Chapter 90 Spike the middle demon lord (seeking subscription!)

Although Yaozu is unique in many aspects.

But, at least in terms of swallowing and refining.

Even the nine-tailed heavenly fox of the upper demon-sovereign level is definitely far inferior to the golden eagle in front of him.

“This seat is a serious golden eagle of swallowing the sky. My awakened natal supernatural power is the swallowing sky Dafa, and the supernatural power I have just cultivated is the kingdom of the demon in the palm.”

“Now, I am invincible at the same level.”

After the golden eagle said here in the sky.

The huge body shrank quickly and suddenly.

In just a few seconds, it went from a huge golden eagle to a normal human-sized person.

It’s just that its body is a human body, but its head is still that of a golden eagle.

The difference is that it has shrunk a lot.


“Why do you want to be transformed into a human body?”

The upper demon of the Tianhu clan looked at the golden eagle suspiciously.

Obviously, she couldn’t understand why the golden eagle had to become food.

“Haha, this is my secret!”

“After years of research and several attempts, I discovered the secret.”

“This is also the foundation of my invincibility in the same realm.”

“And next, the horror of my magical powers.”

While the golden eagle spoke, he slowly raised his right hand.

The phantom turned into the right hand of human beings, just when it was lifted up, there was a terrible breath and coercion, directly spreading around the “three, five and zero”.

This is not over yet.

With the emergence of a powerful breath, a world that seems to be illusory but is actually extremely real.

It appeared directly in the hands of the Golden Eagle.

“what is this ”

The upper demon of the Tianhu clan, after seeing the golden eagle’s methods, his huge body couldn’t help but back two steps backwards.

There is no reason for him, because he felt threatened.

Although it’s not the kind of death threat.

But for a high-ranking demon venerable, even if he only felt threatened, it was an extremely exaggerated matter.

“This is my magical power, the demon kingdom in my palm!”

The Golden Eagle spoke very proudly.

Then, he added something intentionally or unintentionally.

“This supernatural power must have a human body before it can be released.”

“The Human Race still has a lot of secrets.”

After the golden eagle finished speaking, his body immediately dissipated into the void.

It seemed that in front of the two elders of the Tianhu clan, the person who spoke to was just like a phantom.

“It disappeared, how did you do it!”

“When he became a human race, he had already left.”

“What is left is just a clone.”

“However, the magical powers that this incarnation just showed us, although it doesn’t make any sense to face me, but if it’s you, I’m afraid that at least you will be slightly injured.”

The high-ranking Demon Venerable in the line of Tianhu told this terrible fact.

“Impossible, how can the gap between me and him be so big!

The three elders of the Tianhu clan still didn’t believe it a little bit.

“Hey! I don’t want to believe it, but this is the truth, Sanmei!

“What he told you before was not an exaggeration, nor did he deceive you. He really needs a lot of worlds to practice a magical power that belongs to her.”

“Obviously he succeeded in his supernatural power practice, and he succeeded so quickly.

“He is already the strongest existence under the upper demon venerable.

The upper demon sovereign of the Tianhu line finally made a conclusion.

At the same time, many doubts appeared in her heart.

“The posture of the human race has a special advantage.”

“This is an important news that the Golden Eagle unintentionally revealed.

“It seems to care very much about the form of the human race.”

“After I go back, I will find a few human races and study them carefully.”

With such thoughts in mind, the two senior members of the Tianhu clan left directly.

Sirius Island.

The resident of the Sirius family.


As a door of space flashed past, soon a mighty figure with a human eagle head walked out of the void.

“Hunting the three middle-ranked monsters is really not that difficult for me now.

“So, just start with the most recent.”

The weird existence of the eagle head is actually Yang Xuan.

At this time, Yang Xuan was still manipulating the body after the golden sculpture was transformed.

In fact, he can directly transform his body into a human being.

But he didn’t do that.

The specific reason is because he wants other monster races to know that he is not a human being but a monster race.

But as a monster of himself, he transformed into a human being, and as a result he gained extremely strong power.

This is only the first ring.

In the future, he completely incarnates into a human form, which is exactly the same as the human form, and then bursts out with a powerful force.

At that time, all monster races will choose to transform their forms.

This is Yangmou.

As long as they are temporarily unaware of the invasion of Reiki into this world, and the true identity of the golden eagle.

Then this plan will be difficult to discover.

And now, Yang Xuan had stared at the huge golden eagle head and came to the place where the nearest demon of the Sirius clan was.

The reason why Yang Xuan can clearly perceive the other side’s location is because the demon veterans of the Sirius family like to mark their territory.

In this area, let alone the demon god, even the demon immortal, as long as they come over, they can easily perceive the terrifying aura.

The meaning of those breaths is that everything here is its private property.

The demon clan who is not the Sirius clan, even if they breathe here, they must pay tribute to him.

Otherwise, die!

