Lou Hang was taken aback when he heard the old white ape let him move to Shuilian Cave, and said, “That Shuilian Cave, isn’t it where your Monkey King lives? It’s not so good if I live there. ?”

“Mr. Lou Hang is polite, you are a human being, and the living habits of our monkeys are different. The water curtain cave is not just a place left behind by the sacred, stone tables and stone beds, everything is available, and it should be able to suit you Life habits!

Old White Ape replied, but simply felt that Lou Hang should be able to live in Shuiliandong!

“Well, if that’s the case, then, let me go and have a look!” Lou Hang nodded in response after hearing this, and fell silent for a while!

Lou Hang is quite curious about the legendary Shuiliandong!

Moreover, it was indeed said in the original work that this Shuilian Cave was accidentally discovered by the monkey tribe of Huaguo Mountain.

This is a fairy cave. As for the original owner, no one knows.

Only after being discovered by the monkeys of Huaguoshan, this Shuiliandong became the home of the monkeys of Huaguoshan!

Under the guidance of the old white ape, Lou Hang came to Shuiliandong!

This is indeed in front of a waterfall in Huaguo Mountain. The waterfall fell down, like a natural curtain of water, blocking the cave behind the waterfall!

After Lou Hang’s thoughts were swept away, he naturally knew the location of Shuiliandong.

After waving his hands with the old white ape, Lou Hang jumped, passed through the water curtain of the waterfall, and entered the water curtain cave!

Sure enough, this is the appearance of Xianjia Cave House.The Shuilian Cave behind the waterfall is obviously man-made, not a naturally formed cave!

At the entrance of this cave, there is a door with the words Shuiliandong written on it!

Even on the left and right sides of the door, there are written couplets of their own.

“Huaguoshan blessed land, Shuiliandong cave sky!”

“In the fairy tale myth, some really good places are called Dongtianfudi, so? Is this place also called Dongtianfudi?”

Looking at the two couplet-like words written at the door of Shuiliandong, Lou Hang muttered secretly in his heart!

Then, Lou Hang walked into this water curtain cave!

If you can walk in, Lou Hang’s heart is secretly different. The vitality of the world in this water curtain cave is very strong.

It gives people a sense of refreshment!

This feels like a person who is accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the city, suddenly came to the deep mountain and old forest, breathing clearly the feeling of negative ion air!

After a closer look, the tables, chairs, benches, etc. in the water curtain hole are all rhythmic, and even the display looks very well-organized!

“Here, it is really a blessed place!” Taking a deep breath, Lou Hang nodded silently, and at the same time, he said in a low voice with emotion!

I can only say that Son Goku deserves to be a guy with the protagonist’s halo?

This water curtain cave was a waste for their group of monkeys to live in! Without saying anything, Lou Hang walked directly to the stone next to him and sat down, practicing quietly!

The aura of the Water Curtain Cave was absorbed by Lou Hang, bit by bit, turned into Lou Hang’s own cultivation, so, this sitting is only a few days!

Following Lou Hang’s perspective, after seeing the situation of the water curtain cave, the originally energetic audience members seemed to be more sure of their guesses!

Sure enough, there is a very unusual place in this Huaguo Mountain. In this inconspicuous-looking Huaguo Yamanaka, there is such a wonderful place to hide!?

This seems to prove from the side that Huaguo Mountain is indeed a somewhat unusual place!

Lou Hang sat cross-legged, the vitality of heaven and earth poured back, and the immortal body became more tenacious.In this way, after entering the concentration, it seems that the consciousness has become blank!

It’s just that, I don’t know how long it has been in the set, the muddy sword, Lou Hang’s primordial spirit is out of the body, bound by two thick chains, directly to the Yin Cao Netherworld!

In this way, as if a drunk person, and as if a person sleeping drowsily, Lou Hang came to the overcast netherworld under the chains of black and white impermanence!

Arriving at the Yin Cao Jifu; Lou Hang felt countless ghosts pounce on his face, which made Lou Hang just feel like a chill is coming on his face.

