Chapter 309: I’m Sorry

Skills, from more than six hundred years to the Yaoyorozu year or so, this is not important.

The important thing is that he has condensed into a Yang God!

It’s like replacing six kilograms of wooden blocks with eight kilograms of steel plates.

Although the weight has not increased much, can the hardness of the wood block be comparable to that of the steel plate?

After half a month of practice, I finally officially embarked on the road of cultivation, which made Lou Hang very happy.

I am also very satisfied with my own growth.

The original liquid essence pill has also condensed into a solid golden pill!

So, I am finally entering the room, right?

Moreover, the most important thing is that the Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart, the original Lou Hang Master’s are nothing but shocking Tribulation and Evil Blood Tribulation.

However, with the qualitative changes in the cultivation base now, Lou Hang found that his Master Sacred Heart Tribulation and the final Ultimate Divine Tribulation were easier!

The improvement of the cultivation level is certainly gratifying, but it is also very important to take the time to rob the Sacred Heart and the Master of the Extreme God!

Besides, Qingyunmen’s practice is not just Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao.

There are also the soothing arts of Zhenshan similar to the magic sword of the thunder!

In short, if you don’t use it for yourself, you can also write down your thoughts for the country.

Lou Hang can’t wait to move all Qingyunmen’s exercises and classics “two, four, three” away!

In the following days, Lou Hang seemed to be a Xueba, and all the exercises were memorized.

And these useful techniques of Excalibur Yu Lei Zhen Jue took the time to learn.

This life is very fulfilling!

In a blink of an eye, two months or so have passed!

Although Lou Hang was born in the past two months, nothing exciting happened.

However, watching Lou Hang Xiuxian in the Longguo live broadcast still feels full of enthusiasm!

With the two tricks of Tianxin Jie and Extreme God Jie, Lou Hang is already the master.

Moreover, the ability of the imperial weapon to fly has already been familiarized with ease.

In the recent Lou Hang, the focus of training is on the true art of the god sword Yu Lei!

This kind of watching Lou Hang Master in person has more powerful tricks, and his strength has also improved. The audience of Dragon Kingdom did not feel boring.

On this day, after Lou Hang finished his day of practice, he drove his flying sword well and wandered in the sky!

Flying is everyone’s dream, and flying with a sword and flying by plane are completely different concepts.

I only recently learned how to fly with a flying sword. Therefore, Lou Hang always likes to fly a flying sword a few times in the sky if he has nothing to do.

It’s like when you have nothing to do, you like to go for a ride on a motorcycle.

“Huh? Isn’t that Zhang Xiaofan?”

Happened to fly around Dazhu Peak, Lou Hang saw Zhang Xiaofan, and his heart moved slightly!

As soon as the sword light was collected, Lou Hang fell from mid-air!

“Master Luo!” Zhang Xiaofan, who was cultivating, saw Lou Hang falling down, stopped the practice, scratched his head embarrassedly.

“Look at your appearance, have you been practicing Imperial Object Technique recently? You have reached the realm of expelling objects?” Lou Hang opened his mouth and asked Zhang Xiaofan!

“Well, Master and the others already know about the situation of the Great Brahma Prajna, so I can practice honestly.

“The Great Brahma Prajna and Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao do have a lot in common, and I don’t have to hide from practice anymore.”

“So, recently, my cultivation base has grown faster!” Nodded, Zhang Xiaofan replied!

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, Zhang Xiaofan asked Lou Hang curiously again: “What about you? Lord Luo? It has been almost two months since you became the elder of Keqing. Everyone said that you were here. Enthusiastic about practice!”

“Yes, Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao is indeed quite mysterious, these days, I am immersed in cultivation!” Lou Hang nodded and replied.

“I don’t know, Lord Luo, where are you in your cultivation?” Zhang Xiaofan asked curiously.

“Yang Shen state, um, if you pass a few days, you may break through to the original spirit state!” Lou Hang replied frankly!

“Yang Shen state? What state is this? In Yuqing state, there seems to be no such state!” Zhang Xiaofan asked Lou Hang strangely after hearing this!

“The Sun God Realm is not the realm of Yuqing Realm, but the fifth level of Shangqing Realm!”

At this moment, a man with a few dice in his hand walked over and explained to Zhang Xiaofan.

Speaking of this, Zhang Xiaofan still didn’t quite understand, and then said: “Master only broke through to the Yang Shen realm last year!

Well, after the half-sentence after this, Zhang Xiaofan understood the meaning of Yang Shenjing.

He took a breath and looked at Lou Hang in shock!

In less than two months, from the first contact with Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao, directly to the Yang God Realm?

Lord Luo’s cultivation, this is the real leaps and bounds, right?

If you want to compare yourself with him, it’s just a waste, right?

“Elder Luo, you talk to Xiao Fan, I have other things, so I won’t bother you!”

I also know that Lou Hang and Zhang Xiaofan have the best relationship. They lived with Xiaofan on the first day.

Therefore, with the appearance of passing by, Du Bishu greeted Lou Hang and left in a hurry!

“By the way, Xiao Fan, your current cultivation base is only the fourth level of the Throwing Thing Realm. It is indeed a bit low. After some time, if the Seven Meridians are able to martial arts, it is not easy to stand out with your strength. !

