Chapter 78 The ancestor of Reiki, Laojun template (seeking subscription!)

Start to generate a new template.

“Congratulations to the host, for getting the mythology template-Taishang Laojun.”

“In the build properties panel!

Name: Yang Xuan

Mythical identity:

1. God (Original suppression)

2. Taishang Laojun

Template: Taishang Laojun

Supernatural powers:

1. The source of aura, level 1.

When the heaven and the earth first opened, all things had not yet grown.

There is a barrenness in the world, and under the barrenness, there is a breath of energy from it.

This qi has a magical effect, which can give birth to all things and nurture spiritual roots.

This Qi is recognized by the world and is called “Aura”.

2. One gasification and three cleansing, level 1

Dao begets one, one life two, two begets three, three begets everything.

Evolve all things with one spirit, which can be incarnations, clones, and sentient beings.

The mythological template appeared.

It is actually too old.

At this point, Yang Xuan was a little surprised.

Because, the impression that Taishang Laojun gave him was one of the Sanqing, Pangu Yuanshen.

His cognition of Taishang Laojun comes from many online literatures.

Now that he has become a Taishang Laojun, his recognition of Taishang Laojun has become more direct.

This time, it was the same as when I got the God template.

As soon as I got this template, endless information appeared in Yang Xuan’s mind.

Soon, with the help of his God personality, he digested and learned all the news.

Although because he came to a special world, his identity as God was suppressed to a certain extent.

But the suppression works on foreign objects.

As for the use of some personalities of oneself, Yang Xuan can still use it.


He found that in this world, there are many ways to use his application of the person of God.

Especially the power of time.

The power of long time can be used in this world.


“With the power of God not acting on foreign objects, I instantly feel that I am countless times weaker.

“However, since the Western God personality is suppressed, the power of the Supreme Old Monarch can be used perfectly in this world.”

“Then, if you extract the power of omniscience, you can refine it with the ancestor of the aura of the elder king.

“Then is it right? To a certain extent, God’s four levels of omniscience and omnipotence can be applied to this world.”

Yang Xuan’s thoughts moved, and the door of traversal appeared directly in his hand.

“The state of the gate of crossing was actually sealed.

“In this world, is it difficult to be used!”

It has shrunk countless times and appeared in the small door vault in Yang Xuan’s hands.

At this moment, from the endless brilliance before, it became gray and dim.

However, Yang Xuan directly used his own personality as an old gentleman.

In the next second, the infinite aura was generated from the body and injected into the gate of traversal by him.


Then, the door of crossing opened directly.

Yang Xuan temporarily left this world, and he returned to his kingdom of God.

After returning, all his strengths were immediately strengthened.

“Sure enough, it’s the same as I thought.”

“After the return, the personality of God is restored, and the personality of an old gentleman is too high.”

“Unexpectedly, it was not suppressed!”

Yang Xuan felt his two identity templates, and instantly discovered a situation that surprised him.

Going to the Eastern world of spiritual practice will suppress the God template.

But when he came to his own kingdom of God, the personality of Taishang Laojun was not suppressed.

This means that the essence of Taishang Laojun is extremely high!

Although, the kingdom of God is its own.

But Yang Xuan can also mobilize his fourth-level omniscient power to analyze the personality of Taishang Laojun.

The feedback obtained as a result is unresolvable.

You must know that the fourth level of omniscience is still in its own kingdom of God.

Moreover, Taishang 343 Laojun template is still his own.

That is to say, there is no resistance from the Taishang Laojun template, and God’s omniscience is allowed to analyze it.

In the end, the answer I got was actually unresolvable.

Just this, let Yang Xuan know that the ability of Taishang Laojun’s template is beyond the world.


“I’ve read a lot of online novels before, and I thought it was not so good for Lao Jun to be too good. Now it seems that God has to be a lower level in front of him.”

“And this template is not suppressed by many world laws.

“This proves that the upper limit of Taishang Laojun’s template is extremely high.

“So ”

“Use the aura of Taishang Laojun to reversely analyze God’s omniscience and omnipotence.”

Yang Xuan thought.

