Chapter 81 The place of recovery, master and apprentice farewell (please subscribe!)

A few days later.

In the world, someone finally found a change.

In these few days, Reiki has revived the world.

There are a small number of people who have noticed that something has changed in the dark.

For example, the Daqian Empire, the imperial capital.

The royal family worshipped, the first person to do it, Yuan Aofeng.

At this moment, he is looking solemnly at a stone monument.

This stone stele is the one he uses during his daily exercises.

As the first person in the Dagan Empire, he has been a full ten years, and his skill has not improved much.

Because he achieved the pinnacle of mankind ten years ago.

For the next ten years, although he continued to practice qigong.

But a terrible thing was discovered.

That is, this world is strange to human beings.

This shackle cannot be broken through hard work.

But if you don’t practice your skills, your skills will go backwards.

In the past, practicing qigong was like riding a boat against the current.

Although working hard now will only maintain the peak.

Just like this, Yuan Aofeng, the first person in martial arts, didn’t participate in any fights anymore in the end.

He just keeps practicing every day to ensure his state.

Sitting in the Dagan Empire.

He didn’t consider the rest.

But just today, when he was practicing qigong, he hit it with one palm and suddenly found that the stone tablet he used to test the exercise had changed.

This change is a good change.

Because of his skill, he has improved.

The trial stone is one point more recessed than before.

“My skill has been improved a little.”

“However, my realm is not loosened!”

“This is a very strange phenomenon.

“In other words, I haven’t changed in any way, but I have become stronger.”

Yuan Aofeng couldn’t help thinking about these things.

“Great worship, your majesty has something to ask!”

At this moment, an elderly eunuch came to Yuan Aofeng’s.

“Is it the half-demon thing? Recently, they have gone too far. They actually want my disciple to go to their excess, that group of beasts!

Yuan Aofeng thought of something all at once.

Ever since, he followed the old eunuch and came to a hall.

Inside the Chamber of Deputies.

The emperor of the Dagan Empire, a middle-aged man who was just forty years old, was following three ministers at this time, waiting for Yuan Aofeng’s arrival.

“Great worship, you are finally here.

“Great worship, we went straight ahead, the crown prince of the Dayan Dynasty personally asked your disciples to come, otherwise, the army will oppress the territory.

“For Human Race 31, the royal family even sacrificed the four princesses. Since the four princesses can go to die, why not your disciple.

As soon as the three old men saw Yuan Aofeng, they directly told about the fourth princess Yang Yi.

“The four princesses are unremarkable. Apart from being a little better-looking, she has nothing to do with her. She can’t contribute much to the human race.”

“However, my disciples are different.

“She is a genius in kendo. Give her another ten years. When she is twenty-five years old, she can reach my current height.”

“Furthermore, she practiced kendo, so she was extremely strong in attack, which was a great deterrent to the Dayan Dynasty.

“At least the swordsman was angry and splashed blood for three miles.”

“The nobles among the half-monsters will definitely be scrupulous.”

“Now you ask me to hand over my disciple. After that ten years, at least can guard this imperial capital for more than 30 years of Tianjiao?”

“It’s just because those monsters like to eat women from the human race, so even my disciples have to give it away?”

Yuan Aofeng questioned the emperor of the Dagan Empire and the three ministers.

However, the other side’s expression was extremely cold.

“My Dagan Empire has a population of over 100 million, so many Tianjiao, and you are not far behind your apprentice.”

“So, your apprentice must sacrifice.

“This is for the empire, for the sake of justice.

“Yuan Aofeng, we know that you are very attentive to your disciples.”

“However, our human race cannot defeat those half-monsters.

The three ministers said one sentence for you, one sentence for me.

“you ”

Although Yuan Aofeng was angry, in the end, he left.

His silent departure also represents one thing, and that is powerlessness.

Even if his own strength has been improved to a certain extent, he still has no way to change the decision of the top empire.

That night.

Yuan Aofeng called his disciple over.

Then the next day, many cities in the entire Dagan Empire issued one more wanted warrant.

The most wanted criminal, Yuan Aofeng.

Charges: assassinated three ministers of the empire.

Once guarding the empire’s great sacrifice, this moment became the empire’s most wanted criminal.

One month later.

Empire, among the unnamed mountains and forests.”Catch me!”

“Yuan Aofeng and his apprentice are in this mountain forest.”

“A death order was issued from above. If Master Yuan Aofeng and apprentice are not arrested, all of us will die!”

A team of hundreds of cavalry armed with bows and crossbows and armed with sharp weapons are chasing Yuan Aofeng.

They have been pursuing the first man in the Dagan Empire for a full month.

During this period, the number of deaths exceeded two thousand.

But there is always a steady stream of chasing soldiers, and will continue to be replenished.

Finally, let the first person of this great empire be seriously injured at this moment.

And almost all of the hundreds of cavalry soldiers who did not come up recently believed that Yuan Aofeng was already going to die.

He should not be able to run for long.

In the lifeless mountains and forests.

