Chapter 77 New crossing! New template! (Subscribe!)

The One Finger of the Ancient God is actually an enhanced version of the One Finger of the Ancient Buddha.

For Yang Xuan, who has four levels of omniscience and almighty power.

When the Nirvana Buddha, in front of his face, after releasing that blow.

Yang Xuan has already learned this magical power.

Even if he doesn’t use this magical power.

So as long as he stays in front of Yang Xuan for a while, he will actually be learned by Yang Xuan.

Because of the four-level omniscience.

It is already possible for Yang Xuan to invade the origin of the opponent.

So getting everything from the other party is just a matter of time and malice.

Moreover, Yang Xuan not only analyzed the opponent’s supernatural powers.

It even strengthened the opponent’s supernatural powers.

After one finger from the ancient Buddha, one finger from the ancient god.

The power of this blow has increased dozens of times.

It’s even nearly a hundred times.

Of course, the current Yang Xuan’s realm is also a great realm higher than the opponent.

So, after Yang Xuan released this blow.

In the sky above the entire martial arts ascent, everyone can clearly see that there is a finger covering the sky and the sun as long as they look up.

At this moment, he was crushing pressure toward his own world.

The finger of that finger seemed to carry an endless world on it.

One, ten, one hundred, one thousand, ten thousand, one hundred thousand!

Any martial artist whose realm has reached the martial art level.

So as long as you use your own martial arts will to perceive, you can see that there are a total of 100,000 persons in the world, as well as weight.

This is Yang Xuan’s personality through the gate of crossing.

With the help of the personality of the gate of traversing, mobilize one hundred thousand world coordinates on the gate of traversing.

Condensed the enormous pressure of one hundred thousand worlds.

This is Yang Xuan.

If it is changed to the God of Traversing before, then even let him learn the finger of the ancient god.

He couldn’t make the person of the gate of crossing into one with the attack of the ancient gods.


The huge ancient god pointed a finger, the third second after it appeared.

The powerful pressure directly turned into terrifying air pressure, instantly turning everything around the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple to ashes.

But the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, at this moment because of the start of the mountain protection formation.

So even everything in a radius of one hundred thousand miles was beaten to dust.

However, the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, in addition to the great impact, the whole gate kept shaking.

Nothing else happened.

Inside the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

“Damn it! It really is the same as we thought.”

“The other party really stole our heritage!”

“More than that, the other party has initially controlled the power of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.”

“So, when the other party attacked, it showed the coercion of one hundred thousand worlds.”

“Now the air pressure alone has allowed the Zongmen Great Array to withstand it, reaching its limit.”

“Actually, the other party’s attack has not yet entered our world.

“Once this attack enters our world, even the air pressure will blow our mountain gates.”

“Now I can only wait for the return of Uncle Master. If Uncle Di Yin does not return, the heritage of our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple…

When Kassapa said here, his expression was full of sorrow.

once Upon a time.

It has always been their Ten Thousand Buddha Temple that travels to many worlds and gathers many believers.

All the rebels were beaten into flying ashes.

In order to refine supernatural powers, directly obliterate several worlds.

But now, when the same thing happened to me.

Everything is different.

“If there is a cause, there will be an effect. Sure enough, it is our turn to be crushed by others in the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.”

When Kasyapa thought of this, countless worlds appeared in his mind.

This world of martial arts ascends to the sky, because of the existence of super-personal warriors.

Therefore, they are more aware that if one day stronger people will come to their world.

The hunter and the prey will definitely be interchangeable.


“This blow has already come to the world.”

Kasaba’s eyes were closed completely.

His celestial vision is clear, and it has been abolished.

His hands were also trembling constantly.

However, relying on the martial arts realm of Nine Heavens, he can still perceive the situation outside.

However, the ancient Buddha-diyin of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has not yet appeared at this time.

“Could it be that our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple can only do this!”

Kassapa could not help but thought of this.

Above the sky.

The huge fingers have broken the sky.