The gesture of God unfolded instantly.

But at the same time, a handsome young Taoist priest wearing a Taoist robe and holding a Taiyi whisk in his hand.

It appeared in front of him.

“Supernatural powers transform into three clears!”

Yang Xuan directly activated his newly acquired supernatural powers.

This supernatural power directly separates an incarnation that is indistinguishable from oneself.

“Is this the one gasification three cleansing!”

“You can differentiate into a powerful avatar that is exactly the same as your own body!”

“No, this is not an incarnation anymore, but directly separates a ontology.”

“The two selves are the main body!””That is to say, if I use the one-qi to transform the three-clear magical powers, I can directly distinguish four omniscient and almighty gods in my kingdom of God.”

“However, now instead of fighting a certain powerful enemy, I don’t want to differentiate into four gods.

“What I need to differentiate is the three elders.

Following Yang Xuan’s thoughts, he turned.

Three grand old gentlemen with mythological templates appeared.

Each of these three Taishang Laojun is an ontology.

That strange feeling made Yang Xuan feel extremely mysterious.

Immediately afterwards.

His body with a godly posture immediately showed the wings behind it.

That is the wings that represent all tangible things and all intangible things.


After the wings were unfolded, Yang Xuan’s back wings suddenly shook.

Immediately afterwards, the powerful wings separated directly on their own.

“Too clear spiritual energy, refining!”

One of the young Taoist priests instantly took over the wings representing all the tangible things in the world, and began to inject spiritual energy to refine them.

Immediately afterwards, another young Taoist priest took over another wing.

A wing that represents all the intangibles of time.

Then, it is also directly refined.

At the beginning, everything was tangible, and everything was yang.

It was invisible at the beginning, and everything was overcast.

The yin and yang are in harmony, and Tai Chi is born.

The three young Taoists, one refining the tangible concept of all things, and the other refining the invisible concept of all things.

Then, the boy in the center united the two.

In the end, he refined his own powerful treasure that could not be suppressed in the fragments of the door of ten thousand worlds, and in the special world he was in.

Arcana: Tai Chi Diagram.

“It’s not over yet!

“I now have endless beliefs.”

“Furthermore, I also opened up a world, and the merits of the first birth in the world are still in my possession.

“Refining merits, continue refining!”

Yang Xuan’s God posture body, let out a light breath again.

That is the boundless power of merit, the endless heaven and earth’s profound and yellow aura.

For the God template, creation merits, in fact, do not have much effect.

God, the all-knowing and all-powerful Creator.

There is no need for the so-called merit, there is also the aura of heaven and earth.

But these energies can just be used by the Taishang Laojun template.

“Heaven (dbad), earth, profound and yellow, boundless merit!”

“Unite into one, give yin and yang!

“Treasure: Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda!”

At this moment, the three young Taoists joined forces again.

A power of refining and refining Xuanhuang and meritorious virtues.

One mobilizes yin and yang and blends into it.

The last one is to integrate again.

Then the heaven and earth fantasy and exquisite pagoda was born!

This powerful treasure has a powerful treasure that remains undefeated while standing on top of the head.

It appeared in the hands of the young Taoist priest in an instant.

“It’s not over yet, Taishang Laojun is the ancestor of the alchemy, although this is not reflected in my life’s supernatural powers.”

“But since I can differentiate yin and yang and smelt yin and yang, for me, alchemy should be a matter of course.”

“Therefore, I need a powerful pill furnace.”

“A powerful pill furnace that integrates nothingness and chaos, and can smelt everything.”

“This pill furnace must have the strongest flame, capable of burning the mighty flame of the world, the flame of God.

“Refining with spiritual energy, giving yin and yang, creating chaotic flames.”

“Pill furnace must be extremely powerful, capable of refining all tangible and intangible things!”

“Use the world embryo to refine!”

Yang Xuan, in a godly gesture, grabbed the void.

Immediately afterwards, a world embryo appeared in her injury.

This world is half of the world swallowed by our Ouroboros before.

Now this world has been created by Song Sisi into a world where good and evil are clearly distinguished.

it’s fine.

