Chapter 80 Inheritance of alchemy, revival of spiritual energy (please subscribe!)

For the four princesses of the Dagan Empire.

At this moment, she is experiencing unbelievable things.

Because I’m on the way to go and kiss.

Suddenly, I met an extremely perfect teenager.

Although the young man looked very good-looking, he was like a god descending from the sky.

However, this young man seemed to be just his size.

Now the boy spoke and asked if she was willing to worship each other as a teacher for freedom.

With this weird situation, she couldn’t help but pinched her arm gently to prove that she was not asleep in the car and then dreaming.

“How about it, do you want to think about it!”

“Ask me as a teacher, and through my own efforts, find a way to get free!”

“Although it is not necessarily complete and complete freedom, at least it is the kind of freedom that can control one’s own destiny, do what one wants to do, and refuse to be a puppet of others.

Yang Xuan still said calmly.

It seems that what they are discussing at this time is not a princess who wants to be married, suddenly regretting this terrible thing.

“Four princesses, please go back to the carriage!”

“This strange boy who claims to be a “Taoist” is obviously not a good person. It may be someone sent by the Xuanwu Kingdom to deliberately confuse us. ”

For a while, the heroic girl approached, and suddenly she was full of hostility towards Yang Xuan.

It seems that the other party is very unwilling to have his princess refused to kiss the matter.

Even the killing intent in her body was boiling.

As her killing intent appeared, she also felt a faint sense of oppression.

This sense of oppression is very strong for civilians in this world.

That is the oppressive feeling of the peak state of mankind.

However, that is only for ordinary people.

If an ordinary person faced the imposing manner of this female general, he would just kneel on the ground in terror, and would not even dare to breathe.

But for Yang Xuan.

There is not much difference between the presence and absence of this killing intent.


When the murderous intent of this heroic female general appeared, Dao Tong-Chen, who was holding the Eight-King Palace Lantern, shook his right hand.

Immediately afterwards.

The body of the heroine general suddenly felt hot.

It seems that there is an unnamed fire that starts from her body and burns her to the ground.

“How is this going!”

The heroine general’s face was flushed, and her body temperature instantly increased by four degrees.


She fell directly to the ground and stood without strength anymore.

“this ”

The fourth princess Yang Yi was taken aback.

She naturally knows how strong the “three, four, three” is for the person responsible for protecting herself.

A family of military commanders, free to practice martial arts.

Even the generals of those monster races, she can fight against one.

but now.

Just after releasing the breath, he couldn’t afford it, and he looked like he was about to fall.

How could this not shock people around.

“General Fan!”

“No, the enemy uses poison!”

“Ready to kill the enemy!

The female guards responsible for escorting the fourth princess Yang Yi are going to attack Yang Xuan in the first place.

This time, just when Dao Tong-Chen’s Eight Jing Palace Lanterns were about to show the passive attributes that directly burned the hearts and spirits of others.

Dao Tong-Xing suddenly shot.

In between, the Seven Star Sword appeared directly on her injury.

She drew the long sword at a speed hard to see with the naked eye.

Then, an invisible sword gas gushed out.

In the next second, all the guards who took out their weapons broke their weapons.

This is still Dao Tong, Xing has no idea of ​​killing.

Otherwise, with this sword, the entire body of guards would be completely dead.

At this time, Yang Yi, the fourth princess, was already staring at it.

She stared at Yang Xuan three people blankly, her heart was full of endless horror.

She had never thought that she had faced death at such a close distance.

You know, Yang Xuan now can easily kill them with just one thought.

The feeling of being unable to live or die is absolutely terrifying.

At this time, Yang Xuan sighed helplessly, and then waved his hand.

In an instant, the heroic female general returned to normal.

“Don’t be hostile to me!”

“Otherwise, no matter where you are, you will be heartburned.”

“This is Dao Fa’s protection for me.

Yang Xuan reminded everyone present.

He can take this shot this time, exempting those who are intent on killing himself.

But next time, he won’t care.

After speaking, Yang Xuan looked at the fourth princess Yang Yi.

“It seems that you and I no longer have the status of mentor and apprentice.”


Yang Xuan gave the opponent a chance.

But since the other party did not miss it, then it was missed.

Although Dao Dharma is not Dharma, everything pays attention to conditional Dharma.

But Yang Xuan would not give her so many opportunities.

“let’s go!”

“Yes, sir!

Yang Xuan lightly waved Taiyi Fuchen on his hand, and a breeze blessed him, supporting him on the back of the old cow.

The three of them hit the road again.

But at this time, a little girl suddenly ran out of the motorcade.”Master! Daoist Master!”

“I want to worship you as a teacher!”

“My girl, I want to worship you as a teacher!”

