Chapter 79 Double crossing, Hengsha World (please subscribe!)

In the Yaozu origin world.

A human being was born.

This is incredible for the whole world.

“Born, our child is born!”

“Although she is a girl, she is extremely talented!”

“Lingyun, this kid is called Yiyun!”

“Let her inherit my last name, your name!”

“I hope that one day, she can lead the human race on a new path!”

“After all, in this world, what our human race needs most is hope!”

A couple at the level of heavenly immortals, looking at their children at this time, their eyes were full of excitement.

At this time, another god ran away-come over.

“Is this your child, the talent is outstanding.

“Furthermore, as soon as I was born, there was a vision that allowed the law of this world to be inspired.

“But, the next thing, there must be a big monster of the demon clan coming, and the two of you are going to flee.”

“I will tell the big demon who came, the vision was caused by my breakthrough.”

“But they may not believe it!”

“But, the next step will be a search.”

“Then I will reveal the secret of my achievement as a golden immortal.

“I will kill that big demon and run away!”

“All the monster races will hunt me down.

“And you two, there is a chance to stay away from here and go to the Ancient Immortal Mountains a million miles away from here.”

“There are many people hiding in them.”

“The general big monsters of the demon race don’t really want to go there for food.”

“You must find an ancient immortal and raise your children into immortals.”

“In this world, the ancient immortal who surpasses the golden immortal level can only guarantee that they will not easily become the food of the human race.”

“But only by surpassing the ancient immortals and achieving the immortal sovereign, can we compete with the demon race and establish a fairy mountain blessed land that can bless the human race.

This new immortal told a lot of important news as soon as he appeared.

“Big Brother Lin Shan!

“You can’t expose your own cultivation.”

“Those demon races, the Xianyuan who likes to smoke the golden immortal most, once they find that you have become a golden immortal, then the demon kings around here will come out and arrest you.”

The female goddess who gave birth to Yiyun, the monk named Qingyun, looked at the new Jinxian-Linshan with solemn expression.

“Yes, Brother Lin Shan, if you expose your cultivation level, you will end up miserably.”

“Although our child was born with a vision, we can leave a treasure. After all, our human race is good at making treasures, and when treasures are born, there are often visions.”

Yi Yun’s father, a celestial monk named Yi Tian, ​​was also in a heavy heart.

The combination of the two gods still sacrificed one’s original strength and gave birth to a child with excellent talents.

Before they made this decision, they thought about how to face the monster race.

However, Jin Xian, Lin Shan shook his head.

“You should know that this is impossible!”

“So, leave quickly!”

“Don’t come back!”

“If you still recognize my eldest brother, take good care of that child. We must make her advance to become an immortal, and build a viable base for our tens of thousands of human races who will ascend in the future.”

After Lin Shan finished speaking last, the whole person rose up into the sky.

Outside the mountains where they are.

Soon there will be a full of three monster auras that are one level higher than him, directly descending.

“let’s go!

“This time, we also went to Tianxian Yuanyuan, but our children will certainly not let us down.”

Yitian shook his teeth, then hugged his daughter and started to drive with his body.

They dare not use spells to hurry.

Because taking it back caused the Yaozu’s awareness.

Among the monster races, there are many big monsters, all of which are super sensitive.

When they are on the way, they will keep looking at their children.

For fear of his own children, inadvertently burst out a powerful talent again, attracting the attention of the Yaozu.

In that case, their eldest brother Lin Shan would have died in vain.

But what they didn’t know was that their children had already begun to analyze the situation at this time.

“I successfully entered the origin world, and this is the origin world of the demon race.

“In this world, human beings are in a very bad situation!”

“My parents who passed through this time pin their hopes on me.”

“It just so happens that I have the power of God, and I still have the power to adapt to this world.”

“Three powerful treasures are lodged in my body.

“I can feel that as long as I want, I can mobilize a treasure at will, and I can directly kill the existence of my parents’ level.”

“They seem to call their realm a god.

“God gives me treasures that can easily kill the heavenly immortals, so the corresponding realm is at least the golden immortal who chooses to sacrifice himself, or even the ancient immortal above him.

“But the ancient immortal, it seems that he can’t protect the human race.”

“No wonder, God does not intend to enter this world directly.”

“Because in this world, there are at least ten monster races in the same realm as God.”

“At the same time, there is a powerful existence that transcends the person of God.

