Chapter 89 The ancestor of aura, level four! (subscription required!)

The three elders of the Tianhu clan turned green after listening to the golden eagle’s words.

But what she didn’t know was.

The person who is talking to me now is not actually the golden eagle, but Yang Xuan.

Those words just now were all made by Yang Xuan manipulating the golden eagle.

For the current Yang Xuan, multitasking should not be too simple.

“Golden Eagle, don’t go too far!”

The third elder of the Tianhu clan, forcibly resisted the anger in his heart.

If you change to another monster race, I’m afraid it’s not already a fight at this moment.

And Yang Xuan, naturally, it can be clearly seen that the nine-tailed celestial fox in front of him is a female~fox.

After seeing the nine-tailed celestial fox, he was angry with another thought.

Yang Xuan wants to get this world.

So, it is one thing to force the attack down, but it is another thing to deal with the world afterwards.

In this world, even if Yang Xuan broke through the fifth level of omniscience and omnipotence, it would be difficult to refine it.

Because the nature of this world is too strong.

Also, this world is the original world of the Yaozu.

In other words, Yaozu is the protagonist of the destiny of this world.

Therefore, Yang Xuan is also thinking about how to change the world.

Now when he thought of marriage, he also thought of the word vixen.

In my mind, there was an idea immediately.

Maybe he can let the monster race to transform, and first wipe out the fox race, so that all the fox races become his believers.

Finally, teaching the aura of the fox clan.

Then deduced a decisive decision to transform the fox clan into shape, and finally make the fox clan stronger.

In this way, if other races want to become stronger in the future, they will also choose to transform.

As long as when the world is at the end, the monster race is working hard for transformation.

Then the era of human race is truly coming.

At that time, Yang Xuan can truly control the world.

not only that.

Yang Xuan had a more terrifying thought in his heart.

First let the demon race be transformed, and finally let the demon race sign a contract with the human race, the spirit beast contract.

Let the demons think that signing a contract with the human race will also make them stronger.

Then in this way, the demon race will become the spirit beast of the human race in the future.

This is the real murder.

But such a grand plan is naturally difficult to realize.

But Yang Xuan’s existence is a miracle.

In addition, now the demon fox clan had crashed in by themselves.

If you don’t use the monster clan to complete this beginning, then I am too sorry for the fox clan’s cooperation.

“Golden Eagle, I’ll give you another chance to re-propose conditions!”

“Give me the answer now!”

The nine-tailed celestial fox has already made an attacking posture.

Obviously, he was not joking at this moment.

But the corners of the golden eagle’s huge mouth showed a smile.

I saw the golden eagle’s pupils look at the side of Jiuwei, and then a golden light flashed through the huge pupils.

Immediately afterwards, a nine-tailed celestial fox, also extremely tall, appeared.

This is the second nine-tailed celestial fox.

At the same time, it was still an extremely large aura, even several times stronger than the three elders of the Tianhu clan.

“Big sister!

The three elders were shocked when he saw the same clan who suddenly appeared next to him.


She didn’t realize that there was a fellow clan next to her at all.

Because this eldest sister is the only high-ranking demon venerable among the nine-tailed celestial fox clan.

But the golden eagle discovered the existence of the other party.

The most important thing is that the Golden Eagle not only discovered her existence, but even used a certain magical power to directly force the other party out.

At this moment, the three elders of the Celestial Fox clan understood the powerful magical powers the golden eagle had said before, and the words to kill the three middle-ranked demon elders of the Celestial clan seemed not to be talking big.

Fortunately, she said just now that the golden eagle was too arrogant.

But now it seems that she underestimated the golden eagle.

“Golden Eagle, you are very good!”

“With the identity of the middle demon, you can see my existence and let me emerge from nothingness.

“Relying on this, if you really plan to marry my third sister, that’s not impossible.

“As for the conditions you put forward, I can agree to them.

“But I also have a request.”

The newly-appearing giant nine-tailed celestial fox looked at the golden eagle coldly.


The golden eagle also began to become solemn.

“Three demon heads of the middle-ranked Sirius clan!”

“I want you to hunt down the demon-lords of the Sky Wolf clan now, and then when you bring three heads of the demon-lords of the Sky Wolf clan, you can choose all the celestial foxes of my celestial fox family.”

“Of course, except for me.

The high-ranking demon venerable of the Tianhu line, when he said the last thing, he hurriedly added a sentence.

after all.

She was afraid that she would be careless, and then put herself in a condom.


“All the Tianhu clan other than the processing can be done.”

“This is good!”

“very fair!”

“But if I kill three demon lords of the Sky Wolf clan, does that mean that I have a chance to ask for three?”

Yang Xuan manipulated the golden eagle and continued to make demands.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking this time, the face of the upper demon of the Sky Fox clan turned black.

“If you choose my demon clan demon master, then you can only marry one.

“But if you choose the Tianhu under Demon Venerable, then I will give you a certain tolerance, and you can marry three.”

To the strong, the upper demon venerable of the Tianhu clan was extremely tolerant.

Although the center is not happy with the golden eagle’s approach.

But still did not completely reject the golden eagle.