This little girl, the little girl named Nvwa, looked like she was in her teens.

Black face, thin body.

At first glance, it is a typical malnutrition.

The linen on her body is even more obvious at a glance, she is just an ordinary maid.


Dao child star, after seeing the little girl chasing from behind, he immediately glanced at Yang Xuan.

“let’s go!”

“Let her follow, don’t let anyone stop her.”

Although Yang Xuan didn’t look back, he could “see” the situation behind.

At the same time, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

“People who are destined, realize it!”

Yang Xuan whispered, and then let the old cow sit down and continue on his way.

The Taoist boy transformed by the two kings of angels finally understood at this moment that it turned out that Yang Xuan had never been waiting for the four princesses, but the little girl called the “baby girl”.

“Girl, baby girl!”

“This is a name for great luck, but this name is not suitable for her.”

“From now on, she will be called Yang Qing. She is too pure and innocent. Wanhua is free!

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, he began to close his eyes and rest on the old cow.

The little girl in the back hurried to catch up with her short legs.

After the little girl ran for a few steps, the female general surnamed Fan, who recovered, ran towards the girl for the first time.

“Girl, come back!

“That person is dangerous!”

The female general surnamed Fan obviously still knew the girl.

Because the girl had a period of time, she would find a female general surnamed Fan when she was free, and begged the other party to point her to martial arts.

She was extremely impressed with the baby girl.

Although he was an ordinary civilian, his qualifications were not very good.

But the whole person is very spirited as a warrior.

Originally, the female general surnamed Fan, planned to escort the princess and her parents this time, she would directly bring the girl over and bring her with her.

But who would have thought that this girl was so bold.

Actually dared to chase Yang Xuan and the others to leave.

You know, this female general surnamed Fan, she hasn’t figured out what happened just now.

So she didn’t want the girl to leave with Yang Xuan.

However, just when she was about to get up and chase.


The sound of a sword chant directly shattered the void, drawing a huge sword mark under her feet.


“Internal strength and external defense, this is the unique magical power of the Monster Race!”

“Could it be that that young man is a demon from the Dayan Dynasty!”

“However, the demon people all regard their demonized parts as beautiful, why does that young man seem to be alone?”

“Furthermore, people of the monster race have never been willing to use human weapons.”

“Whether it is a sword or a spear, they will not use it easily.”

“So, that group of three people doesn’t look like a monster!

“It is rumored that those monsters also have a special hobby, which is to eat people!”

“Although there has been no direct evidence to show that, since there are such rumors, it is definitely not groundless.

“So, the girl can’t go with them!”

As soon as the female general surnamed Fan gritted her teeth, she planned to fight to the death.

She didn’t want to see the girl in danger.

But at this time, the fourth princess Yang Yi spoke.

“General Fan, let the girl go.

“I believe those three people are all hermits.

“If I was given another chance to choose, I would choose to be that person’s disciple.”

“It’s a pity, I missed this opportunity.”

“And the girl, when she ran out, was already ahead of all of us.”

“I have a hunch that the hope of the human race in the future lies in the girl’s body.”

After Yang Yi finished speaking, he returned to his carriage.

She vaguely felt that she had lost a great opportunity.

But at the same time, she thought of the baby girl.

Suddenly there was another hope in my heart.

“Why do I have such an idea? I should think too much.”

“Before I reach the Dayan Dynasty, that group of half-monsters will be over, at most, there are still two months.”

“In two months, how much skill can the girl learn, and how can there be a way to save my destiny.”

Yang Yi gave a wry smile and stopped thinking about it.

****. …..

Ten days later.

On a barren grassland.

The girl’s body is already full of holes.

For ten days, she has been following Yang Xuan three people.

In the past ten days, she hadn’t eaten anything, and the water she drank was the creek she was passing by.

In fact, she has been unable to walk since five days ago.

However, there is a strong will in her heart.

This will is her heart, her thoughts.

“I want to follow this great master!”

“Only by following the master, I can get freedom and strength!”

“I want to be a hero, I want to be a human race.”

“I want to kill all, cannibal half-monster!”

The girl was thinking about these things firmly in her heart.

It was this obsession that made her persist for another three days.

By the thirteenth day, the girl finally couldn’t hold on.

She fell to the ground and lost consciousness.

I don’t know how long it took.

Suddenly a picture appeared in the girl’s heart.

It was a group of half-demon caravans, passing by their village, found that their village was not guarded by soldiers, and then began to arrest people on a large scale.

In the end, her parents were all taken away.

At that time, the girl followed carefully.

As a result, she saw an unforgettable step for all beings.

Those half demons actually eat people.

Although she was scared and angry at the time, she still concealed herself carefully and escaped.

She knew that she was weak and couldn’t do anything.