“But God obviously has other means. He wants to conquer this world.”

“And I am a pioneer.”

Yiyun’s brain began to analyze many situations.Then, she also began to make plans.

This time she could no longer disappoint God.

at the same time.

A subsidiary world of Yaozu’s original world.

In a world of Hengsha level.


With the opening of the door of crossing.

One was wearing a gorgeous Taoist robe, holding a Taiyi whisk, and there were two Taoist boys beside him.

Walked straight out of the door.

“I’m back, the personality of this world is so low!”

Yang Xuan entered this world for the second time, and immediately discovered that the highest permissible existence in this world was actually just the peak of ordinary people.

In other words.

Any existence beyond this level will either be rejected by the world, or it will cause backlash from the world.

Or, if the existence of invading this world is strong enough, it will completely blow up this world.


“Since this world is attached to the original world, then I will use this world as the core, and I will be promoted little by little.”

“Finally, directly carrying a huge world to the original world.

“With the help of Yiyun, I have understood the general situation of the original world.

“ーA world respected by the monster race.”

“Everything, other races are the food of the monster race.”

“There are at least a few existences that surpass the fourth-level God personality.

“The existence of the same level should be in two digits.”

“But if my superb veteran personality can advance to the fifth level, the ancestor of the fifth level of spiritual energy, and the fifth level of one gas into three cleansings, all problems can be solved.”

“The next step is to complete the spiritual recovery of this Hengsha world.

“Location, start here!”

Yang Xuan condensed his own strength and put his own strength at the peak state of this world.

At the same time, the same goes for “Xing” and “Chen” who followed him here.

Immediately afterwards, an old cow appeared beside Yang Xuan.

He sat directly on the old cow, letting Mei Ruo Tianxian, holding the Eight View Palace Lantern Chen, lead the ox to walk forward.

Holding a long sword, the beautiful fairy’Star’, like a sword fairy, follows the scalper.

Like an accompanying maid.

The three of them walked on the ancient road of this world.

One walk is a full three months.

Wait until the third month.

They only saw another road, a road with traces of carriages and horses on it.

“Master, someone has smoked.

Xing said in surprise.

The three-month trekking made the former king of gods and angels feel bored.

However, Yang Xuan seems to have completely transformed into a Taoist priest who has no desires and desires.

For three months, it only made him more peaceful and more peaceful.

“Do nothing, fight if you don’t fight!”

“The avenue is ruthless, the heaven is the most important!”

“Source, this is the mentality of Taishang Laojun.”

“With this kind of mentality, even in eternal life, you won’t be confused.

“It seems that the way of practice in the East is far beyond the way of God in the West.”

“This is only the initial state of the template, the first level of the template, but it has already made me feel a certain growth.

“That’s a God template, and it can’t bring me an experience.”

“If there is only God template me, then once I lose the God template, I will become an ordinary person, nothing!”

“But this Taishang Laojun template, only three months of experience, has allowed me to get sublimation in essence. Even if I suddenly lose the God template and the myth template now, then I will be sure to complete the transition of life and become an immortal. ”

These three months were extremely boring for the two Taoists Xing and Chen.

But for Yang Xuan, it is of extraordinary significance.

“Wait here for an hour, and then another team will pass by. Let’s take a look at this team first.”

“If you can, start with this team!”

After Yang Xuan finished speaking, Lao Niu stopped here directly.

This cow was transformed by Kui Niu.

The one-legged Kui Niu was given aura by Yang Xuan, and he understood the way of change.

Although it can’t exert its strongest power in this way, it has also become an ordinary cow in change.

“You don’t use any abilities, you know that there will be a team passing by in an hour and a week?”

Kaisha, the god king who turned into a star, couldn’t help asking.

Because the current Yang Xuan did not use any power.

“This is yin and yang arithmetic. The use of this kind of power is calculated by mental strength and does not require external blessing, so in your opinion, no energy appears.”

“It can be said that this kind of computing power is very primitive, but the essence is extremely high!”

Yang Xuan explained to his Taoist boy a little bit.

It’s a pity that the two Taoists can hear them in a cloud of fog.

“Forget it, it doesn’t matter if you don’t understand.

“After all, you two just need to be beautiful.”

Yang Xuan didn’t feel upset either.

What can he expect from the Taoist boy transformed by the two angels?

As long as the two of them are good-looking enough, they can attract people’s faith.

In the future, they are showing great power, letting people in this world go down to earth as fairies.

