Chapter 307: Qingyunmen’s attention, elder Ke Qing

“Hangge Niu B, YYDS!

“You are a traitor from Qingyun Sect, and you are still a high-ranking Qingyun Sect, just ask if you are afraid!”

“The secrets of your Qingyun Gate are not secrets to my Hang Brothers. Just ask if you are afraid!”

“Remember the information given by Zhinao, this Qingyunmen is one of the three major Masamichi sects, right? Now, this Qingyunmen owes the favor of Brother Hang Tianda, right?”

“It’s still a familiar feeling, or a familiar taste. My Hang brother can calculate the past and the future. No matter how powerful the indigenous people are, they will be played by my Hang brother between applause!”

“Qingyunmen high-level people are all the top powerhouses in this world, right? Sure enough, in every world, the top powerhouses, my Hang brother can be very familiar!

“Tianshan children’s grandmothers in the first world!”

“The Juggernaut and Nameless of the Second World!”

The third “Konoha Village of the World, Fourth Hokage and Nine Tails Jinchūriki!”

“Avengers member of the fourth world!

“The Marine of the last world, and the Whitebeard Pirates!”

“Familiar feeling, familiar taste, no matter which world you go to, Brother Hang can get acquainted with the top people in this world, once or twice is luck, every time, this is the skill!”

“Yeah, hahaha, you see, I just harvested a blood-devouring bead, and now, the head of the Dao Xuan of Qingyunmen actively asks Brother Hang if he is eye-catching!

“So, when you reach a certain level, what you want is really easy!”

“Hahaha, but unfortunately, this method is only suitable for our Hang brothers, explorers from other countries? Let’s eat the dust!”

In the Long Guo live broadcast room, it can be said that he personally watched Lou Hang dominate the first gathering of the seven veins of Qingyunmen.

Now, the head of Daoxuan speaks himself, wanting to give Lou Hang some rewards as his heart.

This also made the audience in the Longguo live broadcast room very excited one by one!

This is the reward given by the top Zen Dao sect.

Not to mention the 167 viewers in the live broadcast room, what kind of thoughts are they at this moment!

“I’m in love with you? Show me all of your Qingyunmen cultivation techniques, okay?” Lou Hang asked, listening to what Daoxuan said.

“All cultivation techniques, including Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao!?” Hearing that, Dao Xuan’s brows wrinkled slightly, and his face was embarrassed!

“So, can’t it? Seeing Doxuan’s expression, Lou Hang said.

“Mr. Luo, it’s not that I’m inconsistent or stingy, it’s that Tai Chi Xuanqing Dao is my Qingyunmen’s town style exercises, it’s not my Qingyunmen, you can’t pass it down!”

Dao Xuan spoke, some helpless explanation!

“However, before Lou Hang could answer, Daoxuan seemed to have thought of something, and the conversation turned around.

“Dao Xuan Tang said straight!”

Originally I thought that the Qingyunmen technique was missed. At this moment, listening to Daoxuan’s turn, Lou Hang looked like a new village in the dark, and asked!

“Master Luo is a casual cultivator, right? That is to say, does not have his own school? If Master Luo is willing to join me Qingyunmen.

“As the elder Ke Qing, naturally, I am a member of Qingyunmen!” The head of Dao Xuan followed and said again, giving his own thoughts!

“So what? I have taken a fancy to the Qingyunmen technique, but Dao Xuan has taken a fancy to me!?”

Listening to what Daoxuan said, Lou Hang couldn’t understand his thoughts, some helpless secret path!

However, it’s just joining Qingyunmen in identity, and there is indeed no sect restriction.

For Lou Hang, it’s not a loss!

“If this is the case, then I will be a member of Qingyunmen in the future!” Without much consideration, Lou Hang nodded and said!

“Hahaha, good, we will be a family in the future!

Listening to what Lou Hang said, I really agreed, Daoxuan was even more excited!

With the Qingyunmen technique, Lou Hang became the elder Keqing? This is really a very profitable business!

Lou Hang’s bottomless Taoism cultivation is nothing more than that.

Even if it is to calculate the past and the future, the role of this intelligence force is difficult to measure!

Regarding Lou Hang joining Qingyunmen, this is of course a good announcement.

After all, strong people like Lou Hang have joined Qingyunmen, and this sense of ritual is still necessary!

The previous Master Pu Zhi asked for Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao because he himself was from Amane Temple, and it was impossible for him to betray Amane Temple and join Qingyunmen.

But since Lou Hang is a casual cultivator, he naturally has no worries in this regard!

After choosing a good day, Daoxuan sent someone to announce the news.

It is announced that Lou Hang joined Qingyunmen and became the elder of Qingyunmen Keqing!

Of course, on the other side, Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu met.

Then, Zhang Xiaofan told Lin Jingyu the truth about the tragedy in Caomiao Village!

Suddenly learned the truth, and more importantly, is his master Cang Song actually one of the murderers of the Caomiao Village tragedy?

