Chapter 323: You Don’t Need Any Help

Okay, Lou Hang can also understand that the reason Baguio said he had heard of the Soul Gem is just to change the subject and ease the atmosphere of heshi just now.

Therefore, Lou Hang did not continue to pierce her mind!

After passing through this necromancer, Lou Hang and Baguio continue to move forward!

In other words, relying on the gems of the soul, it was easy to get through the Necropolis.

Where is Zhang Xiaofan?

I haven’t met him yet, so it seems that he has passed through successfully, right?

It’s just that, in the original book, how did he save the past?

I don’t remember this kind of detailed problem very clearly!

“It seems that the blood-devouring orb itself also has the effect of restraining the dead? Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan may have relied on the effect of the blood-devouring orb on the Xuanyuan sword to successfully survive the dead soul!?”

Lou Hang muttered secretly in his heart.

“Master Luo, we have already passed the Necropolis. Be careful. Under this, there are other difficulties-waiting for us!”

Baguio reached out and wiped the hair on his forehead, and said!

“Girl Baguio, do you have a good understanding of the situation in this eternal meaning?”

“I don’t know much, but I still have some research. After all, since I am here to hunt for treasures, I can’t do nothing without preparation, right?”

Baguio replied!

With this, Lou Hang nodded, but he also agreed.

Talking and chatting, the awkward atmosphere just now under the siege of countless souls in Necropolis has eased a lot!


So, I don’t know how long I have been walking, and suddenly, a violent vibration rang in the distance.

At the same time, it was accompanied by the roar of a strange beast!

“Go, go and see!”

After Lou Hang and Baguio exchanged glances, both of them speeded up a lot.

Soon, I came to the place where the movement broke out!

In this underground world, a terrible sea.

Here, a huge Kurohebi is making waves.

The figure of hundreds of meters long can stir the waves!

Zhang Xiaofan is holding the Xuanyuan sword and is fighting Kurohebi.

A sword was swung, and the white light covered it. This is the activation of Shock Fruit’s ability!

The cultivation base on the first floor of the upper Qingjing is matched by the power of Shock Fruit.

This sword fell, leaving a sword mark on the black water mysterious snake, and the snake blood spurted out!

However, it seems that this sword has caused damage.

But what about it? The huge size gap between one person and one snake, even if it is a wound, seems to be accidentally scratched by embroidery needles.

This injury is nothing more than a little skin trauma!

Under the pain, this actually aroused the greater ferocity of the Black Water Black Snake.

Amid the roar, a large wave of waves slapped in Zhang Xiaofan’s direction!

Raising the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, pointed at the waves!

Endless cold air gushes out, and the waves that are pressing down towards Zhang Xiaofan are frozen in mid-air, turning into huge ice sculptures, which look very magnificent!

To deal with the black water mysterious snake with cold air, Zhang Xiaofan keenly felt that this was very suitable, and even possessed the effect of restraint!

No matter how powerful, Heishui Black Snake is a snake after all.

When the temperature is low, there is a natural desire to hibernate.

Maintaining Xuanyuan Sword’s cold energy output, these cold air quickly spread and covered, and the black water mysterious snake’s body was already covered with a thin layer of ice.

Moreover, this layer of ice is constantly thickening!

“Black Water Profound Snake!?” Seeing the huge snake body next to Baguio, his face couldn’t help showing a shocked look, and exclaimed in a low voice!

At the same time, looking at that Xiaofan again, his face is even more ugly!

The Black Water Profound Snake, this is a monster that is claimed to be non-human.Even his father, Ghost King, can’t beat this ancient monster!

However, this young man can actually suppress the Black Water Profound Snake!?

Yes, the cold air of this Xuanyuan sword poured out directly, and the black water mysterious snake began to freeze on its body.

It seems that Zhang Xiaofan is suppressing the black water mysterious snake?

However, in the end, it is the ancient alien beast, and its wisdom is no less than that of human beings.

Even though Heishui Black Snake’s eyelids are heavy by nature, he wants to just fall asleep.

However, Black Water Black Snake used will to fight against instinct and forcibly suppressed the sleepiness of hibernation.

The body twisted, shattering the ice on his body, and then slammed into Zhang Xiaofan’s direction.

Although Xuanyuan Sword was powerful, it didn’t possess the ability of defensive type.

Seeing the snake head that was bigger than a house collided with him, Zhang Xiaofan raised the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand to resist.

But how can you resist it?

The whole person was directly hit by the black water mysterious snake and flew out by several tens of meters.

It fell to the ground and rolled a few more times, and couldn’t even hold the Xuanyuan sword in his hand, and fell to the ground!

After struggling a few times, Zhang Xiaofan wanted to get up.

However, after being hit by the Black Water Profound Snake like this, Zhang Xiaofan only felt that all the bones of his body had been smashed to pieces, how could he stand up!

The Black Water Profound Snake, which is not human-powered, can’t beat even the Dao Xuan of the Taiqing realm here.

Not to mention Zhang Xiaofan, who was just entering the Qing Dynasty for the first time!

