Chapter 308: The Secret

This ceremony is very lively.

But the main thing is to let Lou Hang and the Qingyunmen disciples meet each other.

It is to let the disciples under Qingyunmen know that there is a Keqing elder Lou Hang.

Of course, it is also to express the importance of Lou Hang!

The ceremony went very smoothly this time.

There is no need for Lou Hang to prove his abilities.Just coming from him riding Shenron, this way of appearance is enough to see his ability, it must be extraordinary!

Everything went well, after the ceremony was over, Lou Hang officially joined Qingyunmen!

Regarding the situation of Lou Hang, the whole Qingyunmen is naturally full of discussions.

First of all, Lou Hang looks a bit too young.

Those who are in their twenties, they look like Lu Xueqi and Zeng Shushu disciples!

In addition, many people are also talking about how much Lou Hang’s Taoist cultivation is!

Some people think that Lou Hang’s cultivation must be very profound.

Otherwise, how can Shenron be used as a mount?

Of course, some people think that Lou Hang’s cultivation base should not be too high.

After all, judging from his appearance, he was too young.

He can use Shenron as a mount, maybe not his own ability to subdue it?

However, Lou Hang ignored how the Qingyunmen disciples talked about themselves.

After becoming Keqing, isn’t he a member of Qingyunmen?

Regarding the cultivation technique of Qingyunmen, there are naturally no restrictions!

First, Lou Hang got the Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao of Qingyunmen.

After taking a look, the cultivation of Taiji Xuanqing Taoism is divided into three realms: Yuqing, Shangqing and Taiqing.

And these three realms also correspond to the three realms of refining Qi, refining Qi to transform God, and practicing God to return to the Void!

In general, this Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao technique can directly cooperate with the inner skills of the Sacred Heart Jue!

Lou Hang itself has reached the point of refining gas and transforming gods.

It’s just that, in terms of cultivation, it’s not as fine as Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

It’s like eating, the barbarians just grabbed and ate it with their hands.

Then I feel that I should be a little more civilized, so I eat it with chopsticks!

It’s just that no one has taught that using chopsticks by himself seems to be very irregular!

This Tai Chi Xuan Qing Tao? It is like teaching you how to use all kinds of tableware more standardized.

In addition to chopsticks, there are bone dishes, how to use glass and the like!

Therefore, as far as Lou Hang is concerned, practicing Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao does not conflict with his own inner strength practice.

They even complement each other!

The true essence in the body flows, and the power of more than six hundred years is surging, practicing according to the method of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

Soon, Lou Hang’s cultivation base is constantly improving!

The Yuqing Realm of Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao is divided into nine levels, namely Entraining Qi, Practicing Qi, Yuan Qi, Expelling Objects, Wu Qi, Huang Ting, Yuan Hua, Ling Dong, and San Hua!

It is worth mentioning that, according to the cultivation realm of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, only the fourth level of exorcism realm can fly with imperial weapons.

Therefore, in this world, Yujian Feixian is indeed not a difficult technique!

The cultivation base of this Jade Qingjing is nothing more than refining Qi!

Pushing it horizontally with Lou Hang’s cultivation base, but in a moment, he crossed the Nine Realms of Yuqing and entered the Upper Qing Realm!

When it comes to the Shangqing realm, it is divided into six small realms. They are the six realms of Purple Mansion, Concentration, Yin Shen Out of Aperture, Yang Shen and Yuan Shen!

Although Lou Hang has been in the stage of refining gas and transforming gods all these years.

However, how exactly should God be transformed? There is really no concept at all!

This Shang Qingjing exercise can be said to be exactly what Lou Hang needs now!

According to the description of Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, Lou Hang continued to practice.

The empty spot in the acupoint in the abdomen spun around.

Immediately afterwards, the true vitality continued to rise, pouring into Niwanyan from the acupoint in the abdomen.

The original chaotic Niwan Palace quickly opened up a purple mansion!

After the opening of the Purple Mansion, the True Essence condensed Divine Sense, making Lou Hang’s Divine Sense even more pure, this is the Concentration Realm!

As the divine mind became more and more refined, more and more condensed, until the end, an illusory spiritual body emerged in the purple mansion.

This entered the Yin God realm of the third realm!

Without stopping, Lou Hang continued to practice!

Yin Shen is constantly growing, becoming more and more tenacious.

I don’t know how long it has been, this condensed Yin God has reached a certain level, and can already leave the body!

Lou Hang’s Yinshen looked around, only to find it very novel!

When cultivating the Sacred Heart Secret Art before, I could just look inside, and see what’s inside my body!

Now that he has reached the fourth floor of the upper clearing realm, the yin god can even come out in three dimensions!

However, Lou Hang wanted to go out and take a look, only to find that the sun outside gave him a burning feeling!

The Yin God of Lou Hang returns immediately!

My current state is only Yinshen, so I can only get out of my body at night and go out for a little stroll.

