273 The last hope? Take the top ten! (2) Please subscribe

There are those who have the same idea as Li Shengping, as well as those who immigrated to the country.

A golden floating island that this group of guys fished together was not hit this time, because their involvement with the mutual aid association was not too deep.

When they saw the floating island on the Golden List, which was originally ranked at the top in the West, they fell back for some reason, and this group of people were also a little silly.

“Old Jin… what happened?”

“I don’t know, it’s possible that they fell into Lin Feng’s trap, and the West is in danger now!

Old Jin said solemnly.

Seeing that the West has become so famous, Old Jin’s face is a little ugly.

the reason is simple.

Such a crazy fall, the West is quite dangerous this year!

Once the East occupies two-thirds of the votes and has absolute control, then the West will decline!

This is inevitable.

The West occupies absolute control, and will not let the East go. It will definitely formulate rules that are unfavorable to the East and completely trample the East.

At that point, those of them who failed to return to the East were quite embarrassed.

Although the three-district gold list is merged, it does not represent the merge of the regions.

They can’t return to the East, and at that time, they may also become the target of being targeted!

But the problem now is that they have offended Lin, and they have already made trouble with Lin Feng, if they don’t want to go back, they can go back!

They think… Lin Feng won’t let it, that’s useless!

“The best result now is that the number of votes in the East is a few votes away from two-thirds. At that time, the number of votes in our hands is the key!”

Seeing that the situation in the West is not good, this group of people also began to have fantasies like Li Shengping.

They really only have a few votes.

However, at some critical times, those few votes are the key in the key.

Unfortunately, the fantasy of this group of people is also doomed to be shattered.

Lin Feng didn’t count Li Shengping’s votes at all. Similarly, Lin Feng even forgot about these guys who immigrated to Eagle Country.

Some insignificant guys, Lin Feng needs to work a lot every day, how can he still set aside his brain capacity to remember these guys?

To Lin Feng, these guys are not worth mentioning at all.

Of course, if someone mentions it, Lin Feng can still remember it.

The gold list is still being refreshed.

Finally, into the top 50.

Netizens in the East found that in the bottom 50, there were more than a dozen floating island owners who were originally in the top 50 in the Western Gold List.

And after entering the top 50, soon, a big melon appeared again.

That is, the floating island that was originally ranked 6th in the West and ranked in the top ten on the Gold List of the Three Districts last year suddenly dropped to 48th!

Even some of the Western Gold Lists that ranked in the 30s and 40s last year can’t compare!

This floating island also fell quite badly.

The reason for not dropping the top 50 is because this floating island was mainly protected, but it also destroyed a lot of plants.

“I went to, and another one fell so ruthlessly, what happened to the West?

“Could it be that the West is too bad, or the practice of unifying resources has caused a backlash in the floating island world, just like what we encountered decades ago?”

“It shouldn’t be very good. The Western approach is different from ours back then, and the situation is completely different now and then.”

“Could it be Lin Feng’s trick again?

On the Eastern Internet, there are many people participating in the discussion, and countless netizens have joined the discussion.

With the ranking into the top 50, the situation in the West is becoming less optimistic.

The floating islands that were originally ranked in the top 20 in the West are basically losing their names like crazy.

Some are still in the top 50, even if they are not bad.

Some of the previous ones fell directly out of the top 50, which is miserable!

The loss of the name of the West in this way directly led to the fact that among the bottom 50 floating island owners in the Golden List, the Western Golden List floating island owners accounted for the majority.

Well, the bottom 50 are in the majority, but there is no benefit at all.

The senior members of the Western Mutual Aid Association have become increasingly ugly.

Then, another big melon appeared.

Originally ranked third in the Western Gold List, the floating island that ranked No. 8 last year actually dropped to No. 31!

All of a sudden, more than 20 people were dropped!

This time it dropped, and it dropped quite hard!

In 8th place, but in 20 votes.

In 31st place, there are only 7 votes!