This time, the mighty power not only turned the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple a 100,000 li in a radius, but completely turned into dust, leaving only a bare Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

At the same time, this time, it also brought great pressure to the world.Under that terrifying coercion.

The entire world, all the people under the Nine Heavens of Martial Arts, were forced to kneel to the ground at this moment.

They all felt the pressure of horror.

That kind of pressure is something they cannot resist.

Even the will of martial arts, can show the entity, and has a very powerful martial arts master of the eight heavens.

At this moment, they had to kneel on the ground.


The huge ancient god pointed a finger and was still pressing down.

Those martial arts masters who planned to come and take a look at the situation began to turn around and run at this moment.

“This is, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple is going to die, 々!”

Kasyapa couldn’t help but said loudly and sadly.

But this time.

An extremely sacred voice appeared in the minds of all the monks in Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

“It’s not that heaven is going to kill you Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, but you are going to die by yourself!!

“Since the bald head troubled me and was killed by me, I didn’t even ask you to settle the account.”

“You dare to spy on me with the power of cause and effect!”

“You are just looking for a dead end, don’t blame everything on the sky.”

Yang Xuan’s voice.

After finishing talking, all the monks in the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, those ordinary monks who didn’t know, looked at the host angrily at this moment.

The death of the Nirvana Buddha was passed on before.

However, at that time, the message from the top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple was that the Nirvana Buddha was killed by a sneak attack.

Therefore, for the respect of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Array was opened for the sake of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, in order to find the foot of the enemy.

As a result, it’s all right now.

Kicked to the iron plate.

After Yang Xuan’s words were finished, the people at Ten Thousand Buddha Temples heard more than just them.

After the people of the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple listened to the other people in the world of martial arts, the messages spread.

It didn’t take long for everyone in the entire martial arts world to know why there is a strong climber.

It is necessary to break through the boundary and attack the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

It turned out that the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple was the first to provoke.

If you provoke someone and get beaten to death, forget it.

If the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple does not die, the matter will end here.

But they have to find the enemy’s heels.

It’s all right now, and they are here directly.

Don’t you want to find me, do you want to see me?

I am coming.

This is Yang Xuan’s attitude.

With this attitude, other people who made martial arts ascend the world began to doubt the IQ of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

“Aren’t the people at Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple very good at calculating?”

“Are they all fools?”

“The other party can easily kill the bald head of Ji Mie, and it also prevents the other party from escaping, and even unable to ask for help. This is obviously a martial artist who climbs into the sky.”

“Moreover, he is still the strongest in the sky.

“The Xeon can’t be insulted!”

The whole world of martial arts ascends to the sky, can’t help but start to complain about the Ten Thousand Buddha Temples.

Even the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple itself, people began to complain.

Even some monks with weak will began to pray for Yang Xuan’s forgiveness.

But Yang Xuan did not respond to them again.

Straight road, the huge ancient god with one finger, completely descended to the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

In just one second, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will be wiped out.

But it is this time.

A thousand-handed Buddha suddenly appeared under the ancient Buddha’s finger.


“The donor calms down, and I am willing to pay compensation!”

The ancient Buddha Di Yin, is back.

As soon as he came back, he released powerful magical powers.

Avalokitesvara with supernatural powers.

One thousand is comparable to the full blow of the ancient Buddha, and now a thousand have appeared directly.

Each one began to point at the ancient god of Yang Xuan and clicked.

The powerful impact, in the end, after a full thousand palms were completely beaten.

Yang Xuan’s ancient god pointed a finger and was actually blocked.


Although the gate of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple has not been completely erased, it has collapsed.

Even for this world, it is extremely simple to rebuild a mountain gate.

As long as people don’t die, everything is easy to say.

The only thing that makes Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple depressed is the collapse of the mountain gate, which is tantamount to hitting them in the face.

It will lose a lot of face.

It’s just that the people at Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple actually don’t care about the color.

“It’s ancient Buddha, Emperor Yin!”

“Di Yin took the shot. The blow just now was actually the Supreme Dharma-Thousand-Hand Guanyin.”

