271 Still fantasizing? Miserable? The decisive gold list! (2) Please subscribe

After dark.

All the monster tides on the Golden List Floating Island in the East have been resolved.

The banshees and elves sent by Lin Feng to support have already returned to the floating island.

After the “annual examination”, there will be a 7-day rest period.

In the past three years, in order to improve the overall strength of the entire East, the girls have been fighting monsters almost every day.

You can have a good rest.

Such battles are not without merit.

During the battle, their strength can also be continuously improved, and the fighting skills, the proficiency and power of the skills are also continuously improved.

In addition, the various crystals obtained can also allow them to continuously upgrade.

SWAT is for the elemental elves.

Now the number of each elemental elves has reached 500, and the total amount of crystals required continues to rise.

However, under the circumstance of “May 20th” in which the whole East is collectively rising, the “welcome ceremony” encountered often lasts for several months.

The number of various energy-rich monsters encountered is also quite large.

The crystals that the element elves need to upgrade can still be satisfied!

The dark element elves have returned, and after completing the task, they have quietly sneaked out.

Lin Feng also already knew that the tide of monsters faced by the western “annual exam” has doubled.

This time, the mission of the dark element elves was completed perfectly.

The losses suffered by the West can be described as considerable.

These guys are also self-inflicted.

I’m afraid, those guys in the West are still fantasizing that their plant virus has taken effect, and they still have hope.

This night, many people in the East have no intention of sleeping.

Because tomorrow is the day when the gold list is refreshed.

It is also the last day of the three-year plan.

“I want to sleep but I can’t, I really want to skip to tomorrow.

“Yeah, I don’t know if we can completely crush the West this time.”

“Don’t worry, our votes can definitely exceed two-thirds.”

Many Orientals are chatting in various chats.

The next morning, Lin Feng woke up refreshed and started early morning activities.

Mainly to welcome the birth of new girls.

As long as Lin Feng has nothing to do in the morning, he will basically greet the birth of the new Banshee, Flower Fairy, Mermaid and Siren in person.

In the West, some monster tides on floating islands have not been completely eliminated until now!

A large number of high-level members, and the high-level managers of the Western Mutual Aid Association, did not sleep well all night, sitting there with dark circles under their eyes, and everyone’s faces were not very good-looking.

Because the loss is indeed too great.

Although the top management of the mutual aid association responded in a timely manner and abandoned some floating islands, however, due to the influx of monsters, a large number of floating islands were still not protected.

It is a heavy loss.

These people’s faces can be so good-looking and strange.

“Don’t worry too much about the elephant.”

The high-level road of a mutual aid society.

Our “plant virus must have taken effect, the floating island in the east, bigger than us, we still have hope! 3)

The high-level road of this mutual aid society.

hear him.

Other mutual aid club executives gave rise to some hope.

Now, the West has suffered such a huge loss, which is almost irreparable.

It can only be hoped that their plant virus really takes effect, and the East also suffers losses.

When everyone suffers losses, it depends on who suffers more.

This loss is mainly the loss of plants.

Everyone has suffered losses on plants, and last night, the floating island that has solved the monster tide, although it also faced some losses on plants, but at the request of the Western Mutual Aid Association, the BUG has been forcibly increased by one level. .

As for those floating islands that haven’t solved the monster tide, they can’t even think of bugs.

It is necessary to solve the monster tide, so that after the black fog area disappears, it will be able to rise one level.

Can’t solve the monster tide, the black fog area has always existed, there is no way to rise!

In the eyes of many senior members of the mutual aid association, everyone’s plants have been lost, and although they have also suffered heavy losses, they are not completely lost.

Like the floating island that was originally ranked third in the west, the loss was almost more than half.

The other floating islands, basically, face losses of one-third to more than half.

After all, their floating island is too big, but after the mutual aid association adjusts the drying strategy, even if the monster breaks through the defense line, it is unrealistic to completely destroy the plants on the floating island…

Time alone can’t do it in a day.

The floating island, which was originally the first in the Western Gold List, also lost about one-sixth of its plants.

Don’t think that one-sixth is less, such a large floating island has lost one-sixth, and also lost a lot of high-level plants, which is a considerable loss!

But in the eyes of these high-level members of the mutual aid society, as long as their plant virus takes effect, the losses facing the East will be even greater, and the losses are much greater than theirs!

As long as the plants in the East lost more than them, they solved the monster’s floating island last night, and the bugs went up again. They do not seek an advantage in the number and area of ​​the floating island. As long as they are tied, they will win!


In the eyes of the senior management of the mutual aid association, who is worse than who is now!

“Well, definitely! 9)

“We’ll be able to see the results in an hour. Our plant virus this time is so secretive, there must be no problem.

“Yes, the East must be worse than us!”


The high-level members of the mutual aid association still have illusions about plant viruses.

Although their losses were great, the thought of Dongfang’s greater losses made their hearts less uncomfortable.

It’s worse anyway.

Someone is more miserable than you, are you still miserable?

In the fantasies of the top executives of these mutual aid associations, time is approaching 8 o’clock little by little.

Finally 5.3.

It’s 8 o’clock.

The gold list began to refresh.

This time, the Golden List, whether it is from the East or the West, has paid great attention to it.

The results of the Eastern Three-Year Plan and the results of the Western Three-Year Plan will be tested in this gold list!

In Lin Feng’s view, it is also a decisive gold list!

“It should be fine.

Lin Feng whispered.

Unlike the unrealistic fantasy of the West, he is not blindly confident, but has his own absolute certainty.

“I’m coming.”

“Haha, 90 to 100 people are all Western, that’s great.»”

“The post-80s are also mostly from the West. Looking at it this way, we are going to occupy a very advanced position.”

On the Internet, with the refresh of the gold list, a new round of discussions has been launched!

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