Chapter 76 Assault the world, the ancient gods point! (seeking subscription)

Four levels of omniscience and omnipotence.

Let Yang Xuan get the terrible ability that someone will perceive even if he sees himself in the past cause through the means of tracing the cause and effect.


When the other party traces Yang Xuan, it is equivalent to being watched by Yang Xuan.

The presiding officer of the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, the presiding officer of Kaye, is a Buddhist monk who has practiced the Dharma for 30,000 years!”

Dharma monk majored in Buddhism and minored in supernatural powers.

His combat power is definitely not as powerful as the Nirvana Heaven Buddha!

But the ability of deduction is dozens of times better than that of the Nirvana Buddha.

But this time, when he played Yang Xuan, he was planted.

It is very special and thorough.

Among the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Kassapa’s eyes had already begun to bleed.

Tianyantong belongs to the Buddhist monks, and all monks with some status can practice supernatural powers.

This magical power also allows Buddhism to observe the six realms.

In many cases, it can provide them with great convenience.

But at this moment, Tianyantong became a burden to Kasaba’s presidency.

His eyes are clear, and he has a powerful ability that will never forget.

However, at this moment he wanted to forget Yang Xuan.

Although it is not difficult to forget a person, even one thing.

Just seal your own memory.

But it takes time.

At least, it takes only a few seconds.

“Disconnect for me!”

“It’s been three seconds, the other party is about to lock my position.”

“If this continues, our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple

Monk Kassapa kept roaring in his heart.

He wanted to tell his thoughts to the other monks.

Let other monks come and help yourself.

However, he has a strong experience.

In Yang Xuan, he can perceive the ability of Sansheng from his own, and directly see and lock himself in this point.

Kaye directly recognized in his heart that Yang Xuan still had another ability.

That is, you must know what you have to say!

There are also different levels of this’everything you need to know’.

The lowest level is to recite one’s own honorific title.

The stronger one is to recite one’s own name.

And the top is the realm that Yang Xuan is currently in.

That is: whoever intends will be known.

As long as he deliberately said Yang Xuan, then it doesn’t matter what name he uses.

As long as the person named last, the person designated by the heart, will, and mind is Yang Xuan.

Then Yang Xuan must be able to perceive it.

Officially because of this.

In the end, Kasaba did not speak.

“No more!”

“The opponent’s strength has surpassed the Nine Heavens of Martial Dao, the Nine Heavens of Martial Dao, and the ninth level is for the realm of stepping into the sky!”

“This stepping into the sky realm means stepping into the realm of the sky level.”

“And above the nine layers of heaven, there are still 31 days of the tenth layer.

“The tenth heaven is the realm of ascending to the sky!”

“In the entire world of martial arts ascending to the sky, no more than ten people can ascend to the sky.”

“Although there is an ancient Buddha ascending to the sky in our Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, his old man could not be contacted thousands of years ago, and I don’t know where it is.”

“But now there is no other way.”

“I can only pin my hopes on Gufo Diyin.”

When Host Kassapa thought of this.

Immediately, before Yang Xuan completely counterattacked the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, he opened up and shouted.

“Blast the Tianyin Bell and summon the ancient Buddha Diyin.

“Launch a subpoena and ask the three Daomen for help.”

“The content is that the ancient monsters outside the territory are about to come.”

“A heaven-level disaster is about to happen.

Host Kasaba exhausted his last effort to say this sentence.


It is because he said this sentence.

As a result, his confrontation with Yang Xuan was directly undermined.

Yang Xuan also directly seized this opportunity.

Next second.

The strong will directly broke the world barrier.

A perfect young man with huge wings on his back came.

The huge wings behind this young man unfolded as soon as he appeared.

Huge wings.

Directly enveloped the world.So much.

There is no need to carry out the words that Kasaba has just delivered.

Because, a true superperson, a truly ascending level of existence came.

But it will attract the attention of the whole world.

What’s more, Yang Xuan’s appearance is still such a big exaggeration.

The huge wings behind him only just appeared before they began to stretch out.

