Chapter 87 The birth of the human fairy (subscribe!)

Qingqiu Mountain is the core mountain of the line of Tianhu.

This mountain is extremely tall.

It has the power to reach the sky, and there is one main peak and nine subsidiary peaks.

It covers an extremely wide area.

The place occupied by the line of Tianhu is even more of this continent.

The Yaozu origin world is extremely vast, and its area is hundreds of times larger than the universe area occupied by Yang Xuan.

Therefore, the size of this world is beyond the imagination of others.

Even the Demon Lord, it is extremely difficult to travel around the world.

However, there is one exception.

That is, if you have the door to pass through, or you have the power of space and time in this world.

Or it may have obtained certain authority in this world.

So no matter how big the world is, it is actually not a problem.

But the same, once anyone gets such a treasure.

If the news is leaked, even if they are the same monster race, they will fight and fight with each other.

In the original world of the Yaozu.

It’s not that the monster race is united as one.

They will also kill each other, and even certain big monsters will devour other monster races for their own advancement.

Even in order to compete for the human race, there will be big and small fights between each other.


Even the terrifying powerhouses of the Demon Lord level rarely do this, directly killing all the demon races in a huge island.


The Golden Eagle’s approach has attracted the attention of the nearest top monster race, the Tianhu family.

“A talented person who has just entered the demon sovereign, is the golden eagle of the middle demon sovereign.”

“Perhaps, it’s because there is only one lower demon sovereign in the area.”

“So, after he advanced, he was already floating, forgetting the infinite size of this world, and also forgot that Lingxi Island is the territory of our Celestial Fox clan.”

“Although this golden eagle has a good talent, it has the characteristics that many monsters will have, that is, arrogant and arrogant.

“In that case, let me personally come forward and teach this golden eagle a little lesson.

“Then it will be transferred to our Tianhu family and become our thugs.

The pure white nine-tailed celestial fox changed his posture when he said this.

It grew bigger and bigger, and she started to walk outside of her cave.

After he walked out of his cave, a huge nine-tailed celestial fox with a height of 1,000 meters appeared on the top of Qingqiu Mountain.

“It’s not over yet!”

“It is said that the golden eagle is more than 10,000 meters long.

“Although height and length cannot represent one’s own strength or weakness.”

“But since I was holding the idea of ​​subduing it, then I would behave a little better, completely revealing my true body of the sky fox.

This pure white nine-tailed celestial fox, after thinking of this, his figure soared tenfold again.

Her body of a demon fox, this time became a 10,000-meter tall existence.

But her tail is five times taller than her own height.

In other words.

Each of the nine tails of this nine-tailed celestial fox at this moment is a terrifying 50,000 meters long.


After the nine-tailed celestial fox showed his strongest form, he also let out a scream.

Randomly, within a radius of a million li, all the monster races, as long as they don’t have the power of the demon-sovereign level, all knelt to the ground one by one, shivering.

Immediately afterwards.

When this Tianhu was in place, he flew towards Lingxi Island.

His goal is naturally where the golden eagle is located.

Lingxi Island.

It is said to be a small island, but in fact the area of ​​this island is comparable to a super huge planet.

If it is human.

This island alone can survive at least a trillion.

Of course, the survival mentioned here is just ordinary survival.

If everyone is the same, then there is no problem in surviving hundreds of billions.

Before the appearance of the golden eagle.

Naturally, it is the Yaozu who rules this island.

But not long after the appearance of the golden eagle, this place became the pure land of the human race.

And the human race living here.

Whether it was a monk who was raised in captivity before, or a monk who directly entered Lingxi Island after ascending.

Or those human races who finally came to Lingxi Island because of other reasons, either active or passive.

These few days seem to have had a good dream.

A dream that made them hope to appear, but they dare not hope to realize it.

“The monster race in our area was wiped out by other monster races, 々?”

“Not only was it extinct, we also received an alternative spiritual inheritance.”

“An inheritance called Alchemy!”

“Not only that, there is also a new energy, an energy exclusive to our human race, that is aura!”

“By the way, I also heard that there is a human race Tianxian who, after receiving the inheritance, directly enlightened, instantly perceives the aura, and then directly advances to become the immortal.”

“Yes, Immortal Venerable is the counterpart of Demon Clan Demon Venerable.”

“Although that person advanced, only the lower-ranked Immortal Venerable, but this also broke the world.”

“Our human race finally has hope!”

The people on Lingxi Island are also very happy.

This is the time.

In the entire Lingxi Island, a voice was transmitted instantly.

“The ancestor of the spiritual energy of this seat, the named disciple of the Taoist priest-Mengxuan, today is the righteous Taoist immortal, and I will follow the Taoist order to establish a dojo on Lingxi Island to spread the elixir of my human race.

“This time the establishment of the dojo, the gate of the mountain is opened, and the disciples are widely collected.”

“Anyone from my human race can get started!”

The voice of Xianzun Mengxuan appeared directly on the entire Lingxi Island.

He is the arrogant man in everyone’s mouth.

Because of the inheritance of Yang Xuan’s exercises, this extremely talented monk directly broke through three small realms in a row, and one big realm achieved the status of human immortal.

At the same time, he is also above the original world of the Yaozu.

The first person to practice alchemy and became a person of immortal respect.

Of course, becoming an Immortal Venerable in this world represents an extremely arduous mission in the future.

Because this is already doomed, the Immortal Venerable Mengxuan of this Human Race will definitely be targeted by the Demon Race in the future.