Yang Xuan directly swiped with one hand, creating an independent small world for them in his own kingdom of God.

Then Yang Xuan instantly repaired the world, making it an embryo of the world.

A mid-thousand world-class embryo.

“Using the world as the material, the chaotic flame is blessed, and the power of yin and yang rotates.”

“Tremendous treasure: Hun Yuanyi learned of the Taiqing Pill Furnace.

The third treasure was directly refined by Yang Xuan.

“It’s not over yet!

“I need powerful means of attack.”

“I know that the most powerful means of attack are Zhuxian Four Swords and Pangu Fan.

“Then start with Pangu Fan!

Yang Xuan thought.

The four-level omniscience and omnipotence began to manifest the law instantly.

The first is the power of time and space, and the second is the power of yin and yang and the five elements.

Then, there is the endless void, the power of all things returning to the ruins.

As well as the final mood of destruction, this destruction has directly used the Nirvana Heavenly Buddha to refine the ancient Buddha’s one-finger magical powers and destroyed countless worlds.


A sword-shaped long banner appeared in Yang Xuan’s hand.

The Pangu banners in the prehistoric land were refined into sword-shaped by Yang Xuan here.

At the same time, he gave it a name.

“Treasure: Ten Thousand Realms Return to Ruins!”

This sword contains:

1. Open the weather blade: tear the chaos, split time and space, hit it with one sword, and open up the boundless “preliminary world”

2. Fortune Xuanguang: It is divided into yin and yang and the five elements, which has the power of rebuilding the earth, fire, water and wind.

3. Hongmeng Boundary: Attacking the world can mess up the element, obscure the universe, and make the world return to chaos.

4. World and Earth: The ultimate single attack, can break the world, the past and the present, with one sword, destroy the enemy from the root, consolidate the timeline, and trace the original cause.

In order to refine this sword, Yang Xuan directly invested Shi Changhe into it.

This is the ultimate treasure refined from the long river of time.

At the same time, it is also a powerful treasure that directly surpasses Taiji Tu, Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, and Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Pill Furnace.

It has the power of tearing apart the cosmos and chaos.

There is also the power of smashing the time and space of the heavens.

And, the way of good fortune, the power of mastering all laws.


“In my own kingdom of God, refining the treasure in this way also makes me feel tired.

“Moreover, the energy in my kingdom of God has almost been hollowed out.”

“But there is still a lot of special energy left, which is basically not available for God’s posture.”

“Today, I took the opportunity to turn all of them into treasures of the Taishang Laojun template.”

“I have a hunch that another holder of the gate of crossing has already discovered me.”

“When I cross into that world next time, I’m afraid it won’t be that simple when I want to return to my kingdom of God.”

“Although what I have traveled through is only the world attached to the gate of crossing.

“But the other party may be a great being no weaker than the four-level omniscience and omnipotence.

“After all, when I came to the world of martial arts ascend to the sky, I didn’t trigger the second mythological template.”

“That world is already very strong. There is a realm of ascending to the sky, which is comparable to the realm of four levels of omniscience and omnipotence.

“But now, my core myth template system has not been triggered in that world.”

“In other words, the world in which the gate of crossing is located is essentially beyond the world of martial arts.

“Therefore, it is not too much to prepare.

“All energy, all revealed!”

“Too much spiritual energy, complete recovery!”

Although Yang Xuan is a bit tired, he still has spare energy.

What’s more, he recovers quickly in his own kingdom of God.

Energy is revealed, treasures are refined.

Excluding the pictures of Taiji, Tiandi Xuanhuang Linglong Pagoda, Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing Pill Furnace, and Wanjieguixu.

In front of Yang Xuan’s Taoist body, many treasures appeared.

Taiyi whisk, Taiqing gemstone, Hunyuan Yiqi Taiqing rune, suet jade bottle, purple gold red gourd.

Seven-star sword, diamond bracelet, off-ground flame flag, and eight palace lanterns.

Wordless Heavenly Book, Five Light Boxes, Feiyun Copper, Xumi Pot.