“Master, let me come to the end.”

“You can only hope to leave after I stay and break.”

“You are the first person in the Wuming Empire. As long as you or our empire will have hope.

“Now except you, no one in the empire intends to continue resisting those beasts.”

A crisp girl voice appeared in the forest.

This girl is Yuan Aofeng’s disciple, Yuan Yujian.

Because the girl was picked up by Yuan Aofeng, the last name followed him.

Because it was rainy when the girl was picked up, the second word is rain.

Because the other party likes swords, the last word is sword.

“No! None of us need to break the queen!”

“I have a feeling, a deep intuition.

“As long as we are walking a certain distance and a certain distance, everything will be different.”

“Xiao Yu, do you remember the words I told you before we left the imperial capital?”

“Our world has changed, and there is a hidden power that allows our power to go further.”

“And after I felt that power, I also surpassed myself and became stronger and stronger.

“It’s just that I don’t have enough time.”

“If I have enough time, those chasing soldiers will be nothing.”

“However, after I became stronger, I felt a feeling in my heart.

“That’s what makes me stronger, it’s active.”

“The source is near here.”

When Yuan Aofeng said here, his tone was a little excited.

“Master, did you have a problem with your head because of the serious injury?”

But Yuan Yujian didn’t believe it very much.

She thought her master was seriously injured, which led to hallucinations.

“No, it’s not an illusion.”

“Xiao Yu, you are also a warrior.”

“Perceive it carefully, take a deep breath, and breathe the air here.”

“Use your martial arts heart to perceive the changes here.

“You will find that this is different.”

“Here, strength will be restored to a certain extent.”

Yuan Aofeng couldn’t help talking.

After he finished speaking, he also taught his disciples to perceive the difference here.

“Master, you won’t be teasing

“Huh? It’s really a little bit different.”

“No, as long as you calm down, you will find that the difference is huge.”

“This is different from other places.”

“It seems that there is a special force in the air.”

Yuan Yujian also noticed the difference.

At this moment, he chose to trust his master.

“Master, let’s move on.”

“I can’t perceive that place, you guide me forward.”

“We will rush over, there may be a difference there.”

Yuan Yujian also began to become excited.

She finally knew why her master always ran in this direction during this month’s escape.

“Well, our masters and apprentices are working hard, we must


Just at this time.

An arrow flew over directly from a distance, and immediately sank into Yuan Aofeng’s shoulder.

“No! Coming!”

“How can it be so fast.

Yuan Aofeng endured the pain and found a place to hide his figure.

Immediately afterwards, a hundred-man cavalry squad appeared.

“Yuan Aofeng, come out!”

“If you are an enemy of the Empire, you have no other end.”

“Now die here honestly, at least one whole body can be left.”

The words of the cavalry were very loud.

They can be heard almost all over the forest.

“It seems that we can’t get to that mysterious place.”

“It’s a pity, if you give me more time, maybe we can find the hope of the human race.”

“But unfortunately, time is not on our side.”

Yuan Aofeng couldn’t help sighing.

Then, he drew out his long sword.

“Xiao Yu, you must go to that place!”

“That place is our hope!

Yuan Aofeng has made a decision!

He is going to fight with the Hundred Cavalry Corps.

However, it is this time.

Just when Yuan Aofeng came out from where he was hiding, planning to attack the cavalry.

Suddenly, there were ten people in the cavalry squad, and they took out the crossbow and aimed directly at Yuan Aofeng.

Facing the crossbow, he avoided the first round.

But there are second, third, and fourth rounds.

In the final fifth round.

Two arrows directly hit Yuan Aofeng’s legs.

At this moment, the first person of this great empire fell into a crisis of death.

“Is it over here?”

“Could it be that it’s a pity that I didn’t see the situation over there.”

“But, I don’t regret it, my apprentice can already fulfill my wish.”

“If it’s her, it must be”

“Ah? Idiot, why did you come out.”

“You run, run!”

Just when Yuan Aofeng accepted death.

Suddenly, a figure came and hit him, blocking a wave of arrows for him.

But at the same time.

A stronger wave of arrows appeared.

This wave of arrows is even more deadly.

“You stupid girl, why do you want to die with me.”

“I still count on you to save mankind.

Yuan Aofeng couldn’t help but whispered.

By now, he has no strength to speak.

“I’m really sorry, Master!”

“Let me leave like this, I won’t be able to break through the martial arts Chengju again in my life.”

When Yuan Yujian faced death, his expression was not only not the slightest fear, on the contrary, he was extremely calm.

She tried her best. Although she failed, she can accept the ending like this.

“It’s just death!

“I’m not afraid, but it’s a pity that I didn’t die at the hands of those beasts. Instead, I was killed by my compatriots.

This is Yuan Yujian’s last regret.

“Yes, I kept polishing my body before, and I wanted to kill a half-demon.”


Yuan Aofeng squeezed out another bit of strength, and finally finished the sentence.