I couldn’t help but hit the spirit, and when Lou Hang came back to his senses, he realized that he was actually in front of the ghost gate!

“What are you doing!?”

After returning to Lou Hang, he found that his primordial spirit had a chain on it, and immediately, angry at the black and white impermanence that locked him!

“What are you doing? Of course, I followed Yan Jun’s order to bring your dead soul to the underworld!” Hearing this, Black and White grinned with impermanence.

It seems that this scene has long been commonplace!

Sure enough, confirming the meaning of black and white impermanence, Lou Hang’s mind is even more strange!

What the hell? Hook your own soul down?

What do you want to do, do you want to force yourself into reincarnation?

“I think you are making a mistake, right? Not to mention that I am already an immortal body. Even if it is not, it is impossible that my name is on your life and death book!

Realizing the purpose of black and white impermanence, Lou Hang spoke!

“Huh, Hugh is so quibble. In this world, everything is not on the book of life and death. What else is it that you have already appeared?”

Regarding Lou Hang’s words, this black and white impermanence naturally didn’t believe it, pulled the chain on his body, and shouted to Lou Hang…

Immediately, the two of them pulled Lou Hang’s figure and continued to go in the direction of Yan Luo Temple!

Pulled by black and white impermanence, Lou Hang didn’t mean to resist.

That’s fine, since I was going to see Jun Yan by pulling myself, it just so happened that I also asked in person what was going on, how could my soul be enough for no reason?

In the black and white impermanent cart, Lou Hang’s figure quickly came to the front of Yan Jun of the underworld, and King Qin Guang looked upright.

Just looking at Lou Hang’s situation, he waved his hand and let the black and white impermanence pull Lou Hang into the reincarnation!


However, as King Qin Guang spoke, Lou Hang spoke when he was dragged to reincarnation.

At the same time, his eyes stared at King Qin Guang earnestly, and said: “King Qin Guang, you are such a big list, how dare you openly violate the rules of heaven!?”

“Huh, how can you let your beak in the matter of Honma-kun!?”

After listening to Lou Hang, King Qin Guang snorted coldly, and then said, “Shoot him into the animal realm!”

This last sentence is obviously addressed to the black and white impermanence that is pressing Lou Hang!

“Yes!” Hearing this, black and white impermanence all responded!

“Hahaha, in your book of life and death, there is no my name at all. What qualifications do you have to shoot my soul? Throw me into reincarnation!?”

Lou Hang is not afraid, hearing the words, shouted with a big smile in his mouth!

“Nonsense, heaven and earth, creatures, who can not be recorded in the book of life and death? Do you regard yourself as a sacred person?” King Qin 3.2 Guang’s eyes widened, and he shouted to Lou Hang without anger and prestige!

“Well, let me let you see if I am a mortal body!” Lou Hang nodded and said after hearing what King Qin Guang said!

When the voice fell, Lou Hang’s figure was shocked, and the official uniform of the Xian’s family suddenly appeared, covering Lou Hang’s body, looking very luxurious!

Then, Lou Hang pointed his hand, and his fairy appeared in his hand!

“How? King Qin Guang? Is there any proof for this?

Showing his fairy clothes and fairy spinning, Lou Hang was like a commoner suddenly showing his official clothes, and immediately asked King Qin Guang!

“This this…

Look at the fairy clothes on Lou Hang, as well as that fairy, this all proves that Lou Hang is a real fairy.

Moreover, there are still immortals with immortal positions, and their status and status are not inferior to that of Yan Jun of the underworld!

“Unexpectedly, the arrival of the great immortal really made my netherworld flourish, Daxian, you are right, it must be my underground house that made a mistake, how can the immortal position of becoming an immortal be in the book of life and death!

Realizing that Lou Hang’s true identity is not weaker than himself, King Qin Guang hurriedly spoke.

A kind smile appeared on his face, and he immediately admitted his mistake!

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