265 Want to get the top three? Rise to the 30th floor! (2) Ask for subscription

“What about the release of plant viruses?”

In the Western Mutual Aid Association, some core high-level leaders are meeting.

Not many people know about plant viruses in the Western Mutual Aid Association, only the core high-level cracks know about it.

This is to avoid leaking messages.

After all, this matter is related to the West’s counterattack against the East.

Once the counterattack is successful, then the West may be able to turn defeat into victory this year, and even reach two-thirds of the votes-!

You must know that in the overall ranking of floating islands, the plant element accounts for about 30-% of the weight.

Proportionately differentiated.

Plants, layers, and area each account for about 30% of the weight.

The remaining 10%, 5% are floating island residents, and 5% are floating island military exploits.

Well, residents and military exploits also have a little weight in the overall ranking, but this weight is not large, each item is only 5%.

If the plants in the West were overshadowed, then it would be Lin Feng’s floating island, and it couldn’t compare to the floating island gap that was originally number one on the Western Gold List.

Of course, since Lin Feng’s floating island never recruits outsiders, the whole situation of the floating island has always been kept secret from the outside world, and the Western Mutual Aid Association did not take Lin Feng’s floating island into account.

In their opinion, as long as the other floating islands are settled, it will be fine.

Moreover, their plant virus this time has a characteristic. As long as one worker carries a plant virus into the floating island, it will be finished.

In a few months at most, these plant viruses will spread to most of the floating islands, and then they will break out in a concentrated manner, causing the eastern gold-listed floating island owners to avoid them.

“It went well, Dongfang was not alert, and just waited for a few months to explode.

A senior member of the mutual aid society in charge of the matter said.

In order not to arouse the alarm in the east, this time, they did not try to send spies into the golden floating island in the east.

Instead, they sent spies to release plant viruses in a large number of cities, where there are workers who may be needed on the floating islands.

There are more than 10 billion people in the East, but there are still many people who are unhappy or want a better life, who will do things for the West for money.

Such things exist everywhere.

There are also similar people in the West. Chi is in the West and has raised a lot of spies.

Even some eastern gold-listed floating island owners are also infiltrating to the west, and some spies are also keeping a low profile.

In this world, because there are too many people and all kinds of people, it is impossible to expect everyone to be of one mind. Some people do everything for money, and some people and Xu Hui feel that what they do has an impact on the East. Not big.

Because these spies don’t even know what the Westerners let them release.

Perhaps, they naively thought that it was just some colorless and odorless gas.

The senior officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association did not know that their plant virus, to some extent, had indeed been released successfully.

Because the demand for workers in the East is indeed increasing, it is impossible not to recruit new workers.


With the life shield made by Mengmeng and the others, anyone who enters the floating island will be disinfected again, and this disinfection is very thorough.

Kill those plant viruses directly.

Well, Lin Feng naturally wouldn’t publicize this matter.

Now, through the dark element spirit, he knows the dynamics of the West, but the West does not know his situation.

Let the West mistakenly believe that their plant virus strategy has been successful, so that the West can form a misjudgment!

“That’s good, as long as these plant viruses take effect, this year, we can completely surpass the East and turn defeat into victory!”

A Kedro set high road.

“Yes, but the top three must capture at least one, otherwise, as long as the top three are in the hands of Lin Feng, they will be invincible!

Another senior executive of the mutual aid association has spoken!

Top three!

The most important top three.

You must know that the number of votes occupied by the top three is as high as 330 votes, which directly exceeds one-third!

As long as the top three are always in the hands of Lin Feng, the East is undefeated!

It’s no use for you to squeeze all the eastern gold-listed floating island owners out of the west!

Because the number of votes for the top three is still more than one-third!

At that time, even if the West holds a general meeting that all Golden List floating island owners must attend, and wants to formulate rules that are unfavorable to the East… it will not work!

As long as the three of Lin Feng and Jiang Zhiwei vote against it, any proposal will be useless!