His stretching and opening are not just ordinary expansions.

The physical posture unfolded.

God’s posture, the omniscient and omnipotent Creator.

A great existence that created the world.

At this moment, it has come.

Although Yang Xuan only has two wings, not the thirty-six wings like the King of Angels.

However, his wings contain everything.

Two wings.

One represents all the tangible things in the world, and the other represents all the invisible things in the world.

The wings spread out.

Is to open up his strongest posture.

Budo climbs to the world.

There are three Taoist sects and Taishang sect.

“Hurry up and inform the Supreme Master!”

“An extraterritorial celestial demon has come, a very powerful extraterritorial celestial demon.”

“The formation has sent the highest-level warning.

“That is the existence of the ascendant level!

“Detected hostility, the other party’s hostility is very strong, damn this is what someone did that caused this demon to cross the boundary.

Daomen is also one of the top forces in the world of martial arts.

Even, it can be said to be the leader of the top forces.

Because of the three sects of Taoism, each of them has a martial arts tenfold, a powerhouse of ascending to the sky.

The Taishangzong’s head teacher, at this moment, also came directly to the gate of the zong.

This is the place where their Supreme Elder retreats and meditates.

“Uncle Dao Yi, a powerful extraterritorial demon is coming!”

“This time, it seems to be the trouble caused by the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!”

“Although the dispute between Taoism and Buddhism has never stopped, it is after all a struggle in our world.

“Moreover, this time the emperor’s voice from Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple will definitely come back.

“According to the ancient agreement, when the heavenly demons come from outside the territories, we should unanimously go outside.”

The head teacher of Taishangzong finished speaking.

Suddenly I felt a flower in front of me, and then I didn’t know when my position changed dramatically.

He came directly from outside the forbidden area of ​​Taishangzong and came to a fairy mountain.

This fairy mountain is a world of its own.

There are countless fairy birds flying inside, and fairy grasses that are hard to encounter outside, almost everywhere here.


This is one of the most powerful magical powers after reaching the sky.

Taoists call it Fudidongtian.

Buddhism is called the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of the hand.

Whether it is the blessed earth cave sky or the Buddha kingdom in the palm, it is actually made by refining the world embryo.

And the higher the level of World Embryo, the more powerful it can be refined.

The Supreme Elder of the Supreme Sect, whose blessed land Dongtian was refined by an embryo of the Middle Thousand World.

As for embryos of the Daqian world level, they are too rare.

That’s why the former Nirvana Buddha was so obsessed with the embryo of the world level.

It is also the universe of Yang Xuan.

“Xuanfeng, I haven’t seen you in a thousand years, your cultivation level still hasn’t changed at all!”

“The struggle for power and the status of the sect makes you forget the most essential things.

“That is, no matter which world it is, power is the root!”

“Only by letting Boundless Wealka belong to itself, can we guarantee our own status and the resources obtained by the sect.”

Dao Yitian Zun frowned when he saw his head teacher.

Although in the world of martial arts ascend to the sky, when the cultivation base reached the ninth level.

Wanting to advance to become the tenth heaven requires more than hard work, the biggest thing is chance.

However, hard work is certainly useful.

However, Taishangzong’s head teacher Xuanfeng made Taishang elder Dao Yitian Zun very dissatisfied.

Because Xuanfeng’s aptitude is very high, it is Tai Shangzong who is most likely to advance to become the tenth heaven, besides him, who is already the tenth heaven.

“Uncle Master, you still don’t know me!”

“Before Master died, I must become the number one in the three sects of Taoism.”

“But if you want to count on my success in the sky, then I don’t know how long it will take.”

“Rather than relying on me to ascend to the sky, it is better to cultivate more disciples of the nine layers, even disciples of ascending to the sky.”

Master Xuanfeng said his thoughts directly.

Then, he stopped talking about this matter.

Instead, he pointed to the blessed land and cave outside the sky, and continued to say what he came from.

“Uncle Master, you need to take action this time!”

“The outer demon is in the realm of ascending to the sky, and it seems to be very powerful.”

