Chapter 82 King’s Landing Demon City, the majesty of the girl! (Subscribe!)

Dayan Dynasty.

Demon Capital, that is, their royal capital.

In this Hengsha world.

Although the half-monsters occupy a lot of space.

However, in the entire world, there is only one half-demon kingdom.

This country is the Dayan Dynasty.

They did not call themselves an empire because the earliest empire in this world was a human kingdom.

Therefore, they don’t want to call it empire.

In order to distinguish oneself from human beings.

Those half monsters are proud of having the characteristics of a monster race.

In fact, they are indeed stronger than humans at birth.

Even the worst half-monster will be comparable to the high-ranking martial artist on the human race when he grows up.

The division of the warriors of the human race is also extremely simple.

Lower, middle, upper, grandmaster, grandmaster.

Just these few realms.

The former Yuan Aofeng was the great master.

Looking at the great master’s warriors from the Yaozu side, there are not many in fact.

Even the great masters of many monster races are not opponents to Yuan Aofeng.

Although those half demons can become great masters as long as they have a little talent.

However, after they became great masters, their combat effectiveness was different from the kind of Yuan Aofeng who had fought in countless battles of life and death.

It is the human race who has Yuan Aofeng from generation to generation, so that one person can give the entire half-demon high-level deterrent powerful warrior.

This is how the kingdom of the human race has not perished.

But even so, the kingdom of the human race is not easy.

Just like today.

All the half demons were happily in their own demons, looking excitedly at the Human Race caravan not far away.

The leader is naturally the female general surnamed Fan.

Then, there are hundreds of heroic female fighters under her.

That’s the half-monsters, when they go out to watch, they are not watching the heroism of female generals and female soldiers.

It’s not the face of a princess who hasn’t shown her face while sitting in a carriage.

They looked at these female fighters.

Even when I looked, my eyes lit up, and water came out from the corners of my mouth.

On the convoy.

The female general surnamed Fan frowned.

“Why do they look at us like this?”

“Father told me that half-demon cannibalism is fake, and they don’t like cannibalism.”

“It stands to reason that my father will not lie to me.

The female general surnamed Fan couldn’t help thinking.

At this time, the captain of her guard also came to her on horseback.

“Wu Ying, something is wrong!”

“These half-monsters all slobbered after seeing us.”

“They are definitely not as rumored, the food they like to eat is those rice noodles diesel.”

“We are afraid we were deceived.

“I felt that way from the beginning.”

“Do you remember the baby girl? When she first found you, she said that the reason for martial arts was to avenge her “eaten” parents. ”

The female general surnamed Fan is called Fan Wuying, which also sounds like a woman’s name.

However, she doesn’t care.

Because she was raised as a boy since she was a child, because she is the eldest daughter of the family.

And at that time, her father had no boy under his name, so she has been trained as a descendant.

It wasn’t until a few years ago that his father had a son in old age.

This actually gave Fan Wuying a sigh of relief.

Years of fighting in the Quartet and controlling the power of the family has made many people in the family dissatisfied with her.

Because she is a woman, she will always marry in the future.

So there are countless intrigues over the years.

She had also decided long ago that after going back this time, she would completely use all her strength in her hands, just to take her confidants and find a remote area to live a normal life.

But before coming, the one next to her said that she was a guard, but Fan Lele, who loved her sister, kept saying that there was a problem with the escort this time.

“Lele, although I don’t want to admit it, maybe we were all deceived by my father.

“After the girl told me at the time, I went to ask many elders.”

“They all told me with certainty that half-demon cannibalism is a rumor.

“But now it seems”

Fan Wuying is not stupid, these half-demon expressions have betrayed their ideas.

Therefore, this means that many people she has asked before are deceiving her.

Even her most trusted father.

And, the emperor of the Dagan Empire.

“We are afraid that we have become victims, and now the half-demon has surrounded us.”

“However, their elite has not yet appeared.”

“If you just retreat and escape now, there will be more or less a ray of life.”

Fan Lele grew up with Fan Wuying.

Her force is not very strong, but her mind is very good.

It is the small military division next to Fan Wuying.

“However, if we retreat, the Half-Monster Sect will surely fight!””Your Majesty must know that after we come here, we will know the truth of the matter.”

“But he still chose to let us come, I think he should have considered this a long time ago.

“After all, all of us have experienced countless battles.

“Border loves us even more.”

“If we go back now, what will the people at the border do.”

“Those civilians, tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands, millions of civilians, will be eaten, 々.

“So we can’t go!”

Facing Fan Lele’s persuasion.

After thinking for a while, Fan Wuying gritted his teeth and moved on.

This move made Fan Lele’s face extremely pale.

“Wu Ying, do you know what your decision means to us?”

Fan Lele looked at her boss in disbelief, plus her friends.

“I know!”

“My decision will make us food for these animals.”

“However, our sacrifice is meaningful.

“If you resist, in the end, do you think we can escape?”

Fan Wuying said in an extremely heavy tone.

“Yes, even if you escape, the chance of survival is very low!”

“That being said, death after the struggle and waiting to be delivered directly to the door to become food in the mouths of those animals are completely two concepts.”