“I went, and another one came.”

“Haha, wasn’t this floating island ranked No. 8 before, and also ranked No. 3 in the West?

“Second and third are all over! I don’t know how the floating island is the number one in the Western Gold List! 99

“These guys must have rushed too hard and were attacked.”

On the Internet, there is a lot of excitement.


On the floating island, Lin Feng smiled.

Although this floating island has also been protected by the West, it is still not preserved.

The loss is not small.

Twenty people dropped immediately!


Whether it was Leng Qingqiu, Jiang Zhiwei, or Lexi, after seeing this result, they couldn’t help but look at Lin Feng.

Many Orientals still don’t understand what’s going on.

Although some oriental people linked the west to Lin Feng so crazy, but these oriental people are not sure.

They know that this matter is definitely related to Lin Feng, and it was realized under the operation of Lin Feng!

Although they knew it, they were also extremely curious, wondering what means Lin Feng used to achieve all this!

At this time, Lin Feng, in their eyes, has become synonymous with omnipotence!

“I went there. I just took a look. It seems that there is only one floating island on the Western Gold List, which is the first floating island in the West.”

“It seems like, in the top 20, there is only one floating island left in the west, my God!”

“It’s stable now.”

“Stable, stable.”

Netizens quickly discovered something new.

In the top 30, there is actually not a Western Golden List floating island!

No, there is one more.

Originally the first floating island in the Western Gold List!

This discovery naturally made countless netizens excited about it!

What about the top 30!

How many votes does this have!

You know, just the top 10 votes are already more than half!

Adding up the top 20 and top 30, without looking at the back votes, is definitely more than two-thirds!

However, the position of the floating island, which was originally the first in the Western Gold List, has become the object of public attention.

“With such a violent fall in the West, it is possible to do everything possible to protect this floating island gap. If this floating island can get the first place, it is still a bit difficult to deal with. ”

“Yes, I just checked the statistics. If the floating island in the West can take the first place, the number of votes in the West will still be more than one-third!


We’re all on the 30th floor, even if we lose some plants, it doesn’t matter, as long as we take the first place, we still have a chance! 22

Some people at the top of the mutual aid association also noticed this.

Now, the key is this floating island.

If this floating island takes the first place, they can still make a comeback.

It’s useless to take the second one!

Must be first.

The first 200 votes, the next is the most critical!

Some high-level mutual aid associations began to look forward to this floating island.

This is their last hope!

This time, the loss of this floating island is not as big as the special police, and it also lost one-sixth of the plants.

The absolute value of this loss is still very large.

But their overnight card bug rose to 30th floor!

This floating island has become their last hope!

The name keeps rhyming.

Soon, the names of 21 to 30 people were completely hooked.

21-30, all of them are the floating island masters from the East!

This made the senior management of the mutual aid association breathe a sigh of relief.

Some people are in a bad mood.



Li Shengping and He Yong were directly squeezed out of the first 30 gaps!

This guy, right now, is doubting his life on the floating island!

Then 20, 19, 18..

Constant refresh.

Up to the 15th, it is still the name of the floating island owner on the Eastern Golden List, and there is no Western name.

until 14, 13, 12.

All are still the names of the floating island owners of the Eastern Golden List.

“Haha, as expected, we swept the top 30, only one, it seems, this floating island, I am afraid it will still be in the top 10.

“Well, after all, it is the first in the Western Gold List.”


Eastern netizens discussed it.

This jar just discussed a few words, and the names of 11 people came to Xiao.

This name…. is the name of the floating island that was originally the first in the Western Gold List!

When the name came out, the senior members of the mutual aid association changed their faces!

The netizens in the East also jumped up one by one.

“If I go, the floating islands that are number one in the Western Gold List will be squeezed to the 11th place? 3)

“So fierce?

“666, too fast.”

“Doesn’t this mean that the top 10 were bought by us? 93


On the Internet in the East, it was boiling in an instant!

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