If Yang Xuan does not give extra attention and care, I am afraid his solution will not be too good.

No matter which world it is, there is always a saying about it.

However, it is different if there is a backstage.

With Yang Xuan’s inheritance, he is still a very talented person. In addition, the other party is very sincere to Yang Xuan and directly regards Yang Xuan as his master.

Then be a teacher for one day and be a father for life.

Yang Xuan didn’t say anything, he opened a ray of God’s country breath directly in the air.

Although the breath of the kingdom of God is different from the breath of Taishang Laojun.

But because the two are the same person, they are of the same origin.

Achieving Xianzun’s Mengxuan can naturally perceive this.

Ever since, he projected his true spirit into Yang Xuan’s kingdom of God without saying a word.

When you reach the realm of Xianzun, you can freely manipulate and perceive your true spirit.

The true spirit is immortal, and the body is immortal.

Mengxuan is not the same as the Golden Eagle.

The golden eagle was created by Yang Xuan. Although it also has its own soul, there is a certain gap between the creatures created by Yang Xuan and the creatures bred from the powerful world in the most fundamental true spirit.

The strength of the golden eagle lies in the blessing of Yang Xuan, the infusion of spiritual energy, and its own blood.

But as a monk, Mengxuan’s strength lies in his own practice and his perception of the true spirit.

With the infusion of spiritual energy and the practice of alchemy.

It directly condenses the true pill.

That is the pill of true spirit.

Dancheng is immortal.

This is indestructible, although it may also be killed by outsiders.

But if it is like this, the soul is directly projected into the kingdom of Yang Xuan.

So even if the body died in the Yaozu world, even his original true pill was blown up here.

But as long as the true spirit projection is still in the kingdom of God, he can be resurrected.

After the resurrection, there will be a certain period of weakness.

But with the passage of time, and with the help of external forces, it can be restored to its peak state.

This is the realm of Xianzun, which is different from other realms.

“It’s great, my human race has an immortal sovereign was born!”

“Above the Immortal Venerable, there is the Dao Venerable, and the inheritance we got is actually the inheritance of the Dao Venerable.”

“Dao Zun asked Xian Zun to establish a sect, which is a great thing for us.”

“Go! Go! It’s a great opportunity for us to be able to become Dao Zun’s sect.”

“More than that, Dao Zun is the savior of our human race!”

Amidst everyone’s pleasant expressions, many people soon formed a team and started walking towards the direction that appeared in their minds.

The immortal Venerable Mengxuan just now used the power of spiritual energy to tell everyone the location of the mountain gate when he was speaking.

But not everyone is planning to rush over.

Because there are some people with deep thoughts, they think of another thing.

It’s like being in a huge mountain.

At this time, there was a group of eight monks, because they could not go to Xianzun. Mengxuan’s mountain gate was arguing fiercely.

They were arguing, and the person headed quickly spoke his own point of view.

“々, can’t go, absolutely can’t go to this mountain gate!

“Even though my human race has the Immortal Venerable, this is an extremely good thing.”

“But, will the Yaozu really give up?”

“Although the golden eagle is very strong, it is a demon-class mount that Dao Ancestor sat on, and the opponent can easily sweep all the demon races in Lingxi Island.

“But you have to know that the Demon Venerable of the Demon Race who sits on Lingxi Island is just a lower demon Venerable.

“And in this world dominated by the demon race, there are also powerful middle-level demon-sovereigns, as well as the high-level demon-sovereigns that no one can beat.”

“As long as you think about it a little bit, the power of Dao Zun is actually at most the upper demon-sovereign level.”

“Otherwise, he can sweep the world directly.”

“So once this mountain gate is established, there will be many disasters in the future.”

“Even if the risks are accompanied by chance, I am not arrogant yet believe that I will definitely be able to live to the end and witness the rise of the human race.”

“So, I would rather find a ravine to hide than I would go to that mountain gate.

“If you want to go, you go by yourself.”

After the man finished speaking, he turned around and walked deep in the mountains.

And every time you take a step, your breath is hidden.

That is the mysterious turtle dreaming method he created after he got the inheritance of spiritual energy and the inheritance of alchemy, combined with his previous practice.

This Xuangui introductory Dafa is to let one’s breath completely condense (good Li’s), and the spiritual will directly enters the sleep state while standing and acting.

Don’t think he can move freely at this time, and can maintain a living by himself.

But in fact, this person has completely fallen into a deep sleep.

The body will wake up only when it is in danger.

Of course, he also knows what happened outside.

If you want to wake up, you can wake up at any time.

When nothing happens, hide in dreams and practice.

You can wake up directly when you are in danger.

In a deep sleep, the state of the whole body will not leak out.

Even if there is a master by his side, as long as he is not in person, he will not be aware of his existence.

“He was right!”

“Although Immortal Venerable appeared in the Human Race, this is an excellent thing.

“But again, this is also an extremely dangerous thing.”

“So, my choice is the same as his, that is not to go!”

As another person left, the team soon fell silent.

At the end, there were only three people who chose to go to Mengxuan.

The rest of the people choose to submerge.

If you don’t become an immortal, you will never go out.

Yang Xuan actually knew their thoughts and conditions.

But for Yang Xuan, this is not a big deal.

Even, he knew that those people’s ideas were actually correct.

Because at this moment.

This Lingxi Island has already ushered in the first disaster.

Just outside Lingxi Island.

In the huge endless sea, a terrifying nine-tailed celestial fox with a height of more than 10,000 meters and a tail as large as 50,000 meters.

Has arrived. and.

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