272 Crazy Out of Name! Fantasies Broken! (1) Subscribe

The gold list is still being refreshed.

“Mengxue is on the Gold List!”

On the floating island, Lin Feng smiled.

With Lin Feng’s constant help, this year’s Pan Mengxue was indeed on the gold list.

And as soon as he entered the gold list, the ranking was not bad, and he came directly to the 90th place.

This ranking is very good.

This year, with the support of Lin Feng, all the floating island owners in the East have risen.

Several of the floating island owners of the Eastern Gold List who were originally in the 90th place have made very good progress.

However, because the West focuses on the development strategy and focuses on the development of the top 30 floating island owners, it directly leads to the fact that the golden list of floating island owners behind the West is not very powerful.

On the Internet, someone has discovered Pan Mengxue’s name.

“Hey, we have a new floating island owner on the list!”

“Pan Mengxue, who is this?”

Because Pan Mengxue has always been very low-key, her popularity in the East is far less than that of Jiang Zhiwei and the others.

She has never mentioned her relationship with Lin Feng, and she is only willing to be the woman behind Lin Feng in silence, so there are very few people who know her!

Seeing that Pan Mengxue was on the list, Lin Feng was naturally very happy.

Pan Mengxue is his -28th woman, and Pan Mengxue’s character is the kind of indifference, neither fighting nor grabbing, and never asks for anything.

He is also obedient to Lin Feng, and he never expects too much.

Lin Feng will definitely not disappoint her.

Immediately afterwards, the Orientals discovered several Oriental names!

“We actually have so many more Golden List floating island owners!”

“Haha, this time it’s definitely stable.”

“Wow, what happened, you look at the 88th name, this name seems to be in the top 30 last year, right?

At this time, someone has made a new discovery!

A western floating island that was ranked in the 20s of the gold list last year has actually reached 88 today!

“Look at No. 85, No. 80 is also one who was in the 20s last year!”

Then, the second rhyme appeared!

Immediately afterwards, the third one also appeared, which was the second floating island in the Western Gold List!

This floating island is now on the 84th place!

This floating island, after the vegetation was completely destroyed, appears to have been abandoned by the West.

Of course, those who own the shares of this floating island should not be reconciled, and it seems that some plants have been transplanted.

But it didn’t do much either.

From the 6th place last year, it suddenly dropped to the 84th place this year!

This is not an ordinary drop!

A full 78 were dropped!

It’s actually quite a good thing if it doesn’t fall off the gold list.

After all, although the plants on this floating island were destroyed, the number of layers on the floating island was still at 29. Given the huge area of ​​the floating island, it was not an accident of the special police to get 84 people.

In the overall situation, it has no effect.

“Wow, what happened? I remember this Roberto Floating Island was ranked 6th on the gold list last year, why did it suddenly drop to 71? 22

“Not only was it number 6 on the Gold List last year, this floating island used to be number 2 on the Western Gold List, it’s falling too fast!

On the Internet in the East, seeing that this floating island fell so fast this year, it immediately triggered a round of discussions.

Many oriental people are curious and wonder why this floating island has dropped so much all of a sudden!

Of course, although I don’t understand what happened, this kind of thing is naturally what Orientals are happy to see.

“I guess this floating island is too aggressive, trying to rush to a higher level, but was beaten back to the prototype by a wave. 39

“Haha, the West is doing good deeds.”

“Now, in the top ten middle schools, there is one less floating island in the West, so Westerners are probably crying, right?

Such anomalies are not over.

Not long after, among the fifty, sixty, and seventy people, some names that were originally ranked in the forefront of the West were also discovered one after another!

“My God, is this something big that happened that I don’t know about?”

“How come many floating islands that were originally ranked at the top have dropped to the 50th place?”

“Isn’t it because these floating islands have some kind of rude operation, playing themselves to death?”

“Fell like a dog.”

“Dog: Are you polite?


On the Internet in the East, it was completely lively.

Seeing that some of the western floating islands that were at the top of last year’s rankings actually dropped like crazy this year.

Orientals are naturally curious!

They all felt that something big had happened that they didn’t know about!

So, following this change!

Curiosity returns to curiosity, seeing that these originally good floating islands in the West have dropped so much in the rankings, all the Orientals are naturally in a good mood!

The eastern side is full of joy, and the western side, the atmosphere is completely opposite.

Many Westerners are stunned.

I don’t understand at all, why they all worked so hard, why did they lose their ranking like crazy on the Golden List Floating Island that was at the top of the list!

The senior members of the mutual aid association were equally stunned.

All the high-level members of the mutual aid association have extremely low expressions on their faces!

Before the gold list was refreshed, they still had illusions.

However, seeing that their top-ranked Floating Island had dropped like a dog, the illusions of the senior members of these mutual aid associations were shattered!

These floating islands whose rankings have dropped so much are naturally the ones that suffered heavy losses in the “Annual Exam”.

The annual exam ended yesterday.

In a day, they simply don’t have time to make amends.

Even, there are several floating islands, and the monster tide has not been solved today!

Only the high-level seam of the mutual aid association knows that these floating islands… I am afraid they have already dropped the rhyme gold list!

Because the loss of these floating islands is too great.

At this time, the high-level 520 of these floating island associations do not know how.

Their plant virus, I’m afraid… didn’t work!

Otherwise, after the plant virus takes effect, it should be Dongfang who has gone crazy now.

No, both sides are miserable, so the ranking of the West cannot be so crazy!

Under such circumstances, the senior members of the mutual aid association looked very strange.

One by one, they were not even in the mood to speak, staring wide-eyed, watching the gold rankings constantly refresh.

After the disillusionment, the mood of these guys can be described as a bad, gloomy and bleak~

“What happened in the West, so unsatisfactory!

On the other side, on Li Shengping’s floating island, this guy was stunned when he saw that the ranking of the western floating island had dropped so much.

Li Shengping has been thinking that when the number of votes between the East and the West reaches a certain balance, his vote will become the key vote, and then let Lin Feng come to him.

“The West looks like it’s going to lose this time!”

Next to Li Shengping, He Yong’s voice sounded.

“Best loser, and the number of votes for the best East is just around 638 votes, so the votes in our hands are the most important!

Li Shengping is still holding such a fantasy.

This guy, after being hit by waves, has completely lost his temper now.

His obsession is constantly changing.

Now, this guy’s obsession is to ask Lin Feng to beg him!

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