“Although this is also a good opportunity to suppress Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.”

“However, we also have to abide by the old agreement.”

Although Xuanfeng said so.

But the idea in his mind is actually that the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas will be destroyed, and it will be destroyed in the hands of the three Taoist schools.

It was destroyed by an outsider.

If the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas was really destroyed by outsiders.

Then in my own world, the dispute between Taoism and Buddhism that has lasted for hundreds of thousands of years has become a joke.

“The old agreement, we will naturally abide by it.

“but not now!

“You can feel it too, this foreign demon is very strong!”

“He is very strong, although I don’t know what his heels are.”

“But I can tell you that even if the old friends of the other two sects join hands with me, we are not the opponents of that extraterritorial demon.”

Dao Yitian said this matter very solemnly.

Although the warriors have extremely high self-esteem.

However, when a powerful enemy appeared, Dao Tian Zun did not want to admit it.

But I have to admit.


“Our three sects joined forces, are none of that person’s opponents?”

“How can this be!”

Master Xuanfeng looked outside incredulously.


“I used heavenly secrets to evolve and deduced the opponent’s heels and feet!”

“Although it was very difficult, I also got a bit of information from him.”

“That’s his obedience.

“I’m obedient, I can tell you now, but once you know, once you leave my cave, you will seal your memory.”

“Otherwise, once you know him, he will know you.

When Dao Yitianzun said here, he directly raised his blessed earth and cave sky isolation formation to the highest level.

“In my deduction.”

“The other party’s title is the All-Knowing and Almighty Creator!”

“Although this name is very awkward, but think about it carefully.”

“All-knowing, all-powerful!”

After Tao Yitian finished speaking, he left Xuanfeng Master to teach a little time to accept and digest.

“All-knowing and omnipotent! How can such a respectable name be allowed to exist.

“If there is a certain person who can get such an honorable name, then he must be invincible in the same realm.”

Master Xuanfeng said this terrible thing.


“The other party is like that!”

“Invincible in the same realm!”

“Moreover, this is not his strongest posture!”

“This kind of existence must have its own world!’

“He came to our world, which is tantamount to giving up his strongest advantage.”

“If it is said that we are going to his world, then I can tell you the person in charge.”

“Even if our world comes out in full force, there will only be one end, and all will die in the opponent’s hands.”

Dao Yitian Zun exists as the level of ascending to the sky.

Moreover, there is still a level of ascendancy that is good at deduction.

So with just one name, you can see the power of Yang Xuan and the most terrifying part of Yang Xuan.

The Kingdom of God on Earth!

“With all the power of a world, it is not the opponent’s opponent!’

“So doesn’t it mean that this time the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple

What Master Xuanfeng thought was another matter.

That is the end of Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

“Yes! Just what you think!”

“Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas is doomed to be destroyed!”

“Unless Diyin can get more powerful power, if Diyin can increase his power to a small level again while traveling.”

“Then at least he should be able to survive, as long as he sees the opponent running directly in the future, then he can save his life somewhat.”

“This should be the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, the best result.”

When Dao Yitian Zun talked about this, he stopped talking.

His meaning is already obvious.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, it’s over.

Moreover, he would not make a move easily.

Otherwise, it will bring disaster to one’s own sect.

“I see!”

“I will close the sect!”

“Before the alien demon left, all the disciples of Taishangzong were not allowed to leave the mountain gate, nor were they allowed to watch the impact of the alien demon and the Wanfo Temple.”

“If the other party has omniscience and omnipotence.

“Then if you see the opponent’s fighting posture, you will let that existence lock us in the future.”

After Master Xuanfeng finished speaking, he bowed to Dao Tian Zun.

Then, the gate of Taishangzong was blocked.

This may seem like a long time, but in fact it is no more than a minute before and after.

Three Dao Sects, Tai Xuanzong!Almost the same situation as Taishangzong, appeared in Taixuanzong’s door.

Then Tai Xuanzong also closed the gate.

After that, it is the last of the three Taoist schools.

Too one case.

The Supreme Elder of Taiyi Sect is a very aggressive warrior who climbs to the sky.

