269 ​​”Annual Exam”! Crazy monster! Love! (2) Please subscribe

In this way, day by day, it came to the eve of the “annual examination”.

On Lin Feng’s floating island, all the banshees and elemental elves have already been divided into teams.

In this “annual exam”, all the floating island masters who have risen to the 30th floor can’t keep it on their own, so Lin Feng needs support in batches.

Of course, the banshees, the elemental elves, will go around to support them early tomorrow morning.

“Nian” comes at 8 o’clock and rhymes after 7 o’clock, that’s all.

This night, many floating island owners deserve to sleep unintentionally because they are worried about the “annual exam”.

On the west side, it is also busy all night, and there are too many people to mobilize. In addition, according to the type of monsters that arrive during the “annual examination”, different energy guides must be sent to support. These are all things that the Western Mutual Aid Association needs to worry about.

The high-level members of the mutual aid association have still not heard the news of plant viruses in the East.

However, some high-level mutual aid associations are still quite optimistic.

It is believed that Dongfang has suffered a big loss, and it is still hanging.

“This time the other floating island owners in the East are not worth mentioning, as long as we win one of the top three, we will definitely be able to exceed two-thirds of the votes!

There are high-level confidence in the mutual aid association.

In their opinion, the top three are the key, because once the top three are occupied by Lin Feng, the Dongfang’s votes will never be less than one-half!

On the floating island, Lin Feng slept soundly. 520

This evening Lin Feng spent the night on his own floating island.

Generally speaking, Lin Feng spends most of the night on his own floating island.

Sometimes when I go to Tang Rui’s floating island, basically after more than two hours, they will go to another girl’s floating island.

The main reason is that Lin Feng’s current physical fitness is too strong, and a woman often can’t bear it.

On the contrary, the elf girls, or the banshees, can stand a little better.

The next morning, Lin Feng fell asleep.

Beside, the banshee Nancy also woke up.


There was still a slight blush on Nancy’s face.

Lin Feng stroked her little head: “Get up, Nancy.”

After Lin Feng got up and went to the foggy forest to welcome the birth of a new banshee, he was ready for the “annual exam”.

For Lin Feng, the annual exam is not stressful.

However, some other floating islands need more attention.

In addition, Lin Feng is more concerned about this wave of “annual exams” and plans for revenge against the West.


at this time.

A large number of gold listing floating islands in the west have already been busy.

Although the floating island was blocked early in the west, the dark element spirits sent by Lin Feng were still sneaking in.

Lin Feng sent a total of 20 dark element elves.

Lurking in the top 20 gold list floating island owners in the West.

Well, the floating island that originally ranked second in the Western Gold List has been abandoned. In half a year, there are not too many plants to be replenished. Lin Feng did not send the dark element elves to this floating island.

Originally the first floating island in the Western Gold List, it is still on the 29th floor.

Since this floating island has not been moved for three years, there will not be too many monster waves in this year’s “annual examination”. Therefore, there are not many special police officers left in the west on this floating island.

Instead, send more ability users to the floating island where the police rise faster.

For this floating island, Lin Feng did not expect to cause too much loss. After all, this floating island has not risen for three years, and it has risen to 30 floors. It is also preparing to wait for the “annual examination” to end. After the end of the card bug.

The monster tide on this floating island is incomparable to other floating islands.

But Lin Feng is also sure that he will cause some losses.

The focus is on the 19 floating islands after the third place in the original Western Gold List.

These 19 floating islands have risen a bit fast in the past three years. The floating island that was originally the third in the gold list is already on the 29th floor.

This floating island is also the focus of the Western defense this time.

Although by the end of the year, there were more than 300,000 level 10 ability users in the hands of the West, but since there were too many floating islands to defend, the average number of ability users on a floating island would definitely not be too many.

After all, the monster wave of “annual exams” came at the same time!

There is no way to miss out!

This is also the reason why Lin Feng has to launch it during the “annual exam”.

Soon, it’s 8 o’clock.

On all the floating islands, the Black Mist area is hooked.

On the floating island of the Golden List in the East, the monster tide began to overwhelm the sky and the earth. This time, because the East rose very strongly, the monster tide of the “annual examination” was also very violent.

However, with the support sent by Lin Feng, this wave of “annual exams” is not a big problem.

at the same time.

The west.

On the floating island that was originally the third in the gold list in the west, here, tens of thousands of 10th-level ability users and two hundred thousand 8th-level ability users are ready to fight!

According to the calculation of the professional team, this time, the monster tide they faced, there were more than one million people with a strength of 29.

However, as soon as the black fog area appeared, the upper floors of this floating island felt that something was wrong.

Because, the black fog area is too wide.

Immediately after.

When the monsters were clipped, the faces of the high-level officials of these floating islands changed completely.


Too much!

The number of these monsters is three to four times more than originally expected!

“What’s going on? There are so many monsters, hurry up, apply for support, and send some support from other floating islands!”

The top of the floating island panicked and quickly turned to the top of the Western Mutual Aid Association to apply for support.

However, at this time, the headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Association was completely messed up.

Because, in a short period of time, they received a lot of help messages!

Throughout the West, on the top 20 floating islands in the West, the number of monster waves in the “Annual Exam” has generally tripled to 4 times!

Moreover, there are even cross-layer monsters on some floating islands!

3 to 4 times!

Don’t underestimate this number!

You must know that the floating islands in the west are rising so fast, and the floating islands themselves cannot be defended. They must be defended by the mutual aid association.

Although the number of their ability users is large, it is not easy for him to defend so many floating islands that are rising so fast.

Of course, the power user had a big explosion after all, and he was still able to defend it completely. Moreover, they also kept tens of thousands of level 10 power users, ready to support them flexibly.

Under such an arrangement, even if the monster wave of the “annual exam” is twice as large as originally expected, it will be sure to defend.

However, now there are more than 3 times more, and some floating islands are more than 4 times more!

The most important thing is that it comes at the same time!

This is impossible to prevent!

“what happened?”

The top management of the mutual aid association was stunned, and did not understand at all, why these monsters were like crazy, so many monsters came at the same time!

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