Chapter 88 Send Bao Tianhu (please subscribe!)

The appearance of the nine-tailed celestial fox made everyone on Lingxi Island feel a panic of fear.

Although, it has not yet entered Lingxi Island.

Just came to the outskirts of Lingxi Island.

However, once the terrifying coercion of the mid-ranking Tianzun is completely released.

Even if you want to sink Lingxi Island, it is not difficult.

“what happened?”

“It’s horrible, I felt a terrible pressure!”

“It is a certain great existence that has appeared, a terrifying existence of a monster race!”

“I know it! I know it!”

“Once the human race has the immortal deity born, it will definitely attract those demon races. For them, we are the best food.”

“Damn, we’re done for now!”

“The golden eagle just cleaned up all the monster races on this island with ease.”

“Therefore, this middle-ranked demon exuding terrifying coercion can also be easy enough to clear all of us.”

“What should I do now!”

“This is a disaster without delusion, a disaster without delusion!”

“I hope Mengxuanxianzun can fight against that monster race, otherwise our human race will be hopeless.

For a while, everyone on the entire Lingxi Island fell into panic.

Because most people have witnessed the demon clan of Lingxi Island with their own eyes.

Therefore, they are very clear.

The monster race that has reached the level of the demon sovereign has power they can’t imagine.

Especially the human race living on the edge of the island.

Because they are close to the island, they can directly see the situation outside the island.

Lingxi Island, at the edge.

Following the huge nine-tailed celestial fox, step by step directly walked towards them in the void.

Soon, the human beings living here all showed a look of horror.

“what is that?”

“Ah! My eyes, don’t look at it, don’t look at it!”

“Wait a minute, why is my body starting to grow hair, and it’s still white.”

“No, this is demonization, just look at it, we are going to be demonization.”

“Once demonized, we will become half-demons, and we will no longer have freedom. In terms of life and death 350, we cannot be ourselves, we can only become slaves to the other party!”

Those who unfortunately saw the body of the nine-tailed celestial fox discovered the changes in their own body for the first time.

As a result, they became frightened.

But soon, someone found a way.

That is aura!

“Quick! Quickly urge Dao Zun to teach the method, our aura can fight against demonization!”

“It’s not only demonization, but with the blessing of spiritual energy, you can also look directly at that demon lord.”

As these people discover and inform.

People around have also begun to use spiritual energy to practice the methods.

Soon, the people in this area returned to normal.

It was at this time that they finally saw the scene above the sky clearly.

Above the blue sky.

A huge fox stood above the void.

It is more than ten thousand meters tall.

The nine tails at the back have reached an extremely terrifying 50,000 meters.

Although, people don’t know how high and how long it is.

But they have a contrast.

That is the golden eagle.

“Hi! This fox is several times bigger than a golden eagle.

“Could it be that it is a high-ranking demon sovereign?”

“No! It shouldn’t be the upper demon sovereign!”

“Perhaps, it’s just a relatively powerful middle-ranked demon sovereign!”

“Because the golden eagle hasn’t run yet, look back, the golden eagle has already flown over.”

“If the person is a high-ranking demon, the golden eagle will not just come here to die.

The huge nine-tailed celestial fox directly scared a lot of stupid people.

Because the body of the nine-tailed celestial fox is really too big.

This nine-tailed celestial fox, under the gaze of the humans on the side of the island, stepped into the island step by step from the void.


The moment the nine-tailed celestial fox stepped into Lingxi Island, it uttered this fox cry.

This seems to be in response to the previous call, the golden eagle used the sound of tweet to clean up the mighty power of all the monster races in the entire Lingxi Island.

And his tweet went on.

Soon all the people in the neighborhood suffered a pang of energy.

Then, Qiqiao bleeds.

As long as (dbad) waits for another two or three seconds, it will die.

But it is this time.

The golden eagle that obscured the sky appeared.


With a terrifying tweet, just a single voice instantly saved all the human races that were enveloped by the nine-tailed celestial fox.

The golden eagle’s natural talent has the way of sound.

This way of sound, although the nine-tailed celestial fox can be simulated.

But no matter how you simulate it, it is impossible to exceed the real talent.

Outside Lingxi Island.

With the appearance of the golden eagle, the huge body of the nine-tailed celestial fox frowned.

“Huh? Is he saving those human races?”

“Could it be that you are protecting the food?”

Nine-tailed Tianhu didn’t quite understand Golden Eagle’s thoughts.

In fact, when he just saw the golden eagle, he was already shocked by the powerful sacred body shown by the golden eagle.

The nine-tailed celestial fox can clearly feel that the essence of this golden eagle is extremely high.

It’s just that it doesn’t seem to be very clever.

And there is a similar habit with those dog monster races, that is, protecting food!

At least, in her seriousness, it looks like this.

“Golden Eagle, you are extremely talented, and you can become a middle-ranked demon sovereign as soon as you advance.

“This qualification is extremely rare among the entire Monster Race.”

“But you made a big mistake. You slaughtered many demon immortals of our Celestial Fox family in the territory of our Celestial Fox family.”

“Don’t think that with extraordinary talents and middle-ranked demon veterans, you can do things in our demon clan’s original world.

“If you now apologize to my Tianhu clan and become the foreign guardian of our Tianhu clan, then we will bear the blame for the Lingxi Island matter.”

“Even if you like to eat those human races, we can give you more.”

“We, Tianhu, have hundreds of big worlds, thousands of middle-thousand worlds, and tens of thousands of small-thousand worlds, and almost countless Hengsha worlds.”

“That’s a huge wealth you can’t imagine.”

“If you are willing to surrender, I directly promise to give you one big world, ten medium-thousand worlds, one hundred small-thousand worlds, and 10,000 Hengsha worlds.”