Although the middle-ranked demon veteran of the Sirius clan only left a simple aura, as long as he perceives this aura, he can read out the meaning.

This is one of the manifestations of the power of the Demon Lord.

“Very domineering declaration, worthy of the Sirius clan!”

A smile appeared on the corner of the golden eagle’s mouth, and then he gently raised his palm, facing here with a light touch.

Supernatural powers-one finger of the ancient gods!


Huge fingers appeared directly from the sky.

Endless coercion struck instantly.

In just an instant, one of the territories of the Sirius clan, a small area was crushed into fragments in an instant.

All the monster races were completely obliterated at this moment.

All human races were actually directly teleported to the world of Reiki Resuscitation when they were shrouded by the ancient gods.

But with regard to the transmission of the human race, what Yang Xuan did was very obscure.

In addition, the powerful momentum and coercion of the ancient god Yizhi can be used as a cover.

It can be said that it is perfectly seamless and there are no flaws at all.

Even if the mid-level demon of the Sky Wolf clan appeared, they would only think that Yang Xuan had just hit and destroyed all the creatures here.


At this time, a huge wolf shadow has appeared.

As soon as this wolf shadow appeared, he bit at Yang Xuan.

Regarding this, Yang Xuan did not evade.

He just looked at each other directly and swallowed himself in one bite.

“Set of wolves!”

“You actually swallowed me directly, revealing such a big flaw to me, your fate is already doomed.”

Yang Xuan didn’t expect that this middle-ranked demon lord of the Sky Wolf clan would actually do this.

The middle-ranked demon-sovereign of the Sirius clan, naturally, could not have imagined that his decision was wrong.

after all.

The digestive ability of the Sirius clan is also extremely powerful.

But he was wrong, he didn’t realize Yang Xuan’s true power.

Because Yang Xuan just released the finger of the ancient god, the power that was revealed was only the lower demon-exalted level.

This Sirius himself had killed several lower demon veterans.

Therefore, he never put the lower demon in his eyes.

What’s more, here is the territory of their Sirius clan.



Only in less than a second, the Sirius let out a mournful cry.

Immediately afterwards.

A terrifying force directly swallowed his body.

The huge wolf clan body was left with only one head in the end.

The entire body of the wolf tribe has been condensed into one point.

In the same way.

Yang Xuan, the eagle-headed figure, also appeared again.

At the same time, on his right hand, a phantom of the pill furnace appeared.

The phantom of the pill furnace disappeared quickly, and a pill exuding a sweet smell was swallowed by the golden eagle.

Randomly, the strength of the golden eagle skyrocketed again, and his strength increased by one more point.

At the same time, he also gained the supernatural powers of the Sirius clan.

By the way, the supernatural powers, talents, skills and so on of the Sirius family.

They were all resolved by Yang Xuan, and then turned into a descendant and thrown into his dojo.

In the future, those who practice in their own dojo can exchange the supernatural powers and bloodline power of the Sirius clan.

“Let me go!

That is when Yang Xuan’s body had just refined the body of the Sky Wolf clan.

The giant wolf head of this Sirius sent a message of begging for mercy.

That’s right!

As the existence of the middle demon, the true spirit has not been directly refined by Yang Xuan.

This huge wolf demon, although only one head remained, lost 90% of its own power.

But at least, it will not die.

Of course, it wasn’t that he was fateful, but Yang Xuan spared his life.

Yang Xuan naturally didn’t need his little power to refine, the reason why he kept the other party was to act as a deterrent.

“Be at ease, you won’t die in my hands.

“I promised that nine-tailed celestial fox to take your trouble to the past to propose marriage.”

Yang Xuan’s voice appeared directly in the opponent’s wolf head.

Then, the wolf’s head showed a look of horror.

Just when his wolf head wanted to say something, suddenly a ball of illusory world appeared on Yang Xuan’s palm.

Immediately afterwards, this huge wolf head was taken in.

The consciousness of the wolf head was temporarily sealed.

“Next, it’s the next one!”

“However, it seems to be a little horrified.”

“But it doesn’t matter. The effect I want is like this.”

After Yang Xuan thought of this, his body turned into a golden light.

Sirius Island.

When Yang Xuan sealed a mid-level demon-level Sirius.

Soon, there were three demon lords of the Sky Wolf clan who were not far from here, and they directly cast their gazes here.

At the same time, they all began to communicate secretly.

“Huh? The sixth child is dead?”

“Not dead, the sixth child hasn’t completely died yet!”

“It shouldn’t be. Although the sixth is among the middle-ranked demon veterans, his strength is not at the top level, but he is definitely at the middle level.

“Even if a high-ranking demon veteran comes over, Lao Liu should at least have a chance to ask for help, or even a chance to escape.

“When you reach the level of the demon-sovereign, as long as you don’t encounter the limited number of kings among the high-level demon-sovereigns, then you should not lose so quickly and then be sealed.”

“Just let the sky fox of the fox clan, all”.

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