Chapter 324: Jinchūriki (Black Water Mysterious Snake Edition)

“What a big black water mysterious snake! So amazing!”

“This power is indeed powerful, and it looks even more fierce, not weaker than Kaido after Dragonization!

“I don’t know what kind of method Hang brother will use to deal with it? Looking forward to ing~

“In other words, this Black Water Profound Snake is powerful, but it is not an opponent of Brother Hang, right!?”

“It’s true. To deal with the Black Water Profound Snake, my Hang brother can use more methods!”

“Everyone, take inventory, what kind of means does Brother Hang have to deal with Black Water Black Snake!?

“Let me say first, the first one, the twenty-three sword of Hang Ge is released. I’m sorry, my Hang Ge is invincible. No matter how strong this black water mysterious snake is, give it a move to the divine sword Yu Lei Zhen. The trick? One trick is two tricks, even a few Tailed Beast Bomb!”

“I also said, to draw the Black Water Profound Snake out and press the Xuanyuan Sword on the Black Water Profound Snake’s body, just like dealing with the Kaido of Longhua at the beginning, so just repeat the technique!

“Also know about the sealing technique? Hang Ge learned the sealing technique with Kushina for so long, should he be able to seal the black water mysterious snake? Or even, come out the black water mysterious snake version of Jinchūriki?”

“Mind gem? Use the mind gem to twist the black water mysterious snake’s will and make it a pet?”

“Like Zhang Xiaofan just now, use the Frost “Seventy-Thirty” treasure to freeze the Blackwater Black Snake? The Frost Treasure Box, which can freeze even a planet, freezes a Blackwater Black Snake, even frozen Living in this ruthless sea is not a problem, right?”

“You can also release Kaido. After Kaido transforms into the dragon, how strong is the dragon and the black water mysterious snake? It’s hard to say, right?”

“How did Kaido die in the first place? Reincarnation, using Chengtu reincarnation, should also be able to kill the black water mysterious snake, right?”

Lou Hang and Heishui Profound Snake haven’t made any shots yet. The audience in the live broadcast room is just you, I will give Lou Hang an idea and what abilities can be used to deal with Lou Hang!

At the end of the inventory, these people discovered that although the black water mysterious snake is powerful, Lou Hang seems to have a lot of targeted abilities to deal with it!?

In this way, as Lou Hang said just now, the black water mysterious snake is “a mere mere guilty”, this is really not pretending to be B!

But you really don’t need to care!?

Indeed, the power of the black water mysterious snake is indeed the top existence in the world of Zhu Xian, and human power cannot resist it.

In the original book, the black water mysterious snake happened to be restrained by the yellow crow, so it was only defeated by the yellow bird!

But now? Faced with the power of Lou Hang, Lou Hang’s many systems, there is a way to deal with him!

Therefore, when facing the black water mysterious snake, Lou Hang did not have a nervous look.This is not a strong self-compression, but really not nervous!

Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio, who were next to him, stared at Lou Hang nervously.

Such a terrifying Black Water Profound Snake is afraid of Lou Hang’s power and dare not attack?

If you want to tell this matter, no one in the world will believe it in detail, right?


Although it was a snake, the roar of the black water mysterious snake was more like a terrifying beast.

After a stalemate for a while, it seemed that he didn’t have the patience to continue the stalemate, and the black water black snake’s tail was used fiercely.

With its movement, a large piece of sea water slapped towards Lou Hang!

Although he took the initiative, he was obviously frightened by Lou Hang’s counterattack.

The Black Water Profound Snake didn’t dare to fight in close proximity anymore, and could only use such a ranged attack to try it!

“Control the water of the Ruthless Sea to fight me?” Seeing this, Lou Hang was not in a hurry.

The hands were sealed, the huge power was refined into Chakra, and then, there was a low drink in the mouth: Water Style, Water Barrier!

The huge waves slapped down towards Lou Hang!

However, the Water Barrier raised by Lou Hang is also very large.

The seawater of the Ruthless Sea collided with the sea fiercely, and immediately, the seawater controlled by both sides disappeared invisible.

“What a great water magic?” Seeing Lou Hang’s Water Barrier ninjutsu, Baguio next to him secretly praised:

Yes, it is indeed a very powerful water spell, and it can actually block the black water mysterious snake’s attack!

The first physical collision was invalid, and the second sea water attack was useless. The Black Water Black Snake opened its mouth, and powerful energy gathered in its mouth.

Then, it turned into an energy ball and came over in Lou Hang’s direction fiercely!

A substance full of technology, pinched in the palm of Lou Hang’s left hand!

Using the infinite energy of the soul gem as energy source, a shield appeared.

This is a shield prop made for Lou Hang based on Wakanda’s shield technology by people from the scientific research department.

You can use mind gems as an energy source, and you don’t need to consume your own power when you are defensive!

With a bang, the black water mysterious snake’s energy ball hit Lou Hang’s shield fiercely, causing the energy shield to be distorted to the extreme, as if it might break at any time!

However, as the black water mysterious snake’s energy ball burst completely, the twisted shield slowly returned to its original state!


