Chapter 91 The world is falling apart, and the world is endless (for subscription!)

Communicate through many demon masters of the Sirius clan.

I learned that the Demon Lord who was just defeated by Yang Xuan was the sixth existence among the Sirius clan.

Of course, this also represents the strength of that Sirius.

Among the Sirius family, it ranks sixth.

“With the strength and magical powers of the sixth child, if you can subdue him in such a simple way, then the opponent’s strength is definitely the upper demon.”

“However, this has a lot to do with the sixth intention or the other party’s sneak attack.

“I don’t believe that the sixth club was easily won by the opponent in a frontal confrontation.”

“So, I have notified the boss and asked the boss to come back quickly.”

“Now let’s go and take a look at the situation together.

“As long as the three of us are together, even if the enemy is really a high-ranking demon, we can’t do anything in a short time.”

The three middle-ranked demon lords of the Sirius clan, when they reached here secretly, they were ready to act.

But what the three demon masters of the Sirius clan didn’t know was how terrifying the enemy they faced.

So much.

These three middle-ranked demon gods had very good ideas, but they exposed everything about themselves.

The three of them believed that the way of communication they used was relying on the innate and magical powers of their Sirius clan, and they were not noticed by outsiders at all.

I don’t even think about these things.

But actually, after Yang Xuan broke through the fourth-level aura ancestor, and now has so many layouts for this world.

Some of his magical powers can also be applied here.

One of the abilities is omniscience and omnipotence.

The power of omniscience and omnipotence is 31, even if it is not applicable here.

However, it is not too simple to analyze some airborne communications.

“I see!”

“Three demon races of the Sirius clan are coming to me soon.”

“Moreover, they are all middle-ranked monsters.”

“The lower demon venerable didn’t even notice the situation here.”

“One of the middle-ranked demon sovereign’s routes is over there. If I want to ambush, I’m afraid I can kill it in an instant.”

“But in that way, the effect is not shocking enough.”

“So, let’s choose to face the three of them head-on!”

With the help of the golden eagle’s incarnation body, Yang Xuan just stood in place, waiting for the arrival of the other party.

And the middle-ranked Demon Venerable of the three demon races is indeed very fast on the way.

They use the speed that surpasses the speed of light, and when they take a step forward, they will shuttle through the space with powerful magical powers.

Under the application of the speed of light, space, and multiple forces.

Within a minute, he arrived at the place where Yang Xuan was.

And this minute, if placed in the previous universe, it is actually equivalent to running from one end of the universe to the other.

This is the existence of the Demon Sovereign level, how fast is the journey?

And most importantly, this also represents how big the land of this world is.

This is only a corner of Sirius Island.

The area of ​​Sirius Island would be a hundred times that of Lingxi Island.

Because this is the core island of the Sirius family.

Lingxi Island is just an affiliated island of the Tianhu clan.

Hey! Whoosh! Whoosh!

“This is it!”

“The breath of the sixth child disappeared here.”

“This area was destroyed by a terrifying force.”

“The most suspicious thing is that the power to push Cui to destroy this place is not particularly powerful, that is, it is just a casual blow at the level of a lower demon.”

“However, the nature of this attack is extremely high!”

The three middle-ranked demon lords of the Sirius clan were very cautious because they had lost a younger brother.

Under this caution, they noticed the difference in an instant.

Rather than the Sirius who was killed by Yang Xuan before, he came up and swallowed Yang Xuan directly, and then was sealed.

“Second brother, look at the sky!”

“Above the sky, there is a human race!”

“No, it’s not a human race, but a half-demon with a golden-carved head?”

The three Sirius who had just appeared, only discovered the existence of Yang Xuan in an instant.

At the same time, he also discovered that Yang Xuan’s situation was a little bit wrong.

When they thought Yang Xuan was a half-demon, suddenly the strongest existence among the three.

That was the second child of the Sirius clan, Sirius at the peak of the middle demon sovereign, shook his huge wolf head.

“No! The other party is not a half-demon, it is a monster race!’

“A Demon Venerable at the top of the ranks, a Demon Venerable of the Golden Eagle Clan.”

“The golden eagles of the Golden Eagle clan are extremely rare, and they are extremely fast. Once they have advanced to become a demon sovereign, they are often outstanding.”

“But the golden eagle in front of me, I don’t know why he gave up his own body and chose to become that weak human race.”

“There must be other reasons.”

“The three of us must be careful!”

The second, third, and fourth of the Sirius clan, the three middle-ranked demon-sovereign existences, all looked at Yang Xuan vigilantly at this moment.

The three of them are not careless.

This is also because of the lessons learned from the sixth.

“Are you wary of this seat?

“I have to say that you did a great job this time!”

“In the face of this seat, you should be vigilant.

Yang Xuan’s golden-carved head showed a haughty look.

At the same time, when he changed his mind, he soon realized that it was such a short moment.

At this time, there were already at least a dozen Demon Venerable thoughts, staring here through the endless void.

