263 Response! The life shield shows its power! Two-pronged approach! (2) Please subscribe

However, this wave of viruses in the West has to be guarded against.

Although the West’s plan was known through the dark elemental spirits, the West’s spies in the East were not ordinary.

There are tens of billions of people in the East, even if Lin Feng has a large number of banshees, there is no way to find all the spies.

That’s too difficult.

Of course, the atmosphere is better now, and there are basically no obvious pro-Western remarks on the Internet.

This kind of thing was very common a hundred years ago.

SWAT was in the era when public knowledge was prevalent, public knowledge… but all of them blew the West to the top, and many public knowledge itself had its own problems.

This time, the plant virus made in the West is quite secretive.

After getting on clothes, it is difficult to wash off, and these plant viruses survive for a very long time, which can survive for several months.

As for the entire East, it is currently impossible to completely seal off the island, and the manpower needed by each floating island is also increasing.

the simplest.

Transplantation of plants requires constant progress.

Lin Feng had previously planted some advanced plants on other floating islands. As the area of ​​the floating islands he supported continued to grow, they needed to be transplanted continuously.

This time, the West’s goal is not actually two-thirds, but to reverse the situation and allow the West to account for more than half of the votes.

Lin Feng’s goal is naturally two-thirds.

After removing the votes of Li Shengping and He Yong, Lin Feng still needs dozens of votes.

These dozens of votes are simple to say, but in fact, it also requires a lot of effort.

Therefore, it is not realistic to completely seal the island now.

Moreover, even if it is closed now, if the West is exposed in the future, a fish will die and the net will be broken, and this plant virus will be used to cloud the East. .

Due to the characteristics of this plant virus, the banshees have played a big role in inactivity.

Banshees can find spies, but this time, the West secretly released the plant virus to some workers, using a wide-spreading method, some people will always be recruited, and then bring the plant virus in!

“There has to be a solution. 9

Lin Feng thought.

After thinking about it, Lin Feng found Mengmeng.

In dealing with plant viruses, Mengmeng, who is a life element spirit, is the most experienced.

“New plant virus?”

Mengmeng tilted her head cutely, and after thinking for a while, said: “Yes, I have an idea, but, Master, I need a virus sample.”

virus sample?

In this matter, it is still up to the dark element elves to operate.

The West is very cautious, those plant viruses have already quietly developed hooks, and they are probably in the hands of Eastern spies now.

It took the dark element elves a few days to find a few plant virus samples in one of their unusually secret laboratories, and then sent them back.

After Mengmeng got the plant virus sample, it took more than ten days to finally develop a solution.

Her solution was simple.

That is, at each Jinbang floating island located at the teleportation entrance of Earth Star, make a life shield.

This life shield requires life energy to maintain.

The maintenance of life energy requires the constant input of life multiplication abilities, and it can also be replaced by fruits containing life energy.

With such a life shield, everyone who enters the floating island will be filtered again.

Even the spy, with the banshee, couldn’t get in.

In this way, plant viruses will not be brought into the floating island!

“Mengmeng, well done.

This solution made Lin Feng very satisfied and praised Mengmeng specially.

Soon, Mengmeng and the life element elves created such a life shield for the eastern Jinbang floating island owners.

I also checked all the Jinbang floating islands and confirmed that there is no plant virus now.

Lin Feng also alerted the floating island owners of the Golden List in the East. All personnel entering the floating island must enter through the unified teleportation point on the earth star.

In this way, no matter which teleportation point after entering the floating island, it can be filtered again.

In this way, the hidden danger of plant virus has been solved.

It’s settled, but it’s not over yet.

Passive beating is not Lin Feng’s style.

This is the second entry in the West.

No, the three entered the palace.

The last time, after being beaten by Lin Feng, I stayed in peace for a few years. In the past few years, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of level 10 ability users in my hands, and their strength is too strong to be added, and they start to make trouble again. .

Lin Feng’s eyes turned cold.

He was thinking, whether to launch revenge now, or wait for the “annual exam”

Think about it.

Lin Feng decided.

Still waiting for the “annual exam”!

Waiting for the “…” annual exam”, there will be a wave of wolves for Westerners.

There is still half time, Lin Feng can let the tree of life give birth to at least 100 fruits of life that can increase the lifespan of a jar!

At that time, he will make the Westerners cry without being able to cry!

Moreover, the second day of the “annual examination” is the day when the golden list is refreshed. After the West has suffered losses, there will be no time to make up for it!

“Then wait for the ‘annual exam’.

Lin Feng thought.

“In addition, the eastern gold-listed floating island owners have to be careful, if the westerners lose, they may jump off the wall.

Lin Feng planned.

Now, he began to think further afield.

For example, what to do next after taking two-thirds of the votes this year.

How to pass the rules and completely step on the West.

Also, beware of Western dogs jumping over the wall, for example, launching a war on Earth.

These are all possible.

The floating island world is naturally the most important (Li Dehao), but the Earth Star cannot be lost.

Among the inherent rules of the floating island world, there is an important rule.

Babies born in the floating island world cannot become the new floating island owners.

This is also why, even if the Earth Star environment has become very poor and resources are scarce, some Golden List Floating Island Masters still will not move all their images into the Floating Island World.

Even if the floating island world is the main one, there is still a reason for the base camp in the earth star.

However, these are still early.

At present, the most important thing is to completely step on the West.

So, starting the next day, Lin Feng was busy again.

Although preparing to take revenge during the “annual examination”, it will definitely cause great damage to the West.

However, Lin Feng will not stop developing the East either, taking a two-pronged approach, slow is the right thing to do!

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