Lou Hang looked at Zhang Xiaofan and said!

“Seven pulses can martial arts?” Zhang Xiaofan said differently and looked at Lou Hang!

Immediately, Lou Hang told Zhang Xiaofan about the situation of the Seven Meridians Meeting Martial Arts!

To put it simply, it’s like a big exam at school, and what is tested is the practice of the disciples of Fengmai!

“This, my cultivation base is just like that, I can’t get any good rankings, is it okay?”

Scratching his head, Zhang Xiaofan didn’t seem to care about the ranking of Qimai Huiwu!

“Really? As the saying goes, beautiful women love Hero(es), how can girls not like strong people? If you can’t get any good rankings, even the girls you like, people may not look at you. what!

If you want to pinch Zhang Xiaofan, which one is best?

Of course Lou Hang is very clear!

Sure enough, when Lou Hang said these words, Zhang Xiaofan’s mind immediately thought of senior sister Tian Linger!

“Dare to ask Lord Luo, no, Brother Luo, what can you do to help me win a good ranking in the Seven Meridian Guild Martial Arts!?”

Just now he looked like he didn’t care, Zhang Xiaofan said straightforwardly

“Sure enough, no one can escape the true fragrance law!” Seeing Zhang Xiaofan’s appearance, Lou Hang secretly smiled in his heart!

If Zhang Xiaofan couldn’t get a good ranking and changed someone to go down the mountain, it would be hard to say whether the heavenly book of the dripping hole could be found.

Therefore, if possible, Lou Hang still hopes to maintain the original situation as much as possible!

Why did Lou Hang say that he loaned Xuanyuanjian to Zhang Xiaofan?

Isn’t it just watching him confess the Blood Devouring Orb, the dementor that should belong to him in the original work may be gone…

So, should you use Xuanyuan Sword to replace the dementing stick?

“I have a pill here. After taking it, there is a half probability that your cultivation base will skyrocket, and a half probability that it will make you die!”

Lou Hang lifted his hand, and a pill appeared in his hand!

“This…Looking at the pill in Lou Hang’s hand, Zhang Xiaofan flinched a little.

Although the effect is good, the other half of the probability is too expensive, right?

Don’t worry, “If the other half of the probability really appears, I can bring you back to life!” Seeing Zhang Xiaofan’s hesitation, Lou Hang followed!

The Sacred Heart Art can now be said to be a great achievement.Although the skill is only Yaoyorozu years, in terms of quantity, it is not as good as the two thousand years of skill of Emperor Shitian in Fengyun’s original work!

However, Di Shitian was practicing martial arts after all, and he is now a cultivator of immortals!

Quality is different!

To be honest, if you meet Di Shitian, Lou Hang feels that his current Yaoyorozu skills will not necessarily be worse than Di Shitian’s two thousand years of skill!

Therefore, even if Zhang Xiaofan died due to the effect of breaking Erdan, Lou Hang is confident to bring Zhang Xiaofan back to life!

At the beginning, Lou Hang also thought of using Po Erdan to let himself learn Ten Thousand Swords, but the 50% probability of death is not worth the loss.

Besides, no one can resurrect and give oneself the bottom line.

Therefore, this Po Erdan has been placed from Fengyun’s world until now!

Following Lou Hang’s words, Zhang Xiaofan opened his mouth and threw Po E into his mouth!

“You just ate like this? Aren’t you afraid I was lying to you?” Lou Hang asked strangely, seeing Zhang Xiaofan’s movements!

“Don’t be afraid, if you wanted to lie to me, you would have lied long ago!” Zhang Xiaofan still said with a simple and honest appearance!

Well, this look really touched Lou Hang!

“My cultivation base, all my cultivation bases have disappeared!”

As Po Erdan ate it, Zhang Xiaofan could clearly feel that his cultivation had disappeared!

“It’s okay, it’s only temporary, let’s talk about it, with Xuanyuan sword in hand, your cultivation base of the Exorcising Realm, it doesn’t really make a difference whether there is 3.1 or not!” Lou Hang said with a smile after hearing Zhang Xiaofan’s words!

The words made Zhang Xiaofan’s mouth twitch. Is he really comforting himself?

Why do I feel that it sounds harsh?

Although, Lou Hang’s words are indeed truthful!

“Okay, I’m leaving first, you remember to come to me in a month!”

For Lou Hang, it’s useless to keep Po Erdan in his own hands.

After chatting for a few more words, Lou Hang waved his hand and left Dazhufeng!

In the following days, Lou Hang was immersed in the cultivation as always, and the Yang God Realm slowly moved towards the Primordial God Realm!

So, another half month or so passed.

The head of Daoxuan asked him to come and inform him to go to the meeting.

The content of the meeting is also very simple, that is, the day of the Seven Meridian Martial Arts, which is determined, and the number of participants in the martial arts is also determined.

Although his identity is considered honorable, he has no disciples after all, so he is just an observer.

Following the discussion of the first seat of the seven peak pulses, the day of meeting martial arts was soon set.

Then, each went back to select outstanding disciples to participate!

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