262 The response of the West! Still want to do something? (1) Please subscribe

“How can this happen, and why is the monster wave of the ‘welcome gift’ so much larger than what we calculated?

A voice sounded from the headquarters of the Western Mutual Aid Association.

“This situation is really abnormal, could it be the hand and foot of the East? 97

“Unlikely, can Dongfang be able to decide the number of our monster tide?”

Although distressed, the senior officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association had no choice.

They had another meeting to try to find out why.

So far, Lin Feng has only done it twice.

One is a test.

This time, it’s official.

Sure enough, it gave the West a fatal blow.

After this operation, the West originally ranked second on the gold list. Last year, the floating island was ranked sixth on the three-district gold list. It can be said to be abolished!

Now, the end of this year is only half a year away.

In half a year, even if the plant is transplanted, it is simply too late.

What’s more… even with so many plant transplants?

The West is not a complete iron circle. Each Jinbang floating island represents the interests of a group of people, and the police Jinbang floating island cannot give you plants in vain.

It is natural to exchange benefits.

However, if the most important plants are gone, even if there are still 28 floors, and the area of ​​the 28 Golden List Floating Island is extremely large, then the shares of this Golden List Floating Island have become less valuable than before!

Also, there is not enough time!

Think about it, the area of ​​this Golden List Floating Island is more than two million square kilometers. How can such a large area be filled with plants in half a year!


In short.

very troublesome.

Now, the top executives of the Western Mutual Aid Association have plans to give up the golden list floating island.

In half a year, even from some floating islands that are not on the gold list now, but transplanting plants on the floating islands that were previously on the gold list in the three districts, working overtime day and night, the ranking will also drop significantly.

The top 10 is definitely no show.

The top 20 didn’t play.

Top 50, no show!

Even, it would be nice to be able to keep this floating island on the gold list!

And according to the ranking of the floating island in the gold list last year, it was ranked 6th in the gold list last year, and it has a full 30 votes in hand!

That is to say, now, these 30 votes are handed over to the East!

This made the senior members of the Western Mutual Aid Association almost explode with anger!

30 votes!

81-100 on the Gold List, these 20 Gold List floating islands add up to only 30 votes!

If the West does not make remedies, even if the current situation remains unchanged, the East will increase by 30 votes!

It will be getting closer and closer to the two-thirds vote!

This isn’t really the point.

The key is.

Westerners can’t understand why this wave of “welcome gifts” is so fierce!

Much stronger than before!

If you don’t understand this, the West will not dare to rise again!

the reason is simple.

When Wan-was rising, did he meet such a fierce “welcome gift” again?

Now, the floating island, which was originally the second in the Western Gold List, suffered and lost 30 votes directly.

If there is another one, for example, if the floating island, which was originally the third in the Western Gold List, is finished, there will be dozens of votes!

It’s just that these high-level officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association have been discussing and discussing, but they have not discussed any results.

How could they possibly discuss the result.

After all, who would know that Lin Feng’s floating island actually has such a precious fruit of life?

These fruits of life are all priceless treasures.

Therefore, the high-level officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association held meetings for several days and sent a large number of supernatural abilities to investigate the floating island, but they did not investigate the results at all.

Because at this time, the dark element elf had already been caught on Lin Feng’s floating island.

It’s all done, so there’s no need to stay there anymore.

“Let’s discuss what to do, continue to rise, or what?

After being unable to find the reason, a high-ranking member of the Western Mutual Aid Association said.

As Lin Feng thought, they did not connect this matter with Lin Feng.

After all, in the eyes of Westerners, no one can artificially interfere with the ferocity of the monster tide.

“Take the police’s floating island to try to rise first, and see if there will be such a situation.

A high street.

This high-level words, but also let the other high-level mutual aid associations agree.

They have now lost another 30 votes.

Impossible not to rise.

Otherwise, the West is completely doomed!

Therefore, Westerners quickly took a floating island ranked in the 30s of the gold list to test.

But this time… Lin Feng didn’t let the Dark Elemental Elf take the Fruit of Life, so this time, the tide of monsters faced by the West is normal.

Then, the West took another floating island that ranked in the 20s of the gold list to try, and this time, it was normal.

After the succession was normal, the West began to improve the floating island, which was at the bottom of the gold list.

Then, they decided to put the floating island, which was originally ranked third on the Western Gold List, on the “annual exam” and then improve it.

That is to say, the card is a BUG to avoid this situation from happening again.

Moreover, in order to make up for the loss of the floating island that was originally ranked second in the Western Gold List, they were going to raise the floating island, which was originally ranked fourth and fifth in the Western Gold List, to the 29th floor through a card bug.

Lin Feng knew these situations very well.

Lin Feng didn’t do it again, because doing it on the floating island at the back of the ranking was actually not a big deal.

However, soon, Lin Feng sent another message to the lurking dark element elf.

That is.

Seeing that the floating island, which was originally the second on the gold list, suffered such a huge loss, it is possible to fall directly to the gold list. Even if it does not fall, it will lose twenty votes after 50.

A secret meeting was held at the top of the Western Mutual Aid Association.

At this secret meeting, the high-level officials of the Western Mutual Aid Association decided… In the second half of this year, they will try to do something to the oriental gold-listed floating island rhyme again!

This time, they have developed a more stealthy plant virus that takes months to spread and also has an incubation period of several months.

Once the incubation period is up, these viruses will continue to attack.

When the attack occurs, it will be too late to save it!

Moreover, the way they released the virus this time was also very secretive.

They don’t need to send spies into the floating island.

Instead, they will send spies to release the virus on the clothes of some workers who work on the floating island of the Eastern Golden List.

Let these workers bring the clothes over there!

In order to defend against the possible revenge of the east, the special police is Lin Feng’s revenge, these guys are ready to seal the island again.

Moreover, this time the seal was more thorough, and the core personnel did not enter the rhyme.

The mobilization of the power users is from a very secret location, which Westerners believe that even Lin Feng cannot break through!

“These guys are still going to do things. 99

After getting this news, Lin Feng’s eyes turned cold.

That’s fine.

Lin Feng doesn’t have to worry so much anymore.

Of course, he still won’t do it now.

He has to wait for this year’s “annual exam” to give the West a big surprise!

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