Because I am afraid of the sun, I can only go out at night, so I am called the god of yin!

Lou Hang sank, and only felt that he could continue to practice and continue to promote his own cultivation.

So, continue to practice!

Yin Shen is getting stronger and more condensed.

I don’t know how long it took, Lou Hang suddenly discovered his mental power, and no longer felt gloomy, but it gave people a feeling of strong and yang!

Lou Hang felt it in his heart! He should have reached the stage of Yang Shen, right?

Sure enough, after picking a big noon time, Lou Hang went out for a stroll again.

This feeling is very refreshing, Yang Shen wanders directly between the heavens and the earth, and it seems that nothing can stop him!

More importantly, Lou Hang can get a greater distance away from the body when he reaches the realm of Yang God, and he is not afraid of the sun’s harm to his Yang God.

This feeling of being able to wander around without any effort, I am very in the mood!

“Which Yang God, dare to peep at my Qingyun Gate!?”

Just when Lou Hang was wandering around controlling his own Yang God, suddenly, a magnificent voice rang.

Hearing this voice, Lou Hang followed the prestige, secretly surprised!

I saw a figure appeared in the void, and his body burst out with shining brilliance.

In the void, as if an endless source of power appeared, then it turned into a little bit of starlight and was absorbed by this figure!

“Head of Daoxuan!?” Looking at the figure that appeared in front of him, Lou Hang said secretly in his heart!

“It turned out to be Lou Hang, guest Qing, you, you actually condensed the sun god in just half a month!?”

Daoxuan obviously recognized Lou Hang, but he recognized that Lou Hang in front of him was actually the Yang God, and Daoxuan’s voice was filled with incredible shock.

…For flowers…

“I, have I been cultivating for half a month?”

Doxuan felt shocked, but Lou Hang still felt shocked in his heart.

Although I was immersed in the practice, I knew that time passed by.

But, listening to Daoxuan’s meaning, have you been cultivating for half a month for so long?

“I, I’m going back first!”

After realizing his situation, Lou Hang didn’t mean to chat with Dao Xuan Duo, Yang Shen quickly returned to his body!

Opening his eyes, Lou Hang could feel that as his Yang Shen condensed, the whole world looked different!

Refining Qi Huashen, the previous self was just purely using internal and spiritual power to condense into true essence!

But now he is truly a god, and he has already condensed his divine mind!

The Yang God Realm is already the fifth level of Shangqing Realm!

After only waiting for the sixth level of the Primordial God Realm, even if I have achieved the Refining Qi and Transforming God, I have entered the realm of practicing God and returning to the Void, right?

Moreover, with the completion of his own Yang Shen cohesion, Lou Hang clearly felt that his cultivation base was even more different!

Originally, the Yuan Dan composed of the viscous liquid true essence in the danzhong point was transformed by all of his true essence essence!

But now, the viscous liquid essence pill has become a substantive golden pill

With the golden core that has been completely transformed from liquid to solid, Lou Hang can feel his strength and has improved a lot!

“If it is said that the previous cultivation base was almost six hundred years old, my current cultivation base is close to the Yaoyorozu year, right?”

Sure enough, “Ah, after refining Qi Huashen, you can’t rely on martial arts secrets, but need to cultivate immortals!”

After taking a good feel of his current cultivation level, and comparing it with his previous self, Lou Hang nodded in satisfaction. I think this has accumulated a lot of money!

In terms of cultivation level, he has reached the Yang God Realm, and now he has reached the peak.

In the future, breakthroughs in the realm will not be possible in a short time!

“Yang God Realm, it only took me half a month of cultivation time, has it actually reached the Yang God Realm? Such a young age, and the future achievements are really limitless!”

On the other side, the head of Daoxuan of Tongtian Peak also opened his eyes, looking in Lou Hang’s direction, his heart was shocked secretly.

“Damn, what’s the matter? Hang brother is still cultivating?”

“Yes, yeah, this half a month has been too boring. When we watch the live broadcast, Tenten, are we sitting like a sculpture of Hang Ge?”

“It’s been half a month, Brother Hang didn’t drink a drop of water, and didn’t eat a mouthful of food. It’s not going to happen, right?”

“Well, it’s really hard to tell, Hang Ge is really obsessed with cultivation, starving to death, right?”

“Don’t all the monks who watch Dazhufeng have to eat?”

“Wait, Brother Hang woke up. It’s great. It’s okay. That’s good. That’s good. If Brother Hang has passed all the crises, but finally starves to death in cultivation, then that really makes people collapse, right? ”

“Yang Shen state? What do you mean? Is this the state of cultivating immortals?”

“It doesn’t matter what the state of the Yang Divine Realm is. I practiced for half a month in one breath. It seems that Brother Hang’s cultivation this time has not been small!”

“Wait, what did Brother Hang just say? Originally, he was only a cultivation base for more than 600 years. Now, his cultivation base is almost Yaoyorozu years old!?”

“Awesome!” Cun,

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