Immediately afterwards.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The sound of a lot of arrow rain was transmitted from a short distance.

This time, the two masters and apprentices no longer intend to resist.

They are ready to meet their own destiny.



At this time, the weather that had cleared thousands of miles, suddenly there was a deafening sound of thunder.

The powerful voice of thunder made the two masters and disciples forget the fact that they were about to die.

They passed for a while before they realized that they didn’t seem to be dead.

“Huh, what’s the situation?”

“Should we not die?”

“What happened to the thunder just now?”

For a time, both masters and apprentices had this idea.

After they opened their eyes, they saw a terrible scene.

Because in front of them, there is a woman surrounded by thunder, standing in the void.

The arrows that had been shot at them before were directly shot down by the thunder.

“This is the power I feel.”

“This is the power I feel!”

“Yes! This is the power I feel.”

Yuan Aofeng couldn’t help but say.

Then, he discovered that the person standing above the void turned out to be just a teenage girl.

In the little girl’s hand, there was also a long sword that shone with thunder.

This little girl is like a god of thunder.

Moreover, he found that the little girl was a little familiar.

But for a while, he couldn’t think of where he had seen this little girl.

“Master Yuan, I heard about you.”

“You are right, no matter how they chase you, but I admit your choice.”

A crisp voice was passed from the girl’s body.

That’s right, the young girl who has changed greatly now is the baby girl.

The little black and thin girl who entered the country has become a little fairy, and she is also a very powerful little fairy.

“you know me?”Yuan Aofeng looked at the girl in disbelief.

“I am a girl, and I planned to worship you as a teacher for a while.”

“But the facts have proved that I am not the material for practicing martial arts, but elixir is my path.”

When the girl said here, she waved to the sky.


The sound of thunder came again.

The powerful thunder and lightning directly caused the hundreds of cavalry squad to be injured.

But in the end, she still did not kill.

This is the time.

A young man riding an old cow did not know when he came out.

“Why, can’t you do it?”

As soon as Yang Xuan came out, he asked the girl.

347 “No! I just don’t want Dan Dao to become a young man, and kill my own compatriots.”

“It should be the monsters who died in my hands first.”

The girl said what she thought in her heart.

But Yang Xuan realized that this is not her true heart.

“Girl, you still haven’t followed your heart.”

“I don’t want to kill, it’s not wrong!

“Even if the other party commits a capital crime, but you don’t want to kill, you just don’t want to kill.

“This is your freedom!”

“You have the power and the other party made no mistakes, then you can kill if you want to kill.”

“This is your freedom.”

“True freedom is that everything comes from the heart. As long as you think this thing is right in your heart, then it is right for you.”

“Become my Taiqing line, it is me who is quiet and inaction, and the road is me, and I am also.”

“Everything is me, as long as I make the decision, then it is correct.”

“Don’t pay attention to other people’s opinions.

“The strong will not care how you feel.”

“The weak are not qualified to resist your will.”

“This world is now your time.

As soon as Yang Xuan finished speaking, he nodded to his two Taoists.

In the next second, the three of them disappeared.


“Where are you going!”

After seeing her teacher disappear, the girl suddenly became a little frightened.

“Do what you want to do.”

“Complete the salvation of mankind.”

“When the time comes, I will appear again.”

Yang Xuan’s voice was transmitted from the void.

The girl did not continue to ask, because she knew that it was useless to shout.

She can only follow the master’s decision.

“I understand, Master!”

“I will definitely accomplish my mission.

“Although I don’t know why you chose me, I want to thank you, no matter what your purpose is.

In this month, the girl has achieved the golden core.

After she condensed the power of the golden core, she found that the world she knew had undergone tremendous changes.

At the same time, he also realized that Yang Xuan had a certain purpose in accepting himself as a disciple.

But it doesn’t matter, she thinks these are normal.

What’s more, Yang Xuan’s goal is also her goal.

“I am looking forward to it, and I am waiting for you.”

“You are my big disciple, don’t let your teacher down.”

Yang Xuan’s voice appeared directly in the girl’s heart this time.

So, the girl was full of expectations at once.

“Are you a girl?”

“How can this be!”

At this time, Yuan Aofeng spoke.

He glanced at the injured cavalry first, then struggled to stand up.

Looked at the girl in disbelief.

“Yes, it’s me!

“Long time no see, Master Yuan.”

The girl slowly landed on the ground and glanced at the seriously injured master and apprentice.

Immediately afterwards, she took out a bottle of pill from her arms.


The medicine bottle opened, and the fragrance of medicine overflowed.

“One pill per person, this pill is enough to recover from your injuries.”

“I will only guard you for one day.”

“Then I will leave.”

“His Royal Highness is almost approaching the Dayan Dynasty. His Royal Highness is kind to me, and I can’t let His Royal Highness become food for those animals.

The girl said her purpose.

Her goal is the Dayan Dynasty.

According to what Yang Xuan said before, one person, one sword, facing a demon dynasty alone, so that the world can understand.

In this world, aura is revived. .

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