Longfengqin, Nine Dragons Golden Rod, Universe Picture, Banana Fan.

Diamond bracelet, Tengkong sword, Xuanyuan sword.

And a Kui Niu exuding endless thunder.

“Metatron wants to stay here to help me govern the kingdom of God.”

“The three kings of angels, the king of wisdom, must sit in their clan of angels.”

“Then let the god-king Kaisha, and the king of war of the angel clan. Medina, turn into a Taoist boy to accompany me to go.”

Yang Xuan’s heart moved.

Soon, the two angel kings with thirty-six wings on their backs came to Yang Xuan’s side.

When they came over, a clear understanding appeared in their minds.

Soon, they knew Yang Xuan’s thoughts.

Everyone seemed a little excited.

Following the great existence and going to another world is what they dream of.

Ever since.

Yang Xuan shot a flash of light on the two women.

Immediately afterwards, the two of them changed from being sacred and flawless angels into beautiful living fairies.

“Kaisha, I give you the Seven Star Sword. During the time you became my Taoist boy, you changed your name to’Xing’!”

“Thank you my lord!”

After God King Kaisha took the Seven Star Sword bestowed by Yang Xuan, he immediately knelt on one knee and expressed his gratitude to Yang Xuan.

Immediately afterwards, a sword appeared in her hand.

It was a sword with endless stars on it.

Although its name is the Seven Star Sword, this sword can mobilize all the power of the stars.

One sword breaks the stars, one sword summons the stars.

Even the seven stars can move around the stars and cause the stars to fall.

“Medina, I bestowed the Eight Palace Lanterns. You changed your name to’Chen’ when you became the passageway to my island.

“There is a “burning sky and purple fire” in this lamp. This fire is infinitely powerful and has the ability to burn the sky and boil the sea. On weekdays, you only need to hold this lamp to illuminate me.”

Yang Xuan also made arrangements for Medina.

“Yes, thank you my lord!”

In the hands of Medina, the king of war, a hand lantern appeared soon.

This lamp looks very simple.

Just looking at it will make people unconsciously attracted by the lights.

Anyone who misses the three of Yang Xuan badly, if his realm is not as good as Yang Xuan.

Then, when you see this light, it will be lit instantly.

After choosing the Taoist boy, Yang Xuan did not leave in a hurry.

He lightly scratched the void again.

Immediately afterwards, another person appeared in front of him.

That is a person who has not completed Yang Xuan’s mission.

However, he is at least useful.


“Last time, you didn’t complete my task.”

“So your wish has not been fulfilled.

“Now I give you another task!”

“I will send you to a powerful world of origin.”

“You will be reincarnated as the queen of that world, the human royal family.”

“And I will give you three reincarnations of the emperor’s treasure.”

“You must have outstanding talents then. I want you to be the emperor of that world. When I enter that world, the unified human race will assist me in establishing human education.”

“This task is very far apart, but as long as you fulfill my minimum standards, I can realize your wish.

While Yang Xuan spoke, he also revealed the three treasures.

Diamond bracelet, Tengkong sword, Xuanyuan sword.

This is the Three Treasures of Human Emperor.

The whole body of the three treasures is surrounded by strong human luck.

The luck of this human race was naturally extracted by Yang Xuan from his kingdom of God.The Kingdom of God does not need human luck.

Therefore, these human luck was refined by Yang Xuan into these three human emperor treasures.

Carrying three treasures to cross is enough for Yi Yun to be detected as unparalleled as soon as he is born.

Moreover, these three treasures will prevent her from being discovered.

Yang Xuan’s idea is to allow Yi Yun to reincarnate directly into the original world.

However, he is in the subsidiary world of the original world, first slowly develops and exhibits.

He must first upgrade the supernatural power level of the old man template.

According to the speculation of the original wish world, it is necessary to at least reach the 4th level of the ancestor of the aura, and the 4th level of the one-qi three-clear, to be able to protect itself.

With the power of the five-level Taishang Laojun template, オ can stand firmly invincible.

Achieve the sixth level, you can kill the Quartet.

Therefore, we will first upgrade in the early stage.