“Unexpectedly, he really had the opportunity to condense this powerful supernatural power.”

“I don’t know how many worlds he slaughtered with this magical power in the future.”

“However, although the emperor’s voice is strong, that extraterritorial celestial demon is only showing the tip of the iceberg.

The martial artist who watched the battle from a long distance, saw the return of the ancient Buddha-Di Yin, and withstood Yang Xuan’s blow, he was a little surprised.

But even so, no one is a martial artist who is going to help.

Because Di Yin hasn’t shown yet, it can match Yang Xuan’s strength.

Can be the same.

If Di Yin is really equal to Yang Xuan, those who watch the battle will not even make a move.

They would hope that two people will suffer both.

Above the sky.

Yang Xuan saw the appearance of the ancient Buddha-Diyin, and resisted his finger of the ancient god.

When the whole person is in the state, he laughs instead of anger.


“This skill is also very good!

“Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands, every hit is a hit at its peak state.”

“Such a powerful magical power can consume a lot of money if you want to.

“I just don’t know if this ancient Buddha Emperor’s voice is a bluff.”

“He has a magical power in him, resisting my omniscience analysis.”

“But it doesn’t matter, I have a more direct method to test how much he still has.

Yang Xuan looked down, and the ancient Buddha Diyin who wanted to make peace, made his own response.

His response was simple.

That is to reach out and point to that side again.

“Supernatural Power-Thousand Fingers of Ancient Gods!

Return to the other body by the way of the other!

Yang Xuan himself has no other supernatural powers except omniscience and omnipotence.

However, with the power of omniscience and omnipotence.

It is equivalent to having all the magical powers.

This is not it, when the ancient Buddha, Diyin released the magical power of Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.

Yang Xuan directly returned to the opponent, a more powerful attack.


A full thousand fingers of ancient gods descended directly from outside the world.

Suddenly, everyone who made the martial arts ascend to the sky was stunned.

“this ”

“Damn Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas!”

“What kind of existence did he bring to our world!”

“More than that, the other party is still growing through the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.”

“He is learning the magical powers of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!”

“This is over!”

“A thousand!”

“A thousand full!”

When people saw Yang Xuan’s attack, their mentality exploded.

They suddenly discovered that Yang Xuan was learning the magical powers of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

In other words.

The stronger the supernatural power displayed by the Wanfo Temple, the stronger Yang Xuan’s power will be.

However, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple does not show strong power, but it will be directly destroyed by Yang Xuan.

In other words, no matter how much the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple resists now.

The final result should be one.

Above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Originally returned at a critical moment, but also resisted Yang Xuan’s emperor sound.

Originally, because he asked for peace, the other party would definitely agree.

But who could have thought that the answer to oneself would be a miraculous power similar to Avalokitesvara.

“What you see is what you know!”

“This is the highest state of his heart communication!”

“The opponent’s blow.”

“It’s not that I can’t take it down, but even if I go to the next step, the end result is that I am seriously injured.”

“so ”

After seeing this place, Gu Buddha Diyin suddenly sighed.

In the next second, the whole person disappeared on the top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple like a dream.

“Uncle Diyin!

“No! Don’t give up on us!”

After Kassapa saw Di Yin disappeared, his whole mentality exploded.

Because he knows what it means.

It means that Diyin has run away.

The other party knew that he was not Yang Xuan’s opponent, so he didn’t continue to shoot, but chose to escape.

Although Yang Xuan is also the realm of martial arts ascending to the sky, he is still very strong, crushing the ancient Buddha. Diyin in attack, but it is not easy to kill the emperor who is eager to escape.

Therefore, after the opponent fled, Yang Xuan did not directly pursue it either.

The Japanese side is here.

He has recorded the breath of Di Yin.

When the gate of passage transformed by the fragments of the gate of ten thousand realms gradually recovers in the future, Yang Xuan will always find the voice of the ancient Buddha.

“々, run away, I hope you can keep running away in the future.”

“Don’t let me meet.

“Otherwise, your end will not be too good!”

