Chapter 322: The Dragon Kingdom audience feels embarrassed for Baguio

“Xuan Huo Jian!?” Hearing what Lou Hang said, Baguio couldn’t help but mutter, looking at Lou Hang in disbelief.

Although it was a member of the Ghost King Sect, Baguio had heard of the top magic weapons in the practice, such as the Zhen Sect Supreme Treasure Xuan Huo Jian in Fenxiang Valley and the Zhuxian Sword in Qingyunmen.

This is definitely the top treasure in the spiritual world, so it was held in Lou Hang’s hands?

“What? Is there anything wrong?” Lou Hang asked Baguio back.

“Are you a disciple of Fenxiang Valley!?” Baguio asked after staring at Lou Hang seriously.

“No!” Lou Hang shook his head simply.

“How can the Supreme Treasure Profound Fire Mirror of Fenxiang Valley be in your hands!?” Baguio asked.

“The blood-devouring bead of the blood-refining hall is still in the hands of the blood-refining hall?” Lou Hang asked instead.

Well, listening to what Lou Hang said, Baguio was speechless for a while!

Indeed, who has stipulated that the town is the most precious, and he has to stay in his own school all the time?

“Then where did your Profound Fire Mirror come from!?”

After a moment of silence, Baguio asked afterwards!

“Oh, not long ago, I happened to save a goblin, and the goblin gave it to me!” Lou Hang replied, still carelessly.

Fairy “!?” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Baguio is even more dumbfounded!

Fenxiang Valley is one of the three major sects of Masamichi, right?

However, the Supreme Treasure Profound Fire Mirror unexpectedly appeared in the hands of a monster.

Also? A monster actually gave away such a treasure?

This is really puzzling!

“Okay, it’s just a mere piece of mysterious fire, let’s go on…

Seeing Baguio’s thoughts, they were all shocked by Xuan Huojian, and it was difficult to turn around for a long time. Lou Hang spoke.

“!?” Baguio’s mouth twitched slightly, looking at Lou Hang a little weirdly.

Is he sure that what he said just now is correct?

Is it really appropriate to use the word district to describe Xuanhuojian?

In fact, for Lou Hang, Xuan Huo Jian is a good treasure.

However, soul gems, vibrating gold gloves, Xuanyuan sword, even the inlaid Blood Devouring Orb, Frost Treasure Box and Shock Fruit, and even the dragon veins still lying in the storage space.

These things are not inferior to Xuanhuojian in quality, right?

Well, this wave was installed by Lou Hang.

Baguio followed Lou Hang and continued to walk to the depths of the Ten Thousand Bats Caves, saying even more differently in her heart!

Who is this young man named Lou Hang sacred?

His cultivation level is suspected to have reached the point where the primordial spirit is out of the body.

With a treasure like Xuanhuojian in hand, Lou Hang’s ability is indeed amazing!

Continue to walk forward. After a short walk, there are not many dangers encountered along the way.

In this way, the unobstructed arrival is the Necronomicon!

This Necromancer, seeing Baguio’s body shrank towards Lou Hang!

Here, endless souls appear here, it looks like they have come to the hell of the sun, the situation is indeed very terrible!

“Oh? This is all the undead!? Come to” this Necropolis, looking at the endless undead and ghosts, Lou Hang’s face showed a smile!

“Hey, what are you laughing at? Are you laughing at me?”

Seeing so many ghosts, Baguio itself felt very scared.Now, suddenly I found Lou Hang was laughing. This made Baguio a little bit unbearable, and (bddb) didn’t even spit out and asked!

“No, no, no, I’m not laughing at you, but thinking of something happy!” Lou Hang shook his head and clarified the explanation!

Yes, Lou Hang is indeed in a good mood after seeing these ghosts, and feels very happy.

Why? This means that in this world with ghosts, you can use the ability to move soil and reincarnate, right?

“In such a place, can you still think of happy things!” Listening to Lou Hang’s words, Baguio is even more dumbfounded!

“Let’s go!”

These dead souls in Necropolis are indeed not easy to deal with, but Lou Hang doesn’t put these dead souls in his eyes.

After greeted Baguio, he walked directly to Necronomicon!

“Hey, wait, do you want to die? There are so many undead here, if they swarm up, the consequences will be disastrous!”

Seeing Lou Hang’s obvious meaning of jumping into the fire pit, Baguio’s face changed in amazement, shouting loudly, and followed!

“Since you think it’s so dangerous, why do you want to keep up!?” Lou Hang asked after taking a look at Baguio next to him.

“Can I say, I actually regret it?”

After seeing that he has followed Lou Hang to Necropolis, and then seeing that the surrounding necromancers are attracted by the breath of strangers, they are approaching his side, Baguio said with a panic expression.

Don’t worry, “It’s just a little necromancer, there’s nothing to be afraid of!”