If the body directly enters the world of original wish, it may be discovered in an instant.

But Yang Xuan has a door to pass through, although he himself will not directly descend into the original world.

But this does not affect, he will not arrange for others to go.

Even Yiyun is just one of his choices.

Because Yi Yun is very sensible, Yang Xuan is a little special to her, and the task given to her is also very high.

It can be said that I am looking forward to her very much.

“I see!”

“I will work hard to complete your character, not for anything else, just for you to be very kind!”

Yiyun nodded, indicating that he would work hard.

This is because Yang Xuan saved the creatures in the elven world before.

At that moment, she turned from a fanatic into the Holy Spirit.

“very good!

“Then I wish you prosperous martial arts!”

Yang Xuan directly penetrated the human emperor’s three treasures into Yiyun’s body.

In the next second, a golden door opened, and Yi Yun’s body directly turned into a light invisible to the naked eye and quickly flew into the door.

Origin world!

A sleeping dragon suddenly opened his eyes.


“The space has fluctuated, and a little mouse has come to the original world of our monster race.

“Let me take a look at the little guy in the original world.

“Huh? Disappeared, did you leave? Or did you hide yourself?”

The huge dragon head showed an unexpected look.

“never mind!”

“A little mouse, even if it comes over, it can’t make any waves!”

“In the original world of my monster race, whether it’s the Witch race, the god race, or the weak human race, it’s just food.”

“All beings in all realms are respected by the Monster Race!”

After the huge dragon head thought of this, he opened his mouth first, and in an instant, countless witches, innate gods, acquired gods, and others were swallowed directly into his mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the huge dragon head showed a satisfied look.

Then go to sleep slowly.

It may sleep for ten thousand years or one hundred thousand years.

The giant dragon does not worry about problems in his own world.

Because here is the origin world of the monsters, and the origin of all monsters.

All the monster races that radiated to other worlds were born based on the monster race of this world.

Because of this, it is called the original world.

Other races also exist in the original world of the Yaozu.

Because these are taken by them and used as pets, dolls, and food.

Even below the Yaozu’s original world.

There are three thousand big worlds, one hundred thousand middle thousand worlds, tens of thousands of small thousand worlds, and hundreds of millions of Hengsha worlds.

All these times revolve around the origin world of the monster race.

People in those worlds, whether from Hengsha, Xiaoqian, Zhongqian, will rise to the great world after reaching the apex.

However, once you ascend from the Great Thousand World, you will eventually reach the Demon Race Origin World.

Especially Terran.

Among the many worlds, the human race is the most.

Those human races, without knowing it, thought that ascending was a good thing.

But in fact, when they ascend from the Great Thousand World, they will eventually become the food of the strongest monsters in the original world of the monsters.

Ascendant, for the ordinary world, is to evolve and become immortal.

But in fact, for those monsters.

This is the screening channel for high-quality ingredients!

In the original world of the Yaozu.

Those weak monster races will go to Hengsha World to eat.

The more powerful one is to go to the small world and the middle world.

The stronger one is to go to the great world.

Every time they forage for food, they will not destroy a world, but only eat half of it.

After eating, let people or witches multiply.

Save it and eat it again.

This is the terrible monster race.

And the ones that can ascend to the original world of the monster race in the end are extremely delicious, and only the top monster race is qualified to eat it.

And today, in the original world of the demon race, a group of strong human tribes have soared up.

A new baby was born.

This baby is the parents, the arrogance of other worlds.

They already know the secret of ascension.

Therefore, they decided to create a child of their own, a child with strong enough talent.

And this child shouldn’t have been born today.

But I don’t know why, she was born.

And when he was born, the heavens and the earth changed their colors.

Many great monsters in the Origin World have noticed this change.


Although the writer of Xiaopujie changes twice a day, each change is 5 or 6 thousand words.

So, don’t listen to the comment section, saying that the author of Xiaopujie is an eunuch.

An eunuch is impossible.

If the eunuch is a eunuch, I am sorry for the flowers and evaluation votes given by the readers, as well as the subscriptions of those who have received them. .

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