After Yang Xuan lowered to the void, the whole person disappeared.He left, withdrew from the world of martial arts.

But his attack did not disappear.

When the second finger, that is, the first shot of the ancient god’s thousand fingers, fell, the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas disappeared completely amidst a huge roar.

“Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas, extinction!”

In the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, there is only one ancient Buddha, Diyin, who has temporarily escaped from birth.

After doing this, Yang Xuan directly returned to his kingdom of God.

And the whole martial arts leads to the heavens.

Because of Yang Xuan’s shot down, he had thousands of fingers, which directly caused the martial arts world to pass through the sky, turning it into a battered hole.


In the endless void.

In a golden temple of Buddha.


When the ancient Buddha heard the sound, he coughed up two mouthfuls of blood.

When he just ran away, naturally it was not so easy.

Yang Xuan had locked him in and gave him a mental shock.

Therefore, the ancient Buddha Di Yin is on his hands.

And the wounded ancient Buddha Diyin, after leaving the world of martial arts through the sky, directly came to a broken Buddha country.

His magical powers of Avalokitesvara Avalokitesvara were obtained here.

His opportunity was obtained here.

When I come back here again, I intend to retreat and meditate.

“The omniscient and omnipotent Creator!”

“When I reach the realm of holy Buddha, or even the realm of Buddha, I will look for you again.”

“The Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas is destroyed, so it is destroyed!”

“For an existence like ours, as long as I remain immortal, the orthodoxy will not be destroyed.”

Gu Buddha thought fiercely.

He can only think about it now.

In the kingdom of God.

After Yang Xuan returned from the world of martial art, he returned to the god seat of the kingdom of God.

Just now, he chose to return.

It was also because of the thousand fingers of the ancient gods that completely exhausted their own power.

But he is different from those warriors.

When he just returned to his kingdom of God, he completely recovered.

The power of the kingdom of God on earth is so terrifying.

“Father, is the matter over?”

At this time, Metatron came to Yang Xuan’s body (okay).


“The other party wanted to find my heels, and I had completely killed them.

“Although there is still a strong one who is not weak, he is not here for the time being.”

“But in the future, only I will find him and hunt him down.”

Yang Xuan said briefly.

Then, he caught the void.

Immediately afterwards, a small door appeared on Yang Xuan’s palm.

“Through the Gate, now this treasure has completed its initial recovery.

“Obviously, my time in that world is not long, but because of my all-out effort, it must have caused a great change in that world.”

“Therefore, the plundering through the gate is really not low.

Yang Xuan walked through the gate of crossing and couldn’t help analyzing the situation of the gate of crossing.

Then, immediately after that, a message appeared in Yang Xuan’s heart.

That is the coordinates of a world.

One was hidden in the deepest place, and a coordinate of comprehension appeared in Yang Xuan’s heart.

“That coordinate is very special, it’s the world where the Fragment of Crossing Gate is located.

“In this way, I can just go to that world.”

“According to the intelligence obtained from the world of martial arts ascending to the sky, the gate of the ten thousand worlds in the complete period, and the owner of the gate of the ten thousand worlds, is an existence far beyond me.”

“If it is, I have surpassed the personal combat power.”

“Then, the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, the Lord, they ignore the existence of specifications.”

“And I have a feeling, this time through, I will get a new template.

Yang Xuan’s Kingdom of God on Earth has already begun to operate on its own.

So, after he handed everything over to Metatron, he returned to his bedroom.

Inside the palace.

Yang Xuan took another day off.

On this day, he first returned to the time of the traverser, and completely integrated this world into his own kingdom of God.

After that, use the remaining time to analyze the gate of crossing with the power of omniscience.

In the end, Yang Xuan completely determined the link between the two worlds.

Then he opened the door of crossing.


With the opening of the door of crossing.

Soon Yang Xuan walked in by himself.


“The host has been detected to travel to a special world.”

“This world is a subsidiary world of the original world.”

“This world has a very high personality, the world is branded as the world of Eastern practice, and the God template is suppressed.”

“Ready to open a new template.”.

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