“Wu Ying, you know me!”

“Although I am inferior in terms of strength, I would rather stand to die!”

Fan Lele’s emotions were already a little excited.

Although their team is dominated by women.

But they are always victorious, so they all have their own pride.

And at this time, people in this team have begun to whisper.

Even if it is strictly disciplined, everyone is not a fool.

Become food delivered to your door, even if you are an obedient soldier, you will not be reconciled in your heart.


Fan Wuying took a deep breath, then looked back at the carriage.

“Your Royal Highness, you must have known about this a long time ago.”

Fan Wuying asked the fourth princess Yang Yi.


“I’m also ready, so when the girl wants to leave with that person, my heart is very happy.”

“In this way, at least our team will not be wiped out.

Yang Yi said calmly.

She is ready to meet her own destiny.

“So, you have been suffering in fact all the time.”

“Your will, let me admire!”

“In that case, then the whole army listens to the order!”

“The escort princess ticked the Dayan Palace. Without my order, I can’t resist. Even if it is eaten, I will bear it!”

“Tolerance does not mean that we are weak, but it means that we are strong!”

“We are not for abandoning our great empire, we are for the people on the border.”

“Remember, today we do not die, but our compatriots die.

“It might even be our family!”

“What a noble person the four princesses are, since she left the palace, she knew what happened today.

“But have you ever seen the four princesses shrink back?”

“Or, your will, your enlightenment, is even worse than the Four Princesses who have never been on the battlefield?”

Fan Wuying’s words spread directly around.

Even the half-monsters couldn’t help but look sideways.

Because the half-monsters’ learning talent is also very fast.

The language of the Dagan Empire, at least 80% of the half-monsters here, can understand.

Therefore, these half-monsters also know that Fan Wuying is a person who knows his own destiny.

They have encountered this situation before.

The Dagan Empire, basically every few years, will send princesses over to their seniors to enjoy.

Every time, there are also generals accompanying.

Those generals were ignorant at first.

After finally knowing, they will start the final struggle.

And once they started struggling, they began to want to escape.

These onlookers can participate in the capture, and directly become their prey after being caught.

So when the human convoy entered the demon capital.

Then there will be a lot of half-monsters, all of them will come around.

They are aiming at the accompanying servants.

Even if the meat of those servants is not good, it is enough for them.

After all, in their eyes, human beings are equal to delicious.

But if no one escapes from the human convoy, they will not be able to take action.

I can only watch them enter the palace and become food for those high-levels.

At least, being eaten by high-level officials is considered dead and decent.

This is the time.

A royal half-monster standing on the height of the restaurant was looking at Fan Wuying with admiration.

“Human women are so enlightened!”

“This human woman, this king wants it!”

“If the order continues, no one is allowed to hurt her. This king wants her to be his guard.”

“Then, when this king becomes a great king, this king will let her become a pioneer, conquer the kingdoms of mankind, and complete the unification of the world.”

This royal half-monster has golden scales on his left face and two horns on his head.

This is obviously a half-monster with dragon blood.

The dragon half-demon is the royal family of the Dayan Dynasty.

It is extremely difficult for them to be born, but every dragon half-demon will become a great master when he grows up.

The difference between them and Yuan Aofeng is their lack of combat experience and lack of killing and cutting moves.

But the power of the physical body is actually stronger than Yuan Aofeng.

“Yes! Third Prince!”

“It’s just that the big prince is there.”

Just as the guard was about to give orders, suddenly he stopped.

“Don’t worry, I’ll go back and talk about it over there.

“I remember that Big Brother doesn’t like my maid very much, Xiaohong of the fox clan, I will just give Xiaohong to him when I look back.”

The half-demon dragon royal family shook their hands casually.


This time, the guard said nothing more.

Because he knew this deal, the prince would already agree to it.

The half-demon clan, all royal disciples are princes.

This is also the difference from Human Race.

As for who can wait for the final throne, it depends on their respective methods.

In the half-demon dynasty, strength is respected.

The succession of the king here depends entirely on their respective methods.

This is true throughout the ages.

It is because of Fan Wuying’s decision and the order she conveyed.

The entire human race caravan came to the entrance of the demon king’s palace without any problems.

At the door.

As soon as Fan Wuying and his party appeared, two guards with pig heads directly stopped them.

Behind them, there are still thirty pig heads.

When these pigheads saw this group of people, they all had saliva left at the corners of their mouths.

They caught sight of one of the team of waitresses and guards.

“They stay, you go in.

Said the pig head guard.

A very greedy look has appeared in their eyes.

The meaning should not be obvious.


The eyes of the female guards who were named were full of sadness.

They looked at themselves Fan Wuying, hoping that Fan Wuying would give a different answer.

However, Fan Wuying closed her eyes and nodded.

“General! Why do we want this!”

“General! We are not reconciled!”

“General! I am not afraid of death, but I am dead, who will avenge me?”

“General! Please forgive me for not accepting such insults, I would rather die!”

Those who were selected by the pig head guards all drew their swords at this moment.

Without the general’s order, they would not resist those half-monsters.