So she sold herself to enter the imperial city of the Dagan Empire and became a little maid.

At that time, she was only six years old.

Because of her average appearance and dark skin, she was not sold to the land of fireworks at that time.

In four years, he went from a little palace lady to the fourth princess Yang Yi’s side.

Even the four princesses knew that there was a maid who wanted to learn martial arts by his side.

The fourth princess even knew about the girl’s past, and then took great care of the girl.

But it’s just that.

Revenge against the half-demon, it seemed to her, it was impossible.

Half-monsters cannibalize people, the fourth princess knows even more.

But she had no other way. The half-demon of the Dayan Dynasty was too strong.

In other words, as long as the senior leaders of the Dagan Empire are not eaten, it does not matter to them that the civilians are eaten.

Even the fourth princess, Yang Yi, was prepared to be eaten in the end.

That’s why she was so sad, but she couldn’t resist.

Can’t resist.

So when the girl left, she was in a better mood.

Because there was a secret she didn’t tell, her team were all sacrificed.

Even the female general with the surname Fan was ordered by the half-monster of the Dayan Dynasty.

Only the four princesses knew this secret.

“Father, mother, and baby girl will definitely avenge you.”

“You are waiting for me, the girl has grown up, and the girl is now ten years old.”

“After giving me a few years, the girl will definitely gain strength.”

“Human race should not be a slave.”

“The Dagan Empire is the slave of the Dayan Dynasty. It is said that it is an empire, but in fact it is just the lambs raised in semi-demon captivity.”

In her dream, the girl recalled her parents.

Suddenly, she said such “great rebelliousness”.

This is her true inner thoughts.

In fact, this little girl looks down on everyone in the Dagan Empire.

“How many years? That’s too long.”

“Although half demons are inherently stronger than humans, their aptitudes are not good.”

“Talents are the most talented race in the world.”

“Perhaps human beings were born weak and small, but humans have unlimited potential.”

“Since you decided to worship me as a teacher, you only have one month.”

“Study with a teacher for a month, after January you will go to the Dayan Dynasty alone.

“A man, a sword, sweeping the world.

Just when the girl said the words from the heart in her dream.

Suddenly, a voice appeared in her heart.

Immediately afterwards, the girl opened her eyes instantly.

Then she found herself lying on a piece of grass at this moment.

Opposite him, there was a perfect young Taoist priest.

The Taoist priest was very beautiful, and the girl was stunned after only two glances.

“What a nice view!”

“Ah! How can I say it.”

Although the girl is only ten years old, many girls in this world are married at the age of twelve or thirteen.

So, she naturally knows some things that adults will know

“Look into my eyes, you can’t hide your secrets.

“This is Dao Fa’s blessing to me.”

“And you, also want to practice Taoism.”

“Practice my alchemy!”

When Yang Xuan said here, he stretched out his finger and pointed it gently at the girl’s head.

Immediately afterwards.

A spiritual light flashed, and a lot of scriptures appeared in the girl’s mind very quickly.

The first thing that appeared was a “Tao De Jing” in her soul, exuding golden light.

Secondly, it is the “Golden Solution Huandan Visualization Picture”, “Zhen Yuan Pian”, “The Origin of the Great Dao”, “The Important Principles of Jin Dan”, and “The Great Dao”.

Numerous Taoist classics, numerous alchemy practices, have appeared in the girl’s mind.

Those methods make the girl fascinated.

Although Yang Xuan did not explain, but directly penetrated the scriptures into her soul.

But the girl’s talent is indeed extremely powerful.

When many scriptures were slowly absorbed by her.

Soon, a trace of enlightenment appeared in the girl’s heart.

“Thousands of spiritual energy return to Dantian, Qiongjiang Yulu refines profound pill!”

The girl suddenly did it cross-legged, and she made a Tai Chi seal with her hands in front of her.

Her look has also changed from the previous embarrassment to quiet and peaceful.

However, there is no aura in this world.

But there is no aura in this world, but the ancestor of aura is by her side.

“Very well, this world originally did not allow aura to exist.

“If I forcibly imprint the concept of Reiki in this world, then it will definitely be discovered by that demon clan’s origin world, which is comparable to the level of the five-level omnipotent God.

“But if it is a creature in this world, it will understand and break through by itself.

“Then it won’t cause any vibration at all.”

“It is very normal for one or two special worlds to appear in the endless Hengsha world.”

Yang Xuan nodded to the girl in satisfaction.Immediately afterwards, he gently raised his hand.

Then a drop of blood is separated from the body.

As soon as this drop of blood appeared, the surrounding flowers and trees began to grow rapidly.

Such a spectacle, if anyone is around, it must be very shocking.