Seeing Baguio’s scared to death, but still following him, Lou Hang patted Baguio on the shoulder and said!

When the voice fell, Lou Hang raised his left hand, and on his palm, he was wearing a vibrating glove!

Immediately afterwards, the soul gems of the vibrating gold gloves began to shine brightly!

A large ray of light immediately enveloped Lou Hang and Baguio, no matter how unwilling the surrounding necromancers were, they wanted to break through the protection of these spiritual gems.

However, this invisible gas mask is extremely tough, no matter how hard these Shinigami want to break through, it will not help.

The gem of the soul is itself a power that acts on the mind and spirit. It can be said to be suitable for dealing with these dead spirits!

With the power of the spiritual gem as defense, Lou Hang continued to walk forward, quite a feeling of being in a bush of thousands of flowers, and the leaves did not touch his body!

As for Baguio? Almost completely shrunk in Lou Hang’s arms.

Looking at the dense clusters of dead spirits around, so many dead spirits really give people a feeling of dense phobia.

“This ancient house of bats is simply connected to a huge underground world!

“Yeah, this Necropolis is just like a legendary underworld. A ghost who has lived like this is too terrifying, isn’t it?”

“My brother Hang is bull! When I used to take sister paper to watch horror movies, sister paper had to dare not sleep alone, let me stay with her for the night, hehehe, brother Hang directly took people from 10,000. Passed through among a thousand ghosts, is this girl still not allowed to sleep with him for a month?”

“Upstairs, please tell your story in detail!”

“Brother Hang is really smart. Look, when he came to this Necropolis, Brother Hang laughed. It seems that Brother Hang already knew the situation here, so he deliberately brought the Baguio girl. Did you come to this necromancer?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, my husband won’t like this green tea. My husband laughed. It’s obviously because of the many undead here. I am sure that I can use the soil to reincarnate, right?”

“Don’t say it, the situation in the Necropolis looks really terrible, endless ghosts, if it weren’t for the spiritual gem power of Brother Hang, it would be really not easy to get through it!”

“I don’t know what kind of terrible danger will be encountered after passing through the Necropolis.” In this eternal cave, it is really terrifying!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, following Lou Hang’s perspective, after seeing the scene in the ancient house of bats, and even in the Necropolis, many viewers said that they were scared!

Let alone ghosts, and there are thousands of ghosts in one breath, which makes people feel very shocked.

Even, there are many viewers who were watching the live broadcast, suddenly seeing this scene of a hundred ghosts rampant, they were directly frightened into a coma.

However, the horror of the Necrosphere is nothing but a wandering soul.

Holding the soul gem and taking Baguio together, the two of them traversed where these ghosts were.

In this way, it was another cup of tea, Lou Hang and Baguio finally passed through this necromantic abyss!

After passing the Necropolis, Baguio only opened a little distance from Lou Hang.

Lord Luo, “What kind of divine thing is the gem on your glove? You can actually let so many dead spirits get close!”

Perhaps I felt that the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, but Baguio also felt embarrassed, and asked Lou Hang as if to change the subject!

“This is called a gem of the soul!” Lou Hang gave a dry cough, and also felt that the atmosphere just now was a bit too simple.

“Yeah, it turns out that this is the gem of the soul. I didn’t expect you to have such a treasure too!” Following Lou Hang’s words, Baguio nodded, suddenly expressing approval.

“Uh…It’s just that, looking at Baguio’s attitude, Lou Hang is even more dumbfounded.

“What’s the matter? What kind of eyes are you staring at me?” Baguio asked angrily when he noticed that Lou Hang’s eyes were looking at him, and it seemed that something was wrong.

“This soul gem, have you heard of it?” Lou Hang asked rhetorically with a twitch of the corner of his mouth.

“It seems that I don’t remember that I have seen it in any literature before!” Baguio explained with a serious expression.

Not to mention, whether it’s true or not, at least this expression looks so vivid, which makes people no doubt.

“Okay, you’ve seen it, then you’ve seen it!” Lou Hang had nothing to explain, so he nodded.

“Hahaha, embarrassing, I feel so embarrassed across the screen!”

“Fortunately, I am not Baguio, I must, at this time I found a seam to get in!”

“Hahaha, this jewel of the soul is not in her world at all. She actually said that she had heard it before, and this expression is actually quite ridiculous!”

“She didn’t really think she lied to Brother Hang? No? She didn’t really think so, did she?”

“Sure enough, this guy named Baguio is just a green tea. It really doesn’t even blink to deceive people!”

In the Longguo live broadcast room, the atmosphere is still cheerful at this time!

It’s nothing more than using spiritual gems to change the subject, and he actually shows the appearance of recognizing spiritual gems.

This situation embarrassed Baguio for the countless viewers in the Long Guo live broadcast room.

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