It seems “This guy mainly relies on the benefits of weapons, and his own strength is not how shocking the world is!”

Seeing that Zhang Xiaofan was hit by the Black Water Black Snake and almost lost all his fighting power, Baguio also understood.

Such an obvious offensive high and low defense, isn’t this a phenomenon that only occurs when the force comes into contact with weapons?

Not to mention what Baguio’s thoughts are, after hitting Zhang Xiaofan, the black water mysterious snake’s snake eyes contained a bit of cold killing intent.

Then, he rushed towards Zhang Xiaofan again.

Without Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, Zhang Xiaofan was even less likely to be the opponent of this Black Water Profound Snake.

Seeing the huge snake rushing over, a look of despair appeared in his eyes!

Unexpectedly, with so much help from Lord Luo, would he still die here in the end?

Fortunately, Xuanyuan Sword will not be lost, will it?

Lord Luo said that no matter he is in the ends of the world, as long as he summons Xuanyuan Sword, Xuanyuan Sword will return to his hands!


The Instant Transmission ability attached to the Sacred Heart Secret was used, and Lou Hang standing next to Baguio disappeared instantly.

Almost at the same time, appeared in front of Zhang Xiaofan!

Seeing the huge head of Heishui Black Snake slammed into it, Lou Hang raised his left hand and made a blocking posture.

There was a silent voice in my heart: Block!


The huge head of the black water mysterious snake slammed against Lou Hang’s left hand wearing vibrating gold gloves.

The powerful force, against Lou Hang’s legs, wiped a long mark on the ground!

But it’s just that.

The impact of the black water mysterious snake was actually resisted by Lou Hang!

“Fight back!

It’s not over yet, after blocking the impact of the black water mysterious snake, Lou Hang silently shouted in his heart:

…For flowers…

A wave of his left hand!

Then, the black water mysterious snake’s hundreds-meter-long figure was directly used by Lou Hang to fly out.

With a rumbling sound, he fell back into the ruthless sea again, and turned up a stormy sea!


Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio were both dumbfounded!

In terms of size, Heishui Black Snake is not much larger than Lou Hang.

But, just with his hands, he could actually shake the Black Water Profound Snake flying out?

This kind of contrast gives people the feeling that it is almost like a mouse, with a stroke of a shoulder fall, and it actually throws an old cow to the ground.

The huge contrast in this body shape makes people feel shocked.

The bigger the figure, the more serious the injury will be if you fall!

Lou Hang directly counterattacked and flew out, and fell into the ruthless sea.The black water mysterious snake felt dizzy and very uncomfortable!

However, the Black Water Black Snake that returned to the Ruthless Sea seemed like a fish in the water, and soon poked his head out of the Ruthless Sea!

However, when facing Zhang Xiaofan before, the black water mysterious snake’s eyes were full of cold killing intent.

When facing Lou Hang now, in addition to anger and killing intent, the eyes of this black water mysterious snake have a little more jealous look!

At least, when facing Zhang Xiaofan, Heishui Profound Snake dared to attack unscrupulously.

But now, when facing Lou Hang, Heishui Black Snake is wary and dare not attack, it can be seen.

“Luo, Lord Luo!?”

Seeing Lou Hang who jumped out of the rescue field at a critical time and knocked out the black water mysterious snake, Zhang Xiaofan’s eyes widened, and a shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

“It’s amazing, this, is this too amazing!?”

As for Baguio next to it, I was even more dumbfounded!

With human power, he actually knocked the Black Water Profound Snake flying out?

Unbelievable, is this something human can do?

This Lou Hang, wouldn’t it be some kind of ancient fierce beast that is stronger than the black water mysterious snake, transformed into a human form, right?

Yes, although ancient fierce beasts like the Black Water Black Snake cannot be transformed into a human form.

However, there are some fairies that can be transformed into human forms.

If you don’t talk about it, just say that your mother, Xiaochi, is not the fox tribe of Huqishan?

“Oh… thinking of her mother, Baguio couldn’t help but sigh softly.

However, now is not the time to make myself sad.

At this moment, Lou Hang is still facing the black water mysterious snake!

Holding the magic weapon of the sad flower in her hand, Baguio approached Lou Hang and said, “Lou Hang, can I help?”

“No, you can’t help here, just the black water mysterious snake, I can deal with it alone!

Hearing this, Lou Hang shook his head and said!


Trivial again!?

First of all, the top treasure Xuanhuo Jian in the next day, he used the term quaint to describe it!

Now, it is this ancient strange beast, the black water mysterious snake that is not the enemy of humans, he still uses a trivial description?

Opening her mouth, Baguio really reflexively wanted to complain!

However, thinking that Lou Hang just raised his hand to block the black water mysterious snake’s impact, in the end, he waved his hand and shook the black water mysterious snake away!

It seems that Lou Hang said this, not just pretending to be B, but really bully B!?

Silently, Baguio stepped back a lot, and didn’t mean to intervene.

Let’s take a look at how Lou Hang defeated this black water mysterious snake that is beyond the reach of humans! Inch,

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