Seeing that the plant virus strategy seems to have taken effect, the top management of the mutual aid association in the West saw the hope of completely stepping on the East, and wanted to step on the East in one fell swoop. Naturally, they must focus on the top three!

In their opinion, as long as one of the top three is knocked down, the West will be very sure.

“I propose that Zhao’s floating island can be promoted to the 30th floor, but not now, but after the “annual examination”, in case there is any accident.”

At this time, a high-level mutual aid association said.

“30 floors, will it be too risky?

There are also high-level people who feel a little risky.

“No, I won’t take risks. By the end of the year, the number of our level 10 ability users will reach 250,000-300,000, and Zhao’s floating island has not been touched for three years. This time, there will be no more welcome gifts. Meng, so, this time we will be very stable!”

“Yes, even if the monsters on the 30th floor are very fierce, but we have so many ability users, we are very sure, what’s more, as long as the counterattack is successful this time, even if we suffer a certain loss, it is not impossible.


The high-level officials of the mutual aid association discussed and discussed. In the end, all the high-level officials still decided… After the “exam”, they got stuck again and rose to the 30th floor!

So that you can break the top three triangles!

“30 floors?”

On the other side, Lin Feng quickly received the news.

The floating island, which was originally the first on the gold list in the West, has recovered almost after three years of repairs after the last heavy loss.

・・・ Asking for flowers ・・・

This floating island has not been moved for 3 years, and now the number of Western power users is exploding again. If they rise to 30 floors, maybe they will be able to stand on their feet after the “welcome gift” with some losses!

Well, look at things with a dynamic eye.

When the three districts were asked to merge, because there were not many “guinea pigs”, the number of level 10 ability users in the West was less than a hundred!

Yes, but a hundred!

However, after the three districts were questioned and merged, the West carried out crisis propaganda, a large number of people volunteered to be “guinea pigs”, and millions of people lined up to be “guinea pigs”, causing a big explosion of level 10 power users.

Now the number of Western level 10 ability users has exceeded 200,000, and by the end of the year, it will exceed 25, or even reach 300,000!

Level 8 ability users, there are as many as several million.

With so many level 10 and level 8 ability users, it is indeed possible to give a welcome gift to the Golden List Floating Island, which was originally the first in the Western Golden List.

But there will still be considerable losses.

And, don’t forget, this time, the card bug is more than one floating island.

These powers will be scattered at that time!

It’s not all concentrated on one floating island!

However, the mentality of the West now is somewhat similar to when the three districts were merged.

Anyway, they feel that the plant virus has already taken effect, and they can definitely overtake this year in one fell swoop, even if they lose some. As long as the situation is fixed this year, and it takes a year to make up for it, it will be enough!

So, in the end, the West passed the program!

“30 floors?

Lin Feng got this news from the Dark Elemental Spirit.

speak up.

Lin Feng’s floating island has not been moved for more than two years.

In the past two years, Lin Feng’s energy has been supporting the entire East.

Two years have passed, and the power user in the east has exploded. Now, Lin Feng needs less and less power.

Think about it.

Lin Feng decided that this month, let’s go to the 30th floor first.

First look at the monster strength on the 30th floor, and then, see if you want to raise the deserted boots and Jiang Zhiwei as well.

So, in the middle of the month, one night, Lin Feng rose to the 30th floor!

He doesn’t need to get stuck at all.

With his current strength, it has long been enough.

In fact, last year was already enough.

No, the previous year was enough.

The reason why he didn’t get promoted is mainly because Lin Feng doesn’t have that much energy, and he feels that he has been able to firmly occupy the first place in the gold list.

If it goes up again, it will still be number one on the gold list, and it will not increase the number of votes.

In the first two years, promoting other families and increasing the number of votes was the key, so Lin Feng had not been promoted.

Now these families have become stronger one after another, the adjustment of the defense line has already been completed, and the number of ability users has increased many times, and the most has increased by a dozen times.

Lin Feng has more free time, so he can also raise a liter!

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