Although he kept his sect closed.

However, he has already rushed towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.



Other top forces in this world.

The two martial artists of the Tianwu Dynasty also rushed towards the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple in the first place.

The Tianwu Dynasty is the most powerful kingdom of mankind in this world.

Therefore, they cannot ignore the arrival of the outer demon.

As a result, the two martial arts masters all rushed towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

Although their two martial arts masters are extremely powerful.

However, there is no strong deduction ability by itself.

So it’s not like the three sects of Taoism, just a face to recognize Yang Xuan’s terrible.

As a result, all three cases closed the gates.

Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, directly above.

“What a powerful world!”

“This world is the so-called Great Thousand World.”

340 “The crossing gate in my hand is shaking with excitement.

“I just came to this world, and the abilities collected by the gate of crossing have absorbed more than ten times the sum of the crossing points accumulated by the previous master.

“If I can continue to stay in this world, it won’t take long before the Gate of Crossing will be restored.

“According to the Nirvana Buddha, this is the gate of ten thousand realms.

“Although the gate of crossing is one of the nine fragments of the gate of ten thousand realms.”

“But once the initial recovery, you can easily travel through many worlds.

“It’s like when I came this time and forcibly entered a world. Although it was not too expensive for me, it was not small.”

“But the gate of crossing has recovered initially, so crossing this world will not cost me any consumption.

As Yang Xuan spoke, he slowly raised his hand.

Then, an illusory little door appeared in front of him.

“Go ahead, absorb more!”

“It’s best to complete the initial recovery directly this time.”

Yang Xuan threw the gate of crossing towards the world.

Immediately afterwards, he looked down at the Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas below.

Outside the Ten Thousand Buddhas Monastery.

The three ascending warriors who rushed over all stopped when they saw this moment.

Three of them.

One is the Supreme Elder of Taiyizong.

Two are the supreme guardians of the Tianwu Empire.

The three warriors of the ascending rank level no longer rushed forward at this moment.

“Damn it! It’s the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms!”

“The legendary gate of ten thousand realms, it actually exists!”

“The visitor actually got the terrifying existence of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms, and the opponent is already invincible in the world with just the breath, plus the existence of the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

“He is already invincible.”

“However, it seems that this gate of ten thousand realms is not as terrible as in the legend!”

“According to the legend, once the powerful Gate of Ten Thousand Realms comes, then the laws of the regular world will be changed by the opponent.”

“Even, the rumored Lord of Ten Thousand Realms can directly pull the world into his door of Ten Thousand Realms.

“But now, it obviously can’t do this!”

“Now this Gate of Ten Thousand Realms is just slowly devouring the origin of our world.”

The three ascending warriors, although they are in different regions.

But because they are all rushing towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple, it is natural to know that there are two other people of the same level who are also rushing towards the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple.

It is even possible to communicate at a distance beyond.

“The gates of ten thousand worlds have all appeared!”

“Let’s stop moving forward!”

“Be ready to unite all the Ascending Warriors, and if things go wrong, they will join forces directly.”

“Otherwise, there will be a huge crisis in our entire world.”

The two Heavenly Martial Artists of the Imperial Family of the Tianwu Empire became nervous at this moment.

The other party’s methods really make them feel terrible.

Obviously, he hasn’t shot yet.

Obviously, Yang Xuan just released the Gate of Ten Thousand Realms.

But the strongest man in the whole world of martial arts ascends to the sky, at this moment, he has reached a conclusion.

That is only relying on a few warriors of ascending to the sky.

It’s impossible for the other party to do anything.

Above the Ten Thousand Buddhas Temple!

After Yang Xuan threw out the door of crossing, he started to face the Ten Thousand Buddha Temple below, a little bit empty.

“This is your Temple of Ten Thousand Buddhas. The Great Monk of Nirvana attacked me twice in a row.”

“Now, I am going to change it a little bit, and let you taste it, how exactly is my blow.”

“An ancient god with magical powers!”

Yang Xuan finally launched an attack. .

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