Zhang Xiaofan and Baguio were completely shocked when they saw this place!

Until now, all the black water mysterious snakes launched their attacks, but their attacks were all resisted by Lou Hang.

Lou Hang didn’t have a counterattack!

“I have already made three moves. Now, it’s my turn to make moves, right?”

After blocking the black water mysterious snake’s energy ball, Lou Hang looked at the black water mysterious snake and said!

The Black Water Black Snake can obviously understand Lou Hang’s words, and his reflexive body shrank back!

The ass skills are poor, and the black water mysterious snake is really poor at the ass skills!

The physical strength can’t be exerted, it was blocked, and it was beaten back!

It is useless to control sea water to launch an attack, and the opponent’s ability to control sea water is not below me!

In the end, the energy ball that can be spit out is also invalid, and will be blocked by the opponent’s shield.

Although the power of the Black Water Profound Snake is strong, but now, I feel that the Ass of Guizhou is poor, and I don’t know what kind of tricks to use to continue the fight!

But no matter what kind of mind Heishui Profound Snake is thinking now, staring at the other party, Lou Hang’s heart moved slightly, and then raised his hand!

Seeing that Lou Hang was about to do it, Black Water Profound Snake didn’t dare to wait for his tricks to be fully displayed.

“Want to escape? Can you escape?”

Seeing Hei Shui Xuan Snake turned around and wanted to escape, Lou Hang said with a grin!

Immediately stretched out his hand and pinched a sword tactic, and the skill of the twenty-three sword was activated!

In an instant, the material space-time was frozen.

The Black Water Black Snake that was sinking toward the sea freezed, and the water splashing with its movements was also set in mid-air.

Lou Hang walked toward the black water mysterious snake step by step, stepping on the sea, and walking on the ground!

Then, Lou Hang stood directly on the water and walked to the black water mysterious snake…

Looking at the horrified look of Black Water Black Snake, Lou Hang burned with the power in his body, all transformed into Chakra attributes.

As if opening Eight Inner Gates, Lou Hang’s breath exploded instantly!

The hands were sealed, and then they opened to the black water mysterious snake!

Sealing, Adamantine Sealing Chains!

Chains full of sealing power appeared, entwining the black water mysterious snake.

After being entangled by these chains, the black water mysterious snake’s body was dragged towards the shore of the Ruthless Sea step by step!

Dealing with ancient fierce beasts like Heishui Mysterious Snake is naturally easier to deal with on the coast!

Moreover, Lou Hang really wants to try it at this time, can the black water mysterious snake really be sealed as the source of Jinchūriki?

In this way of Jinchūriki, besides the nine big-tailed beasts, can other monsters do the same?

The huge chain entangled on the black water mysterious snake, and quickly dragged it out of the ruthless sea!

Under the control of Sword Twenty-Three, the Black Water Profound Snake couldn’t even twist its body.The body seemed to be stiff and became a specimen, what it should look like, what it still looks like!

After being dragged onto the shore of the Ruthless Sea, Lou Hang activated the sealing power to seal the black water mysterious snake towards Zhang Xiaofan’s body!

In the original book of Ninja World, creatures as big as Ten Tails can be sealed in Uchiha Madara’s body, making him reach the level of Six Paths.

Now that the huge body of the Black Water Profound Snake is sealed in Zhang Xiaofan’s body, it must not be so difficult!

The black water mysterious snake’s body is very huge, but when it comes to Zhang Xiaofan, it is like a funnel.

The huge body of the Black Water Profound Snake was quickly absorbed into Zhang Xiaofan’s body, completely inconsistent with its body shape.

This speed is not fast. The body that is hundreds of meters long has completely integrated into Zhang Xiaofan’s body in just half a minute.

Immediately afterwards, on Zhang Xiaofan’s chest, a dark rune formation 3.1 appeared!

“Luo, Lord Luo, what about such a big black water mysterious snake!?”

With the effect of Sword Twenty-Three closed, Zhang Xiaofan also regained his freedom, but he stared at Lou Hang in horror and asked.

Although I saw the situation with my own eyes, Zhang Xiaofan still finds it unbelievable!

“As you can see, it’s already sealed in your body, Xiao Fan, next, it’s up to you to get along with the black water mysterious snake. If you can get along well, the power of the black water mysterious snake, It’s your strength!”

Lou Hang spoke and said to Zhang Xiaofan!

“Hey, get along with the Black Water Black Snake? I, let me try it!” Zhang Xiaofan nodded and said, listening to Lou Hang’s limitations.

The cultivation base has reached the upper Qing realm, and Zhang Xiaofan has also opened up his own purple mansion.

Therefore, Zhang Xiaofan could clearly feel the black water mysterious snake that was sealed in the spirit platform of the Purple Mansion.

Sinking down, there was a huge iron fence on his Purple Mansion Lingtai, and among the iron fences, it was the Black Water Profound Snake that was imprisoned!

“Master Luo, is this giving me the power of the Black Water Profound Snake? Hope I can be the Master as soon as possible?” Zhang Xiaofan’s heart is a little bit energetic!

After all, Lou Hang will harm himself? Such a situation is impossible!

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