However, their own life and death, they have to decide for themselves.


“Don’t be afraid of death, we are not picky eaters, we are not picky eaters!”

The pighead laughed while drooling.

This situation caused the team of Fan Wuying to show a miserable look.

They have the ability to resist.

If you resist, these pigheads can be killed.

However, thinking of their hometown, they did not resist in the end. Instead, they closed their eyes, not wanting to see their compatriots die.

But it is this time.


Suddenly, there was a great thunder in the sky.

This thunderous sudden thought made everyone couldn’t help but look up at the sky.

It was a clear sky, why suddenly thunder appeared.

“々, general, look!

But at this moment, Fan Lele suddenly pointed to the front.

It turned out that after the thunder, those pig head guards were 32 pig head guards.

I don’t know why it suddenly smoked all of a sudden.

“Is it a lightning strike?

“Is it such a coincidence?”

Fan Wuying also showed a look of surprise.

Let’s forget about the thunderbolt in the blue sky, why do you still smash it down according to those pigheads.

This is simply unreasonable.

But it is this time.

Above the sky, a loud voice came again.

But this time, it was no longer the sound of thunder.

It was a woman’s voice that was crisp and carried the momentum of thunder.

“My name is a girl, a human woman, a descendant of alchemy!'”Today, follow your heart, and the Demon Slayer will destroy the country!”

“Every half-demon is my enemy!”

The cold voice of the girl appeared directly in the royal capital of the entire Dayan Dynasty.

All the half-monsters heard her declaration clearly.

“Huh? Girl? Just a mere human race, delusional to fight our half-demon, she is looking for death!”

“The great masters of the human race are still a young great master, but she is too young to know the horror of our monster race.”

“Haha, the meat of the female doll is the most fragrant, I don’t know which royal half-monster is cheaper.

“I saw it, there is a woman standing in the sky surrounded by thunder?”

“Man, how can you stand in the sky?”

“People, how can you control the Thunder?”

“Is this really a human?”

At the beginning, there were many declarations of half-demon disdain for the girl.

But as someone found out where the girl was, then the half-monsters were all shocked.

Even the half-demon, especially the half-demon of the royal family, could not stand in the sky.

Perhaps, there is a dragon half-demon who has a certain ability to float in the air.

But that ability can only float in the air for a short time, and it won’t be too high.

The girl was standing fifty meters above the half-demon king’s capital.

At this height, the top half-monster can jump up and reach that height.

But that’s it, they can’t fight in that place at all.

At the restaurant.

Before, I was still booking Fan Wuying’s third prince, and his eyes widened at this moment.

“Fly through the sky, control the thunder!”

“She claims to be the preacher of the alchemy, and we have never heard of this.”

“No, I have an unknown premonition, we are leaving, we are leaving Yaodu!”

“If you don’t leave, you will die!”

When the third prince said here, he jumped straight down, grabbed a dragon horse, and started to run out of the demon city.

But as everyone knows, his behavior (okay Zhao) happened to be seen by the girl above the sky.

“Dragon head human body!

“Want to run, it’s impossible!”

The long sword in the girl’s hand came out of her body.

Next second.


The sword energy carrying the power of thunder illuminates the surrounding space in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, the third prince who was about to seize the way and flee, turned directly into a blood mist.

“Ah! Third Prince!”

“No! Third Prince!”

The guards of the third prince, seeing this place are going to collapse.

at the same time.

Inside the palace of the Dayan Dynasty.

Those powerful half-monsters finally discovered the seriousness of the matter.

Several top half-demon warriors all rose into the sky and launched an attack on the girl.

However, face their attacks.

The corner of the girl’s mouth only showed a sneer.

“It’s just a moving target!

“Taiqing Immortal Thunder, clean up the world!”

The girl pinched the Jue with her left hand, and the long sword in her right hand drew a thunder pattern in the air.

Immediately afterwards, a huge Tai Chi figure appeared at her feet.

Then a powerful thunder appeared directly, and the target directly targeted the top powerhouses of the monster race who rushed up.


“No, don’t jump into the sky!”

“Damn it, there is no way to avoid it!”

“How can human beings have such power.”

“Our monster race, it’s over!”

The half-demon warrior who rushed to the sky was desperate at this moment.

This despair is just like Fan Wuying before.


The thunder sounded and the thunder fell.


Along with the thunder, there were seven top half-monsters of the demon race.

These seven half-monsters are all dragon blood.

Originally, they were all alone enough to suppress the existence of a city.

If each one breaks into the human race city alone, it can easily destroy a city.

Even if their strength is only a great master, but their physical body is strong and their recovery ability is extremely strong.

If you don’t meet a great master like Yuan Aofeng.

A hundred thousand army can’t help any of the seven of them.

But now, the seven top half-monsters were killed by the girl with a single move.

This result directly caused the entire royal capital of the Dayan Dynasty to fall into silence.

“It’s not over yet!”

“I said, all half-monsters are going to die!”

The cold voice of the girl appeared again.

Immediately afterwards, the Tai Chi diagram under her feet instantly expanded, and then fell downward. .

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