268 have 30 floors! Blindly optimistic! Heyday! (1) Please subscribe

In the second half of the year, Lin Feng was busy again.

The seven major families on their own have no way of gaining a firm foothold on the 30th floor.

The special police is that these seven major families have also risen very fast in recent years, which has caused the “welcome ceremony” to be a bit fierce.

If everything returned to normal, the usual number of monsters on the 30th floor should be more than one million.

However, the “welcome gift” itself is stronger than the usual monster tide. At the same time, because the rise is too fast, the number of monster tides in the “welcome gift” will double or triple.

First is the pool.

After Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island rose to the 30th floor, the pool’s floating island also rose to the 30th floor.

Then came the “Welcome”.

The welcome ceremony on Chifu Island was stronger than Jiang Zhiwei and Lonely Floating Island.

Because the pool has risen faster in recent years.

When the three districts were merged, the pool was only on the 26th floor.

After the merger of the three districts, due to the desperate and rapid development of the West, the East is also going all out, which means that the pool has risen by 4 floors within three years.

Or four floors above 26 floors!

“Welcome” is naturally more fierce!

Even if the number of power users exploded under the improved genetic potion and power fruit provided by Lin Feng, Chi would not be able to hold on to it.

Lin Feng sent a total of 10,000 Banshees, plus 20 Elemental Spirits to help defend.

Basically, there are two space element elves, it is very stable, and the banshees are responsible for solving difficult monsters.

And like other element elves, such as the thunder element elves, the power of the hook hand is not generally large.

A 15th-level thunder element spirit, a thunderstorm, even a 30th floor monster, will be killed.

Of course, if you meet someone who is not afraid of thunder, let the fire elemental spirit move.

A purgatory fire goes down, the power is also extremely huge.

In short.

The strength of the element elves continued to grow, and after the level was high, every element elves were very terrifying.

After the pool reaches the 30th floor, the “welcome gift” is still a cross-layer monster, that is, a monster with a strength of 31.

Without Lin Feng, Chi 100% would not have been able to keep the “welcome and politeness” on the first day.

The cross-layer monster continued for seven days.

Then, the subsequent monsters began to weaken.

After weakening, Lin Feng began to let other clans rise one after another.

Some families are still on the 28th floor and need to go up to the 29th floor first, and then go up to the 30th floor after the “welcome ceremony” on the 29th floor is over.

Lin Feng has formulated a detailed timetable, and it is perfectly fine to keep rising according to this timetable.

In this way, the entire East is rising in an orderly manner.

the other side.

The West is also constantly developing.

It is also constantly improving the layers of the Western Floating Island.

A large number of floating islands have been raised to the 27th floor by the Western Mutual Aid Association. After the “annual examination” is over, the card bug will be raised to the 28th floor.

There are still more than ten floating islands, which have been gradually upgraded to the 28th floor by the Western Mutual Aid Association. After the “annual examination” is over, the card bugs to the 29th floor.

Because it feels that its plant virus has taken effect, the Western Mutual Aid Association also has greater ambitions for Ikoma, and decided to turn defeat into victory this year.

So, they are also a little more daring.

There are 10 floating islands ready to rise to the 29th floor.

In addition, there are more than twenty floating islands, and they are ready to rise to the 28th floor.

The Western Mutual Aid Association has not completely waited for the card bug, and has gradually raised some floating islands to the 29th floor.

It only takes a lot of time for each liter, because the “welcome gift” needs to be fully dealt with.

Inside the Western Mutual Aid Association, all the top executives are full of confidence.

Although these guys have sufficient confidence, they are still creating anxiety in the West and constantly exaggerating the crisis. able!

have to say.

Western Mutual Aid’s strategy is effective.

Because the level 10 ability user began to show a blowout.

By the end of this year, the number of Western level 10 ability users will definitely exceed 300,000!

300,000 level 10 ability users!

This number, before the merger of the three districts, was unthinkable!

After all, the kind of genetic medicine that can create a level 10 power user has too strong side effects.

Can’t find so many people to use it at all.

But now, the Western Mutual Aid Association has successfully recruited millions of guinea pigs with the help of the crisis propaganda after the merger of the three districts, and created so many level 10 ability users!

In such busyness, time flies by quickly.


After the three districts asked and merged, the last month of the third year came.

A snowy month!

On the floating island, the plant transplant work basically stopped.

During this month, the success rate of transplanting plants is very low.

As for other work, it is still in progress.

For example, every day, on some floating islands, there are still “welcome gifts”


These “welcome gifts” last for a very long time.

However, the entire floating island is more leisurely than before.

“Plant viruses should take effect soon, right?”

At the headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Association, the high-level executives in it were looking forward to it one by one.

“…” The spy on the Floating Island in the East is too strong, our people can’t penetrate it, and it should come to fruition soon. 33

Many high-level mutual aid associations are optimistic.

In this way, time passes day by day.

In the whole East, it was calm, and there was no news of any “plant virus”.

On the Internet in the East, people are discussing whether it can surpass the West in the number of votes this year, and the total number of votes will exceed two-thirds.

In the public communication area of ​​Lunxiong, netizens from the east and the west were arguing in full swing.

“Why haven’t there been any news yet?”

Seeing that the East did not inquire about any plant virus news, some senior officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association felt a little uncertain.

“The police are worried that it will definitely break out in the next few days. The information on the Dongfang Jinbang Floating Island is currently blocked very tightly. Even if it breaks out, they will definitely hold on.”

There are mutual aid high-level still optimistic.

However, as time goes by and it is approaching the end of the year, there is still no news of plant virus outbreaks.

“It must have erupted, but they didn’t break out, they are holding on!” (Li Dezhao)

“Well, don’t worry, this time we are so secretive, Dongfang is doomed this time!”

The top executives of the Western Mutual Aid Association are still quite optimistic.

Lin Feng’s floating island, Lin Feng is also very optimistic about this year’s gold list.

After more than half a year of hard work, now, in addition to Lin Feng people, Chi and other seven major families have all reached the 30th floor.

Other families have also risen a lot, and there are more than 20 people above the 28th floor!

With the surge in the area of ​​Jambu Island and the prosperity of plants, it can be said that the entire East has ushered in a new round of prosperity!

Although this round of heyday was fueled by Lin Feng’s unravelling, it was also at its peak!

Lin Feng felt that it should be a very easy thing to have two-thirds of the votes this year.

Among the top 10, the West has the most this year, and only one can be left.

Even, as long as there is a wave of “annual examinations”, one in the West will also want to stay!

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