Then that’s it.

As for Yang Xuan, although he is the ancestor of spiritual energy, he can’t always let himself show up in front of him every time.

That’s really discharging.

that’s all.

The three waited for an hour.

That is two hours.

As soon as the time came, there was indeed a caravan approaching from far away and met Yang Xuan, a group of people.

It was a convoy of seven carriages.

In addition to the carriage, there are also two teams of guards and five teams of servants.

The total number of people totaled nearly 500.

It’s a fairly large team.

At least in this world, it is extremely rare for a team to reach this position when someone is traveling.

The leader of this team is still a heroic woman wearing battle armor and holding a spear.


After seeing the three of Yang Xuan, the heroic woman immediately stopped the team.

Immediately afterwards, she summoned a five-person team and asked them to ride towards Yang Xuan along with her.

The guards of this team are all women.

In this case, Xing and Chen turned into the kings of female Taoist angels, and some good feelings were born in their hearts.

“Who is in front, why stay here!”

As soon as the heroine general came over, she went straight in and asked Yang Xuan why they were here.

But Yang Xuan did not speak.

The god-king Kaisha, who was only a twelve or three-year-old girl, took a step forward.

“My master has gone out to play so far, because he has run out of food and water, so he is waiting for someone who is destined to take us all the way.”

Dao Tong, Xing, directly followed Yang Xuan’s previous explanation and said such a sentence.



The heroine general, looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

In her seriousness, the word “Master” is not suitable for Yang Xuan.

Because Yang Xuan is obviously just a handsome boy who looks only sixteen or seventeen years old.

Although, the temperament of the other party gives people a very noble feeling.

The two little girls are also like fairies.

However, if Yang Xuan is called Young Master, it is still acceptable.

If it is the master, at such a young age, is it possible that it is the patriarch of a certain family?

“Where do you come from?”

The heroine general thought for a while, and asked again.

“Shouyang Mountain, Xuandu Purple Mansion!”

Dao child star, once again said the title Yang Xuan had told her before.

But the look of the heroine general was even more puzzled.

“I haven’t heard of it, but you are a young gentleman and two girls. It is indeed dangerous to walk in such a place.”

“Fortunately, what you met is my princess’s caravan. If you change to a malicious caravan, all three of you will become businessmen.”

After the heroic female general finished speaking, she waved to the soldiers who followed her.

Amnesia and they took Yang Xuan to join the team.

…Seeking flowers 0…

“Thank you female general!”

It was at this time that Yang Xuan, who had never spoken, spoke.

His voice is magnetic and comfortable.

Just hearing this voice made the female general, who was a little irritable these days, feel much calmer.

“Huh? You boy is strange!”

“No wonder this weird one is a musician?”

The heroine general couldn’t help asking.

There is no Taoism in this world.

There is no Buddhism.

Because this is the world radiated by the Yaozu’s original world.

If a person with Buddhism and Taoism appears, it is impossible to appear in the world of Hengsha.

Instead, he was directly guided to the Great Thousand World, and then through the ascendant, it became a top-grade ingredient.

Unless, the other party has a weapon like the gate of crossing.

It is possible to circumvent the interference of the Yaozu’s original world, let a powerful level exist, converge one’s own breath, and come into this Hengsha world.

“Musician, I am not a musician who makes people happy through sound, but a Taoist priest!

Yang Xuan’s voice came again.

Then, the valiant female general began to question again.

“What happy

“No, what is a Taoist priest?”

For the first time, the female general of Yingwu heard the word “Taoist”.

Hearing the other party’s question, Yang Xuan continued to answer.

“Pedestrian Avenue, named Taoist.

“The body and mind are logical, the only way is to follow the way, and the way is the thing, so I am called a Taoist.”

“There are many kinds of Taoist priests, and there are many ways to cultivate the Tao!”

“And I am an alchemy practitioner!

“Alchemy is a way of practicing people’s self-life control under the consciousness of self-consciousness.”

“It is the deepest processing and perceptual awareness of human subconsciousness, and the fundamental change of human destiny, from which longevity is the ultimate pursuit and yearning.””Pill Dao, internal refining to form a pill (internal pill), external use to form a law (thunder method).

“The Dan is the only one, and the one is the single. But the way is not right, so the name is Dan.

“The sky is clear, and the earth is clear.”

“Gu gets one to make a profit, and one gets a long life.”