Yang Xuan manipulated his own essence and blood, and slowly touched the girl’s forehead.

Next second.

The baby girl’s body trembled suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, the black skin began to turn white in an instant, and the thin body quickly became full.

Between heaven and earth, a breeze suddenly blew.

In this wind, there is an aura that makes people breathe and feel that their body and mind are unblocked.

The spirit of heaven and earth was born.

This is not the heaven and earth aura transformed by Yang Xuan.

But the baby girl got Yang Xuan’s essence and blood and completed her physical transformation.

Cooperating with her understanding of Taoism and her strong will, she finally combined the three elements of Jing, Qi, and God into one, and after entering the realm of the unity of heaven and man, it caused the laws of heaven and earth to come and condense the aura.

That was the first ray of aura in this world.

“It deserves to be the one chosen by the master.

“Unexpectedly, it succeeded all at once.

“With the help of the master’s essence and blood, she can directly refine a profound pill, and it is also a profound pill of extremely high nature.”

“Next, as long as you concentrate on practicing for some time, if there is a panacea to assist you.”

“So Jindan is polite!”

The Tao Tong transformed by the two angel kings also looked at the girl in surprise.

This girl, although only a native of Hengsha World.

However, her performance surprised both of them.

In the alchemy practice initiated by Yang Xuan, the inner alchemy emphasizes the nine turns of the golden alchemy, and the outer alchemy emphasizes the return of ten thousand methods to the yuan, condensing one pill.

Heaven and earth are furnaces, everything can be refined.

It was a real golden pill swallowed into my belly, and my life was involuntary.


This is the time.

Suddenly, three sky thunders fell from the sky and landed beside the girl.

At this time, the girl slowly opened her eyes.

“I have cultivated a profound pill!”

The girl looked at the flowers and trees swept by the thunder in disbelief, and recalled her previous thoughts in her heart.

When Xuan Dan was first completed, she thought of Thunder Weili.

It occurred to me that after Dan Cheng, the foreign law appeared the most, it was Lei Fa.

So there was a thought in my mind.

As a result, the Thunder was really recruited.

However, under the three thunders, the profound core within himself also became dim and dull.

Obviously, the consumption is huge.

“Xuan Dan is first completed, and its spiritual power is 0.3!””

Yang Xuan’s voice came again.

Then, he grabbed the void.

Immediately afterwards, an ancient sword in the state of a long banner appeared in Yang Xuan’s hand.

That is the treasure, ten thousand realms return to the ruins.

Possessing a powerful treasure that tears apart time, space, and the world.

When this treasure appeared, the entire Hengsha world trembled violently.

The powerful repulsive force also appeared instantly.


“Be quiet!”

Yang Xuan snorted coldly, and gently tapped the treasure in his hand against the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the rejection of the world disappeared.

Then, Yang Xuan put a long sword in his hand and lightly cut through the girl’s palm.

Let her blood fall directly on the ground.

“Aura gives, time accelerates!”

“ー Ten thousand years!”

Under Yang Xuan’s operation, the flowers and trees within a mile around them grew visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, they are all spiritual plants.

They are all spirit flowers, spirit grasses, spirit trees, and spirit fruits.

The first step of Reiki recovery is completed.

It is at this time that the repulsive force of the world has come again.

Yang Xuan no longer urges the treasure-the return of the ten thousand worlds to the ruins, because it is urged again, and it changes back to a warning that caused the world, and then it will attract the attention of higher-level monsters.

Yang Xuan didn’t want to be exposed before letting the whole world and spiritual energy recover to a certain level.

“Girl, although your profound pill is good, but you want to fight one country with one person, there are still shortcomings.”

“Next, you will use the spirit flower, spirit grass, and spirit fruit here to refine the cultivation medicine.”

“Pill furnace, just use mine.”

While Yang Xuan spoke, he also summoned a huge pill furnace.

That is Hunyuan Yixi Taiqing Pill Furnace.

Pill furnace is used for alchemy. If you don’t activate magical powers, you will refine the pill that the world cannot bear.

Then the use of it will not cause rejection by the world, nor will it attract outside attention.

Now this Hengsha world can already be called the Reiki Rejuvenation World.

The highest existence allowed in the world has also improved a little bit.

It’s just that there are very few people who can perceive it.

And this is just the first step of Yang Xuan.

Wait until the girl condenses the golden core and goes to the Dayan Dynasty.

At that time, it was the explosive period of aura recovery.

Yang Xuan is looking forward to this day.

“Thank you, Master!”

The girl saw the fairyland-like scene around, and behind the powerful pill furnace Yang Xuan took out.

He just knelt down and bowed to Yang Xuan three times and nine knocks.

She had an idea in her heart.

One day as a teacher and life as a father!.

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