270 I can’t cry, I can’t cry, I can’t come out of the West! (1) Please subscribe

“What’s the matter, why is the monster tide so fierce?”

“A total of 20 floating islands have 3 to 4 times more monsters than we expected. Strange, why is this happening?”


The headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Association has been completely messed up.

Seeing that the tide of monsters suddenly became so fierce, the senior management of the Western Mutual Aid Association was completely stunned.

They really don’t understand why this is happening.

Throughout the West, the research on the floating island world is very profound, and there are professional teams to study the monsters and monster tides on each floor, and the number of this net team is quite large.

Not just one.

Although the Western Tangle has risen to 29 layers a few years ago, the research on monsters and monster tides by these professional teams has been quite accurate in the past 100 years.

Never got rid of mistakes.

There were two mistakes last year.

Those two times, once was when Lin Feng took a floating island test that ranked in the 20s of the gold list in the three districts.

The other time was when Lin Feng attacked the floating island, which was originally ranked second in the Western Gold List.

However, Lin Feng didn’t hook again later, which made the West feel that it was just an accident.

Who would have thought that after the overall rise in the West, there will be another wave of “annual exams”!

In all the floating island owners in the west, the monster tides on all the top 20 floating islands have all tripled to 4 times!

If a floating island is multiplied by 3-4 times, it is nothing, because with the current number of power users in the West, it can be completely solved.

However, this is 3-4 times the number of 20 floating islands!

That’s a big problem!

However, these 20 floating islands are still among the top floating islands in the West!

It is also a floating island that the West has high hopes for this year.

It can be said that every floating island should not be lost.

“The inherent rules of the floating island world cannot be specific to us, and there is reason to suspect that this is man-made!”

“Is there any way to increase the number of monster tides in the East?

“How is it possible, I don’t think it’s realistic!”

“Could it be Lin Feng?”

“Don’t think about why, think about how, we still have time!

The headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Society has become a mess.

The top management of the mutual aid association guessed and guessed, and could not guess why the monster tide suddenly became so powerful.

However, someone with a head is still a little sober, knowing that it is useless to guess the reason now, because no matter how much you guess, the tide of monsters has already arrived, and it is impossible to reduce it out of thin air.

As a result, the top management of the mutual aid association, one by one, frantically came up with a solution.

But, what can be done?

There are only so many psychics in the West!

“The current plan is to give up some floating islands.”

The high-level road of a mutual aid society.

The high-level approach of this mutual aid association is actually the best approach, that is, to give up some floating islands and concentrate all the abilities on those floating islands on some more important floating islands.

At present, there are more than fifty floating islands in the West on the Gold List in the three districts, and these floating islands have many abilities.

However, there are many difficulties in implementing such a method.

Which to give up and which not to give up is a big question.

Each Jinbang floating island is related to the interests of a group of people.

Saying give up, you have to make people willing to give up.

That has to come in exchange for benefits.

In the middle, the negotiation alone will take a lot of time.

In the end, the people from Deluoji cut through the mess and quickly settled on a plan.

That is to do our best to protect the important floating island!

Among the floating islands in the west, among the top 20 floating islands, several floating islands were abandoned, and then all the power users quickly mobilized to protect several important floating islands.

SWAT is the top 10 floating island in the west.

This strategy does have some effect.

However, as time went by, the senior members of the mutual aid association still cried.

Even with this strategy, they fought quite hard.

Several floating islands have been breached by ferocious monster tides!

You must know that the number of monster tides has tripled or quadrupled, and it is not enough to simply triple or quadruple the defensive strength.

Because the line of defense is dead.

The greater the number of monster tides, the more monsters will come impulsively at the same time.

Even if the defensive strength is tripled or quadrupled, but the defensive line remains unchanged, it will still be broken.

Unless you also increase the depth of the line of defense by 3 or 4 times.

In fact, if the West is a little bit more ruthless, if the top 20 floating islands are given up about 15, and only about five are guaranteed, they may be able to ensure that these five floating islands are foolproof.

But the interests of doing so are too great, and the mutual aid association has no way to convince those floating island owners.

After all, time is too tight, and they don’t have more time to discuss.

·For flowers·

Seeing that the floating islands are being breached by monsters one by one, even if they can be resolved in the end, they will suffer heavy losses after the solution.

In the afternoon, these crying and bereavement experiences turned into faces that couldn’t even cry if they wanted to cry!

Because the loss is too great.

The abandoned floating islands have been completely washed into by monsters.

Millions of monsters rushed into the floating island, and the destructive power was simply too great.

No matter how many plants there are on the floating island, they can’t stand the spray of these monsters!

It is the floating island that has not been abandoned. Because the monster tide is too strong, the number of ability users is still not enough, and it has also been broken. After breaking, it can only be solved by dividing the monsters by the depth of the floating island.

After these monsters entered the floating island, the damage to the entire floating island was still great.


The SWAT is the floating island that originally ranked third in the west, and the loss is the largest.

The floating island has risen twice this year and is now on the 29th floor.

The “annual exam” has also become extraordinarily ferocious.

It was much more ferocious than the monster tide on the floating island that was the first in the West.

After being taken care of by Lin Feng again, the number of monsters in the “annual examination” on the floating island has almost increased by about 4.5 times compared to the previous one, and all of them are cross-layer monsters.

That is, a monster with a strength of 30!

Not only has the number doubled, but the intensity has also increased.

And the increase in intensity is deadly!

As the monster tide became more ferocious, this floating island was also heavily defended by the West, but it was still not defended!

The main reason is that there are too many. Originally, this floating island was the object of key defense, and tens of thousands of level 10 ability users were mobilized.

If you want to prevent it, you have to transfer at least 200,000 level 10 ability users.

The other floating islands are far from enough.

A large number of monsters rushed into the floating island and spoiled the plants on the floating island.

As for the floating island that was originally the first on the gold list in the West, because the monster tide itself is not so fierce, after a few times, it does not appear to be so powerful. However, unfortunately, this floating island encountered a space monster and suffered the same a small loss.

In this way, until midnight, a large number of floating islands in the west were still fighting.

According to this calculation, they have to completely eliminate these monsters, and it is estimated that it will not be until dawn next year.

After the “annual exam”, it is true that monsters will not come, but if the previous monsters are not solved, they will always be destroyed on the floating island!

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