“As the saying goes, if a golden pill is swallowed into my abdomen, I can’t help my life!

“My alchemy monks, what they pursue is the ninth level of the golden core, to control their own destiny.”


Yang Xuan’s voice appeared directly above the entire convoy.

It stands to reason that a normal person who speaks with a normal voice should not radiate so much.

But Yang Xuan did it easily.

Even, it didn’t arouse anyone’s suspicion for the time being.

For the people in this team, it seems to be able to hear this voice, which is quite normal.

It’s this time.

One is wearing a lavender plum blossom double-breasted cotton satin hanging child, a transparent large-sleeved vermilion skirt, and a large pink woolen gauze with gold silk and phoenix patterns.

He has black and shiny hair, a chic headband and a smoky hibiscus bun, and his skin is like a creamy hand. He wears a red gold ring bead nine-turn exquisite bracelet. The waist is tied with a white moon-white powder and blue embroidered gold flower pattern net fringe.

On the top, there is also a lotus sachet with pink silver thread embroidered on it.

I wear dark brown soft satin shoes on my feet.

The whole person, like a fairy in the painting, walked out of a carriage in front.

“Taoist, Dan Dao?”

“What a weird theory!”

“However, there is one thing you said wrong.”

“In this world, no one can control their own destiny.

As soon as the woman who came out appeared, she refuted Yang Xuan’s words.

That is, no one in this world can be free.

“The civilians are constrained by the government!”

“The government is bound by the royal family!”

“The royal family is bound by other dynasties!

“Even the emperor himself dare not say that he is free.”

“And in the royal family, I have never been free, and even in marriage, I can’t be myself.”

“Therefore, there is no such thing as freedom in this world.”

When the picturesque woman said this, a faint sadness appeared on her face.

This not only did not reduce her rating, but instead increased her beauty by three points.

“Four princesses, why have you come out? The Dayan Dynasty hasn’t arrived yet. This is the junction between our Dagan and Dayan, and gangsters are most likely to appear.”

“You are a daughter of gold, how can you be so adventurous!”

After seeing this place, the heroine general hurried to the picturesque woman.

“It’s okay, the other party is just a young gentleman who has just grown up, and his age is as old as mine.

“Look at his two maids, both children of twelve and thirteen, and the appearance of a young gentleman. The two maids are both fairies. Do you think they may be gangsters or bait for gangsters.”

The picturesque woman called the Four Princesses is not worried about the three of Yang Xuan at all.

“My name is Yang Yi, the three princesses of the Dagan Empire. Looking at your appearance, I am not familiar with my Dagan Empire.”

“But Dagan and Dayan’s marriage, I should have heard of it.”

“The demon from the Dayan dynasty, by name and surname, asked me to marry me. If I don’t follow it, one hundred thousand demon soldiers will point directly to the Dagan Empire.”

“Even the father, who loves me so much, has to agree to them.

“So, there is no freedom in this world!”

The fourth princess Yang Yi spoke with helpless and angry words.

Naturally, she was not angry at Yang Xuan, but denied Yang Xuan’s previous sentence.

In other words, she didn’t mean to deny either.

But I hope what Yang Xuan said is true.


A golden pill swallowed into the abdomen, and my life was involuntary.

She also thought about such things.

But is this true?

In this world, is there really a pill that can make people free?

“It turns out that the princess wants to be free.”

“Then I will give the princess a chance.”

“Ask me as a teacher and learn from my alchemy!”

Yang Xuan swept his hands up and down, jumped off the old cow directly with a move, and walked to the front of the fourth princess Yang Yi.

When he said this, the guards around him changed their faces.

Even the guards couldn’t help but think that this young man was afraid that he was not a fool.

The four princesses are going to the kingdom of demons, the Dayan Dynasty.

The people there are not half-demons.

So it is called the kingdom of demons.

The demon is the whole barrel of this world, and the demon is more noble than human beings.

Because they are born to be the culmination of this world, an ordinary demonic civilian can easily kill a hundred human elite soldiers.

Fortunately, the birth rate of monsters is extremely low.

Otherwise, there will be no human beings in this world.

“Let me apprentice?”

The fourth princess, Yang Yi, also looked at Yang Xuan suspiciously.

She just complained, but she didn’t expect Yang Xuan to be so serious.

For a while, she was a little unsure of her attention.

But her heart is very heartwarming.

Because she wants freedom. three,

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