“The human race in there is enough for you to eat for a long, long time.

“But if you choose, let us not be satisfied.”

“Even if you are a middle-ranked demon, there is only one final fate, and that is to be suppressed by us.

Among the many demon races, the Tianhu family is a race that likes to use their brains.

Their family pays attention to literature before martial arts.

The nine-tailed celestial fox in front of him, the three elders of the celestial fox line, was preconceived.

I thought that the golden eagle was a monster that liked to eat more, so I planned to use many worlds as a bargaining chip, so that the golden eagle could use it for them.

As soon as the nine-tailed celestial fox finished speaking, the whole scene became silent for an instant.

Originally, the Golden Eagle had planned to do it.

Because he could see that the nine-tailed celestial fox in front of him was actually not his opponent.

Although, it is difficult for him to kill this nine-tailed celestial fox.

But don’t forget, its biggest advantage is the help of Yang Xuan.

As long as he is directly involved, Yang Xuan’s Shang Qing clone seizes the opportunity and directly uses the gate of crossing to come over.

Then just in a moment, this nine-tailed celestial fox will be taken by them.

But after the three elders of the Tianhu clan put forward conditions, the golden eagle hesitated.

He directly reported the situation here to Yang Xuan secretly, hoping Yang Xuan could respond.

On Yang Xuan’s body, he also heard the third elder of the Tianhu line. After giving this condition, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“Promise him, then take all the world, and finally ask for a marriage with Tianhu.

“Marriage requires a big deal, and the place is fixed in my kingdom of God.

“This time I will take the entire fox den directly!”

Yang Xuan directly asked the Golden Eagle to choose the responder.

Since the nine-tailed celestial fox could not see the disguise of the golden eagle, and stupidly chose the Huairou policy.

This is simply looking for death.

And it’s not that you are looking for death yourself, it will affect the entire Nine-Tailed Heavenly Fox’s line of looking for death.

But this is excellent for Yang Xuan.

“I see, my lord!”

The Golden Eagle replied to Yang Xuan.

It has fully understood what Yang Xuan meant.

Then, the Golden Eagle also responded to the nine-tailed Tianhu.


“But I also have requirements. First of all, this island is my private island, because this is my place of enlightenment. From now on, I have the final say.”

“Also, those worlds will be given to me now.”

“Moreover, in order to guarantee my interests in your Tianhu clan, I ask the direct bloodline of your Tianhu clan to marry me.”

“The most important thing is that all the worlds promised to me will be given to me, because I am refining a magical power called the Demon Kingdom in the Palm.”

“That is a very powerful magical power.

“Once I am trained, you will not be my opponent. Then I will go to the territory of the Sirius clan, and I will cause them to turn upside down.”

The golden eagle passed his thoughts directly to the nine-tailed celestial fox.”Um?”

“You have a grudge with the Sirius family?”

When the nine-tailed Tianhu heard this, he was taken aback.

The conditions mentioned by the Golden Eagle, although the Tianhu was a little bit speechless.

But those are not unacceptable.

After all, even their Celestial Fox clan, Yao Zun did not have that many.

What’s more, the middle demon sovereign.

In the entire Celestial Fox clan, there are only five middle-ranked monsters.

But for the entire Celestial Fox family, all the Celestial Foxes add up to at least one trillion in number.

This is still a pure-blooded sky fox, if you count the mixed-blooded sky foxes in the Big Thousand World, Middle Thousand World, Little Thousand World, Hengsha World, and half-demon sky fox.

So it is not known how many times this number will be increased.

But with so many sky foxes, there are only five middle-ranked demon-sovereigns now, and one upper-ranked demon-sovereign who is barely born.

And, twenty of them are relatively active, but basically they are not among the lower demon lords here.

From this it can be seen that a middle-ranked demon is really more important to the Tianhu line.

And what made this nine-tailed celestial fox most concerned was that the golden eagle actually had an enmity with the celestial wolf clan.

This Sirius family is one of the mortal enemies of the Fox.

Both sides are fighting basically all the time.

Even now, in this almost endless size of the origin world of the monster race, there must be a certain sky fox who is fighting life and death in a certain sky wolf.

As for the Golden Eagle clan, if they have an antagonism with the Sirius clan, then it is simply the best choice to join their celestial fox line.


“I was besieged by Sirius once, and Laozi almost died.”

“Now my supernatural powers are invincible, you quickly give me the Big Thousand World, Middle Thousand World, and Little Thousand World, and I will directly kill the Sirius Clan when that time comes.

“It is conservatively estimated that at least three of them will be killed.”

The golden eagle said unbelievably.

However, after listening to the nine-tailed celestial fox, his eyebrows were indeed beating.

“Golden Eagle, after reaching Demon Lord, it’s not that easy to kill.

“Your arrogant character and the way you speak, I basically know why the Sirius clan besieged you!”

“So, I will give you everything that I promised you, but you’d better settle down during this time.

“To deal with the Sirius family, there will be opportunities in the future.”

Nine-tailed Tianhu said.

“Then go, I’ll go to the Qingqiu of your Tianhu clan, I want to pick a better one.”

“By the way, I like the form of the human race, so when you come, all the candidates of the sky fox will be transformed into a human form.”

“Don’t worry, I won’t eat them.”

The golden eagle once again said something that made the nine-tailed sky fox very speechless.

“Are you studying the human race’s selection of concubines?”

“you ”

The nine-tailed sky fox no longer knows what to say.

However, what the Golden Eagle left him speechless is still to come.

“I think you are pretty good, so you can participate too!”

The huge eyes of the golden eagle stared straight at the terrifying existence of the third elder of the nine-tailed celestial fox clan, a middle-ranked demon.


“You let me go in and follow the alternative?”

The three elders of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox clan, the huge tail behind them has begun to explode. .

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