“Big sister!”

As the third elder of the Nine-Tailed Celestial Fox clan, the third elder who had just negotiated with Yang Xuan was already stunned.

She had no idea that her eldest sister, who was extremely deserted and arrogant, could accept such an unreasonable request from the other party.

“Sanmei, I’ll talk about anything when I go back.”

The upper demon veteran of the Tianhu clan directly reached the words of the three elders.

And the three elders, even though he was very unwilling in his heart, he endured it in the end.

“Ha ha!!

“Then thank you elder sister!”

“However, please give me the promised world first.”

“Because it is related to the magical powers I am about to practice.

“With those worlds to refine my supernatural powers.”

“Then, give me three days at most!”

“After three days, the deity will bring the wolf head of the Sirius family to Qingqiu Mountain to propose!”

When the golden eagle said here, he flew a few times around the sky.

It seemed extremely happy.


“But the world of refining is not as simple as you think.”

“Three days, I’m afraid you can’t finish it at all!”

After the high-ranking demon of the Tianhu clan said this, he spit out a lot of small beads from his huge mouth.

Every little bead is a world.

“Ha ha!”

“very good!”

“Thanks a lot!”

The big golden eagle swallowed all the world directly into the abdomen.

But this is what it looks like.

In fact, Yang Xuan had secretly communicated his kingdom of God.

The moment the world entered my mouth.

The Great Thousand World, Middle Thousand World, Small Thousand World, and Hengsha World all entered the Kingdom of God first.

But this is not over yet.

After those worlds entered the kingdom of gods, Yang Xuan directly transferred them all into the spiritual energy recovery world.

…Seeking flowers 0…

The spiritual energy resurrected the world, and it belonged to the same source of the same source as the other affiliated worlds of the Yaozu’s original world.

Therefore, the integration of these many worlds is not too simple.

Reiki revives the world.

The center of the earth.

“Tread through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it without any effort!”

“The Tianhu clan is simply a gift to the treasure boy!”

Yang Xuan showed a smile on his body.

Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand.

A long sword appeared directly out of thin air, and instantly slashed against the sky.

That is the return of the world!

Under this sword, the world given by the Tianhu clan directly began to return to its origin.

All the people, all the demons, began to merge with the Reiki Recovery World.

Then, the opening time of Guixu of Ten Thousand Realms accelerated.

Super acceleration, directly hitting ten thousand times of acceleration.

World fusion that takes a long time to complete.

Almost in an instant, it was completely integrated.

And this spiritual energy resurrected the world, and it was also completely promoted to become the great world, which is still extremely high in nature.

The people here really seem to have practiced for thousands of years or tens of thousands of years.

Immortals, earth immortals, heaven immortals, golden immortals, and immortals!


Due to the limitations of the Great Thousand World, the Golden Immortal should have been the strongest existence that the Great Thousand World could allow.

But because of the personal blessing of the ancestor of Yang Xuan’s spiritual energy.

So, let this world surpass the world by half a level.

Ever since, in this great world, the highest allowable existence of a lower-level Immortal Venerable.

And when the lower immortal venerable of the first human race was born.

This world can’t be accelerated by Yang Xuan’s overall time.

Because after this world has the Immortal Venerable, it has been eyeed by the Monster Race Origin World.

Synchronization is also turned on for time.

Basically, this world will be merged into the original world of the Yaozu in a hundred years.

That is the incorporation of force majeure.

It was also something Yang Xuan couldn’t stop.

But in the same way, after a hundred years later, this world was really absorbed and accepted by the original world of the monster race.

Yang Xuan’s ancestor personality of spiritual energy will also be promoted, and even in the original world of the demon race, he has certain authority.

At that time, he will naturally become a high-ranking immortal.

Even now, Yang Xuan’s incarnation of the Supreme Old Monarch has reached level four.

The ancestor of Reiki, level four.

One gasification, three cleansing, four grades.

His spiritual energy resurrected the world, and there was a lower-ranked immortal venerable, and nearly a hundred of them were about to advance to become the lower-ranked immortal venerable existence.

Yang Xuan’s body is here, he will continuously provide aura and pill.

So, a hundred years later.

The number of lower immortals will definitely break through three digits.

At that time, there will be the cooperation of the Tianhu clan.

Come with a combination of a person and a fox.

Yang Xuan’s plan for the original world of the monster race had a clear path in an instant.

Yaozu origin world.

Lingxi Island, above.

After the golden eagle swallowed the many worlds, the upper demon lord of the demon clan immediately felt the aura of the other party soaring.

One time, three times, five times, ten times!

Until the breath of the golden eagle skyrocketed ten times.

The upper demon clan of the Tianhu clan was horrified to discover it.

The golden eagle in front of oneself was actually only a short distance away from the personality of the upper demon venerable.

“Are you actually refined? So many worlds, so simple?”

“What is your talent and supernatural power?”

“Are you really a golden eagle? Are you sure you are not from the Kunpeng clan?”

For a while, the upper demon clan of the Tianhu clan had begun to doubt whether the bloodline of the golden eagle was related to the Kunpeng clan. three,

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