264 Abilities with Exploding Numbers! (1) Subscribe

Time passes day by day.

Since the Western Mutual Aid Association found that the monster tide had returned to normal, it also began to continuously increase the number of layers of the floating island on the Golden List.

Lin Feng also endured it and didn’t do anything.

The West is improving one at a time. If Lin Feng takes action, the West will inevitably become cautious again.

Attacking only one floating island is naturally different from attacking a group of floating islands.

In the past three months, a large number of Western Gold List floating islands have risen to the 27th floor.

Moreover, this time, the number of Jinbang floating islands raised to the 27th floor is much more than what the Western Mutual Aid Association originally planned.

Because the floating island, which was originally the second in the Western Gold List, suffered heavy losses, the Western Mutual Aid Association wanted to make up for this loss.

Naturally, you can only upgrade more floating islands.

Now, they have also become more emboldened.

Because this year, the number of power users owned by the Western Mutual Aid Association has further increased!

Their genetic medicine generally takes two years to fully cultivate a level 8 or higher power user.

Now, it is the third year, and it is also the time when the number of power users cultivated by genetic medicine begins to show a big explosion!

The number of 10,513-level power users in the West is almost breaking through 200,000.

The number of level 8 and level 9 ability users has exceeded 3 million!

If the number of terrifying ability users, it will also give the West more confidence.

Although these 10th-level ability users can only live for more than ten years at most.

But more than ten years is enough!

Moreover, the Western Mutual Aid Association is not satisfied.

The crisis is still being rendered on the media, so that more “guinea pigs” can be obtained, thus giving birth to more level 10 power users!

You must know that the successful birth of a level 10 ability user means at least the death of more than a dozen “guinea pigs”!

For the Western Mutual Aid Association, it doesn’t care at all.

Even if there are nearly 200,000 10th-level ability users now, causing more than two million people to lose their lives, in the eyes of the mutual aid association, it is worthwhile.

In this world, with the explosion of population, the entire West also has a population of more than 10 billion, such a terrifying population, what is more than 2 million people!

Of course, even if two million people are nothing, in normal times, the Western Mutual Aid Association would not be able to get so many “guinea pigs”!

They are even less likely to force millions of ordinary people to participate in the trial.

Therefore, the Mutual Aid Association also seized this crisis and continued to take advantage of this crisis to enhance its strength!

Under the crisis propaganda of mutual aid associations, more and more westerners voluntarily become “guinea pigs”

This also allows the Western Mutual Aid Association to have more level 10 ability users!

Although the number of power users exploded, the floating island, which ranked first in the Western Gold List, still did not rush up to 30 floors.

The monsters on the 29th floor are extremely powerful, and a 10th-level ability user can only kill a small number of them with all his strength.

8th-level ability user, it’s good to do your best to kill one.

If it is a monster with a strength of 30, I am afraid it will be more terrifying.

In addition, the boss-level monsters on the 30th floor will be even more terrifying.

Although the 10th-level power user is powerful, he can’t beat the 30th-level leader-level monster.

That’s a boss-level monster with a strength of at least 35.

Even more terrifying than a monster with a normal strength of 35!

Western Mutual Aid can create 10th-level power users through genetic medicine with major flaws.


No matter how many “guinea pigs” there are a hundred times more, they can’t create a level 11 ability user!

From level 10 to level 11, it represents some kind of qualitative change.

It is very difficult for an 11th-level power user to succeed with genetic medicine.

At the same time that the number of power users in the West exploded.


The number of power users is also in a big explosion.

The number of improved genetic medicines provided by Lin Feng is also quite large (cifd), and these improved genetic medicines have fewer side effects and better effects.

Later, such an improved genetic medicine was improved a lot by Mengmeng again.

Moreover, such an improved genetic medicine can be used with a power fruit, and the effect will be better.

And in this way, Lin Feng is not lacking.

In addition, Lin Feng gave the B, A, and S grade seeds to the Floating Island Masters of the Eastern Golden List. Among the rhyme fruits, the possibility of these fruits mutating has also greatly increased.

Once the supernatural fruit is hooked on the floating island of these gold-listed floating island masters, it is now all handed over to Lin Feng.

In this way, with the help of a steady stream of power fruits and genetic medicines, the number of power users in the East has also ushered in a period of great growth in the past few years.

Moreover, in terms of number, it is no less than the number of power users in the West.

In just a few short years, on the deserted floating island, the number of ability users above level 8 has exceeded 200,000.

There are more than 30,000 power users at level 10.

In addition, there are also several 11th-level power users.

Well, only a few.

Level 10 ability users can also be assisted by the improved genetic medicine behind Mengmeng. Level 11 ability users have no choice and need to break through by themselves.

Although there are only a few, they are far more powerful than a level 10 power user.

Of course, Lin Feng’s help is still needed for boss-level monsters and difficult monsters.

And if there are no difficult monsters, the deserted floating island now has the monster tide at the end of every month, she can deal with the wishes independently, just need Lin Feng to deal with the boss-level monsters.

Lin Feng often sends a few elemental elves to assist.

With the current strength of the elemental elves, the role of an elemental elves is comparable to how many level 10 ability users!

Not only did the number of power users on the deserted floating island explode, but the number of power users on Jiang Zhiwei’s floating island was also soaring.

Even on Pan Mengxue’s floating island, there are tens of thousands of abilities.

Moreover, according to Lin Feng’s support for Pan Mengxue this year, Pan Mengxue can be on the gold list this year!

The number of other Jinbang family supported by Lin Feng in the entire East is also rapidly increasing.

In the past few years, the number of power users in each family has doubled several times.

The number of high-level ability users is also very large.

It can be said that the East has also ushered in a big explosion in the number of ability users!

In the entire East, the number of level 10 ability users, if added up, is not weaker than that in the West. All statistics are calculated, and the number of level 10 ability users may have exceeded 300,000!

The number of level 8 ability users is already several million.

Of course, these power users are scattered on various gold-listed floating islands.

Moreover, unlike the West, the power users in the East are not short-lived ghosts.

Not only is it not short-lived, but with the help of the fruit, it can also live a long life.

If it continues like this, in the future, the East may be able to open an era of universal abilities!

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