This made Lin Jingyu also dumbfounded.

Unexpectedly, in the tragedy that year, the reason why I was able to survive was because of the role of attracting Zong’s eyes for Zhang Xiaofan.

Is he just a proper tool person?

Knowing that Cangsong is the murderer, how can I make myself satisfied next?

Zhang Xiaofan and Lin Jingyu have discussed for a long time, but they can’t come up with an exact punishment plan!

Can Cang Song lose his life?

After all, he was indirectly responsible for the tragedy in Caomiao Village, and the person who really killed the killer was Puzhi!

Besides, after receiving the kindness of Master Cang Song’s nurturing for so many years, for him, Lin Jingyu still has a sense of mentorship in his heart!

Therefore, the negotiation comes and the negotiation goes.

One has a sense of mentor and apprenticeship towards Cangsong, the other is kind-hearted.

In the end, just let the real person Cangsong go to Caomiao Village to pay homage to all the dead villagers.

Also, another survivor in Caomiao Village, Second Uncle Wang, who has gone mad, let Master Cang Song be responsible for his treatment (bddb)!

In this way, it is regarded as punishment to Cangsong!

For this kind of punishment, True Person Cang Song certainly has no objection.

When he arrived in Caomiao Village, Zhen Cangsong sincerely offered incense to all the graves in Caomiao Village.

Then, take Second Uncle Wang by his side and be responsible for the treatment!

In a blink of an eye, nine days have passed!

On this day, the entire Qingyun Gate is very lively!

Because, the head Daoxuan personally announced that a monk named Lou Hang would join Qingyunmen and become the elder of Qingyunmen Keqing!

This news made Qingyunmen very curious.

Who is Lou Hang? I have never heard of this person.

Why should an unknown person become the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen?

Even let the head of Dao Xuan make such a big announcement?

For a while, except for those who already knew Lou Hang’s identity in Qimai, the many disciples of Qingyunmen were very curious in their hearts!

When it came to the day when he officially became the elder of Keqing, the entire Qingyun Gate was even full of lights.

This look, where is Lou Hang wanting to become the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen.

It was exactly what Qingyunmen meant to beg Lou Hang to be the elder Keqing!

At the foot of Qingyunmen Tongtian Peak, a man was waiting nervously.

It’s been half a month since I came to this world, and I finally came to Qingyunmen.

As one of the three major Masamichi sects, if you can worship Qingyunmen…

This “Master, please go back!”

However, the longing in his heart was not over yet, suddenly, the disciple of Tongtianfeng spoke, and interrupted his thoughts.

“Ah!?” Hearing this, the man’s expression was startled.

“You are already very old, and you are still bringing an art investor. This is not in line with our Qingyunmen rules, so please go back!”

The disciple of Tongtian Peak shook his head and rejected the man’s application!

“This, this, originally” I thought, if I became a disciple of the Qingyunmen, I should be able to come into contact with the cultivation techniques of this world.

Not only can people become stronger, but the most important thing is to prolong their lives!

However, is it so difficult for this cultivator school to join?

“That, brother, would you please be accommodating?

After thinking about it, the man secretly took out two gems and stuffed them into the hands of the Tongtian Peak disciple!

“Don’t don’t, let’s go back!” It’s just that this move aroused the disgust of the Tongtian Peak disciples even more!

“Proud!” At this moment, suddenly, a dragon chant sounded.

All the people in Qingyunmen raised their heads and looked at a blue dragon hundreds of meters long appeared in the sky.

And Lou Hang’s figure is standing on the dragon head of Qinglong!

This is the day when Lou Hang became the elder of Qingyun Keqingmen. Lou Hang finally appeared.

And with his appearance, Qingyunmen’s festive music became even higher!?

“Is this the elder Keqing of my Qingyunmen? I can actually use Shenron as a mount. This, this is really amazing!”

Seeing Lou Hang standing on the dragon’s head, the disciple of Tongtianfeng whispered in a low voice.


The explorer next to him, seeing Lou Hang’s card, felt even more uncomfortable, and sighed for a long time.

Everyone is also an explorer, and I am here to beg grandpa to tell grandma to become one of the most ordinary disciples of Qingyunmen, but I can’t get in!

But what about Lou Hang? He can become the elder Keqing of Qingyunmen.

Even the entire Qingyunmen deliberately held such a lively ceremony, which is enough to see that Qingyunmen attaches great importance to him!

All explorers, how can this gap be so big?

There are two types of explorers all over the world.

One is Lou Hang, and the other is explorers other than Lou Hang!

For the meaning of this sentence, the explorer now has a truly profound experience.

Not to mention the thoughts of the explorers at the foot of the mountain.

At this time, Lou Hang had already jumped off the dragon’s head and stood on the square outside the main hall of the head!

The seven channels gathered for the first time, and all the elite disciples of the seven channels have arrived!

With this lineup, I can see that Qingyunmen attaches great importance to it.

Those who don’t know, still have to regard this as the succession ceremony of the old and new heads. .

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