“I’ve seen it all, then at this moment, it happens that I start acting!”

“Let them see how powerful the power that transforms into a human race is.”

“Although this early stage will definitely allow some unlucky human races to be used by those monster races for research, there is no alternative.”

Yang Xuan is not the savior of the human race.

He is not even the Virgin.

For Human Race, if he can save, he will definitely play a leading role.

But at the moment this demon clan origin world, he can’t directly use all his power to save, he can only plan slowly.

“Golden Eagle, a long time ago, our Sirius clan and your Golden Eagle were still allies.

“Why are you attacking my sixth brother now? If you release my sixth brother now, our Sirius clan will not hold you accountable for everything today, and you will even become your friend.”

The second child of the Sirius clan roared loudly at Yang Xuan.

They also noticed at this moment. At this moment, there are many demon veterans watching the battle from a distance.

For the original world of the monster race, it is extremely rare for so many monsters to appear at the same time and to fight.


“The Celestial Fox Clan has promised me, as long as they win three middle-ranked Demon Venerables of the Sky Wolf Clan, they will agree to give me one Celestial Fox Demon Venerable.”

“Moreover, it’s the Tianhu transformed into a human form. This is a proposal that I cannot refuse.

“So you all die here today.”

“Golden Eagle Finger!”

After Yang Xuan deliberately exposed some information, he pointed directly at the bottom.

In fact, this finger is still the finger of the ancient gods.

The difference is that the strength of this finger is now showing, it is Yang Xuan’s full blow to stimulate the strength of the golden eagle.

More than that, this blow also integrated the power of the world.

Therefore, not only the three demon masters of the Sirius clan below were stunned, all the demon masters who were watching the battle here fell into a sluggishness at this moment.

Tianhu family, Qingqiu Mountain.

“Sister, with its power, this terrifying power, the entire Sirius Island is probably going to be sunk!

The three elders of the Tianhu clan looked at what happened in the distance in disbelief.

From their perspective, what they saw was a huge finger, a finger that obscured the sky, and a finger that was bigger than the entire Sirius Island fell from the sky.

If this huge finger really falls, the end will be extremely terrifying.

“This is his power now!”

“Now, even though its realm is not a high-level demon-sovereign, his power has reached the level of high-level demon-sovereign.

“This time, our Tianhu clan has found a treasure!’

The upper demon of the Tianhu clan made an evaluation of Yang Xuan’s strength.

“This time, the Sirius clan lost!”

“I am leaving now to guard the golden eagle, because the patriarch of the Sirius clan, Xiaoyue will definitely appear next.”

“There may even be other demons secretly taking action. Obviously, they will not allow the existence of such an ultra-standard Golden Eagle.”

“I have to keep it at the critical moment!”

“Once it advances to become a high-ranking Celestial Venerable, our Celestial Fox clan will become the overlord of the entire Monster Clan’s original 350 source world!”

The great elder of the Tianhu family, the strongest high-ranking demon of the entire Tianhu family, the nine-tailed Tianhu named Yinxuan, at this moment, completely transformed into a human perfect woman.

Although she still doesn’t know what the secret of transforming into a human race is, based on Yang Xuan’s acting skills, she already thinks that transforming into a human form will strengthen herself to a certain extent.

That’s why she changed to become like this.

Of course, her change is not an essential transformation, but just a way of change.

Tiger King Lin.

The high-ranking demon of the White Tiger clan is also looking at the situation of Sirius Island.

“With this blow, Sirius Island will be sunk!”

“This is really a blow to the world, the strength of that golden eagle is no longer weaker than that of a high-ranking demon like me.”

“The most important thing is that it is still only in the middle position, once it advances to the upper position.

“This power will skyrocket!”

“The Sirius clan is in trouble now, and one who is not careful may be completely wiped out!”

“If you want to come to Yinxuan, you will also make a move this time. They have picked up the treasure this time.

The high-ranking monster of the White Tiger clan couldn’t help sighing.

Although the White Tiger clan is strong, it rarely participates in battles, but at this moment it also feels the pressure, and even considers whether to help a group of Sirius clan.

The endless sea, the bottom of the sea!

The high-ranking demon lord of the Xuangui clan also woke up from his deep sleep.

“Huh? A powerful force, I’m afraid it is stronger than the power of that white tiger.”

“Is his attack intended to destroy Sirius Island?”

Xuangui raised his head and looked at the sky, hesitating whether he wanted to make a move and help a bunch of Sirius Island.

Sirius Island, in the middle.


With a cyan light flashing.

Soon, the upper demon of the Sky Wolf clan, the Sky Wolf named Xiaoyue Demon Venerable, finally rushed back at this moment.

“This blow, is it going to die with me on Sirius Island?”

Xiaoyue Demon Venerable’s eyes were sharp, and then a huge cyan dragon hurricane appeared directly around it.

The counterattack of the upper demon king came. .

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